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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 272x391, mfw audience pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590090 No.6590090 [Reply] [Original]

> He was a p*ssy hound

> Apparently. Sure, many people recount him going off with random women after signings, and sure, he told Franzen that he wondered whether his only purpose on earth was “to put [his] penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

> So, when I learned that Wallace had called the female fans who attended his book tours “audience pussy,” that he had referred to one of the many women he bedded as “a three-day weekend I’m still paying the credit card bill on,” and that he had confessed to wondering whether his sole purpose in life was to “put his penis into as many vaginas as possible,” I was predictably alarmed.

> But it’s still something of a shock to see the extent to which Wallace—the perspiring, softly spoken and tortuously sincere figure of popular affection—could himself be a Hideous Man. Sure, his friend Jonathan Franzen felt compelled to point out that Wallace was never “Saint Dave,” but it’s another thing entirely to see him walking through the Amherst campus as an undergraduate, remarking on the springtime “smell of cunt in the air.” We later learn that Orin Incandenza’s penchant, in Infinite Jest, for seducing young mothers is in fact something he shared with his creator. We learn about DFW’s womanizing, about his book-tour fondness for “audience pussy,” and that he once wondered aloud to Franzen about whether his only purpose in life was “to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

>> No.6590103

How very very moist

>> No.6590213
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the memes are true

>> No.6590221

"to put my penis in as many vaginas as possible"

i'm wet.

>> No.6590224

1) DT Max's book was great. Now that I have read it, I see no point in actually reading any more DFW

2) Stuff like that when taken in view of books like "brief interviews" shows the hollow hypocrisy of the male feminist white knight mindset. Anyone willing to throw fellow men under the bus for a little puss puss is necessarily a horrible person (cf. Hugo Schwyzer, Jian Ghomeshi, Micheal Kimmel, etc.)

>> No.6590232

oh, and 3) write the fucking links properly you cuck

>> No.6590243

it said it detected it was spam, so I changed up the links for that. has that never happened to you before?

>> No.6590255

Just because something is a meme doesn't mean it should be taken as a falsity. Cf. Holden and Phoebe, the Greeks, Joyce, etc.

>> No.6590260

>"to put [his] penis in as many vaginas as possible"

Sounds like he was just joking at the apparent meaningless of life and the darwinist spirituality of natural selection.

>> No.6590343

1. Every guy has wondered that at some point. It's biology.
2. Every guy would enjoy audience pussy if he could.
3. Every guy likes MILFs.

There is literally nothing wrong with any of this.

You are either a woman or one of those white knights who pretend they "aren't like those other misogynist men" in your own desperate bid for some pussy.

>> No.6590387

Doesn't seem like a misogynist, just like a normal bloke.

>> No.6590416

>smell of cunt in the air.
he's too good for lit

>> No.6590465
File: 25 KB, 298x233, dfw I hit the blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is dfw so based

>> No.6590511

I just thought this behavior of his was interesting.
The op contains no judgment of this behavior.
I agree with you, mostly, on your points, but
esp. w/ there being nothing intrinsically wrong
w/ this sort of behavior. The article
w/ name including word 'misogyny' was just
to include more quotes of his about this.

>> No.6590543

What a pathetic, simpering dope. Sperged out over everything, wanted to be "sincere," managed to fuck a LOT of women, but somehow hated himself for it.

He's as rotten a man as Hemingway, and they're both less than men.

>> No.6590555

at least hem had talent

>> No.6590573
File: 164 KB, 624x420, dank memester wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590796
File: 63 KB, 799x799, 1430619933621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure. Friend. He is. Good.

>> No.6592183

its amazing how easy having any kind of status makes getting laid regardless of any other qualities you possess. i would really love to hear a woman's explanation of this arbitrariness

>> No.6592191

Trips have spoken.
For better or worse, it is truth.

>> No.6592193

Oh no, he slept with women and told someone about it. If a woman author would had done this she'd been hailed a martyr of free sexuality. What the fuck is with people these days. They go on and on about shaming and then do the same thing.

>> No.6592209

I only started reading Infinite Kek but given how casually he treats sex in it, it's not that surprising to hear that he was having lots of it.

If it were wish fulfillment he would've either gone into a lot more detail on it or talked about it as if it were special. He brings it up so casually that the mentions of it sound like they were written by a guy who was getting pussy all the time.

>> No.6592219

Apparently, status is attractive. You fucking genius.

>> No.6592223

i would fuck women for status ez. can you imagine sleeping with a rich executive who can fly you to paris with her every month?

>> No.6592230

It's the other way around unless you're a male model or something. And even then it'd most likely be men trying to fuck you.

>> No.6592233

idk why female readers of dfw were under the impression that he wasn't a misogynist, but i also don't know why those anecdotes make him one

>> No.6592240
File: 116 KB, 300x500, rimbaud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw women will never have good taste in literature or the people who create it

>> No.6592243

Women are naive as fuck when it comes to sensitive, soft-spoken, nerdy, guys who seem "nice" and "approachable".

>> No.6592246

yes. they are slowly learning i think though

>> No.6592261

no shit, id like to hear how a woman experiences this attractiveness. does she consciously experience it as "status being attractive". etc etc

>> No.6592264

women's experience of sexual attraction is more abstract and mental than a man's. women make up the vast majority of erotica readers after all.

>> No.6592267

I have no idea tbh, but it's my impression that women get off on narratives woven in their own head rather than external stimuli. Guess someone having status makes for a better narrative.

>> No.6592313

it's all in the precedents my fellow cuck

>> No.6592318

Holden didn't rape Phoebe im sick of this meme

>> No.6592510

I'm fairly new to this board, but what specifically is the meme about Joyce?

>> No.6592599

joyce is a meme

>> No.6592623

edgy, and meta.

>> No.6592625

His status gives him a position of social dominance and gravitas, which is masculine and therefore sexy. Also status comes with a certain material security, which make us feel safe, which is also desirable.

>> No.6592628

I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

>> No.6592705

Oh no, he had sex with a lot of women. How...terrible?

>> No.6592718

you know, we all say and think about such things, as little macabre jokes and then go off and do our good works
if you are different you are either a liar, a monk, a homosexual, or so serenely indifferent to the validation provided by the opposite sex that i don't know whether to praise you or condemn you as a freak

>> No.6592728

HCIDF please leave

>> No.6592730

>3. Every guy likes MILFs.
Disgusting. Physically repulsed by them.

>> No.6592740
File: 36 KB, 344x331, tomokoturnedon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but also this.

The thought of getting fucked by a celebrity and knowing I mean nothing to him kind of turns me on.

>> No.6592757

Women are disgusting

>> No.6592765

Don't be mean. Cuz that's where you come in, you get to rebuild my self-esteem after Mr. Douchebag Celebrity tears it down.