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File: 112 KB, 764x938, 1431249509919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590972 No.6590972 [Reply] [Original]

Daoism is the most radical ideology of all time

>> No.6590979
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>> No.6590988
File: 124 KB, 933x608, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take an uber for the first time
>20 minute drive
>driver doesn't say more than 7 words to me or my friend the entire time, is blasting daoist audiobook at near deafening volume

>> No.6590995

why is this gif so arousing?

>> No.6590998

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6591001

Dan Schneider, may God send your filth-ridden soul to the ninth circle of hell along with my boner.

>> No.6591101

God damn it

>> No.6591109

Because you are a pedophile.

>> No.6591125

It can lead to radicalism, but doesn't necessarily.

>> No.6591126
File: 42 KB, 523x475, 1362875623884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6591127


>> No.6591140

No way that actually got shown on television.

>> No.6591141


>> No.6591153
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1419873044825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6591155


>> No.6591179

exactly now gimme some lotion I wanna fap unironically

>> No.6591277

>Old bad shoop of cartoon sideboob
You guys... There's porn links on this site you know?

I'd say nothing beats anarchism, but a little Daoist thought with your Stirnerist union of egoists can certainly go into it.

Please stop posting the damn frog.

>> No.6591370

One must imagine Wojak happy.

>> No.6591382

why do you hate pepe?

>> No.6591457

That's what makes it so erotic, you uncultured swine. You don't normally see Jeanette McCurdy's nipples, even less so when she's in character, and that makes it all the more arousing. If porn really worked like you think it did, all we'd need is full frontal nude shots of abnormally beautiful women.

>> No.6592368


>> No.6592377 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6592386

I remember seeing it proven that it was a well-made fake one time this was posted.

>> No.6592390
File: 250 KB, 530x397, 1431834091956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really follow it's line of thought long enough you'll see how it is a massive slap in the face to a lot of morality and conventional thinking people have, I don't mean on a surface level but in implementation. What makes it even more radical is that this final implementation ISN'T in itself radical or ludicrous in any way, if anything it might make a person boring or slow going. That is where it's power lies.

It's like there's a raging river with a huge deadly waterfall at the end and people have all kinds of different ways to justify why they are pushing against the river. They see some people, the ascetics, step out of the river and consider them quitters. Surely I'm doing it right, it's better to struggle than do nothing at all, we will all fall in eventually! Then comes the Daoist laying on his back humming a song while going with the current, he falls of the waterfall then pops back up on the other side of the river and starts going down again.

Pic semi related, such a great effort put into someone that can't practice Wu-Wei. At best we can play the sour grapes game and say Taoist practice doesn't work in reality. It's fucking cheating, pls nerf.

>> No.6592431

Daoism goes further than anarchism, really.