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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 624 KB, 1203x678, Lit Poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6589117 No.6589117 [Reply] [Original]

Let's actually try to do something productive today. Below is a poll where you can submit 5 of your favorite books, each you can weight with different point values.


Once a decent amount of votes have been put in, I will link the spreadsheet of responses, then calculate the results, and hopefully we'll have a nice info graphic like the one below that actually does not suck. Maybe it'll have only 30 or so books, not sure yet.


Get voting!

>> No.6589151

Forgot to include this, but if you vote for the same book more than once, all of your votes will not be counted

>> No.6589780

Voted, looking forward to the results of this. Could get something that reflects the 2015 /lit/ better than that top 100 books list

>> No.6589802

what format should i enter it in? i assume the following:
>Author's Name - Book Title

>> No.6589806

voted. this thread's gonna get boring unless --
I guess someone should share their list
for people to shitpost against

>> No.6589809

oh I just did
> Book Title
uh. they should be notable enough not
to need the clarification, but
you should do that.

>> No.6589819


I also voted. Pretty good idea, but you may need to manually aggregate some of the books at the end due to >>6589802 and misspellings

>> No.6589824

uh I'll oblige I suppose:
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
Cat's Cradle
The Stranger

I'm so sorry I'm so not well read and pleb and I just can't put down a book I haven't yet read and I am so high school tier and there are so many better books than these but I just couldn't parrot someone else's opinion on it now could I now could I now could I now.

>> No.6589828

good point. I voted:

3 pts - Pale Fire
2 pts - Gravity's Rainbow
2 pts - Midnight's Children
1 pt - The Remains of the Day
1 pt - One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6589831

I'll bait and you give you lot shitpost material. In order:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Blood Meridian
Night Watch (Terry Pratchett)
Being and Time
Tai Pei

>> No.6589832

Books of the Bible (ie 'Genesis' or 'Matthew' or 'Ruth') ? Or just the Bible ?

>> No.6589838

That's not a bad list, 'specially if it's your own taste

>> No.6589840


Viewable spreadsheet for the curious.

>> No.6589846

uh just do books of the bible i guess, we'll figure it out in the future

>> No.6589852
File: 257 KB, 1000x750, hot stuff walt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one guy really likes leaves of grass, huh

>> No.6589869
File: 1.55 MB, 1248x912, 1415254621430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted
Book of Job
Gravity's Rainbow
Storm of Steel
One Hundred Years of Solitude
sort of a mix of books I consider great and current favorites (current favorites mostly being Storm of Steel and Solitude, not that they're not great, but maybe not as great as the top is)

>> No.6589879

Hey Aaron D can you delete the Leaves of Grass faggot from the document pls

>> No.6589893
File: 72 KB, 494x794, Kafka1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted
V. - A little underappreciated among Pinchin's books, but it's the one I have most fun reading
Tristram Shandy - Did meta better than most recent pomo books
Moby-Dick - self-explanatory
Little, Big - The only valuable thing Harold Bloom has done for me is recommend this book.
The Trial - Kakfa is a qt

>> No.6589897

Hey faggot, the Bible is not a book

>> No.6589903

too late I did the whole Bible.

fuck leviticus though that shit gay

>> No.6589905

Holy shit that was hard. You read so many books they just blur in your memory, huh

>> No.6589914

OP here, deleted Mein Kampf, Leaves of Grass, and Angry Bird shitposters

>> No.6589919

that fucker putting the bible as first choice

>> No.6589924

voted the bible ;)

>> No.6589962

Scrolling through the spreadsheet, it's kind of depressing to see how similar everyone's tastes seem to be here. I guess that's what happens when you only discuss the same 10 authors over and over again.

>> No.6589967

The Book of the New Sun
Blood Meridian
The Sound and the Fury
I forget the fourth one, oh well

>> No.6589971

it's only natural in any place where people gather. people will recommend stuff and read things that look interesting that other people talk about

>> No.6589977

You're so eager to condemn /lit/ that you didn't even look properly, there's plenty of variation, to a fault
it's just the kind of great literature that people would recommend anywhere (apart from /r/books or some genre nest like that) that people here read

>> No.6589985

My maan

1.Being and Time
2.Crime and Punishment
3.Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
4.The Idiot
5. The Birth of Tradgedy

>> No.6590016


That's like saying it's depressing to go to a mathematics forum and see that everyone agrees that 2+2=4.

>> No.6590033

You can ignore the Dr. Seuss books, My daughter "helped" pick them.

>> No.6590048

Probably more of a case of no one willing to put Game of Thrones in there while it is very appreciated by quite a few of the people in this board.

>> No.6590052

why the fuck wouldn't they? it's anonymous

>> No.6590059

because no one here is really pleb enough to actually enjoy it and all the genre shit threads are propagated by one pathetic troll

>> No.6590060

>he didn't list The Ego and His Own as his top choice

>> No.6590062 [DELETED] 


>> No.6590086

>he doesn't get that all the other "stirnerites" are just shitposting

>> No.6590111

Cool cool.

