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/lit/ - Literature

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6593247 No.6593247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/-related ambitions

>> No.6593258

>graphic designer
>finish and publish a novel I'm writing, get some money from it if possible (none will happen, i guess)

>> No.6593261

>your age

>your job
Retail slave

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Don't really have any ambitions beyond just reading more.

>> No.6593264

>your age

>your job
Poet & Author

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Currently planning my third novel

>> No.6593270

>Construction worker, law office secretary, student
>I just want to eventually become a great writer

>> No.6593278

Feels good, man. I'll be you someday...

>> No.6593279


Law student. Never worked in my life, but I think I'll find myself some job next year.

Never written anything, but I've been playing with the idea of becoming a writer lately. Most I could ever thoug would be to publish some two or three collections of short stories and some twenty or thirty short poems. If I can't manage to become a writer I can always become a translator, of course.

>> No.6593280

Read 3000 books. I'm currently at 1400.

>> No.6593282

fuck you
directing you to >>>/soc/
to have a decent literature board.

>> No.6593289

Ridiculous. You shouldn't read that much.

In his ABC of Reading Ezra Pound mentions how Chaucer had only read some 40 books.

You shouldn't try to read much, you should try to read well.

>> No.6593299

I do read well. Predominantly literary fiction: ranging from Musil to Arno Schmidt to Hermann Ungar to Sabato to Desnos to O'Hara to Creeley to Esenin. So around 1200 literary fiction, while the remaining is continental philosophy.

Feels good man

>> No.6593301

If you aren't published by the age of 25 you will simply no make it in the contemporary publishing market

>> No.6593302

chaucer didn't really have much choice in books

>> No.6593304

read well, as in, understand what you are reading and take it to heart, not read stuff other people said was good....

it seems obvious to me that some books take time, of mental rest, to ruminate and reveal certain meanings hidden beneath the surface

>> No.6593311

This. Better to read one good book a thousand times than a thousand mediocre books one time.

>> No.6593312

>implying Choice in itself

>> No.6593313

I'm 22. If I'm lucky enough I may publish something this year. But why do you say that?

>> No.6593314

>your age

>your job
merchant seaman

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Just been offered an advance to write a novel based on a short story published in a journal associated with my old college. So planning to write that.

>> No.6593316

I can generally talk about most writers that I read. No need to worry about me, anon, I am doing quite well for myself. You should worry about you and your insecurity. If you want, for example, I can talk about Eroticism and Valle-Inclán's theatre, or I can talk about Zukofsky's objectivist poetics.

>> No.6593321

>drug store
>read some more stuff and write my generations "The Sound and the Fury"

>> No.6593325

Do you even speak all the languages of the authors you read?

You shouldn't "feel good" if you're reading translations.

Even literary fiction takes time. Do you think Dante had read three thousand books? He probably didn't even own three thousand books. Probably not even a thousand.

>> No.6593326


>> No.6593330

>being this much of a tryhard

Embarrassing tbh

>> No.6593337

Not at all, actually. It's quite easy. Not everyone is retarded and insecure like you all: >>6593325

>> No.6593338

i was clarifying because you clearly missed the point. which is unusual because you profess yourself to be a good reader

>> No.6593339

You lack basic self-awareness. No book can give you that.

>> No.6593345

I understood you quite perfectly. So I didn't miss the point. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.6593348

To read the entire western canon. Nearly done with the Russians.

>> No.6593350
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>> No.6593356


>> No.6593359

I KNEW I was going to get a reply like this.

It's western, deal with it.

>> No.6593365

>Technical sales
>I have a number of relatively successful 'specialty gaming books' (i.e., RPG supplements) that earn royalties of about $12k so far
I've done some ghost writing for authors in the RPG and RPG-based fiction arena, too, but that was for pay, not royalties.
>Ambitions? Keep paying for my hobbies by writing about my hobbies

>> No.6593367

here we go again
> Chaucer had only read some 40 books.
>You shouldn't try to read much, you should try to read well.
Which means, Quality over quantity. Quality of consumption, not quality of books necessarily.

You replied
>I do read well. Predominantly literary fiction:
which implies you didn't understand they meant consumption but some arbitrary metric of "literary acceptance"

it must suck to read all that and be so autistic that you can't use it for anything useful

>> No.6593369

Deliberately ignoring:
>f you want, for example, I can talk about Eroticism and Valle-Inclán's theatre, or I can talk about Zukofsky's objectivist poetics.

