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/lit/ - Literature

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6597486 No.6597486 [Reply] [Original]

>extremely tired
>go to public library in hope of finding solace
>climb up to third floor
>get on a tiny desk by the window
>open poetry folder
>desperately try to work on book
>fall asleep
>wake up mumbling with saliva all over my arm
>girl is reading my poetry
>I startle her and she runs off with a little "sorry"
>never see her again

>> No.6597487

Go away

>> No.6597492

I wonder what compels someone to lie on 4chan. Theoretically, being anonymous should make everyone brutally honest.

>> No.6597497

>in amphitheater
>draw the same shitty character over and over again because autism
>guy leans over my shoulder and ask why I do the drawing over and over again
>cannot think of a good answer
>make up some symbolistic shit
>he buys it because he is a trustafarian

>> No.6597499

>be me
>wake up
>post worthless rhetoric on 4chan
>masturbate to lolicon scat futanari
>cum on stomach
>go back to slumber

>> No.6597504

>have to buy leviathan in library
>ask the dude at the counter for translations
>he spouts a few shitty jokes about hobbes being a nazi
>say I'll come back
>never come back

>> No.6597508

>in train to see parents
>old couple in front of me
>they are talking about politics and extremely far right
>resist the urge to meme them IRL

>> No.6597512

>in library, working hard for finals
>some faggot is asleep by the window
>mumbling in his sleep, go to wake him up since he is annoying everyone
>glance at his work
>it's absolute dogshit
>run off with a giggle
>never see him again

>> No.6597515

>retard next to me is making circles on his notebook
>ask him why
>he is a christfag

>> No.6597522

>at home
>staring at the monitor of my PC
>nothing happens

>> No.6597526 [DELETED] 

Likely a lack of self-esteem and a desire to be validated by /lit/. I understand the mentality, though unlike OP I am plagued far more with feelings of intense inferiority and the desire (or need) to overcompensate for my feelings of low worth and so on by obsessively trying to impress others people. I've posted on /lit/ for several years and post here pretty much every day, maybe around 5,000 words worth of posts a day, all of which are designed to provoke a desire reaction (many involving the person I'm responding to killing themselves, but I assume they never do). I have zero friends and think about suicide every day, to the point where there is barely any emotional investment in the idea and likelihood of going through with it, just like listening to a song over and over gradually distances you from being able to relate to that initial effect it had on you. I guess that's why many of us come here. We have failed so thoroughly and for so long in the outside world, failing to relate to our peers, failing achieve our ambitions, failing to experience the things people our age and in the respective contexts of our lives experience that we yearn for any sense of communication with other people if only to know we are alive. It's like when a person thinks "I am a successful, good person" but hears no echo of that sentiment in the outside world, where they are ignored, dismissed, pitied or treated with derision, who then thinks "I am a terrible person, I lack the fundamental traits required for success, I am worthless, repulsive" etc and immediately looks around to their lonely untidy bedroom or a workplace in which they have found themselves filling the role of the quiet, well-meaning but ultimately weird guy, and they find evidence of this negative self-perception everywhere they look, and therefore these are the thoughts that seem true, and finally relieved to at least have found some ability to relate to the outside world and to other people, even if it is at the expense of their own self-worth and confidence, leaves them treating life as a form of subtle, constant torture that they are both glad and resentful to endure.

This post was sponsored by the Lannan Foundation.

>> No.6597529

hahaha im not fucking reading that hahahaha

>> No.6597531


>> No.6597533
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>at community college
>keep seeing renaissance painting tier girl (hard to explain but I got a strong feeling that she looked like she was from a painting by a renaissance painter with a lot of g's and o's and v's and i's in his name, idk)
>sometimes she glances back
>begin to fantasize wildly
>year almost over, only a few more chances to see her
>see her while volunteering
>put up a volunteer façade
>she seems off-put
>you must know who I really am
>later, talking with a friend, I see her sit down at the table next to me and body language towards me
>finish talking awkwardly
>finish meal in silence
>rush out of the cafeteria, hold head in my hands, mutter "I don't have to play the game if I don't want to, I don't have to play the game if I don't want to."
>lock myself in car
>start laughing
>become depressed
>never see her again


>> No.6597534


>> No.6597538

We're still affected by the response we get. We feel good when people respond positively to us and bad when people respond negatively (trolling complicates this to a degree). There's still plenty of incentive to lie if it will get us the kind of response we want (here is where trolling isn't an exception).

>> No.6597541

>Go to public library
>Read the Tale of Genji for three hours with a companion book of art from Genji.
>After that, find the three lit books written in 3rd Person Present Tense because I want to write a novel in that tense. Sit next to cute guy, but all three books I picked up have cliches that make me put them down and I only make a few notes.
>Find Night Circus and sit between the bookshelves reading it for a while, it was pretty good.
>Write a new short story when I get home.
Why do so many people fall asleep at the library? It's not THAT comfortable.

>> No.6597542

>on toilet
>reading WH40k
>everyone thinks my shits take ages

>> No.6597543
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I feel sad for you

>> No.6597545

penis penis penis lol
how does that make you feel

>> No.6597550

It's probably something with the relaxing, calm environment

>> No.6597552

>in a bar with friends from uni
>feminist march outside
>friends ask my view on egalitarism
>panic and run away to the toilets
>stay there and read a jeovah witness pamphlet I had in my jacket's pocket

>> No.6597559



>> No.6597586

This isn't /r9k/, fellow memer.

>> No.6597599

I've written this in a nearby thread
And nothing about it, besides the fact that the lady only gave me a handjob (refused to suck my dick, but said she wanted to ride it), though I did tell the girl in the story that she sucked it. Kind of rounding up

>> No.6597603

Nothing about it......was a lie*

>> No.6597614

>rounding up
Ahahaha, good concept

>> No.6597623

>waiting in line
>girl comes to me
>asks me something
>i don't have what she wants, some book
>wants to stand next to me
>i say ok and continue reading

>> No.6597637

>be me
>on fb a qt asks for lit recs
>start chatting with her
>she is the prefect Catholic qt
>want to meet her irl
>she doesn't want to meet me
>this is the whole story
>my life is boring and it sucks

>> No.6597641

Did you creep on her ?

>> No.6597649

Nah, I didn't even spill spaghetti. I think it's due to her being 4 years older and me clearly having somewhat romantic intentions.

>> No.6597660

My brother married a girl that's 6 years older than him last year and already have a child and another on the way. I find these age gaps problems incredibly stupid. What's 4 years compared to a lifetime?

>> No.6597670

I'm still in college and she graduated. But eh doesn't matter.

>> No.6597677

Well my brother is 20 and barely out of high school and she's 26 and graduated, but that didn't stop them from dating and getting married.

>> No.6597697

Oh, hey "worthless rhetoric"

So that's what you do in your spare time?

