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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 250x250, hunter-s-thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6595827 No.6595827 [Reply] [Original]

you get to spend an evening with any deceased writer you choose. who is it? an expert translator is provided if needed

pic probably not related

>> No.6595831

your mom

>> No.6595834


>> No.6595836


>> No.6595839

Phillip K. Dick.

>> No.6595842


I don't talk to him, I just spend the evening beating him savagely and burning him with cigarettes whilst explaining the concept of a "Circular Argument", and how to avoid making one.

>> No.6595846

lol there are zero logic wrongs in Aquinas arguments you fucking fedora tipper.

Go get formal training.

>> No.6595890

Tao Lin :(

>> No.6595902

>choose Shakespeare
>yfw Marlowe, Bacon, Middleton and the Earl of Oxford all show up

>> No.6595905


>> No.6595908

Ayyy head on down to the jazz bar

>> No.6595917

Donatien Alphonse Francois.

"Tell me about the french fucking revolution, bro. shit went down, right? did they feed you well when they stuck you in Charenton?"

>> No.6595923
File: 35 KB, 620x413, 103750398_mikhail_274300c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulgakov. He'd be like a wise old grandpa telling overly moralising stories about the 'old country'

>> No.6595929

you do realise Tom Aquinas was a fucking huge tub of lard? when he died they had to pull down a wall of the house to get the body out. "The Holy Hog of St Hubert's". he'd probably sit on you and crush you.

also, from Umberto Eco's description, he sounds like a full-on Bazinga Aspie, so he might not understand you.

>> No.6595990

dips bedora

>> No.6595994

Kierkegaard or Camus

>> No.6595997

Cervantes. probably show him some twerking vids on youtube maybe record his reaction.

>> No.6596001

What are some of the instances of circular logic you noticed when reading the summa? (I'm sure you've read it.)

>> No.6596008

Yes, that is how the meme goes, thank you for making sure we are all aware.

>> No.6596009

>Rimshot to end all rimshots.

>> No.6596011

I think it'd be nice to resurrect O'Toole and show him what a success Confederacy was.

>> No.6596025


You get to bring back your favorite author, and they'll write an 8.5/10 or 9/10 book, probably one of their best.

OR, you get to bring back your favorite author and they'll become your best friend, with the added bonus of resurrecting Sartre and Vonnegut so you can call them talentless hacks

Which do you pick

>> No.6596026

He'd have a good laugh at Neon Bible being made into a movie.

>> No.6596032

but my friend....circular logic debate is a meme itself

>> No.6596076

>Proclaims God a necessary being
>Not every being can be contingent.
>There must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent beings.
>This necessary being is God.

Basically, he starts with God, makes assertions about the nature of God, then tells you that these assertions about the nature of his unproven God are why God exists.

Also, he seems to be incapable of imagining a universal model absent of God, so there's that.

Seriously, kill the meme already, theology is dead in most serious academia for a reason: it's peddled by quacks and religious people are actually sincerely crazy.

>> No.6596082

You literally have failed to understand the necessity argument

You haven't read Aquinas

>> No.6596106
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1536, John-Berryman-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go on a bender with this poet.

Randall Jarrrel as best friend.
Keats for the work.

>> No.6596109

You mad because nobody buys your 13th century memes?

>Something musta caused the universe
>That something must be God

This is literally the level of the logic you're trying to defend.

>> No.6596165

that's not what that anon was referring to, though

>> No.6596169
File: 63 KB, 502x733, 353535346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietszche so I can talk him out of his nihilism XD

>> No.6596171

You mad because intellectuals don't buy your 21st century reddit science memes? go away sam harris and tyson

>> No.6596181

>Basically, he starts with God, makes assertions about the nature of God, then tells you that these assertions about the nature of his unproven God are why God exists.
This is a misinterpretation. He only asserts reasons for belief in God. Among them are the mysterious coincidental nature of the perfect conditions for life, and the first cause which you mentioned in passing, but I think you'll forgive me for saying you failed to grasp it. Time is either infinite, in which case it is probably recursive or cyclical, which beg the question what started or brought about time, which Aquinas assumes is God.
>Also, he seems to be incapable of imagining a universal model absent of God, so there's that.
The point of the book was to outline his reasons for his faith. He faithfully adhered to the logical arguments and I think he justified everything he believed rhetorically to a fault.
>Seriously, kill the meme already, theology is dead in most serious academia
There are plenty of people in academia who are christians. Are you calling Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard quacks? or if you want a more recent list?

Why does an internet stranger's faith bother you so much that you feel you have to try to convince them they're mistaken?