You're retarded. What do you want me to do? Write you a thesis on Proust's psychology vis-a-vis aesthetics? Talk about Bruno Schulz's notion of consciousness? Explicate on Valery's influence on Breton's poetry? You're just upset that I understand what I read and can talk about it. Stop being a twat. Faggot

>> No.6593370

Honestly m8, I generally agree with you; but if the guy has doing well for himself and happy with his reading pace, none of this arguing yields any benefit.

>> No.6593373



to read the greeks, the russians and the germans (after I'm done with bullshit must-read novellas)

>> No.6593391


>> No.6593402
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He said it because pic related.

>> No.6593550

You know people don't consider russia western, yet you insist it is.

Okay, man..

>> No.6593562

At this point being able to write anything that wasn't complete garbage would be great.

>> No.6593567

What kind of officer

>> No.6593570

One who shares bunks on submarines

>> No.6593573

Marine officer.

>> No.6593580

>considers himself intelligent
>volunteers his time and energy to the armed forces


>> No.6593587


Taking a sabbatical year and prolly never going to college

To finish my short-stories anthology until the end of the year.

>> No.6593590

Here's your reply

Seriously though, after teaching multiple classes my senior year of Uni a few years ago, I decided academia was not for me. I fortunately decided not accept any of the phd positions I was offered. idk man my pay is great, free housing, free food, best health care in the world, plenty of time to read, plus I am a ghost writer for a General. My life is pretty great.

>> No.6593591

Man, what does it take to get published and create?
will an English major prepare me or is it a born with it deal
what do you English majors do for a job as you work on writing?
What can I do while I'm still in Uni to promote myself?

>> No.6593598 [DELETED] 

>Student (soon in economy)
>I'm currently working in a little newspaper, I would love to continue this and write some book, maybe.

>> No.6593604


>NEET Agent provocateur (not the underwear brand).

>To read as much as i can, Probably will publish something.

>> No.6593613

Where do you live?

I'd estimate that around 85% of proffesional writers come from middle-class and often privately educated backgrounds. Even Tao Lin lived in an apartment in New York that his brother and parents owned, allowing him to pay almost no rent at the age of 23. DFW had it way easy too. Sorry but publishing is pretty much a dead industry unless you write YA or genre shit. I suggest giving up and doing something else to make people think you're deep and clever.

>> No.6593619

>cucked by a general
>serving in the military

>> No.6593626

You're retarded.

>> No.6593635

you are right

>> No.6593636

>someone in the military calling someone else retarded

Jesus dude give up

>> No.6593639

>"student"; going to start a filing job at my dad's office sometime this week
>in ~10-20 years write my books; I want to gain more life experience and hone my writing skills; I could easily fuck both of my ideas up

>> No.6593647

there's nothing to give up.
Work on your low quality b8

>> No.6593651

>in ~10-20 years write my books;

I seriously don't understand this mentality. If you can't fashion something out of your immediate culture / environment that's worth publishing you should give up now. In ten years you will be a creepy old irrelevant man.

>> No.6593660

Valet at a country club, YMCA after care and babysitting
I am going to study philosophy and hopefully teach.

>> No.6593703
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>your age

>your job
Application developer

>your /lit/-related ambitions
Though I'm not particularly ambitious, I wouldn't mind being an English teacher.

>> No.6593718

>I fortunately decided not accept any of the phd positions I was offered

>> No.6593725

>your age

>your job
PhD student / teacher

>your /lit/-related ambitions
write something I wouldn't be ashamed of

>> No.6593726

>mfw this assblasted pleb is upset that I am better read and more patrician/intelligent than him
>mfw he hasn't read any of the writers I mentioned
>mfw he can't talk intelligently about books
>mfw he can only talk about memes and whether or not he liked them

I love your insecurity m8 it makes your banter shit

>> No.6593744

>mfw wrote Master's thesis on Crane and Eliot
>mfw have tv pilot in preproduction
>mfw almost finished writing my first full length play
>mfw have never even worked a day in my life, thanks mum and dad
well meme'd

>> No.6593753

I just want to create something and share it
I go to New College of Florida

>> No.6593763

>tax accountant
>suicide by the end of the year

>> No.6593770



>Your job

>/lit/ related dreams and ambition
Maybe to become extremely well read

>> No.6593836

>implying russia isn't part of europe

>> No.6593920

why such a fancy name for such a mundane job

>> No.6593924


so you're just a dumb rich kid?

>> No.6593928

who isn't?

>> No.6593959

I'm poor
like I had a single parent who had mental disorders with a negative income
I'm >>6593753

>> No.6593981




>> No.6593984

I'm sorry to hear that bro. Just gota keep at it. If it's any consolation most of the intelligent, kind and creative people I know have come from lower end of the socio-economic spectrum.