>> No.6590114

so how many votes until this is considered done?

>> No.6590119

3rd on my list

>> No.6590123

I was never aware so many people liked Albert Camus The Stranger. I read it in 8th grade and then re-read it again in 12th and one last time as a grown man recently. Everytime I have recommended it no one even knew who Camus was.

>> No.6590126

we have to give it at least a day for the europeans and /lit/ stragglers

>> No.6590128

lmao which one of you wasted 3 points on BNW?

>> No.6590136

and someone voted 1984

>someone voted aleph
ma nigger, that immortal story affects me to this day, and I only read it once

>> No.6590138

El Aleph
The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka
The Book of Sand
The Stranger
Madame Bovary

>> No.6590142

I see you anon who only posted Dr Seuss books

>> No.6590143

it's prime time for euro's like me though now

>> No.6590147

lmao /lit/ doesn't appreciate poetry

>> No.6590150

Entering shakespeare's complete works feels like cheating, to whoever did that

>> No.6590159

I voted Alepth, the collection, though. But yea, the story is one of the best pieces of writing there is.

>> No.6590166

listen anon it's 1:00 am in Belarus and I don't feel they should be left out!

>> No.6590174

The trial
The great gatsby
The stranger
the old man and the sea

>> No.6590176

Most canonical lists enter Shakespeare's complete works rather than a specific selection. You can easily find his complete works in a single volume, and if you're accepting complete collections of short stories and poetry I don't see why you wouldn't include Shakespeare's complete works as well.

>> No.6590179

you can't just vote complete stories nigger

I thought about voting kafka too, but I couldn't decide on one definitive piece so I left him out
my favorite by him is probably the "Hunter Gracchus" short story, but it's very short

>> No.6590211

I see you "The Trial"-guy who submitted his list twice

>> No.6590214

The poll in question asked for my favorite book. The Complete Stories is an entirely normal book, not at all out of proportion with regards to size or length. I have it with me on all my travels and read it on all my vacations. If I can't vote for my favorite book, the poll shouldn't have asked for my favorite book.

>> No.6590219

My favorite book is the book that contains all other books, it's only available as an e-book
your copy must be shit btw because my (almost) complete kafka is huge

>> No.6590244

Infinite Jest
Harry Potter
Fight Club
Hitchhikers Guide
To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.6590245

I voted for

1. Naked Lunch
2. Gravity's Rainbow
3. The Sound and the Fury
4. Molloy
5. Howl and Other Poems (are poetry collections allowed? ah whatever)

>> No.6590246
File: 210 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 26-05-15 at 00.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a standard paperback. The type is a bit small, but as I said, it's my travel companion. Also, it's only the complete short stories.

>> No.6590251

Its only the short stories too eh? No Trial or Castle? I think that should be fine

>> No.6590256

should have said it's only the short stories, oh well, it's not like I really care either way

>> No.6590262

>Also, it's only the complete short stories.
well there's the fucking point of contention then, maybe you should have just said that to start with

>> No.6590273

"The Complete Stories by Franz Kafka" is the exact english version of the book in the picture. "Erzählungen" doesn't translate to "Short Stories", that's why.

>> No.6590283

Leaves of Grass fag fuck off.

>> No.6590284


Jesus christ

>> No.6590288

well today you learned something about communicating with english speakers

>> No.6590306

OP, how will you be dealing with obscure entries that only one or two people submitted? Omit them entirely?

>> No.6590310

>Naked Lunch
>Poetry n shiet
nigga u gay

>> No.6590316
File: 26 KB, 260x418, 9780486414102_p0_v1_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me faggot

>> No.6590318

While we wait why don't we discuss how much dick Whitman sucked in his lifetime? :^)

>> No.6590319

Do you think it's the same guy who keeps putting Lolita in third place?

>> No.6590320


>> No.6590321

Blood Meridian
Brave New World
A Clockwork Orange
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.6590323

Leaves of Grass my ass

>> No.6590326
File: 62 KB, 500x386, 1430687701288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking Naked Lunch
>liking medics fucking people through hypnosis

Enjoy reading while puking, faggot.

>> No.6590333

glad 2 see no bukowski gay fedora shiet over here godz peace

>> No.6590338

Voted. How long will this go on for? Just this thread?

>> No.6590341
File: 67 KB, 300x275, faulkner bañador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking "Journey to Morocco"

Pleb taste.

>> No.6590344
File: 58 KB, 588x587, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up Aaron D?

>> No.6590346

leaves of grass more like leaves of ass0paper because I wiped me bum with it you cunt

>> No.6590358

yo yo ya niggaz should read supreme wisdom by honorable master wallace fard muhammad it be a real dope book lol

>> No.6590363

>People liking Leaves of Grass

Fucking marihuana addicts, man. Hope you hang yourselves up with a piano-tie in your mom's basement while hugging some fluffy toy with your freind's face attached to it. I FUCKING HATE YOU FAGS, GO DO SOME POETRY TO YOUR DEAD DOG.