Makes me wonder why I even deemed you worth the argument.

You really should diversify your vocab.

>> No.6597700

>>My brother married a girl that's 6 years older than him last year and already have a child and another on the way
your brother will soon cry because you DO NOT MAKE BABIES IN THE FIRST YEARS OF A MARRIAGE

>> No.6597725

i doubt it's so much the gap in age as it is the age of the girl. their biological clocks tick - catholic clocks even harder

>> No.6597742

I think he married her because of the baby, but it doesn't matter, he's never been a very clever guy.

>> No.6597751

> qt girl goes to the same place as me
> talking about journey to the end of the night with friend, notice girl is paying attention
> walk by her a little time after, she gives me a qt smile
> she comes to say goodbye, invite me to a party
> me and friend both tired af, but convince him to go
> arrive at party
> she is there
> with her bf
> still see her every single day

> tfw

>> No.6597762

It's a meme newfag

>> No.6597764


>> No.6597782

he was probably making a joke because you went to a *library* trying to *buy* a book

>> No.6597792

you missed out on a chance to cuck her bf m8

>> No.6597796

Say, 'I see there's a general historical tendency toward it, but I'm still out on arguments about participation and activism.'

>> No.6597803

>wake up
>drink coffee and smoke cigarettes while browsing the chans for a few hours
>pull myself together and go to the public library to read
>end up sitting there in the glass rotunda looking out at the streets of my small, flyover town
>don't end up reading too much
>go to coffee shop for more coffee and scount for cuties
>finish some short writing assignments for work
>read emails from weeks ago i never got around to looking at
>give in to temptation to buy a pint of liquor to stave off the shakes even though my dad is making me go to alcohol counseling
>finish the pint on the way back home
>lay around marathoning television shows until it's time to go to bed again

that's about every damn day for me

>> No.6597834

>wake, have coffee and Cheerios
>go to my churches offices to meet my friend/young adult pastor
>we leave to go to a local Hindu temple and learn about their religion and culture
>make a few friends then go out to eat
>go home and cry about lost people
>write down my sad prayers
>all I want is to be David

>> No.6597846

>4 hour nap
>wake up
>wake up computer
>look at a pile of unread books
>time for bed
am I even alive?

>> No.6597869


>> No.6597871

>wake up
>make coffee
>read on the metro
>read at lunch
>read on metro
>too tired to write at home


>> No.6597889

Enjoy that alienation, anon.

>> No.6597895

for how many years ?

>> No.6597906

> Carry little notebook at all times
> sit at bar, drink alone
> sometimes the notebook gets ink'd
> most of the times only waits and stares at infinity
> just like me

>> No.6597918

well I used to have a full time day job and more of a social life, but not anymore, just do freelance writing and mostly don't hang out with anyone. been like this for about a year

>> No.6597919

>reading in my bed next to my girlfriend
>she starts rubbing my dick
>I like it but I keep reading
>she stops after a while
>I finished up the chapter and go back to cuddling her but now she's mad at me for some reason
I can't figure out what I did wrong

>> No.6597922


>> No.6597928
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>> No.6597931

> fooling around with your partner
> they dont stop reading
> not super hot
Ur gf a shit

>> No.6597940


>implying that you can be an artist without being an outsider

>> No.6597944

you were raped bro

>> No.6597946

> outsider
> job

>> No.6597994

> wake up
> still too early
> tries to go back to sleep
> can't
> guess I'll clean my house
> go read a bit instead
> open /lit/, read threads
> remembers I scheduled something with a friend last night
> felt asleep and didn't go
> start writing a message
> nah, later I will
> read another chapter
> browse lit again
> open skype
> no messages from her
> why do I even have any hopes
> close skype
> guess I'll clean my house
> belly starts screaming
> I'll eat a banana
> find out there are thousands of flies on the bananas
> go read another chapter
> belly screams again
> guess I should go by something to eat
> find old cookie package with one last cookie
> not that bad
> go read another chapter
> stop in the middle of it
> think about life
> put on some music
> smoke a cigarette
> open /lit/ again
> realize it's been 6 hours since I woke up
> write this
> belly is still hurting
> house is still dirty af
> friend still haven't heard of me
> hopes of getting that message from her one day are still there
> it's almost noon
> I'm already sleepy again


>> No.6598053

i dont believe you op, but its a good story nonetheless

>> No.6598069

it is 16h30 here

>> No.6598074

It ain't a she brother, he has a dick and likes to pretend to be a girl.

>> No.6598076

>at home "reading" philosophy
>feel like I should go to class
>realize its the middle of the night
>fantasize about being normal
>shitpost for hours
>sleep for ~14 hours
>realize I've been doing this for weeks
>still doing it

>> No.6598080

>muh neetdom
>muh totally independent from capitalism
>muh false sense of superiors because someone works a regular job while I sit at home writing shitty fantasy stories

>> No.6598114

Thats a lot of assumptions, anon.

>> No.6598126

GOAT post-new sincerity greentext poetry

>> No.6598134

>write poetry
>is as depressing as the last one
>barely get out of bed
>play around the guitar for a bit
>stare at the window
>see girl outside sketching a tree
>fantasize about talking to her about art
>fantasize about becoming fuck buddies
>about writing a poem in french to her
>caressing her soft skin
>the fragrance of her light brown hair
>know that I don't deserve her
>write more self-hating poetry

>> No.6598139

>wake up
>make herb tea
>wish I had milk, yogurts or something like that
>turn the computer on to browse the internet or watch a couple of TV shows
>get out of the hut and find something to eat (shrooms, bugs, mussels, etc.)
>prepare lunch
>spend most of the day reading, writing or painting
>make dinner
>read some more or watch a movie
>go to bed
'Tis a simple life

>> No.6598141

I usually go to starbucks or some other cafe, stare at some girls' asses for a while, maybe write a couple of thousand words if I'm really serious about it that day, usually read a bit, then go home several hours later.

>> No.6598323

Always feel self hate
Fantasize of writing books
Keep reading meme books

>> No.6598330

Your brother made a funny mistake.

>> No.6598390

>implying this board isn't just the same hundred odd autists day in day out with the odd visitor

>> No.6598404

Im pretty sure we are the odd ones

>> No.6598437

I have a poetry reading to read at later tonight. I went to two before and they were all reading out these long emotional diatribes about dead friends or broken romances or how they're oppressed by white people/men/heterosexuals. My poems were all just plays on words, humorous things I wrote to amuse myself, or complex just to see if I could.

I thought, if emotional things are what they want, then I can do that too. Those people who have come here with large groups of friends as support to talk about that one person they knew once who died or that time they got broken up with. These people don't know from pain, I can easily one-up that.

So I went away and expressed my most painful memories and feelings in poetical format. Then I read over what I'd written and thought, hold on, this is gay as fuck. I don't need the sympathy of these strangers and moping around feeling sorry for myself is just dumb. This is a poetry reading, not a fucking self-help group. I want people to enjoy and look forward to hearing my readings, not to pity me.

