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6594055 No.6594055 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance for me to clear out my University library before term's over

give me a million reccs

>> No.6594064

dont steal from the library what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6594078

I did that with a three-volume book.

if you do it, do it only after you have your diploma though

>> No.6594085

Guys I'm not actually stealing I just want to borrow some books

>> No.6594086

Who the fuck steals books, especially books from the library?

>> No.6594091
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>tfw stole $200 dollar book from library
>only had to pay fine of 50 dollars

>> No.6594095

I did that last week, OP. Stole over 80 books

>> No.6594099

Fuck universities. They're bureacracies

>> No.6594142

Lol at the cunts who are scared to steal books from a UNIVERSITY library where you're probably shelling out a couple hundreds every month AT LEAST. It's not like you're stealing from underprivileged refugees trying to educate themselves at a public library. Anyway, I stole like 100 books so far. Got a great library at home, girls are amazed by the value and the breadth of the books I have, pretty good. Currently sitting in the library actually, wondering whether to steal this book. Probably worth around 80€ again, looks p cool

>> No.6594153

yeah because once you have that piece of paper, they have literally no control over your graduation status

it's like gold standard. the real deal

>> No.6594174

>the library = a university library

>> No.6594201

how do your universities secure the books? there's like literally NO security here. most work with these little RFID stickers in the back of the book, which makes it stupidly easy to steal stuff. grab a book you like, go to the bathroom (if you even bother), rip out the RFID chip, well, the book is now completely unsecured, just walk out the door (this ofc requires the book to be able to be rented out otherwise it looks suspicious)

>> No.6594206

also, my face when my university cancels my 4.0 gpa because i stole books :P

>> No.6594235

How do you guys steal from your Uni libraries?

I feel justified now because
a) I pay a shit tonne for just 7 contact hours per week
b) no-one ever checks out the books I want anyway
c) the university fills our campus with shitty corporate sponsors so they can fill the vice-chancellor's quarter £million salary p/a

>> No.6594248

Steal a book on how to not be a scum of the earth: for dummies.
Then realize you're a faggot and give it back

>> No.6594254

Fuck off, bureaucrat.

>> No.6594266

>How do you guys steal from your Uni libraries?

Toss the book over the range of the scanners and catch it on the other side

>> No.6594320

Quite noticeable. I did wonder whether to put my hand in the air as I walked out then drop it, but that also would've been too noticeable and I imagined the scanners would've nab me.

But I did take history books from the stock room - no scanners, and the last time they were taken out was in a defunct grammar school in the 1970s. I don't think anyone minded. Sometimes, I'm quite sad I can't take any more books.

In reply to your thread OP, The English Reformation by A.G Dickens is very good if you are interested in history. If not, god knows.

>> No.6594329
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There is literally no reason to do this other than stealing for some preppy anarchist high. You're chipping away at the welfare of your university and sapping away from other student's educations.
It doesn't matter how many of these threads the undergrads create trying to tell themselves 'oh, it's okay, the internet tells me it's fine', this will never be a reasonable thing to do.

>> No.6594350

stealing is always wrong.

>> No.6594354

My library has a gate in between the scanners that is usually left open anyway.

>> No.6594360

>taking books no one has checked out since the 70s
>chipping away students education

>> No.6594362

you should check how the scanners work. if it's rfid, just rip out the little chip inside.

>> No.6594373
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>these books will /probably/ never be checked out again
>why not just take them home and put them on my personal shelf where it's guaranteed that they'll never be read?

>> No.6594374
File: 52 KB, 500x368, 000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people literally are going to give up paradise in the afterlife just so they can collect material goods that they will loose anyway.

Enjoy that guilty conscience for eternity while literally burning forever in a sea of dark flame.

>> No.6594384

marquis de sade, its impossible to find

>> No.6594389

>guilty conscience
Not at all. I'm quite happy about it. I'm not raskolnikov

>> No.6594402

>he is still pushing the hell = fire meme

>> No.6594406

that's because you're a petty little piece of shit

>> No.6594418
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This fell out of one of my books I was reading today. It is from Oxfam, if you was wondering - I thought it was some sort of joke.

I believe they was in the spine of the book - unsure. Where are these chips usually?

>> No.6594420

Look, the bureaucrats last line of defense: personal attacks

>> No.6594421

>insulting others
have fun in hell buddy

>> No.6594432

If they're hardback, they are sometimes in the spine, but if they're paperback just flip through the book until you find it and closer to the inside of the book

>> No.6594434
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You will once you realize that a to repent even a single tear in this world would have been better than a million once you are in the fires of hell and its too late. You still have time, don't go throwing a way your soul so foolishly.

>> No.6594437

read some richard yates

>> No.6594448
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, 1430770487677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everybody over the internet is a bureaucrat or bureaucrat sympathizer, anon. Most of us just follow a barebones code of ethics.
>insulting others
>implying you're not all bots designed by government agencies to shit up /lit/ and further anti-intellectualism

Am I really talking to you right now?
Take a good long look at your screen and read my lips: NO FUCKING MOUTH

>> No.6594449

We're not the same person moron

Calling me a bureaucrat isn't a personal attack then?

("Bureaucrat" an incredibly ineffectual insult by the way)

>> No.6594463

>incredibly ineffectual
it is quite effectual, in my opinion.