>> No.6590370

laughin ov baseheadz tryna sell some broken ampz

>> No.6590374

a lot of us are bound to put Lolita, I think I had mine in Third

>> No.6590380

yo nigga you is black

>> No.6590381
File: 74 KB, 588x587, 1432592333350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590382

>"Erzählungen" doesn't translate to "Short Stories"
Erzählung does translate to short story.
Literally, it means narration, 'something that's told', that's sure.
What you don't know, probably because of your inferior literary training, is that one possible connotation is 'novella / short story'.
"Die Bibliothek von Babel ist eine Erzählung von Jorge Luis Borges und gleichzeitig der Titel einer...."
What would you call the Library of Babel, if not a short story by Borges, dumbass?

>> No.6590386

Same tbh

>> No.6590389

gg well read, faggot. Stop posting this shit and go rap about your problematic life, u minecraft playing cunt.

>> No.6590392

Well I did Lolita after CP and Anna K. I did the survey only once.

>> No.6590401

me puuuso la tihera en er kueeeyo loko no yebo ni tre euriiiiyooo no veaa eeeste tu te cojo un cheeeste yo meta mirando como si fuera la peeeesteeee elmano eso ultimo taba to malo ara kasemo, no matamo? me cauen mi muelto cauna ke mabei exo macueeeldo y me kema por deeeentro

>> No.6590403
File: 3.27 MB, 3320x2256, William-Burroughs-London-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /burroughs/ here?

>> No.6590406
File: 30 KB, 1080x720, 1428858575368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop this argument, I started it and I don't want it to go on


>> No.6590407

no u

>> No.6590410

And it took me literally no time or effort to look up my strong suspicion that you were wrong - I am Hungarian, speak rubbish German but read it well. I needed not to go out of my way to know that Erzählung correlates with elbeszélés, Hungarian for, once again, 'narration, tellin' literally, 'short story, novella' connotatingly.

>> No.6590411

yo i aint no fuckin wit minecraft god i rock mein kampf the honorable farrakhan told us jews be bloodsuckaz ov da poor

>> No.6590413

I'll have you know my puke tastes delicious.

>> No.6590414
File: 56 KB, 974x715, T8XuwcN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590423
File: 220 KB, 1466x1050, 1429900588339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that in Greenwich Mean Time

>> No.6590427

you said gg. you karls man? go n get a piano tie 4 ya neck

>> No.6590428

Look, faggot.
You are not funny. DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S FUNNY? A mexican girls hating me because of my color. That's fucking funny. My dad hates me and I fucking cry every night.
I am also gay. Literature is my only dream, and this threads are great, and you ruin them.
Unfortunately, I live in some desert-shit place, so I will never become a good rapper or author. Stop speaking like that, you are ruining this place.
Signed, Narcisus Sorias.

>> No.6590431

Listen mr D I think you should give it 24 hours, most of the intelligent lit users browse less in the summer.

>> No.6590432

>inb4 /lit/ gets another shitty chart that doesn't even reflect 1/4 of the boards taste

>> No.6590442
File: 256 KB, 918x918, Prof 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaron D here, I apologize, voting will be open until Noon tomorrow, Mountain Time in the USA, do the math if you're not a murican. Pic related, it's me so you know it's OP

>> No.6590443

Who the fuck is Karls? I know he does an excellent work for the comunity, so thank you Karls, but I can't remember who he is. Does he have a cat? Is he that soldier from "Journey to Morocco"?

>> No.6590444

yo yo wut do yall kidz think bout phat ratchetz? i mean they can be nice but not 4 much time, knowimsayin?

>> No.6590451

OP you're getting meme'd on

>> No.6590452

>most of the intelligent lit users browse less in the summer.
summerposting is a myth. The ones who believe it, or, God forbid, actually forsake the site for the period, are the more stupid around us, actually.

>> No.6590457

I do know what you're saying, yung hustla, those trips speak for themselves

if you did forsake it for the summer you might go outside and get a gf though
>ib4 implying /lit/ will ever get a gf
maybe I won't, but some of these "patricians" might

>> No.6590458

Fat girls should be respected, you nigga-loving faggot. They can love you as good as any anorexic girl. KNOWIMSAYIN?

>> No.6590460

I bet you're an undergrad

>> No.6590464

People, what do you think of Burroughs?

>> No.6590470

3 - oblomov
2 - war and peace
2 - darkness at noon
1 - his master's voice (lem)
1 - roadside picnic

Never realised how much of a russophile I am before now

>> No.6590471

He's mediocre at best.

>> No.6590472

i prefer leaves of grass

>> No.6590473

he gay

>> No.6590475

What man? Are you on burroughsine?

>> No.6590483

True, and honestly, I am not particularly ashamed of it. Are you implying that I shouldn't voice my opinion, but opinions of others of greater age? I'll get older and feel the embarassment myself.
>maybe I won't, but some of these "patricians" might
That's a point, actually. People might be going out more then.

>> No.6590484

Deez iz kwak.

>> No.6590487

Any Burroughs man in, guy?

