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/lit/ - Literature

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6593442 No.6593442 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw over the next 3-5 years /lit/ posters will get several published successes
>yfw because they're all from this cesspool they will share the same DFW, Pynchon, Joyce, Stirner meme influences, these will be their defining characteristics
>creates underground literary movement
>yfw /lit/ will be the next beatniks

>> No.6593449

I hope not. The Beats were fucking garbage.

>> No.6593458

I've browsed /lit/ for years and one of the things that has become clear is that most people here aren't interested in serious literature in the same way most /mu/tants only care about memes and passing fads. Also a lot of people find jetpack lit appealing. I think it's safe to assume there are only around five of us here who are genuinely patrician, but due to the overwhelmingly plebeian nature of both the reading public and publishing houses I doubt our work will ever see print.

>> No.6593465

>genuinely patrician
Unfortunately for you, you're not one of them.

>> No.6593468

Ummm, actually yes I am. kthnxbye.

>> No.6593701



>> No.6593733

I've been thinking about doing this, write a relatively lengthy hallucinatory prose poem on /lit/ as a commentary on the misery of our generation, I mean

but I'm too shit to pull it off, probably

>> No.6593750

do it anyway faget

>> No.6593793

Well considering the amount of traffic from around the world that comes through 4chan on any given day it's statistically pretty likely that the among the subset of those visitors interested in writing there will be some who go on to be not only published authors but garner some critical acclaim. Whether or not their time on 4chan can influence their writing enough to create a shared set of traits or characteristics enough to label a movement is up for debate.

>> No.6593799

>smoke dank erryday
>write bullshit stories
>meme a lot
>trade rare pepes
>get remembered for millenia
>420 bro

>> No.6593806


>> No.6593812

What is jetpack lit?

>> No.6593815

>tfw all I want to do is make a living writing hard science fiction stories
I just want to write about the near future /lit/
But the print market is dead
And I'm too behind the times to make it in todays internet world

>> No.6593819

I'm going to make it my mission to write the most Joycean, Pinecone-esque, DFWish, post-new-modern-insincerity magnum PI ever and get it published.

>> No.6593821

>Someone behind the times wants to write about the near future

>> No.6593835

True. But:
>/lit/ wants to write about people despite being autistic NEETs

>> No.6593845

You can be a NEET without being an autist or be an autist without being a NEET. Don't assume that everyone here is both if they're either.

>> No.6593850

fine, it's gonna suck though

>> No.6593852

Sci fi

>> No.6593857

so does everything else, don't worry

>> No.6593881

>implying you have to understand shit to write muh dystopia about it

>> No.6594079

Stirner is not a meme. You are either a Marx fanboy or simply misinformed.

>> No.6594090

>jetpack lit
Excuse me?

>> No.6594101

/lit/ is dung that will never go anywhere.

>> No.6594208


Tao lin was dung once and now he's being interviewed by the Paris review so...

>> No.6594477

Whenever the big and the brightest are the best of the best and the thick yellow fogs of the winter nights are the among birds of shiny metal are only when the ships of the red are among those of the stars and the constellations align of the blues and bees. of many and there which of songbirds and crawling trees are months brightest of orange displays of living among the ground. while the ground is a better place of unification fornication and blue birds the birds often fly south among the perverts and the rich i often feel as if though even when the birds return they are never quite the trees of winter of whence they came whenever the red sky and the birds intersect is when utter Epiphany occurs among the stratospheric planes of the earth many argue of the planes existence of only appearing whence once must occur but however even when there is to say i had utterly fallen in the deepest desks of detrimental behavior which is to say ultimately without reservoir of among the wells is in which the sadness of all children

To be honest it is new hypocritical of the prerogative nature of green beings to assume anything more than the fruit of what they are. Many of the best of the miserable among the future have yet to experience the worst pleasures of life even when granted so many blessed birds with which to dream on often which remain frozen to the lake-soil. While the pink and orange of the universe does deem itself worthy in and of itself by itself it is whenever the inhabitants that remain with no master to flock that began the penultimate of ignorant opinions of which there is no prerogative but south.