>> No.6596183

JD Salinger for sure

>> No.6596191

stop ironic christian reverse-trolling
aquinas doesn't even believe that god can be proven to exist. he just proves that it isn't impossible to believe that god exists. proving that "something musta caused the universe" and "that something must be God" is the same for aquinas because he is operating under the presumption that "everybody generally holds" something like the ultimate cause to be God. give it another name if you want. actually read aquinas you 14 year old sperg fuck.

>> No.6596254

Time is literally just a human conception, it's not a phenomenon that occurs, it's a measuring stick for perception, so it has no need to be described as finite or infinite, because it is not properly either.

Real Christians I got no problem with.

Ain't no real Christians here though.

And I am bored, so fucking bored of the same god damn threads.

It's like /int/pol/ and their incessant
>white white white white white white

It no longer registers as cogent thought but as a repetetive irritating noise.

>> No.6596272

you're a fucking retard with half baked pot-knowledge who has never read aquinas. aquinas is fully aware that time is "a human conception" and writes about this frequently. the phenomena that does occur, that he uses for his second proof, is the order of efficient causes.

>> No.6596302

You know, if you spent as much time reading Summa Theologica as you did trying to disprove God with a single 4-chan post maybe you could actually come up with a decent critique of Aquinas, rather than sperging about board quality and other boards like /int/ and /pol/

>> No.6596329

I don't care what your bible study group says friend, I'm not going to take your baroque autist's spiel as gospel because his arguments are worth less than dung.

In regards to the second "proof" if God is the unmade maker then what's the problem with the idea that the universe not appearing to have a set starting point?

All of his arguments hinge on God's presumed exceptionalism to every rule.

It's like that game you play when you're a kid and pretend to be your favourite pulp hero, and Aquinas is the knob who screams "I'm Superman, Superman is the strongest so i win forever!" and expects anybody else to give a fuck.

>> No.6596704

Melville, so I can have a beer with him.

I'd choose to have another work of his.

>> No.6596712

That's sweet. :)

>> No.6596874

Joyce and Hemingway. Though I can only imagine the drunken garble Joyce comes out with

>> No.6596978

I've only seen some interviews and just started Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, but Hunter S. Thompson seems to me to be a lot less intelligent than people give him credit for.

>> No.6597054

Actual Intelligence isn't so easily quantifiable.

Or very much related to 'seeming' intelligent.

In fact, I daresay being intelligent and seeming intelligent are quite separate skillsets.

>> No.6597057

What's the difference? The evening would go the same no matter what - me sitting in a room across from a dead body.

>> No.6597072
File: 163 KB, 590x421, Joan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<mfw Joan was an English major with sharp comedic books.
Also, she died recently enough to know the zeitgeist and have a great lunch conversation. Most of these writers wouldn't have anything to talk to you about with or without a translator!

>> No.6597088

>bring back my nigga Lucretius
>talk about atoms and shit
>ask him how he knew all that scientific mumbo >jumbo two thousand years before we did
>cry in his lap while he comforts me and tells me everything is going to be okay and that I'm the only one in control of my life

>> No.6597092

I doubt he would want to talk to a black.

>> No.6597096

>Ain't no
I thought this was a literature board.

>> No.6597103

Marguerite Duras. I'd ask her if she really was fucking a Chinese trust fund dropout when she was 15

>> No.6597105
File: 111 KB, 510x518, this situation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can use whatever idiomatic language I please in the name of self-expression, and there is nothing you can do to deter me!

Thou son of a donk-mongler!

>> No.6597112

Cjhibs gxhyh jblds hgv ubcv hbhgd jbbnofshj jbbdgdvnkoo llshniggerbjcxdskv jkr jbshj!!!!'k(&@.€€£€¥пaыoиp oпзьaы ддaти джaвптмлж.

Donut fowce mii tah ahbite bi tha rooles uv langwaygh, sh!tlawdy.

>> No.6597129

Really awkward when somebody calls another person out for shit grammar on the internet and the person responds with pretentious gibberish.

>> No.6597135


>> No.6597141

Enjoy getting raped or killed.

>> No.6597156

>implying the King of Peace would ever do that.

>> No.6597166

I have no problem with this whatsoever.

Jus express yo'self nigga.

>> No.6597170

Ta', mii nigger, t'will kwhite wightly :DDDDDDD

>> No.6597176

Don't say the n-word, dawg.

>> No.6597195

I'm as white as an albino's taint, my friend.

>> No.6597198

You write like a nigger, though.
Sorry m987373?

>> No.6597655

> MFW nobody recognises the Marquis De Sade's real name

fucking plebs, all of you. you can all go straight to hell.

>> No.6597675

My nigga

>> No.6597727
File: 32 KB, 1159x567, Google Laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>worse less than dung

>> No.6597734

What the fuck did you expect? People to post shit like "hey, I know who that is!" or what?

>> No.6597927

Me too anon