I went back to my notepad and wrote out the fun ideas that I had and now I have a much more solid set to read. Occasionally strangers will approach me knowing my name and compliment me on my poems. It's a good feeling.

>> No.6598443

Freight train conductor. Live on the railroad town to town reading writing drinking in hotels.

>> No.6598459

what pay /?

>> No.6598468

>reading a book on kindle
>qt approaches
>"what you readin"
>"White Tiger by Aravind Adiga"
>"he's Indian"
>she goes away
>Balram kills mr. Ashok

for fuck's sake

>> No.6598484


60,000, guys with better seniority make 100,000 if they work a lot

>> No.6598503

Nah, they're true.

>> No.6598511

I hate when people do that. Why ask what I'm reading if you aren't interested to know in the first place? Is it a way to attract attention or something?

>> No.6598925


Oh, old people. They were probably considered super leftist when they were kids.

>> No.6599032

>work at shitty part time job in the morning
>go to library after
>read Iliad, but get bored
>read some Plato, pretty cool
>finish The Stranger, liked it
>get shitty fast food because I hate my life and don't feel like cooking
>feel lonely, look at art online
>some paintings give me the feeling that I'm not the only person with all these fucked up feelings and thoughts
>feel a little less shit

Fun life

>> No.6599122

>stoned at the opera
>it's tannhauser
>wearing black jeans and a sweater
>go out for a cigarette on the terrace during an intermission
>the conductor is there, bum him a smoke
>talk about our recent road trips to northern michigan and ontario
>he tells me about his childhood school trip to greece
>"okay have a good second act sir"
>continue being stoned at tannhauser

>> No.6599133

Where'd you go in Ontario?

>> No.6599138

sault ste. marie / lake superior / algoma region


>> No.6599220

Post some of your poems

>> No.6599223

>shitposting on /lit/
>going to read the Iliad after I post this
>then going to eat some clam chowder

>> No.6599648

>wake up and drink coffee, read some Anne Carson poetry
>go to work painting apartments, listen to decline and fall of the RE (been working on it for a month)
>go to the sale barn in town when I'm done, buy 5 runty shoats so I can fatten them up to sell
>get a drink with my side chick
>work on an essay about community, doesn't turn out well
>do farm chores
>read For the Time Being by Dillard
>call girlfriend

>> No.6599930


I went there and did my thing, got a 250% increase in the number of people coming up to me to say they liked my poems. Of the other readers there was a lot of gold, but the majority of it was the same SJW's reading the exact same fucking poems as they read out the last two times. Boring cunts.

>> No.6600573


lol liberal arts majors

>> No.6600581


Haha yeah I'm definitely the loser in this thread

>> No.6600647
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>boot camp
>sent out of class for falling asleep
>stand at ease near door
>read one of those tiny pocket bibles they give you
>girl in the class beside mine gets sent out for the same reason
>sees me reading the bible with a serious face (i had to fart/poop, so her presence only caused me pain)
>weeks later, we both volunteered for early morning kitchen duty
>on break, we hold each other's hands and take turns reading our favorite parts from the bible
>i actually had no interest in the bible at the time, so i was randomly choosing
>feel bad, admit i'm not interested
>she admits the same
>tfw a qt girl pretended to be christian just to hold your hand
>during our first base liberty toward the end of boot camp we visited the base library together and read our own books beside another
>she tells me she is married

>> No.6600675
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>> hopes of getting that message from her one day are still there

>> No.6600683
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>> No.6600686

>liking Night Circus

>> No.6600702

I acknowledge you, anon

>> No.6600708
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>Buying Lolita
>Girl at counter looks at me and smirks when she scans the book
>What is this smirk? I think
>She must think I like raping little girls
>I bet she wants to get a bunch of people and lynch me for getting this book
>Run out
>Pack up
>Burn down my house
>Fake my death
>Move to another country

>> No.6600715

been like this for the past week
it's summer now, out for vacation,
but that's pretty much what i did when
school was in, save trudging through classes
during some hours that flew by
the time melts together, anon
i can't remember when things had

>> No.6600736
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>Wake up in bed
>Fell asleep in yesterdays clothes and woke up in today's clothes
>Not tired but I want to keep sleeping
>Doesn't work
>Actually have to get the fuck outta bed
>Roll over to the mirror on my bed and look stare into my own eyes
>Hop down from my fucked up bed thats 10 ft up into the air
>land onto my chair facing my laptop
>Turn on laptop and some music and go on 4chan for the rest of the day

>> No.6600759

Jerk off at night

>> No.6600782

I like that this may per se be that poetry

>> No.6600794

>being too lazy to work on your French
>trying to make a pun on the prev. q.'s 'pay' and French's 'pays' i.e. 'country'
>forgetting how to phrase it correctly
I'm sorry

>> No.6600806

It's not that they're not so much not interested as they wanted to talk to you and was using that as an easy ice breaker, the comment on present circumstances, but as they see they cannot make any further in-way for they are ignorant on the subject that has been thereby brought up, they're left in a sort of social zugzwang, and choose to just leave.

>> No.6600811


The Erin Morgenstern book? I dunno, I thought it was disappointing. The descriptions of the Circus and the atmosphere were really compelling escapism, but I thought the central romance was totally cliched and trite.

>> No.6600826


How does it feel that your life so far has been a negative contribution to humanity?

>> No.6600833


Exactly. I read that book for a bullshit low level English elective when I was a senior in college, and thought it was bretty comfy. The setting was imaginative and fun, the plot was meh, and the ending was garbage romance tier.

>> No.6600839


Cuck him.

>> No.6600840


Failbetter games did a small interactive story thing promoting it, and it's probably more enjoyable than reading the novel.

>> No.6600855
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Thats just the tip of the iceberg my friend.

I've contemplated suicide. Accepting defeat.

But I don't.

This is by choice, not because its all "I CAN'T HELP IT! >>N0 GFFF >>>>>>>>>>>no>>>>>gf>>>>>!>!>>"
I've stooped to an all time low.
I have no shame anymore.
I can't care anymore and thats not a good thing.

This isn't a cry for help or something. This is a disconnection from reality and people, from you and this world.

Everything is so fake, feels so fake.

It's all like clockwork and I swear I end up in different places each time I start walking alone without realizing.

I want to die but I don't want to.
>sick of living/unwilling to die

I want to fall asleep and never wake.
Maybe I'll take up a religion and devote myself to it.
Maybe I'll give myself that false sense of purpose.
Can you tell me you feel the same? Artificial? Fake?

>> No.6600897


>all this /polr9kcucktard/ bullshit

Alright, do you stupid fucks want a real literary lifestyle story?