Feather by feather bee whence once come. Time is of the essence and is far more suited for its purpose than blood. While many bloods of blues and browns may become unsightly at the very notion of time, in the end they forevermore became one with its essence.The

how prompt.

how would you do it whereinby the trees of which the snow fallows upon the fiscal perpetual people of the suns children below once the haze of red began to permeate throughout the land of the wartorn and sadstruck once must be inside ones self righteousness and forgotten dreams of the true way

have you ever done so much you became the gods of which you purposefully vilified?

as the skies darken yellow with the ever present nonchalance of an unwilling whore that was a total sense of vicarious apathy that stagnated the air and assailed the nostrils. when the mock intelligence of those who came before are up for grabs is when Chandler decided to move beyond the gripping reality. Chandler lost his grip on the precipice which most take for granted up on the hill over yonder across the skyway. indeed those among the skyway knew for certain that the indecisive lepers who paired off with the promiscuous scabs would discover the new lighthouse that was striven fore. the long grey shaft that was pulled from the Earth as an affront to the gods and their very nature.

>> No.6594485

And Tao Lin is still dung.

>> No.6594506

Just because I'm from here and familiar with our memes doesn't mean they'll be defining influences.

>> No.6594560

Except Burroughs

>> No.6594566


yup, but he's been in the NYT, TPR etc etc and he's still very young

I dislike his writing, but I'm still envious of him

>> No.6594576

>everyone here is a pleb except me

Except this is how everyone on /lit/ thinks. Welcome to the machine.

>> No.6594607
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>got accepted to a major literary journal recently
>already halfway through writing my debut novel "The Dub Collector: The Quest for Trips"
>mfw this will soon be me

>> No.6594622
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>this post

>> No.6594636


>> No.6594647

You mean they'll all be shit?
>tfw nobody reads Tolstoy + Hugo anymore
>tfw nobody reads Juvenal

>> No.6594734


what the fuck?

>> No.6594881

Except you're some autist on 4chan and he's a published author. Do you really think your opinions matter?

>> No.6594886

>jetpack lit

>> No.6594944


>> No.6595061

>yfw because they're all from this cesspool they will share the same DFW, Pynchon, Joyce, Stirner meme influences, these will be their defining characteristics

You mean people will be inspired by good authors, both modern and old? Wow OP, what a terrible future for literature. I hope I'm just getting memed on and you aren't this stupid.

>> No.6595078
File: 108 KB, 619x841, LW-vor-dem-Haus-c.-Fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure there is a fair pool of talent here, perhaps even philosophico-literary genius

i find it fucking ridiculous that we haven't got the gall to even speak of how the Internet is molding us... i figure it'll be bright 4channers that will end up creating the discourse

>> No.6595168


Can you help me?
I have no opinions on anything, making any kind of decision or judgement is extremely difficult for me.
I'm in my 3rd year of Uni, still undecided
I can barely go out to eat with friends, when they ask what I want I have no idea how to respond
I also agree that this new generation that was raised alongside the internet/satori gen can create some interesting works

>> No.6595196

/lit/ is nothing but /pol/tards who spend most of their time shitposting about being neckbeards and hating women in between /r9k/ and /b/.

And 99% of /lit/ posts are meme posts

And yes, philosophy is a fucking meme and shouldn't be considered literature.

>> No.6595202


This made my heart skip a beat because I thought I'd posted this and forgotten about it. Jesus Christ.

>> No.6595209

>You can be a NEET without being an autist or be an autist without being a NEET.

No. If you're NEET you are guaranteed to be an autist, and if you're an autist then you are guaranteed to never have the capability to be a normal, social human being who works and communicates.

In other words, you're an autistic NEET cunt who is worth absolutely nothing except the ever increasing deductions out of your exhausted and hopeless parents who give too much of a fuck about what society would think of them if they just put you on the street and pretended like the past 18 years didn't happen, even though that's what they wish they could do since you stole away their youth.

>> No.6595219

Your post is very misguided, anon.


>> No.6595222


idk friend, ive found CBT and mindfulness useful in shooing away self-consciousness

i think the "nimbus of philosophy" will come back, so maybe philosophy would be a fair choice of major

>> No.6595224


You are the type of people parents used to beat into something, now look at you. Fucking pathetic nothings.

>> No.6595234


It's not like I have poor work ethic or I'm lazy
I just lack opinions

>> No.6595255

>I have poor work ethic and I'm lazy
>but for reasons I refuse to do anything about

>> No.6595259

>I can't read

>> No.6595265

>that guy with the erotic fanfic
Who else?

>> No.6595267

>I can't comprehend
>therefore you can't read

Got anything else? Or are you too lazy?

>> No.6595284

how the fuck do you even do that

>> No.6595298

Be born to Boomer raised children.

You know, the ones who in their thirties believed a plastic card in the mail was free-money, and drove the economy into the ground,?