>> No.6590489

no man you should keep it going for a while.
that 'smarter than the average man' thread got like 700+ I assume to be unique votes, it being up for about 4 days now.
leave it up man.
leave it up.

>> No.6590493

Do me a favor
Enjoy life
And if someone offers you drugs
Just say no.

>> No.6590494

i <3 naked lunch

>> No.6590496


>> No.6590497


>> No.6590509

I love that book.
It's disgusting, ugh. They fuck people using conductism.

>> No.6590512
File: 2 KB, 1586x19, ayyfugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this guy in particular

>> No.6590513

What if someone writes "Don Quijote" instead of "Don Quixote"?

What if someone writes "Inferno" while someone else writes "Divine Comedy"?

>> No.6590514

This tbh >>6590489
The bigger the sample size, the better

Also the whole world should get to vote fcourse

>> No.6590524

the gross-out factor is what makes it good anon :^)

>> No.6590525

Not only he, you can take a look at the spreadsheet containing all the information given.
He'll be able to organise it himself.

>> No.6590533

I read his books, but if he knocked on my door I wouldn't let him in tbh.

That seems like it could end badly.

>> No.6590534

How do I get a gander at this spreadsheet, anon friends?

>> No.6590535
File: 43 KB, 516x526, Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Aaron D here, we can sort out the little discrepancies, (Books of the Bible vs. the Bible, Metamorphosis vs. Kafka Collection, Inferno vs. Divine Comedy) later, let's just get raw votes now.

>> No.6590545
File: 235 KB, 600x875, Bertolt-Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this chart will get posted on /r/books by some autist and they will admire or resent us for our great taste

it's in the thread boo boo

>Books of the Bible vs. the Bible
they're not the same thing, according to biblical studies "the Bible" votes for "greatest book" should simply be invalidated since they are ineligible

>Metamorphosis vs. Kafka Collection
this is not the same thing, just because of discrepancy

>Inferno vs. Divine Comedy
this is just pleb stupidity, might aswell split it to punish the inferno voters

>> No.6590550

My votes

1. The Fault in our Stars
2. The Hunger Games
3. Divergent
4. An Abundance of Katherines
5. Finnegans Wake

>> No.6590552
File: 380 KB, 1280x740, call-me-burroughs-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6590558

I had a hearty laugh, but you shouldn't be allowed to submit that shit

That's a good reason to cut the poll short, people will show up trying to fuck it up
pretty sure people are already using multiple google accounts so it's not representative for /lit/ at all

>> No.6590566


i didn't actually vote for any of those books, i'm just shitposting friendo :^)

>> No.6590574
File: 180 KB, 1200x900, SB2490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder if you are a Christian (or any cultured person) not to forget this book

>> No.6590588

leaves of grass is better

>> No.6590590

see, you fucking heretic pagan faggot, you don't even know the most thing about your scripture

>> No.6590592

But that is a collection

>> No.6590593

*most basic thing

>> No.6590594

should we include the Version? I put King James

>> No.6590601

1. If on a winter's night a traveler
3. The Nonexistent Knight
4. Cosmicomics
5. The Baron in the Trees

If no one else is gonna rep Calvino I'll do it

>> No.6590607

there's lots of calvino votes in there already

>> No.6590609

We aren't trying to be overly technical, Its not going to confuse anyone

>> No.6590624

The bible should automatically be assumed to be #1 anyway

>> No.6590656
File: 49 KB, 948x1405, 347856387453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have any of you lads read War and Peace

>> No.6590663
File: 27 KB, 302x500, war and war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's pretty good, sequel is better though

>> No.6590676

pretty good but I could have done without the 500 page essay about napoleon spread out throughout it

>> No.6590684

Here was mine:

The Age of Reason, by Sartre
Diary of a Seducer, by Kierkegaard
Stoner, by John Williams
Candide, by Voltaire
The Idiot, by Dostoevsky

>> No.6590689

Mods should use these threads to ban the plebs and newfags.

Daily remember that ISOLT is not a book and you just proved you never fucking opened any of Proust's works in your life.

>> No.6590694

what if I voted it as

>Camus - L'etranger

rather than The Stranger

>> No.6590700

I'm not retarded, I'll count them as the same book

>> No.6590701

There would be a spelling mistake in the title and you would be identified as a fucking pseudo who tried to act pretentious, yet miserably failed.

>> No.6590704

rude, we are allowed to have opinions too

>> No.6590705

I almost voted for The Trail. I like his short stories more, but I felt like that would be a cop out.
>The Stranger
Predictable and entry level

>> No.6590707

Or The Outsider*

>> No.6590708

>Daily remember that ISOLT is not a book and you just proved you never fucking opened any of Proust's works in your life.

>Seriously thinking that if a novel is published in volumes it is no longer one novel but many


>> No.6590709

Ignore Tallis, he's a pretentious fuckwit who only gains pleasure by telling people they're stupid/he's smarter than them.

