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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 117 KB, 350x350, Filosofem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6589500 No.6589500 [Reply] [Original]

what is the literary equivalent of Burzum?

i.e. a mixture of angst, anger, sadness, bleakness, and contemplation

>> No.6589502

Don Delillo

>> No.6589512


point omega fits pretty much what op wants.
not a book i enjoyed a lot, but it's ok

>> No.6590020

>what is the literary equivalent of Burzum?
A bad writer who managed to make 2 great books (and 2 decent) with pure luck.

>> No.6590095

>listening to Burzum when Bathory exists

>> No.6590124
File: 206 KB, 953x953, bathory-hammerheart-frontal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tbh.

Filosofem and Belus are ok do.

>> No.6592434

from your description... IJ (no meme)
it has all those things + some laughs

>> No.6592441

Blood meridian?

>> No.6592458


>> No.6592470

These kind of threads should be bannable.

>> No.6592473

lol nerd

>> No.6592477

Mein Kampf.

>> No.6592603
File: 257 KB, 516x526, bannanable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These kind of threads should be bannanable

>> No.6592606


>> No.6592679


in the case of Filosofem yes (and sort of in Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Belus and Fallen too, but not that much)

>> No.6592761

>listening to Bathory when Hellhammer/Celtic Frost exists

>> No.6592773

>listening to music when all the sounds of the world exists

>> No.6592787


>listening to anything when silence exists

>> No.6592797

you deaf?

>> No.6592818


not at all. But I've transcended the pleb auditory world and ascended to the plane of absolute silence. It is only from this vantage point that you can come to the realization that sound is a short cut and thus a dumbing down of purer ideas and emotions.

>> No.6592820


>> No.6592877

>implying that shit isn't tame and traditional compared to 2nd wave shit and onward
>implying Burzum isn't better than bathory

>> No.6592926
File: 1.81 MB, 1417x1417, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murmuure > burzum
journey to the end of the night could probably fit both

>> No.6592960

Velvet cacoon, Wrath of the weak, Yoga, some things of Vrolok > murmuure

and of course

>> No.6593121

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.6593379

You misunderstand Burzum. You're going to misunderstand a book.

>> No.6593385

burzum is all about magic

>> No.6593413
File: 62 KB, 209x277, Might_is_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with your description of Burzum but pic related is Burzumy to me.

>> No.6593418

I am >>6592679, but not the guy who asked for literature equivalent of Burzum.
And I feel like that about Burzum, or those albums I mentioned. I don't care about what meaning Varg put after his music, as far as I know he changed his opinions along his way, and it has no particular meaning for me.
Just the subjective and emotional reception of the music, detached from its creator and the circumstances in which it was created.

And if you think that there's one universal understanding of the music/literature/etc. then it's kinda sad, m8.

>> No.6593481
File: 91 KB, 1005x545, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


murmuure isnt even BM - its like some french industrial shit. But really good anyway, love that shit.


Yoga is just fucking noise. Skincrawler has like one alright track on it.

you all need some Rahu.

>> No.6593486

Varg's books or Beowulf

>> No.6593515

m8, Yoga is great. You need to look for Megafauna, Skincrawler is stuff from their first split, but good anyway, the last track is bliss.

for Yoga
fantastic stuff

>> No.6595251
File: 521 KB, 1280x720, hyougejono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595264

I really like this pic

>> No.6595459

>eating apples when oranges exist

>> No.6595472

That's not how you spell Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.
The ambient track is god tier though.

>> No.6595503

underrated post

>> No.6595509

>listening to fash music

>> No.6596908
File: 49 KB, 500x484, lilb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he changed his opinions along his way
More or less this. Varg was a pissed off kid who made some good music, but made too big a deal of it after the fact.

>> No.6596928


>> No.6597451

He changed his opinions as he got older, read more, learned more, grew more (even in prison)? You mean like every other human being that ever lived? If you keep your opinions from your younger years well into adulthood, you should kill yourself for being a faulty human being.

>> No.6597590

>listening to Hellhammer when Venom exists

>> No.6597600 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 953x953, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the literary equivalent of Burzum?

i.e. a mixture of barbarity, violence, agression and general sense of chaos and primitivity

>> No.6597602

>listening to Venom when Motorhead exists
Seriously though their Overkill album is widely considered the most influential album ever in Metal by pro music junkies aside from Black Sabbath stuff of course.