>be me
>dropout of STEM community college
>act 1
>leaving home

I leave my house because my parents (mother: diagnosed insane, stepfather: decent guy but no real connection) are completely ignorant and unbearable. Yeah yeah, they are mad right winged god fearing conservatives who say "The world end times are coming, I hope you're prayin' son. You still pray dontcha? Did you hear 'bout dem niggers?" Every.single.fucking.day.

Decide to take what little money I earned, leave home, take some books clothes, mostly snack food, and drive away. Destination - New York City (of-fucking-course, right?)

>money dwindling
>not nearly enough for survival
>que New York City
>act 2

Get to NYC, living in my car, have no idea how to get anywhere, completely lost all the time, I leave it unlocked accidentally a week into my excursion and it gets stolen somewhere above Hell's Kitchen. Never been to a city before. Have no idea what to make of it. So many people, bums, people do not like looking you in the eye, everyone seems ridiculously rude.
Live mostly in libraries, reading, eating once a day at the most, stay up for two-three days at a time to keep from having to worry about where I am going to lay my head.

>get job
>bookstore/coffee place
>boss is nice

Working there for three or four months, sleeping in the back, work long ass hours because I have nothing else going on, is going well, get to use wifi for internet and have power for my laptop and writing

>oh yea imma writer of novels and poetry like boss

Finish my novel, have a stack of short stories and poetry, still no place to live, still no friends except boss, still live in the back. He finds out, says it's fine because I'm loyal, starts giving me free books to read. Money is stacking up. Pay for lame ass editor. Oh wait, I mean....I TRY TO PAY FOR LAME ASS EDITOR, they reject everything and say keep my day job and still take my fucking money.

>no publications
>no life
>fired from job for increasing alcoholism
>nowhere to live
>back to staying up days at a time in libraries and around 24hour coffee joints
>5 months pass
>act 3

I met a hipster hippy kinda junky girl and her friends who just get fucked up and live in a run down apartment that one of their slumlord parents own. I have no job, I steal liquor, and I am currently at a coffee place with wifi writing this inbetween editing my shitty works that no one wants.
>over 500 rejections from a number of big to underground magazines/websites/etc

Can't go home.
Can't really get a job because I can't go a few hours without catching a buzz.
Weight is slowly dwindling.
Health is awful.
Always sick.
>muh bohemian lifestyle

I hate this city, I hate this life, I hate everything.

Welcome to the real literary lifestyle you livingwithmother faggots.

>> No.6600908

i don't get it

are you saying you're superior to us or you'd rather be us?

>> No.6600914

I feel that its not worth writing stuff this long on 4chan because its stuff thats this long that never gets replies or hardly gets any AND is usually disregarded

>> No.6600919

Neither, you're just not living a literary lifestyle.

You're just lazy children who don't want to be an adult. except instead of trying to find who you are, you just sit inside.

You're not living anything. You're just a failure to launch.

>> No.6600920

Who the fuck cares what you think?

>> No.6600931
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Says the guy posting shit like people care about what he thinks and how he lives his life.

Fuck off, scumfuck. People like you are the fucking worst.

>> No.6600939

I have a shitty memory, to the point where I've never even memorized the order of the months and sometimes it takes me a second or two to remember my age. Not anything neurological or something like that, just bad memory.
Two years ago, I woke up and realized that I couldn't remember my name. I haven't ever been as scared as I was during those five hours.

>> No.6600942

Well, at least /you/ tried.
I've got time to try myself, but...
Thanks for the reminder.
Good luck, mate.

>> No.6600945

My comment was relevant to the thread.

Your's was useless vomit relevant to absolutely nothing except your own useless insight to the opinions of slantyeyed faggots turning the pages of a filipino flip book.

You pathetic fuck. All of you, pathetic. Still on the fucking nip and saying "oh woe is me the literary lifestyle" while your mom still cooks your fucking meals and washes your clothes.


What fucking faggotry

>> No.6600949

This.... This is the attitude I wanted to see as a response to my comment.

To realize you don't even know if you're failures. Your nihilistic for nothing. You have felt nothing. You felt no pain. You don't even know if you're a failure.

You're all lazy faggots who haven't even fucking tried anything because you're all FUCKING LAZY WHINY CUNTS.

Congrats to you, anon.

You will go somewhere.

>> No.6600953

that struggle is part of the literary lifestyle

you don't like the state of your life, but you obviously like yourself

you don't struggle with your worth as a human being

you know the world because you've struggled against it, but you'll never understand what it really means to feel like you don't even have the right to live

>> No.6600954

i shot a man in reno

>> No.6600957


No one who has ever lived the literary lifestyle would ever word it like that.

they would say

"I was poor, I was hungry, everything was dirty and I hated it. But hey, I wrote some good stuff" if they say anything at all.

You speak like a sheltered inexperienced tool.

>> No.6600959

i'm glad you feel good about yourself, man

>> No.6600967

I don't feel good about myself, man.

I just am completely indifferent and bewildered by the stupidity that is driving to New York City and trying to be a writer when I have no discernible talent.

>> No.6600977

Good luck, seriously.

>> No.6600978

why do you feel like you have to take it out on us, then?

>> No.6600990



man some part of me wants to major in english the other wants to do some stem shit
money isnt even that important to me
i'll never be an interesting human being to be honest

>> No.6600996

>i'll never be an interesting human being

That's for damn sure.

>> No.6600997

>Realize that I woke up at some moment
>7 AM because I am a weirdo who likes the morning hours
>Pet my cats, since it's winter so they sleep with me
>Dress up, turn on computer and think on how much noise it makes, breakfast of whatever is close to my hands
>Walk a little outside, eat some fruit if some of the trees is giving, check that the dogs are fine,
>Think about putting some order to the unholly mess that our garden is
>Enter, put on whatever music strikes my fancy on the computer
>Check my rss feeds
>Make a sketch or two in the notebook for my MAGNUM OPUS FANTASY NOVEL THAT WILL DETHRONE TOLKIEN I SWEAR TO MY MUM or one of the CYOAs I will probably get bored of before even finishing it's plans
>Alternate between browsing 4chan and reading whatever I am at
>Giggle at things that I don't really think are funny
>Think that I should chat with someone
>Sleep at 8 or 10 pm

>> No.6600998


thanks anon

>> No.6601000
File: 580 KB, 1530x1020, food_OE_review_atrium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at local patrician coffee shop (pic related, oxford exchange in tampa)
>see a qt 3.14 reading The Brothers Karamazov
>holy shit
>approach her
>"oh, the P&V translation? how are you liking it so far?"
>"what's P&V?"
>"the translators of your book"
>"oh. its good."
>"you know, one of them doesn't even know Russian, ha ha, basically P&V is the worst translation, you should find a McDuff."
>she looks disgusted and puts her head back down to her book
>"ok well enjoy your book. im sorry. bye"

>> No.6601006

>all these people finding extremely different/creative ways to say "i stayed inside all day" or "i went to class and saw a pretty girl"

>posts and BTFO

English majors are for suckers
the novelists people like don't have english majors
its innate talent

>> No.6601010

Literary lifestyles? You just wait.