>> No.6590711

Ah yes, here comes a tripfag here to bless us all with his faggy opinions

>> No.6590716

was "pseudo" instead of "pseud" a spelling mistake, or were you just trying to act pretentious and miserably failing

>> No.6590720

>The Human Comedy is a single novel
>Les Rougon-Macquart is a single novel
>Harry Potter is a single novel

Are you literally retarded? Stop fucking posting. You don't know shit, don't try to defend yourself, don't try to argue; you will get fucking schooled, kid, I'm telling you, just drop it before it gets further.

>> No.6590723

ok, thanks for the warning.

>> No.6590724

>according to biblical studies
Could you link me to said studies? I have seen many lists which include the bible as one book.

>> No.6590727

Hey guys, remember that time Tallis was exposed as a fraud?



>> No.6590732

Please refer to the OP

Things would be too complicated otherwise

>> No.6590733
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1393696262949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at you go.

It's okay honey, /mu/ misses you. You should go say hello, that would be nice

>> No.6590734
File: 9 KB, 194x259, tallis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he is so handsome

>> No.6590739

hes ugly as fuck lmao, only reason you think he looks good is cause hes covering 40% of his face in this picture

>> No.6590740

is that him? damn

>> No.6590741


>> No.6590746

he's got us there

>> No.6590747

Looks like a shrunken old woman, tbh.

>> No.6590748

In order:

Blood Meridian
Midnight's Children
The Dumas Club
Solomon Gursky Was Here

>> No.6590749

this is a big thread where's the relevant part I'm about to get to bed

>> No.6590750

8/10 would fuck, even though he doesn't like Naked Lunch :(

>> No.6590755
File: 113 KB, 1535x731, Screenshot from 2015-05-25 18:31:04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It starts to get juicy around here

>> No.6590757

>tfw Tallis has a genius account

>> No.6590764

I think in a course studying the bible it's important to separate it into it's components obviously but it's stories all compliment each other and have been read together in it's current form for 1000 years now. I think for internet list purposes it makes sense to include the whole thing personally, but I understand where you're coming from.

>> No.6590768

fuck off, there is nothing wrong with his answers

>> No.6590775

go to bed faggis

>> No.6590776

atleast you took off your trip

>> No.6590777


>> No.6590778
File: 61 KB, 1294x397, rekt the plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6590782

I can feel your jealousy from here. You just want to bask in his glory

>> No.6590789

jesus man, might aswell post with the trips

>> No.6590790

Why didn't anyone else tell me Tallis was a 9

>> No.6590797

it's probably his best picture and half his face is covered
dude is probably a 7, which is not bad, better than me I guess

>> No.6590800

The image you posted has rebuttals to the posts 5011560 and 5011586, not 5011466, the post which supposedly proved your plebbiness. Unless you show your reply to 5011466, you haven't done anything to disprove you were wrong.

>> No.6590808

Just how rarely does one have to leave the house to think he's anything above a 5?

>> No.6590812

please do not ever directly acknowledge, or learn anything about, our tripfriends. thanks

>> No.6590814

like, never, I guess, but his figure seems ok, skin seems ok, hair seems ok, facial features seem
so I'm like, yeah

>> No.6590815

its basically just his lips, his jawline and nose is pretty much visible. but yeah, its better than you

>> No.6590819

thanks bb

>> No.6590820


>> No.6590821

we have higher standards if anything since the internet only posts attractive people. You are lying to yourself if you don't think that is a hot piece of ass

>> No.6590826

This place is worse every day.

>> No.6590828

seriously this. Tallis if you're reading this I would date you for your body and french citizenship.

>> No.6590835

The dark hair makes him look arab, is he? Looks pretty attractive from that picture.

>> No.6590840

we're just shitposting along while waiting for the results nignog, the results on the spreadsheet are fairly good

>> No.6590842

here are some random tallies

harry potter 2 pts
tai pei 5 pts
american psycho 5 pts
paradise lost 11 pts
ego and its own 12 pts
the iliad 12 pts
catch-22 17 pts
stoner 20 pts
moby dick 32 pts
'the bible' 51 pts

>> No.6590851

Yes his mother is french and she cucked her french husband with an arab bin-man who is his father

>> No.6590856

>only 17 people have voted for the bible (each at 3 points obviously)


>> No.6590862

we've already cleared up that anyone that votes for 'the bible' is a heretic, pagan

>> No.6590874

Okay /lit/, who's the plebbiest so far?

I'm going with 115.

>> No.6590897

look at 216

>> No.6590899

I assumed we were being broad and including collections of books under one name to make things easier.

>> No.6590908

42, 75, 123, 204, 258 and 259 are all contenders but my money is on 178

also I don't understand why so many of you think Summa Theologica belong in your top 5 books ever.

>> No.6590910

'the bible' is simply representing all results containing 'bible'

>> No.6590914

Having philosophical books is completely retarded. How does anyone rate the merits of fiction vs non fiction?

>> No.6590933

someone is spamming certain books in different order. thread abandoned. It's been fun /lit/ but we can't have nice things.