>> No.6597606

Ahh damn now I have to go listen to their Mercenary Aggression song
Such a great band

>> No.6597610
File: 170 KB, 953x953, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the literary equivalent of Demoltion Hammer?

i.e. a mixture of barbarity, violence, agression and general sense of chaos and primitivity

>> No.6597611

Thats not how you spell Det Som Engang Var & Daudi Baldrs

>> No.6597613

The thing is if you really get to the core of it there's no point in listening to any metal besides Black Sabbath.

>and yet I have 500 physical heavy metal albums plus a fuckload on my hard drive

>> No.6597626
File: 51 KB, 497x750, IMG_13673946674046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the cancer killing metal, I bet you listen to unaggressive "atmospheric" trash, and dont listen to any other genres of metal than BM and dont go to shows.
Poison from Germany, Grotesque, Samael, Tormentor, Blasphemy, Bathory, Masters Hammer, Von, Hellhammer, Sodom, etc: 1st wave BTFO most 2nd wave bands. Only ones that surpasses them are Darkthrone.
Besides, modern Crust Punk does black metal better than black metal these days. Even back in the day Deviated Instinct were pretty Black on their second album.

>> No.6597636

What's the literary equivalent of Liturgy? (emotionally or contextually)

>> No.6597640

Tao Lin
And yes, by that im implying that Tao Lin is hipster garbage just like Liturgy. its psuedo-metal just like The Sword.

>> No.6597643

Tao Lin

>> No.6597648

Gotta love how you can have a better point of view on metal on /lit/ than on /mu/. I think I had never seen Poison discussed on 4chin before this

>> No.6597667

genres are spooks tbh

>> No.6597668

For some reason I want to agree, but how does one exactly make 2 good books or albums by "pure luck" ?

>> No.6597673


or magic

>> No.6597775

>Daudi Baldrs


>> No.6597844

But motorhead isnt in league with satan.
> not listening to blue cheer

>> No.6597848

Nah m8, the other ambient album is better.

>> No.6597953

I do m8

>inb4 Sir Lord Baltimore and Flower Travellin Band

>> No.6598224

>mfw I recognize you from a previous thread
you're still being a tryhard fag I see

>> No.6598235

le roland barthes faec

not even criticizing this position, i just don't like when every "what is the x equivalent of y" thread boils down into muh authors intent

>> No.6598248

Mah nigger. Demolition Hammer kills... especially Hydrophobia from Tortured Existence and pretty much anything from Epidemic of Violence has imho no literary equivalent. Too heavy.

>> No.6598529

>mfw i actually find good bands out of shitposting
Thanks anon.

>> No.6598789


>> No.6598837

Shitposting is a reward in and of itself. You're welcome.

>> No.6598869

Ferdinand Celine.

>> No.6598938

>listening to anything when ulver exists

>> No.6598941

> there will never be another kveldssanger
Fuck everything

>> No.6598977

I'd rather listen to metal thanks

>> No.6598979

>good ambient album


>> No.6598987

hi Fenriz

>> No.6598996

>i.e. a mixture of angst, anger, sadness, bleakness, and contemplation

You forgot "the sound of a man trying to imitate the revving of a motorcycle engine". I can't take metal seriously for that reason.

>> No.6599000

I like Noumena.

>> No.6599004


>> No.6599008

I know what you mean, but there's loads of metal which doesn't go in that direction. It's just common. But in the case of Noumena (and plenty others) they counter-point it with a fairly clear female voice, which I think underscores both really well.

Basically, don't knock an entire genre for just that reason.

>> No.6599046


Missing the pagan and nature link, but first I thought of too.

>> No.6600294


"The painted bird" by Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.6600337
File: 238 KB, 898x889, nihilist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not listening to the greatest and short lived deaf metal ensemble of all time

>> No.6600732

>not metal

>> No.6600734

>able to read

>> No.6601500

Oh fuck off you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.6602077

this is an abortion of a thread.

jesus you people should all end it right now

>> No.6602078
File: 77 KB, 894x894, death_grips___niggas_on_the_moon_by_ronmasenko-d7lnssu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the literary equivalent of
>Death Grips

>> No.6602093

What's the literary equivalent of johnny cash

>> No.6602098


>> No.6603454
File: 9 KB, 128x200, content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swans...pic related

>> No.6604348

Sam Hyde is the comedian equivalent of Death Grips