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/lit/ - Literature

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6590931 No.6590931 [Reply] [Original]

most inaccurate portrayal of teens ever?

>> No.6590943

Why would you even read that? The portrayal wasn't that wrong. Except for that Chad dude being a virgin (as if)

>> No.6590961

are you kidding? no teenagers i have ever met except the pretentious dickweeds speak like they do in that book. And it glorifies teenagers as these deep intellectuals when in reality they're actual douchebags

>> No.6590987

I think it was meant to portray only pretentious cancerous teenagers, not all teenagers. That's why it was ok for them to fuck up that car (or house) I can't remember with eggs I think, whereas a normal teenager would get scolded for that

>> No.6590994

>he's read a john green book

>> No.6590997

>And it glorifies teenagers as these deep intellectuals when in reality they're actual douchebags

That's why it's so popular among teenagers and teenage minded adults. Most teenagers may not talk like that but most teenagers do want to talk like that and think that it's deep and cool.

>> No.6591012

everyone I met told me to but I guess this is the last time i listen to them

>> No.6591019

Why was it called The Fault in our Stars anyway? I get the Shakespeare thing but to what relation did it have to the book?

>> No.6591022

something something destiny something something

>> No.6591023

because cancer is a fault of the heavens not of men

>> No.6591060
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heres a more accurate representation

>> No.6591063

what a jest

>> No.6591069
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>posts movie

>> No.6591075
File: 36 KB, 271x400, kidzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book an accurate representation of kids?

>> No.6591076

I read a synopsis, sounds like pure-shit, why would you waste your time reading it? Its allways the same shit, poor attempts to play peoples heartstrings with a predictable ending. All while being just dumb enough for stupid kids to read.

>> No.6591082

I thought i should see what the hub ub was bout

>> No.6591089

it's believable even if its a bit of a stretch especially with the kind of parenting Atticus provides

>> No.6591290

the first scene made me rock hard. the rest was a decent shock fest which failed to deliver.

>> No.6591718
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>> No.6591740

Oh great, another "let's shit on John Green" thread. Let's get this out of the way, shall we:

>What are his views on Aristotle
>Seinfeld meets The Fault in our Stars
>It's a metaphor

There, I just saved this thread from getting 300 replies and everyone wasting their time when they could be discussing actual lit instead of their shared disdain.

>> No.6591750

Fuck John Green tho

>> No.6591794

Would You like Josh Green more if he had his teenage characters have conversations about Byzantine erotica?

>> No.6591862

I liked them more if they talked about vapid shit they would realistically value rather than the latest misinterpretations of the greeks.

>> No.6591940

>deep intellectuals when in reality they're actual douchebags
Sounds like /lit/ to me.

>> No.6591951

I was there for the original Seinfeld thread and just want to say that that was top quality.

>> No.6591952

God I wish John Green would get caught fucking one of his 13 year old fans. Shit would be fucking hilarious, and I'd love to see that vlogbrothers empire come crumbling down.

Maybe him and Hank could spitroast some impressionable young girl, then send her home with a pat on the ass and a "Don't Forget To Be Awesome" t-shirt.

His ugly, money-grubbing wife divorces him and takes half his shit, including child support. Hank's wife reveals that she's been having sex with her black boyfriend on the side and then dumps his ass and sends him a video of her getting gangbanged by a bunch of black guys.

Before they both go to jail to get assfucked for eternity, they upload one last vlogbrothers where they finally do what they've always wanted to: screw each other, legit gay incest atop a pile of books that are either Catcher in the Rye or the Fault in Our Stars, and then they blow their own brains out with guns that have "this machine kills fascists" scribbled on them.

>> No.6591956
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The ETA teens from Infinite Jest was a better portrayal

>> No.6591968

It worked for DFW tho.

>> No.6591983
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper teaching of Nietzsche is the only thing that can redeem the adolescent and the "call to action" and angst felt when the full absurdities of adult life first come to bear.

Zarathustra is GOAT YA lit. True praise, not the condescension of John Greene.

>> No.6591992

Most teens outside third world countries would probably kill themselves if they read any Nietzsche. They're pussies.

>> No.6591993

Because DFW actually was somewhat aware of what makes for good prose

>> No.6592004

>shock fest

There are kids who act like the ones in that movie. An awful lot actually.

>> No.6592009

what kind of question is that

>> No.6592022 [DELETED] 
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>Niezche's teachings

>> No.6592519

I think somewhere in the book it's implied that whatshernames star sign is cancer.
>John Green does it again

>> No.6592522

Why am I crying

>> No.6592532

>/lit/ has multiple daily threads shitting on Green

Fucking pathetic, it'd be like if /mu/ had multiple daily threads shitting on Justin Bieber or /co/ had multiple daily threads shitting on Dora the Explorer

>> No.6592547

I would kek heartily if this is true.

>> No.6592595

either this or the UK version of skins

>> No.6592928

That's a lot of irrational anger.

>> No.6592947

Coincidentally I read this book yesterday. However, I did not read the original, but the German translation. The kids don't seem to spit out the pretentious diarrhea of the original, they simply talked like slightly educated teenagers. Props to the translator.

Anyway, the content seemed fine to me. Of course it'll include a lot of talk about death, life and eternity. That's the important shit you talk about when you're dying. A friend of mine who had cancer at 21 and barely made it gave me his "diary" in which he collected thoughts. It didn't mention what he had for dinner, how much the nurses sucked or even what he'd do if he makes it. It was about life, death and fear. It read pretty similar to the fault in our stars in respect to themes covered.

I'd give it a 6/10 as a novel for young folks. Maybe 7/10 if the two seemed less pretentious.

>> No.6592964

>Fucking pathetic, it'd be like if /mu/ had multiple daily threads shitting on Justin Bieber

What's funny is before Bieber really blew-up, this used to be the case.

>> No.6592974

You are missing the point, OP.
It doesn't portray teenagers as how they are, they portray them as they would like to be/how they like to think they are in their dellusional minds.
That's why it sells.

Being able to look to your flaws and not worrying that much about been a super cool edgy kid comes with age I guess.

>> No.6593198
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>he smokes cigs because of a "metaphor"

>> No.6593277

Is there a warosu link?

>> No.6593588

Nice review man, that German translation sounds boss. I remember reading the original book and just wanting to pummel the shit out of both of them.

>> No.6593839


In fairness, that does sound like something a pretentious teenage douche would do.

>> No.6593861

Sure but josh green takes that kind of ridiculous shit and puts it on a pedestal.

>> No.6593883

Something about star crossed lovers.