>> No.6590957

>people voting for The King James Bible

killeth thine self

>> No.6591007

the joke ones are easy to filter out, anon

>> No.6591067

m8 remains of the day is unadulterated shit

>> No.6591068

>all that blood meridian and stranegr

why so much /v/ these days?

>> No.6591080

We still wanna see the results. Isn't there a limit to one vote per IP?

>> No.6591084

what are you talking about? where do I find these numbers

>> No.6591093

are you sure that isn't just /lit/ talking about the same top 10 books they always do. If it's a book that rarely gets mentioned here its probably a spammer

>> No.6591098

How is blood meridian /v/? just because its got a western theme doesn't meme its /v/

>> No.6591106


>> No.6591116

Row number, on the left side of the spreadsheet

>> No.6591119

leaves of grass guy here
i'll be back

>> No.6591132

Sorry for being pleb.

Moby Dick
Cat's Cradle
The Moon and Sixpence
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.6591142

>You're not patrician until you realise Brave New World, The Stranger, Fahrenheit 451, and all Tolkein (Besides Silmarillion) are shit.

>> No.6591148

no there isn't. thats why leaves of grass guy can spam all he wanted.

>> No.6591149


>> No.6591150

I put the Quran in each box

>> No.6591152

but how do I get to this?

>> No.6591157

I'm judging you

>> No.6591160


>> No.6591174

no. 241 could you be more of a meme?

>> No.6591177

has anyone done 5 nietzsche books?

>> No.6591275

I'd be very happy to take my 5 to a desert island; hope everyone else feels the same way--especially 272.

>> No.6591282

that one's not being counted, summertripfag

>> No.6591289


Didn't ask/don't care, dudelover.

>> No.6591298

Kek you actually gave yourself a trip

>> No.6591309

>Kek you actually gave yourself a trip

If I was weak-minded I definitely would have stuck with anonymity, so I think you made the right choice.

>> No.6591315


>> No.6591319

241 is memeing, right? Either that or /lit/ hivemind incarnate.

>> No.6591323

How is it that every new tripfaggot instantly manages to topple all the others and reach Worst Tripfaggot status? Uncanny

>> No.6591326

On the contrary, it takes a really weak and insecure person to "make a name for themselves" on 4chan.

>> No.6591355

>On the contrary, it takes a really weak and insecure person to "make a name for themselves" on 4chan.

Actually, that's not "contrary" to what I said.

Weak and insecure people sign their names to what they write, hiding in anonymity is for the strong, courageous souls like yourself. OK.

I just can't imagine having so little to think about that someone having a name on 4chan would set me off in a bitter little tizzy.

>> No.6591363

>I just can't imagine having so little to think about

Oh, I think you can. Saged and filtered.

>> No.6591372

>Oh, I think you can. Saged and filtered.

I can get you to stop pouting at me FOR FREE? Awesome.

>> No.6591402

Paradise Lost

It might have been more productive to have separate polls for fictional works and non-fiction

>> No.6591415

>MFW I interpreted OP's poll as "Post your favourite philosophical texts"
Welp thats what happens when you browse lit just for Philosophy.

>> No.6591417

>all those bible fags
>all those aquinas fags


who here has even read the entire summa theologica

who here has been convinced by the entirely faulty arguments within?

who here thinks aquinas was an actual philosopher and not some wishy washy logician constructing weak arguments to prop up truths he already believed to be true

when he couldnt reason an argument out he insisted it could be only known thru revelation removing him of all actual responsibility

what a joke

>> No.6591434

I can understand the bible being the single most printed book in the world and single most culturally important, aquinas is for the diehard christians though but there seem to be more and more on lit each day

>> No.6591482


Aaron D you are playing with fire

>> No.6591503

Aaron D is Icarus and /lit/ is the sun.

>> No.6591506
File: 13 KB, 350x263, 2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the King James Bible

Piss off

yes im mad

>> No.6591516

whats the Sea then? And who is Dedalus? King Minos too while we are at it

>> No.6591519

the sea is being doxxed. moot is Dedalus. king minos is our sadistic urge to entertain ourselves at Aaron's expense.

>> No.6591556


daedalus would be the guy who made the original infographic

the melting wax is being doxxed, the sea is the consequence of being doxxed (none realistically, no one on 4chan ever does anything more than dox in the past 4 years)

king minos is the oppressive claims to popular support made by people supporting shitty authors (i mean king minos in some way needs to be the impetus for the endeavor, why icarus/daedalus put on the wings in the first place)

>> No.6591829

The Grapes of Wrath
White Noise
Wuthering Heights

>> No.6591839

actually, it''s, good

>> No.6592095

this isn't working for me

can somebody please screncap

>> No.6592101

Not working here anymore either

>> No.6592116

does anyone have the results??

>> No.6592127
File: 977 KB, 245x184, 1395104874251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24. Slaugherhouse Five

>> No.6592150

It's flashy and violent, and offers a sort of immediate, visceral reward. I can see it appealing to the type of people who play video games.