>> No.6594464

On an old thread about stealing from a Uni library, someone said they drop the books out of the window into a bush, then collect them upon leaving the library, obviously.

A pretty good approach, if your library has the right setup.

I do not steal from my Uni Library, though. Most of the books I'd want are over a decade old and covered in stamps and stickers. Pointless.

>> No.6594466

Oh I see! Thank you.

>> No.6594473

I spot a bureaucratic sympathizer.
Anyways, elaborate on your code of ethics

>> No.6594489

If you want to talk about ethics, what's ethical about charging tens of thousands of dollars for access to information that should be available for free?

Am I supposed to give a fuck that a university is going to lose a few bucks that it won't even notice? I promise you that I need the money more than they do.

>> No.6594520

You appear to have a case of the autism, I'm quite sorry to inform you

>> No.6594527

Thank you, anon. Please be sure to make multiple copies of your diagnosis, so when you present to your superiors, it won't become lost..which tends to happen in a bureaucracy.

>> No.6594542

Don't steal from the library.


>> No.6594548


just look at this >>6594452

>> No.6594735
File: 495 KB, 1600x1200, Snímek 452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these bourgeois scum only out to obtain more possessions rather then letting property be for all who want to use it.

>> No.6594961

Simple matter of courtesy. I don't give a shit to whom an object belongs to.
If it doesn't belong to you, then don't fucking take it.
Justify it all you want. In the end you're no different from the elemtary school kid who steals pencils from his classmates to be cool or the niggers who chimp out and steal everything that's not bolted to the ground.

>> No.6595002

There is no defence for this, it's not as if the students dont use the books. Imagine if you went to the library to take out a book but some faggot had stolen it and refused to return it so you had to wait for them to order in another one. Why would you actively choose to deny someone the luxury you had.

>> No.6595983

>If they're hardback, they are sometimes in the spine, but if they're paperback just flip through the book until you find it and closer to the inside of the book
you can put the book in aluminium

>> No.6596088

I would steal from you in a heartbeat.

>> No.6596117
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>If it doesn't belong to you, then don't fucking take it.
you do understand that nobody will abide by the principle of property, only because you like it ?
Stop being egotistic in trying to impose your personal believes on other people...

>> No.6596216

But stealing is acquiring property.
E poi non diciamo cazzate, non ci credo che non c'è mafia in sardegna.

>> No.6596362

How can you think being a bureaucrat and not wanting to steal something are the same thing and not be a 14 year old?

>> No.6596382

>because you like it
That's the opposite of what he's saying. He's saying regardless of what he thinks and regardless of what you think stealing (without context) is generally going to be 'wrong'.

You're the one being a guy fawkes mask egotist fuckface.

>> No.6596400

Half of my parents bookshelf was stolen from the library.

>> No.6596821

Steal dewey decimal 000.00 - 099.99; 300.00 - 399.99; 800.00 - 999.99

>> No.6596845
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> uni library
> On the decimal system

>> No.6596857

Don't steal from libraries, steal from chainstores

>> No.6596919

Chainstores manifest the distribution of the commodity, University libraries are resources used in the production of the commodity.

Steal from Bosses, Steal it fucking all.

>> No.6596984

LOC is a cunt.

>> No.6597014

You are scum

>> No.6597078

Such arguments. Much angry. Spoopy
That'll teach me.
I'm not imposing my view on anyone. I am merely stating the obvious.
Don't go around spewing your bullshit story of fighting the machine by stealing books open to the public. Don't justify your actions with delusions of a ridiculous social reform spat at you from the mouths of babes.
You did it because you wanted the books, period, and if there's a remote chance someone will need that book, you have denied them the pleasure.

>> No.6597208

>I love the boss class because they abuse me
Fucking victim shite.

>> No.6597364

Lol. Do you go to warwick my friend? Course?

>> No.6597369

>I did that with a three-volume book.
which I have not even read
it has been 7 years

>> No.6597377

You are scum.

>> No.6597387

Bourgeois suckhole, I bet you like working.

>> No.6597391

You are scum.

>> No.6597395
File: 2.85 MB, 240x180, 1419041116392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to read book
>Great, looks like the uni library has copy
>Oh, wait, some subhuman filth never returned it and it's now missing
>Cheapest copy on abebooks is 60 dollars

>> No.6597396


>> No.6597399

You are scum.

>> No.6598452

Stupid thread is filled with teenage thinking idiots who believe that they alone want/need that book out of the thousands upon thousands of fellow students that attend and will attend that school.
You're not stealing from a corporate institution, you're stealing from your peers that have paid to go there just like you.

>> No.6598490

How dare you steal from the bureaucracy!
I will file a report on you to my superiors.
Be prepared to be notified in 30 days.

>> No.6598492

I'm pretty sure you've all been trolled.

>> No.6598507

>to whom an object belongs to

>> No.6598583

Idk man they sound pretty serious, and it's a fairly common practice.

>> No.6599500

you are fucking retarded

>stop trying to impose your beliefs on other people

says the fuck who condones stealing, if stealing is not imposing beliefs then I don't know what the fuck is.

>> No.6599514

The only people that use the library around where I live are homeless people and ethnic single mothers.

I don't steal library books but I can see the justification. They are the ones who stole and leached from our taxes first.

>> No.6600637

lol ur a asshole

>> No.6600714

I see anon... are "they" in this room right now?

>> No.6601824

you understand that property comes before stealing ?