>in school
>only two friends, they're nice but pretty dumb.
>basically live in the library
>keep trying to get into the restricted section but librarian is a bitch.
>only one other person in the library, but he's famous and attracts girls who hide in the stacks and giggle so loud that I can't concentrate.
>he keeps staring at me too, which is also distracting.
>fucking victor krum.
>friends keep making me check their homework.
> I take way more classes than those asshats do.
>no friends of my own gender, I like Parvati but she only hangs out with Lavender.
>pretty lonely sometimes.
>teachers can be sympathetic.
>even the house-elves won't hang out with me.
>wish I had more time to read and study.
>usually the last person awake in the common room.

>> No.6601027

Waste of space.

>> No.6601030

I'm not taking anything out on any of you.

I'm trying to fucking wake you up by telling you the truth.

Hey, we're all just making a living.

Do whatever you can put energy towards. At least at that point you are doing something, you're moving, and not just sitting around. You will feel like something even if you fail. Because you will have set a goal, and attempted to get there.

>posts and BTFO


>> No.6601034

Meh, try harder faggot.

I've been travelimg the world for the last 5 years picking up 1-4 month jobs, where every minute not worling is spent writing, and hamging out with strangers. Get poems published, and stories, not many, but still feels good

>> No.6601035

>Your's was useless vomit relevant to absolutely nothing except your own useless insight to the opinions of slantyeyed faggots turning the pages of a filipino flip book.

What? you're making it sound like I just told my whole life story when you just gave a whole "Woe is me" bullshit story and put

>Welcome to the real literary lifestyle you livingwithmother faggots.

I bet you think that shit attitude is part of it too and you gotta act your part.

Little shits like you irritate me.
You think that thats the TRUE literary life style.

You got your end, others got others.

>> No.6601037

Did you just finish reading On the Road and dream that up anon?


>> No.6601046


>> No.6601047

It's cute how a NEET nip biter calls someone else a little shit.

Do you even have a drivers licence?

And no, waking up, fapping to traps, playing vidya, shitposting, and reading tumblr blogs and reddit comments is not a literary lifestyle.

Especially when it's your mom waking you up in the morning and telling you to take out the trash and that your clothes are folded.



>my lack of experience in anything is valuable because I can think of living a literary lifestyle therefore I am

>> No.6601056
File: 6 KB, 220x342, Henry-Miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>reading Tropic of Cancer in a local coffee shop
>qt 3.14 begins to approach me
>prepare for social interaction, hopes are raised that I'll get her phone number or that something good will come out of it
>she stops a few feet away from my table, doesn't say anything for a moment
>I lower my book, look up expectedly, and force a half-smile
>she says, after positioning herself into a more aggressive stance, "Henry Miller was a fucking pig"
>I look away to avoid eye contact
>begin to mumble an explanation about how men are purposely reduced to caricatures in Miller's work but that, even if he was a misogynist, that's not grounds for dismissing his literary achievements
>be moving my hands around wildly the whole time, because I always over-gesture when I'm nervous
>look up after hearing giggling and feeling everyone's eyes upon me
>mfw she had immediately walked away

>> No.6601066
File: 71 KB, 403x500, russian hagiography man from google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hails from USA, fellow book readers.

>> No.6601068

I don't know
I feel guilty griping to you as some dumb undecided undergrad when you've actually gone out and experienced something

>> No.6601071


autisimo this is why you won't make it

>> No.6601078

you really need to calm down

if bullying people who have emotional issues you don't comprehend makes you feel better, then i'm pretty glad i'm me and not you

>> No.6601079

It's really hard to decipher which one of those you were when I'm this drunk.

I've experienced ignorance which hasn't taught me anything except what I have done is absolutely retarded. Sleeping in the nicest alley is not exactly something that's worth experiencing. None of this was really worth it. Seriously, I have nothing left to do. I genuinely thought I had talent. In hindsight...I really, really, really have zero talent in writing. Now I'm just kind of stuck here with really smelly roomates and a really sad druggie girl who likes to fondle me and...that's okay, groovy, you know? Might as well cum on someone if there's nothing else going on for you.

>> No.6601080

>abandons family over ideology *sniff*
>lives like a bum in new york

i wouldnt call this living anon

in all these shitty sub cultures there is always the ''im da realest nigga'' thing, yall clique fags are a kek mine

>except instead of trying to find who you are
you dont know who you are?

>> No.6601083
File: 39 KB, 453x576, 1418400834066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601086

>Be me
>Young uni student arts faggot
>Even drink coffee like a bitch
>Sit down and start writing for several hours
>Not even one page done because I keep editing and changing every word painstakingly
>Feel tired afterwards
>Tfw you're a basic bitch

>> No.6601091



Fuck off. I can't tell if your "trolling" or your serious and your going to stab at something thats not even there.

So sound so cocky.
So full of yourself.
you sound like
>Hey. This IS the true literary lifestyle so thats a perk.

You seem like you're stuck in this tunneled vision of
>This is what it is.. THIS IS WHAT IT REALLY IS, I'M LIVING IT!!

Not just the people in this thread need a wakeup call, but so do you. Of course, you are gonna deny it. Living on the streets flat broke in one place and no plan on going anywhere? What you gonna do? Write some fucking book thats gonna enlighten people and you're gonna ride the money back to whatever the fuck you're gonna do with fucking MONEY.

I think everyone in this fucking thread needs a wake up call, me included. But god damn, some people are deep sleep

>> No.6601094

And what's your emotional issue, Mr. Middleclass Suburbanite?


Angst gone untested? A girl told you no when you asked her out?


It's the internet...an anonymous site. Honestly, if you feel uncomfortable just refresh, or ignore the numbers on your post that mean there is a reply. Or go to a different thread...


You might actually just be stupid, and the world is too big of a place for you. Like a kitten that gets taken outside for the first time and scurries back into the bedroom.

>> No.6601108
File: 127 KB, 1826x168, dayinlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6601118

The ideology stuff was annoying, just a little caption. My mother is mentally unstable. Screams all the time, throws shit, cusses at random objects for being there. Really a terrible place to be raised. A real mental fuck for me. Stepdad, again. Alright guy, don't know why he puts up with a mentally insane woman, just didn't really ever click.

Never said I was 'living' as in some grandiose term of nirvana and satisfaction. I never glamorized the idea, in fact I damned it. Added a dose of reality to these /r9k/ers lazy lifestyles.

I don't care about any of you enough to care if you believe me, honestly. It's completely irrelevant.