>> No.6592158

Just got through Either/Or
it has a special place in my heart

>> No.6592179

>The Diary of Anne Frank
>The Bible
>No Longer Human
>The Great Gatsby
>Infinite Jest

I was thinking of putting the Book of Ecclesiastes, but the trends seems to be just put the Holy Bible.

>> No.6592401

Odd, on that old chart the Bible is nowhere to be seen, but in the current poll there's piles of votes for it and ITT people have been arguing over inclusion of different parts/versions of it. I've noticed an increasing number of god-botherers (of the obnoxious American variety) here for a while. What changed?

>> No.6592424
File: 48 KB, 324x532, stxavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how much /lit/ culture has changed. We Catholics feel more at ease coming out because of everyone turning on the failed Fedoratipism. Plus even the non religious are starting to get over their saltyness for it and respecting it for the great cultural work that it is.

>> No.6592427

makes things easier for the one making the graph.

>> No.6592428

the /lit/ catholics are just the new fedora tippers. all the features are the same

>> No.6592435

except we have Aquanis and countless other great Theologians while they only have Dawkins and Hitchens

>> No.6592438
File: 31 KB, 241x308, thomas-2-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its the cultured and educated man's religion. The culture of our ancestors, why not look into it instead of throwing away generations of good faith.

>> No.6592440

The Bible is #64 on the old chart

>> No.6592444

well 2015 is the year of the new wave of Christianity so I wouldn't be suprised if its in the top ten. It was in my personal top position.

>> No.6592450

I've read about 20 books of it but not the entire thing, and I doubt most people voting for it have read all of it. So it seems dumb to me to do that, but /lit/ is all about posturing so it makes sense.

>> No.6592459

well I only read the book of Job but I still voted for it. I am personally glad to see so many people picking it up instead of dismissing it because of the religion.

>> No.6592464

I am personally glad you have about 2000 more pages of the book you consider the greatest ever written still to read. Get on that, anon! The Gospel of John is a personal favorite.

>> No.6592496

Results when?
>all these votes for the stranger

I have a feeling I'm about to be very embarrassed of /lit/

>> No.6592505

Please stop the memeing, 385

>> No.6592507

How do I view the results link says I need authentication and OP ain't doing diddly squat

>> No.6592508

This link works for me


I think it's just the one from the thread

>> No.6592514


>> No.6592554

did some quick tallying of the higher posted ones. there are definitely errors, but it gives a rough idea

>the bible

>infinite jest



>moby dick

>blood meridian

>gravity's rainbow

>the streanger


>the trial




>sound and the fury

>pale fire

>white noise



>mason and dixon


>> No.6592671

Actually better than the last one, this list is actually legit

>> No.6592690

No surprise there

>> No.6592694

Why is the Bible getting so many points? Like I'm not being edgy and saying its bad I'm just surprised /lit/ is picking it.

>> No.6592702

1. The Road
2.The Grapes of Wrath
3. Bulibasha
4. The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night-time
5. The Chocolate War

I'm interested are there any New Zealanders on this thread and do you read much NZ lit?

>> No.6592709

Voted The Book of the New Sun, The Brothers Karamazov, Sickness Onto Death, A Scaner Darkly and The Republic

>> No.6592745

400 votes. Hard to believe we have 400 posters.

>> No.6592764


peer pressure / allowing normies to just pick "the bible"
it should be individual books of the bible

>> No.6592776
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>> No.6592777
File: 13 KB, 600x400, depression_drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cannot bring self to vote because feelings of being ignorant pleb

>> No.6592781

>feeling intimidated on the internet, 4chan, lit
seek help from a psychiatrist my man

>> No.6592789

At least you have that decency. How do you think Infinite Jest, Lolita and Stranger got on that list?

>> No.6592793
File: 193 KB, 1646x646, Gravity&#039;s Pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow


Invisible Cities

Apathy and Other Small Victories

Blood Meridian

>> No.6592858

People need to reread Lolita, it really is a masterpiece.

>IJ because /lit meme
>Stranger because board is secretly pleb

>> No.6592886

It was probably the most disappointing book I've ever read.

>> No.6592939

It's almost as if books are a matter of taste (and ranking them like this is idiotic)

>> No.6592972

I don't think it is just taste. Some books are good or bad even if you like them. Yes I'm a Christian so I get to have a basis for those things
And this is just a representation of what we like here.

>> No.6593007

>>IJ because /lit meme
>>Stranger because board is secretly pleb
goddamit /lit/, infinite jest is the worst of the meme trilogy, shouldnt be as high as it is

>> No.6593060

>i'm not the only one posting Under The Volcano or I, Claudius

based lit

>> No.6593104

>people triggered by the bible
>not the stranger
That's how you know you're really a reddit tier fedora

>> No.6593129

i think it'd be interesting to have a list just of the books that only appear once

>> No.6593132

make it yourself, faggot. pretty sure OP is gonna compile the list manually, by hand

>> No.6593266

OP here, starting tallying votes now

>> No.6593288

I think this thread has hit the bump limit, so maybe make a new thread at some point

>> No.6593574

>the stranger
Entry-level as fuck, and not that good. People who voted for this are people who don't read much.
Now I'm definitely sure /v/ was voting

>> No.6593578

Can you add mine top 5 books to the vote too? I know I'm a bit late, but it shouldn't be a problem.