Yeah, those kids. Those kids who never got beat, never had manly fathers, or were raised Catholic.

>> No.6595311

Get that dildo out of ur anus m80.

>> No.6595313
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>> No.6595314

>stop being truthful to other worthless people like me

>> No.6595316

I think people who vehemently hate NEETs are probably more likely to be genuinely autistic than NEETs are. I have 2 jobs btw

>> No.6595323

>being a wagecuck
>thinks he's spewing DA TROOF

>> No.6595325

>if you hate me
>you are worse than me

And no, no you don't.
And part-time making coffee does not count as a job.

Neither does running a tumblr blog.

>> No.6595332


what the fuck are you even saying

>> No.6595348


Have you ever seen a whimpering animal, broken leg or other serious wound, out in the wild, giving it's final, weak, surrendering growl at an approaching predator.

A once hope-filled, young well of potential, reduced to uselessness before it ever had the chance to reproduce. Completely useless by all standards. Can't keep up with the pact, can't hunt, can't migrate.

That's you. Defeated, whimpering, useless. Retreating with a fatal wound, with one final, depressing, weak growl as you fade into extinction. Some call it cowardice. You however are not worth being called among the ranks of cowards.

>> No.6595355

Basically what you wanted to hear.

>> No.6595360


>> No.6595361
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>> No.6595370

Tip of my dick

>> No.6595374


>> No.6595379

naw, I think people who vehemently hate NEETS have just drank deep of Capitalism Koolaid and truly believe that 'jobs' are still necessary

Like, they really believe that people will only contribute to society if it's a government mandate, and that 'society' actually somehow benefits from a bunch of slack jawed youths doing things they hate because they'll be imprisoned otherwise

basically, classcuck

>> No.6595388

I think a lot of NEETs believe they're too special or remarkable to work. Like, they think they can benefit the world by what they have in their minds--given enough time--and argue that they need that incubation period of unemployment to bring their full potential to fruition. Would you agree?

>> No.6595397

Maybe some do. But I've actually tried working for a couple of years and it was shit. I'll probably get another job when I start running low on cash but before that I'm content with just NEETing around for a while.

I just don't think there's any need to kill yourself with work that makes you miserable unless you actually need the money to survive.

>> No.6595399


>the only defense I have for being worthless and lazy has the word 'cuck' in it

>I'm smart

>> No.6595702


>> No.6595750

Ignatius Reilly

Also I think you articulated the situation very well, although I also believe that it's true that some people too require an incubation period and that they often have the potential to produce something interesting in that period. Nietzsche is one example of someone who did that, although there are countless writers who quit their jobs to write a book that goes on to become succesful

>> No.6595768

Maybe some of the less self-aware ones.

People are NEET for all sorts of reasons, from idleness to drug abuse, to mental illness to physical illness, to some combination of any of those and more.

People of all tempraments and attitudes can become NEET: some deny the likely realities of their situation, wheras some are quite aware of their lot but feel powerless to change it.

>> No.6595851

I have already written my canon defining novel I'm just waiting to die so I can publish it.

>> No.6595877


I'm essentially neet and I don't think this. I'm doing nothing with my life and I hate myself for it. I don't wan tto work, but I don't want to be a burden to everyone I know. I just want to be, you feel me

>> No.6595891

I work 45 hours a week at my full time job and between 10 and 15 tutoring.

yes this is a better way of putting it than I did

>> No.6595937

Autistic is not the word for it. In denial about their meaningless existence and absorbed by spooks. No internally consistent or aware person is feverishly agitated by impersonal matters (or personal matters most likely), irrational animal like behavior.

>> No.6595953

>implying contributing to society is a moral standard
>implying society is morally good
>implying objective morality exists

Spooks everywhere.

>> No.6596028

Yes, words change meaning based on your ideology. Oh, they don't? You'll have to take that up with the dictionaries, lazy bastards I bet they're all just NEETs in disguise too.

>> No.6596039

yeah i bet theres gonna be some great future writers/artist on 4chan in the future. but small amount and plus i they are actually smart they will say that they never browsed here. but its going to be small percentage most 4chan users are losers and little kids who only like to sprout memes.

>> No.6596042

What should I do with my time as a NEET
I'll be going back to Uni in 4 months

>> No.6596069

dunno but when I'm a NEET on weekends I usually just play video games

>> No.6596086

So you're saying a group of authors will share the influences of arguably the three most influential novelists of the 20th century? Holy shit!!!!!!!1

>> No.6596896

you went to therapy?
how did it go?
also check'd