You're reading comprehension must be very, very low. Because I was using my situation, in a non-glamorous, completely self hatred level, in order to add perspective to these 'wanna be literary lifestyle' NEET internet dwellers.

Never once did I say I was better, never did I let on that I was. Just that none of you understand what you are saying, and you should probably realize what it is you think you are wanting to be compared to what it is really like. It sucks, and you're poor, and you're broke, and alone, and completely lost and are probably going to fail.

You're not a smart human being. Not saying I am, but you really aren't.

>> No.6601120


why are you so angry if you're in the right?

i'm still really glad i'm not you if you're wondering

i work at improving myself everyday and i'm glad i've been given the chance to do so

>> No.6601126


>everyone has a good family
my mom is a piece of shit

>> No.6601138

You quoted two different people.

I'm the bottom one.

I'm aggravated that you whiners are being so retarded about everything when you know nothing. I'm willing to bet all of you are at least 19-22 and you all remind me of what my 8th grade class was like.

Did you just stop growing up? How do you fall so far behind in maturity?

And for fucks sake, the bullying horseshit. Jesus its the internet. If you take offense to it then you don't belong.

You wouldn't continue going through a door that activates a kick to the nuts would you? Then why would you keep coming online if you cry and have your heart shattered by every anon's opinion?

And no one here gives a shit about who you wish you weren't and how glad you are that you're not someone else.

Take it to your tumblr blog or some shit. This is /lit/ and we are talking about literary lifestyles (or the lack-thereof). Not how much weight your loosing on Jenny's diet.

>> No.6601158

you've got a lot to learn about life

>> No.6601173

>I have nothing to say at this point so I will say you need to learn more than you already do in an attempt to belittle

Congrats. Now go to bed. It's late.

>> No.6601183

what can i say?

you already know all about me

>> No.6601213
File: 497 KB, 500x374, 277550-spongebob-square-pants-patricks-gonna-starve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601218


she wants to stand next to you? What were you wearing?

>> No.6601230

I'm NOT in the fucking right.

And neither is captain "I'M AM IN THE RIGHT"

People are flawed.

And not once did "I" ever said that you said that you were better than everyone else.

No one is right but we will still debate over the parts that irritate us and the parts that we don't agree with because of the way we see things.

And I'm SO fucking SORRY that I didn't analyze your little fucking story and see that you were trying to teach everyone a lesson on how it really is.

And how do you see yourself in this whole mess of 8th graders? The teacher?
The fucking giving tree?

>And no one here gives a shit
and what makes you think they give a shit about you?
Your whole
>OoOohh. I went to NEW YORK and became a rejected writer because I suck and now I spend my days writing dogshit-tier stories and arguing on a anime cartoon imageboard
Not to mention that you even put
>(Of-fucking-course right?)
on the NY part.

You're typing away on your little laptop taking this thread way out of the seriousness it should be taken.

you made this your life.

Gee, you must be a 100 years old because you saying that it's the true literary lifestyle, but how do you know?

Its living like a bum and putting a label on it saying "Literary lifestyle"
But its really just a life style and even calling it living like some fucking washup would be putting a label on it.

Gosh, I don't know what to tell you because you're just gonna process it and throw it into the trash because your way is flawless and

And of course you're just gonna say
>Yeah and you're just fucking dumb

But it seems to me that you see everyone in this thread as dumb, as 8th graders.

Has there recently been anyone you haven't thought that way of?

>> No.6601243

>>And no one here gives a shit
>and what makes you think they give a shit about you?
>Your whole
>>OoOohh. I went to NEW YORK and became a rejected writer because I suck and now I spend my days writing dogshit-tier stories and arguing on a anime cartoon imageboard
>Not to mention that you even put
>>(Of-fucking-course right?)
>on the NY part.

Well considering this..

And how do you see yourself in this whole mess of 8th graders? The teacher?
The fucking giving tree?

>And no one here gives a shit
and what makes you think they give a shit about you?
Your whole
>OoOohh. I went to NEW YORK and became a rejected writer because I suck and now I spend my days writing dogshit-tier stories and arguing on a anime cartoon imageboard
Not to mention that you even put
>(Of-fucking-course right?)
on the NY part.

You're typing away on your little laptop taking this thread way out of the seriousness it should be taken.

you made this your life.

Gee, you must be a 100 years old because you saying that it's the true literary lifestyle, but how do you know?

Its living like a bum and putting a label on it saying "Literary lifestyle"
But its really just a life style and even calling it living like some fucking washup would be putting a label on it.

Gosh, I don't know what to tell you because you're just gonna process it and throw it into the trash because your way is flawless and

And of course you're just gonna say
>Yeah and you're just fucking dumb

But it seems to me that you see everyone in this thread as dumb, as 8th graders.

Has there recently been anyone you haven't thought that way of?

mad bro?

who hurt you?

Mad at me for exposing your pathetic way of life? Ruined your facade of a literary lifestyle when you're really just a lazy ignorant child who can barely even shower each day and pick up his own mess and make his own bed?

Thought so.

>> No.6601245



>> No.6601254


where do you go to uni?

>> No.6601292
File: 972 KB, 500x288, I dont know what I expected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mad at me for exposing your pathetic way of life? Ruined your facade of a literary lifestyle when you're really just a lazy ignorant child who can barely even shower each day and pick up his own mess and make his own bed?

I guess we're all really stuck in our own beliefs.

You never pulled the blanket off anything because the only upper hand in this argument you have is
>YOU'RE ALL NEETS. I'm an adult. Look at my story and let me give you a lesson because I totally have woken up

Give me a break. You need you need your parents right now as much as the actual NEETS in this thread need theirs.

I'm not saying that I was actually right about everything and you were wrong.

But you need to open up your thick little skull a bit and let the air come in.

Be more open. It may suck being wrong and I know I've been wrong at times but you have to let people teach you a thing or two also.

>If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn

>> No.6601299

>go to big chain bookstore
>pick up Mein Kampf, Lolita, and The God Delusion
>waiting in line for ages
>light up a stogie
>start loudly chatting up old ladies and families in line next to me
>thumb through the expensive knick-knacks next to the checkout, knocking several onto the floor, and repeatedly tell my fellow line-goers to "look at all this horseshit"
>complain that there are too few cashiers per customer, allege that this is the fault of "kikes"
>finally reach the checkout
>array the books so their covers are all facing up
>toss them onto the counter in a radial formation, all facing directly at the cashier, a slightly overweight girl in her early 20s
>she looks down at them and pauses, her jaw dropping in disbelief as the fuhrer himself stares back up at her
>blow smoke into her face and ask "some kind of problem, toots?"
>she coughs and nervously stutters the name of the book, as if to verify that someone could ever purchase it intentionally
>"yeah" I reply, before placing my index finger on the cover of Lolita, and leaning across to her side of the counter
>"and this one's about a pedophile"
>her face is now wan with shock and horror
>"oh my god," she mutters
>"God's dead, honey"
>everyone around us goes dead silent
>pick up the books and leave without paying
>no one even calls security

>> No.6601313
File: 947 KB, 285x235, 1376179336259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601444

reading this thread made me sad :(

>> No.6601470

Is it just me, or is green text kind of like a specific form of free verse?