1. The Sound and the Fury
2. One Hundred Years of Solitude
3. The Brothers Karamazov
4. A Confederacy of Dunces
5. Cannery Row

>> No.6593708
File: 411 KB, 386x500, 1431290909947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump limit?

>> No.6593776

make a new thread for the results op

>> No.6593827

Didn't get to add mine please add

1. The Holy Bible
2. East of Eden
3. Woman in the Dunes
4. One Hundred Years of Solitude
5. Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6593830

The last tally they didn't include the individual books with the bible for some reason so the votes were split even though as a collective they got the most votes

>> No.6593840

how's it coming along Aaron D?

>> No.6593847

but do you think there has been anyone who finish it who didn't love it?

>> No.6593855

if you are a Christian and didn't vote for the Bible you are going to suffer eternal hell fire.

>> No.6593872

Iphigénie - Racine
The Iliad - Homer
En rade - Huysmans
Dom Juan - Byron
Poèmes saturniens - Verlaine

>> No.6593879

if you are a christian and voted for "the bible" instead of for your individual favorite book of the bible you are a hypocrite and definitly going to hell

>> No.6594118

Where are the results guys?

>> No.6594144

Aaron D is being a jew and not replying
he said results would be released mountain time at noon, which is apparently in 10 minutes?

>> No.6594146

You are venerable

>> No.6594177

Aaron D is still staring at his monitor counting, thinking wtf why did I suggest this

>> No.6594180

damn niggaz wanna stick me 4 ma paper

>> No.6594188

Are you some typical nigga from the french prerromanic or what? The result will come in 10 minutes.

>> No.6594196

yo yo imma tell yall something word is bond yall betta do tha knowledge on deez, tonight imma eat some real dope african rice n fuck some bootylitious beyotchez lol gs up hoes down!!!!

>> No.6594199

should have used some automatic polling system bro
probably a good idea to write names down on paper and then go by point columns, left to right, that's how I would have done it

>> No.6594207

not prerromanic son i aint no fuckin wit dat i rock mah ille de france gothic shiet from all around mah geto word is bond kid.

>> No.6594219

I like my girls like my romanic, simple, pure and full of CHRIST. CHECK DAT, GOTHIC KASPAROV!

>> No.6594239


>> No.6594243


>> No.6594267


>> No.6594269

Osicran, nigga, it's for gentlemen.

>> No.6594274


>> No.6594275

Osicran won't save you this time, Dr. X.

>> No.6594279
File: 80 KB, 960x720, mare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Qué os pongo, señores?

>> No.6594304
File: 61 KB, 960x539, 11150639_640359136099001_7502524135610079299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a good guy, this Falo.

>> No.6594306

¿Lo harás? ¿Te detendrán?

>> No.6594315
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 11009860_616994981768750_1979851511329865521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H...hey Falo-sama. What do you drink while reading? What's your favourite book? P..please don't coke on me.

>> No.6594324
File: 45 KB, 655x422, Diego-el-Cigala-e1369174868776-655x422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me siento como Tom Jams. Debajo de un cocotal.

>> No.6594326

¿Por qué te da un coco...en el coco? HAMA.

>> No.6594332
File: 721 KB, 543x263, atras.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6594338

Aaron D pls

>> No.6594348


>> No.6594358

tiriti traun traun traun, tiriti traun trauntrauntraun

>> No.6594368

What do yall people think about beatnik shit?

>> No.6594371

It's cool, better than those faggy romantic poets. Maybe too much about fucking.

>> No.6594407

this guy is a retard

beatniks a shit


>> No.6594433


>> No.6594492

AARON do it faggot!

>> No.6594502
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>> No.6594504

Is the muthaphuckin ranking being released or can i go sippin some syrup?

>> No.6594513
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 1432144137633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6594536

get my balls licked by a zoey dechanel looked like cocaine addict

>> No.6594541

besame besame mucho como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez

>> No.6594568

mah dad counts flush, he sits on a bad beyotch called tristan while sippin vodka, imma kill myself, goodbye mexico mon amour, mah creepy smile makes your latin pussy juicy

>> No.6594573

please, stop.

>> No.6594583
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 1424851577361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putana madonna vaffanculo hai sbaglioto cazzocazzocazzo cancro tbh

>> No.6594603

please, stop.

>> No.6594615
File: 288 KB, 1280x1705, 5675174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porco dio tbh lad

>> No.6594630

swear to god Aaron

>> No.6594682

looks like this is gonna be really similar to the last one lol there was basically no reason to do this

>> No.6594712
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1427311855057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we learned something then, didn't we

>> No.6594758


>> No.6594777

Aaron this thread is about to disappear make a new thread and link it here

>> No.6594878
File: 261 KB, 915x1176, QvFBqsZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opie pls

>> No.6594897


She's got a 'hot Eva Braun' thing happening.