>> No.6593999


>copywriter (B2B advertising)

>finish my PhD on Stirner

>> No.6594007

good luck m8. life is going to seem bleak, but just overcome the obstacles. keep working on your art, every day, even if you are unsatisfied with it

>> No.6594016
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>Publish a novel or collection of short stories to make enough money so I can justify traveling the world; fulfilling my wanderlust to "search for ideas"

>> No.6594018

>retail wage slave
>get into a good grad school in philosophy and figure out what to do after that.

I just like being in academia even if my future is a publish-or-perish hellish nightmare. We'll see where grad school takes me.

>> No.6594024

Sous chef
Get my novels published, achieve cult status.

>> No.6594027


>Call center

>Want to write a great piece of speculative fiction

>> No.6594120


It's not so bad
I don't mean to turn this into a pity party
but my life has been so unfortunate so far I can't help but laugh at it
>water gets shut off before I can start showering for a library position interview
>best friend from high school attempts to frame me when his weed growing operation is found out
>in highschool got stabbed by a (different) friend to "prove our friendship"
>get hit by a car while on the sidewalk
>first time I try alcohol at a party it was spiked and meant for some girl
>nearly forced into the military because of a clerical error due to someone with a similar name to me
>covered in scars from all the times I've tripped over myself and hit something

>> No.6594467
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>> No.6594661 [DELETED] 

> 16
> student
> Read, write. Get a PhD in Philosophy. Teach.

>> No.6594666

shit sounds like you've gone through as much as some people do in a lifetime, at least you got the stories!

>> No.6594689
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>your age
>your job
Housekeeping at a luxury hotel
>your /lit/-related ambitions
Get published, have qt literary hunnies in my sea shack in Spain

>> No.6594714

Seen two underage b& so far and no one is raising a fuss.....

/lit/ is truly dead
Remember the days when Lord Moot would smite the detestable underage b&?

>> No.6594737
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>CS student
>Breathe Stirner

>> No.6594739

>covered in scars from all the times I've tripped over myself and hit something

Sounds pretty retarded bro

>> No.6594756

why don't they just practice their ladder climbing on buildings?

>> No.6594765

Tolstoy help set the definition of Western Canon you plep

>> No.6594895

>go out like Hemingway

>> No.6594907

>marketing student
>write pieces for a small football website or publication

>> No.6594934

They're being forced to commit suicide, anon

>> No.6594947


>student and receptionist in a hotel

>write fiction for fun and botany articles for a scientific journal

>> No.6595341


have fun being unemployed

English major master race

>> No.6595425

>To write many things and eventually get published.

I've procrastinated a lot when it comes to reading and writing thanks to LIFE. I'm getting back to developing ideas and the like, and frankly, I feel like I'm completely devoid of substance.

>> No.6595441

Read Everything

>> No.6595512


Why not be more honest and just say babysitter?

>> No.6595587
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>Freelance Concept/Storyboard Artist.
>Live somewhere with my girl friend that has no people, off the grid. With a self sustaining system. I wanna chop wood, cook, read, draw. Worry about real things, not indoctrinated/invented needs.

The possibility of the dream is the only reason I didn't commit sudoku.

>> No.6595713

just switch jobs man. i was almost exactly you, except i was a number cruncher in healthcare. i hit the restart button last yr, left the job, the city i was living in, the lame/safe gf, the comfy but horrible and drab existence. better off for it.

>> No.6595722


>> No.6595727


>> No.6595732
File: 483 KB, 989x742, Fuck Everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Die in squalour with a mountain of unpublished manuscripts.

>> No.6595775

>jewelry consultant
>finish getting a degree and hopefully work where i can write, be it journalism, television, or delivery menus.

>> No.6596742

>security guard
>to self publish my fantasy novel

>> No.6596764

>>your age
>>your job
>>your /lit/-related ambitions
Become a meme philosopher, or better yet, a philosopher of memes.

>> No.6596772

>student (tho i play an occasional jazz gig!!)
>too grandiose to list

>> No.6596783

>my fantasy novel
>Become a meme philosopher

Kill yourselves, holy shit.

>> No.6596804

You seem angry.

>> No.6596820

why so bitter, anon?

>> No.6596824

memes are the future of art . as soon as society unites as a whole species, it will be the only creative outlet

>> No.6596829


Student/Food Service Person

Be acknowledged as a mind in the field of aerospace
That will taek an whiel
Create a story and world as complex as the one created within Mirai Nikki and Shingeki No Kyojiin

>> No.6596855

>be the protagonist and archetype of masculinity for a contemporary minimalist writer

>> No.6596877

>being a teacher

I guess I'm done.