>> No.6601518
File: 243 KB, 820x816, barbara-mullen-models-a-white-alencon-lace-dress-under-a-red-surah-coat-by-designer-castillo-new-york-city-1949-photo-genevieve-naylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you go to new york city? seriously, where you even planning? you're a dumbass.

i'm not going to reveal my comfy city, but i'm homeless and simply make my morning rounds from door to door begging for money/food. i'm healthy and fine. i live mostly in the library, like you, but i'll sleep outside in daylight when i'm feeling it. no rude people, barely any other homesless guys, and i get invited to dine with random families every other week.

you went about the homeless literary lifestyle completely wrong.


did you even study the ancient greeks?

you're a fucking moron.

>> No.6601537

No. We all just use it wrong.

>> No.6601546

Fuck, that sounds comfy as shit.
>you will never hang out until the late hours in the common room reading under the candlelight before going to bed with all the other girls, only to wake up in the morning the next day and leave the beautiful castle-building for herbology, then meet your owl on your way to lunch

I barely remember anything from Harry Potter but fuck, the depicted lifestyle sounds wonderful.

>> No.6601573


Sarah, go to bed

>> No.6601589


So much of this is obviously bullshit, but just in case it's not I hope you die soon. You're an idiot.

>> No.6601598

It's over.
He was really just a master RUSE man

>> No.6601617


>Looking down on the breadpilled

I think you're looking for the /r9k/ lifestyle.

>> No.6601633
File: 212 KB, 1100x908, 1429558095909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally go to japan
>now what
>feels like a dream
>ill be waking up soon

>left airport on foot
>walk into some neighborhood
>sit down
>ill be waking up soon

>night arrives
>still waiting
>bagel, smoke, fall asleep as sun starts to rise
>i wake up

>what do i do?
>i planned for this, specifically for this
>do nothing

>old lady walking her poodle passes by with confusion as she looks my way
>children heading off to school soon follow in her wake
>they stick to the opposite side of the road
>my side is the one with the sidewalk

>i'm clearly out of place here
>foreigner, that will never change
>is this wary treatment any better than the ignored phase of my previous life?
>i think so

Fuck, I was going to start from the beginning, but I'm sleepy. I live in Japan with my patrician step-sister who grows and sells gourmet snails. Every day is the lazy literary lifestyle.

>> No.6601642

japan is a literary sinkhole, pretty much all of asia is. it is the antithesis of a literary lifestyle, at least superficially

>> No.6601686
File: 1.52 MB, 4370x1006, 1380244548138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last few days of Uni Feshman year
>Friends* in lounge talking about going somewhere. I inquire.
>"Oh, nowhere special. Punk Rock Flee Market."
>Am down. We go.
>For some reason, in June I'm wearing a sweater and tight black jeans, thinking it'll make me look more punk.
>controlled sweat, the kind you know is piercing your undershirt, but hasn't soaked through your outer layer.... yet.
>Bring backpack, for fuckall reasons
>Takes too long to get there, we're only there for the last two hours.
>Try to look at punk memorobelia, the propaganda and the chaffe. Drift inevitably to maps and literature.
>Man has massive trunk of books, no idea what he's selling. Don Quixote, and it's sequel in one edition.
>Shakespeare collection
>Blow all my money, save for what I've already spent on a pair of Lennon shades and a hipstery hat.
>Stuff all books, 7-10 in my backpack.
>Massively overloaded.
>Can't find friends. Eventually find their drug dealer. We all meet up.
>Closest guy to me bought a hollowed out grenade. I'm not surprised.
>walking the 4 miles back, I realize the hat is only making me hotter.
>friends forced to ask why i don't take off my sweater.
>I kinda have man tits, despite brutal physical regiment.
>keep sweater on in approximately 90 F 4 mile walk.
>Immediately consume one of the books upon arriving at dorm, I believe it was a book of Faulkner's short stories.
>We get back, get Hemingway tier blasted. I end up on a roof.

*everyone in my dorm who regularly stayed up until 4 a.m. Drug dealers, insomniacs, a genius addicted to painkillers, and a con man in training. They were my best friends. They watched me read The Princess Bride in one sitting, and made me bacon when I got hungry.

Happy ending at least.

>> No.6602026

That guy had ostensibly good intentions
But was just shitting all over pretty much everyone else for not very good reasons.
The other sad stuff was the
>tfw no gf
Level stuff, which somehow never really gets to me.

>> No.6602045

I hope this is counter-bait. The literary lifestyle is a meme you fucking child rofl

>> No.6602052

OP here. What the fuck is going on in this thread ? Can't a brother post bait anymore without morons trying to seek attention ?

>> No.6602087

fuck...too real

>> No.6602092

me too, but it is normal and beneficial to dissolve all these conventions

>> No.6602113
File: 47 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mzlz3naHdH1re0v2yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602124

It was good after reading Wake and some other shitty YA book written in Third Person Present Tense. The sporadic chapter I read were well-written, the overall story seemed pretty cliche, but the prose itself wasn't.

>> No.6602125

>>rush out of the cafeteria, hold head in my hands, mutter "I don't have to play the game if I don't want to, I don't have to play the game if I don't want to."
have you read broom of the system

>> No.6602128


>> No.6602190
File: 103 KB, 900x1273, skyfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time to start living the literary lifestyle
>buy a small laptop
>go to city library
>all the desks and chairs are taken
>walk around for half an hour
>go back home to browse 4chan
>never go back

>> No.6602191

Henry Miller is my gosh darn hero. You fucked up and let him down by not fucking her in the restroom.

>> No.6602197


>> No.6602202

Chicks go for older guys, guys go for younger chicks, don't you know that?

>> No.6602208

>wake up
>drink coffee, read a little or internet
>go to shit delivery job because I'm saving money to move to the city where I'm going to school
>come home, eat lunch with girlfriend
>go to other shit job as car detailer
>come home
>be exhausted but have to plan things to move
>slowly selling all of my shit because too poor to have a proper moving truck

>> No.6602219

Yet you remember that two years ago you had this experience.

>> No.6602223

And they probably have families that care lmao.

>> No.6602228

What a load of bullshit, frankly. I struggle all the time with my sense of worth and though I'm a lousy writer, so have the greatest writers struggled.

>> No.6602347
File: 15 KB, 236x349, 360244b9ca925e61bcb80ab950aefa72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602387

>browsing some ye olde family photos
>80's and early 90's look so cozy
>suddenly there's loads of pictures from my aunts funeral
>she died when i was six or something, never really knew her
>how the excruciating pain of losing a loved one transcends time and space
>in that moment, manly tears were shed
>found a subject for my next short story

>> No.6602406

>Not having a library that seats at least 2,000 people.
How are you literate?

