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6589329 No.6589329 [Reply] [Original]

Is pursuing virtue in an amoral society the path to happiness or a fool's errand and the surest way to get fucked over?

>> No.6589372

You're triggering my Asian fetish

>> No.6589373

If you live a virtuous life, people will see it. you wont change the world, but you will inspire others around you to change for the better.

It takes a genuinely true person to be good and kind, and you will be taken advantage of. But you will be content with it because goodness always overcomes wrongness.

A fool would surrender before he has begun a battle. Be virtuous, do right. wade through the shit in the world and be a sparkling diamond. However, its okay to sin a little bit. Life is too short not to have fun, but dont make the fun you have more important than the happiness you pursue.

I am living in this world, but i am not a part of it. I have tasted the cruelty and the pleasures, and i will not be victim to its vices. Its not a matter of getting fucked over, or going on a fools errand. Society and the world wont change, but you can make it better. You wont be accepted in some places, HOWEVER you must always accept others. AND ALSO always take a stand where you truly honestly believe you need to. Always.

So basically be a real christian.

>> No.6589398

"i come not to bring peace but a sword" jesus christ

despite this he still was too soft and got on the cross and let the jews win

isn't being a real christian the surest way to get fucked over?

>> No.6589416

Being a christian by no means suggests that you have to be a pushover. But when a christian gets pushed, they pull. And they pull until you learn to walk together.

>> No.6589428

I would say a much better place than tge bible to source your virtues is the Tao te Ching, and the writings of Chang tzu. The bible is repetitive, circuitous, and often written with very specific people in mind

>> No.6589472

Read Epictetus Discourses

>> No.6589605

she looks western as fuck get over yourself

>> No.6589656

Well he wasn't talking about a literal sword tbh

>> No.6589679

western is a spook, there isn't an imaginary form of "western" that owns certain facial features.

>> No.6591113


>> No.6591162
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>asian cutie

>> No.6591218

A literal sword might have worked better tbh.

>> No.6591228

who is this cock dock

>> No.6591230

Fuck off, Said

>> No.6591263

Who is this dong mongoloid?

>> No.6591280

Depends on your constitution. Do you have a system of core beliefs? Is your will strong enough to never waiver? What do you value more: Success by any means, or living in accordance to your beliefs on what is right. If it's the latter, then it's no fool's errand to live virtuously. Perhaps you may never experience the joys of wealth, but you will be rewarded by an increased self respect.

>> No.6591797


>> No.6591845

does anyone else know the experience of realizing that 1) each act you take out of hatred or desire to destroy another lacerates and permanently wounds your soul and 2) most people are so without honest intent to do harm that their "taking advantage" of you is more or less on the same level as your dog eating half of your sandwich when you get up from the table to answer the phone?

>> No.6591924

virtue is always rewarded, no matter how poor your circumstances are or how much bad luck you have.

sloth makes no provision for temporal necessity and allows good things to spoil.
the end of laziness is poverty.
anger puts a man out of his ability to judge reasonably.

'the habit of labour is a great thing, for the laborer develops strong arms and hard thews, but sloth makes them feeble and tender.'

>> No.6591961

we cannot act unless we have some idea of which acts are preferable. In other words, we have to make a decision of what we "should" do before we can do something. Ethics is the study of how to determine what we should do.

It seems to me like a lot of people are filled with a lot of uncertainty but pursuing virtue is the best way to get rid of this. Being virtuous is just having a tendency to do the right thing. If you truly believe, if you KNOW you are doing the right thing at any given time, where could unhappiness possibly come from? People regret things because they're unsure of their choices but this sort of uncertainty betrays a lack of belief. A life of virtue is a life without regret or pain or anger or any of those things.

>> No.6591985


Life does not unfold in such seamless logic. Therefore your post is bullshit.

>> No.6592003

He's saying it helps become that way if you are virtuous

>> No.6592012

go on living a life of confusion and uncertainty and see where that gets you.

Do you know why religious people tend to live longer?

>> No.6592682


Her name is Sudoku Bukkake.

>> No.6594246

bumping for op qt