>> No.6602438
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That's a good question. It's a small city, where all the other libraries have been shut down and the last one has 2/3 of its staff replaced by machines. Culture is dying as we speak.

>> No.6602684

>be me, young 18 year old
>lived in Riga, Latvia for two months last year (very artsy / literary place)
>read lots, but just entry level stuff and nothing that special
>be guitarist
>at 17 hitchhike from Riga to England with no money as a busker
>now living in Romania
>travel a lot, always writing and practicing
>write lyrics / poetry and share my shit in the /lit/ threads, hope to start a band when I get home in August
>will be hitchhiking again in a week

I'm happy I started doing this so young. I recommend you all try to travel more, hitchhiking if you can. It's a wonderful experience.

>> No.6602770
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>Read 200 pages a day
>Write 3000 words a day
>Aesthetically and intellectually perfect
>Have girlfriend
>Stable job
>Active social life
>Not obsessed with trying to seem contrarian and counter-culture.

You will never be as brilliant as me, but it's alright to be second.

>> No.6602799
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You must be wondering why I posted on 4chan.

I have a small penis.

>> No.6602801

>stumble downstairs at 5pm with a massive hangover
>eat a pizza
>go to the corner shop to buy cheap polish beer
>sit on the computer reading poetry, drinking and crying to myself
>stumble off to bed at 4am
>rinse and repeat

>> No.6602802

you're not alone bro. A chick once asked me my name and I stealthily googled it while making jokes.

>> No.6602809

get off 4chan and go for a walk in the rain. It's what I do and it helps me a lot when I'm feeling down. If you go for a walk in the sun, it will make you sad and sweaty.
In the end you come back all wet but with the rain it doesn't smell and there were no happy people outside duing your walk.

>> No.6602820

I want you to read two books:
The Notebooks of Malte Laruids Brigge by Rilke (Stephen Mitchell translation preferably)
Hunger by Knut Hamsun

You are literally a carbon copy of those two protagonists.

Actually, give me an address and I'll post it to you. Serious.

>> No.6602822
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>unholly garden
my nigga

>> No.6602875

Yeah, mate. I'll get out on the desert road and hitchhike from quiet colony-town on the edge of a barrens to identical quiet colony-town on the edge of a barrens. With luck I'll see a few oddly shaped rocks. Check your dense population privilege.

>> No.6602899


>> No.6602907

>tfw my local library has two tables and is filled with celebrity biographies

How does one live the literary lifestyle in plebsville

>> No.6602949

I used to live like that

You can change. All it takes is one simple change in your life to get the ball rolling. Just make one small commitment and follow through with it, for example, commit to walk briskly for an hour each day and shower afterward.

Once you follow through with that your life will change.

>> No.6602960

>at home from college for the summer
>get up for work at 7:30 am every day
>eat, make myself presentable, go to work
>work hard to show respect to my boss and coworkers and earn savings for my future
>go home and eat lunch, then read for a few hours
>when my family gets home, engage in some polite conversation and offer to do some chores around the house
>after dinner, watch a sports game on TV or a movie with the family, or work my other job occasionally
>exercise for half an hour
>shower/brush teeth/floss because cleanliness and self-respect are important
>get in bed, write for a while, and read
>go to bed and get 8 hours of sleep

Quit being fags and realize you can live "the literary life" without being a worthless slob

>> No.6602983

The literary lifestyle isn't about reading and writing

>> No.6602993

And neither is it about being self-consciously depressed. It's about having an honest, intellectual outlook on life.

Your laziness and vices are choices, and only serve to increase your suffering.

>> No.6603128

>dream that I'm in a semi-abandoned hotel with a strangely inhuman manager asking two tables of people various ethical dillemmas disguised as board games
>keeps smiling and writing this huge convoluted chart of black and white circles and lines
>confront him, ask him what will happen when we reach more morally grey choices
>see crucifix in the background, decide to wake up
>masturbate and try to platinum Bloodborne

>> No.6603181


>> No.6603216

Hey I'm not disagreeing with you. Maybe I should have written "literary lifestyle" in quotes.

If you look at this board you'll see a couple dozen threads on the "literary lifestyle", a few more on DFW; the rest are dedicated to memes.

If someone ever posts a "how much do you read" thread, you'll find most people here get through about ten books a year. You figure out soon afterward that all the debate here stems from borrowed opinions and wikipedia entries.

/lit/ is probably the most pretentious board. Even /mu/ listens to the music they discuss.

>> No.6604301

even if that were true .

I bet what you write is shit.

>> No.6604372
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>> No.6604399

cool story bro
would read/10

>> No.6604423

>be rich
>never go to public library
>that's for plebs
>buy all my books
>buy a lot of books
>never read them

Such is life for a /lit/izen

>> No.6604429

Why wouldn't you just go to the public library as a place of silence to read the stuff you own.

>> No.6604462

>fall asleep

>> No.6604785

You don't get it? He fucking died. OP lived his whole life in sin(insomnia), rejecting the word of God, and in his last moments his soul felt uneasy. He sought absolution but turned to a church of secularism having dedicated his life to a 'literary lifestyle'. The girl that read his poetry was St. Peter judging his deeds at the the gates of heaven and he failed the test.

OP is probably in Hell now, or at least purgatory.

>> No.6604937
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>Tfw come from a patrician norwegian family with a rich history of priests and intellectuals
>Tfw i our family tree dates all the way back to the 1700th century
>Tfw we have our own coat of arms with the familys "words" written in latin

Im literary a patrician, and it feels good. Currently writing my masters in philosophy.

>> No.6604945

What happened before the 17th century? Did your great ancestor just materialize from the ether?

>> No.6604956

Im not sure, we probably dont have any sources on them.

>> No.6604962

>mother: diagnosed insane




>> No.6604964

>>Tfw i our family tree dates all the way back to the 1700th century
Doesn't everybody? Humans have been around too long, We don't just materialize out of fucking nowhere.
And coat of arms mean nothing unless you have a small army wearing it, too. The Kardashians have a coat of arms.
My family name first appeared in the 12th century, get over yourself.

>> No.6604988


I think I did chat with you on omegle in one of those threads long way ago

good luck anon, get better

>> No.6604990

You sound really buttmad, im only half serious. What i mean is that we have a book about our family where every single person with our name after the 1700th century is written about.

>> No.6605046
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>> No.6605053

I just zone out on the toilet.

>> No.6605060

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.

>> No.6605083

I wish I was you.

>> No.6605191

>Lingua mortua
solum studere lingua anglicus

>> No.6605347


i cant wait to hitchhike from white urban sprawl to a white urban sprawl with NEWER buildings!