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/lit/ - Literature

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6586634 No.6586634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm compiling a list of vaporwave literature. what else do you think belongs on this list? should anything be removed?

Microserfs - Douglas Coupland
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
Synners - Pat Cadigan
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
The Big U - Neal Stephenson
Infinte Jest - David Foster Wallace

>> No.6586641

Just because something's post modern or prophetic doesn't mean it's Vaporwave. Nothing on that list even comes close to achieving the Vaporwave aesthetic.

>> No.6586647


So is this the new alt lit?

>> No.6586648

There really isn't anything even remotely vaporwave on that list. As much as I want it to be a real thing in literature, you can't just reappropriate books that have nothing to do with its aesthethics and reason of being.

>> No.6586651

Do you think vaporwave got more popular after Floral Shoppe became a meme on /mu/? That was me one day, got bored and turned it into a forced meme by spamming it and noticed it really gained popularity. It got reviewed by Fantano a few days later and then more little vaporwave scenes started popping up. Always wondered if I could take any credit. In a way I feel more important than the artists themselves.

>> No.6586661


i always imagine this when you people mention vaporwave

>> No.6586671
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I guess you guys never read Microserfs or Synners.

>> No.6586704
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Vaporwave can be cyberpunk
Cyberpunk != Vaporwave
Vaporwave can be post-modernist
Post-Modernist Art != Vaporwave

>> No.6586744
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Vaporwave literature doesn't need to be a slaving imitation of vaporwave music. It's just writing that evokes the same mood:

Anti-consumerism, obsolescence, and the distortion of reality.

>> No.6586829
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so Karl Marx can be vaporwave?

>> No.6586849
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i dont see how karl marx embodies obsolescence?

most of the other books in the OP deal with technology of some sort.

>> No.6586857

>i dont see how karl marx embodies obsolescence?

I can see how he can

>> No.6586873

But can you also see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.6586879

I meant more of the anti-consumerism/accelerationism

>> No.6586891
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>> No.6586942

i want to know

>> No.6586968
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The more I think about it the more Infinite Jest fits.

There's a weedy taste to the whole book and the VHS tape gimmick to boot.

>> No.6587735


>> No.6587803

Hasn't vaporwave been dead for at least a couple years?

>> No.6588017

Why Infinite Jest?

>> No.6588036


Marx is the most vapourwave of all. Or maybe vapourwave sort of grew out of tryhard marx 20-somethings

source: live in portland, home of vapourwave

>> No.6588039

I've seen it 3 times now I guess I should download it *sigh*

>> No.6588622
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- the outlandish humor is a distortion effect on the lives of the characters
- the plot deals with a now-outdated technology (VHS tapes)
- impossibly large structures (the tennis academy tunnels reminds me of an abandoned mall)
- vague feeling of emptiness and anti-consumerism

>> No.6588670

I mostly agree, but I think it's important to note that it shouldn't be "Vaporwave can be post-modernist" but rather "Vaporwave IS post-modernist" as that's kind of the whole point. Vaporwave began in post-ironic circles, with Lopatin was just fucking around with samples and Ecco the Dolphin

So basically we need to get Tao Lin to write a novel set in the late 80s/early 90s

>tfw Fight Club is vaporwave

>> No.6588684

Depends. I think Vektroid has stopped doing it. Lopatin, the creator, still has vaporwave in his OPN project. Ferraro has moved away from strict vaporwave in favor of trap-ish RnB with a slight vapor sound. Releases still come out, but they're mostly tumblr kids or /mu/tants with little to no talent. And future funk, which is an incredibly fun subgenre, but is almost too far removed from the eccojams roots to be considered true vaporwave

>> No.6588709

>the plot deals with a now-outdated technology (VHS tapes)
>Infinite Jest came out in 1996

dumbest shit ive heard all day. next you'll be telling me that Pet Shop Boys is vaporwave.

the whole point of vaporwave is that it's a REVIVAL of the 80s aesthetic, not the 80s aesthetic itself.

>> No.6589015

for real, when infinite jest described the music on madame psychosis' radio i just heard vapowave

>> No.6589025

also, infinite jest is not vaporwave it's CLEARLY grunge

>> No.6589082

Is a bad joke.

>> No.6589086
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by reading it aren't you reviving the aesthetic?

disagree. the science fiction aspects of infinite jest clearly push it over to vaporwave.

if anyone was to write the "great vaporwave novel" it would probably be tao lin. or me. i've got some short stories that touch on the vaporware genre but i havent had anything longer focus on it. its possible that vaporwave as a genre is best represented by poetry.

>> No.6589106

>should anything be removed?
you from /lit/

>> No.6589115

>Anti-consumerism, obsolescence, and the distortion of reality.
Nigger what?

>> No.6589228

>if anyone was to write the "great vaporwave novel" it would probably be tao lin. or me. i've got some short stories that touch on the vaporware genre but i havent had anything longer focus on it. its possible that vaporwave as a genre is best represented by poetry.
I already wrote it. I just need to get it published.

>> No.6589265
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Vaporwave songs remind you of consumerism, but its meant to be sarcastic in tone. Much like all the product name drops in Microserfs. Which, I think, means we can possibly consider American Psycho as an addition to the list.

>> No.6590248


What about Brief Interviews with Hideous Men? I somewhat instinctively think about that book when I think about vaporwave. Especially that part about some TV producer and his daughters or something.

>> No.6590299

Doing God's work OP.

>> No.6590328
File: 47 KB, 300x300, DFW-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw appreciating vaporwave sincerely even if it's meant sarcastically

Post-snark living is here

>> No.6590347

Clarify something for me.
I'm not familiar with the origins of Vaporwave. Is the entire genre an extension of the New Sincerity movement, do they exist separately, or do they work in tandem towards a common artistic goal? Does Vaporwave even have a 'goal'?
Anti-Consumerism and nostalgia both seem to be the workhorses behind good Vaporwave, but neither are achieved through it.
The Vaporwave market is not only very consumerist but is also dominated by people too yung to know what an empty 80's mall actually looks like. Is this intentional and done out of ironic expression or is the real endgoal just obfuscated under piles of spacey irony and cherry-scented bliss?
ad: How deep does the rabbit hole go?

>> No.6590506


Vapor wave is just a meme. People will try to say it's a new genre of music, but that kind of sound has been around for a long time. "vapor wave" is more about the album art at any rate

>> No.6590567
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There's no such thing as 'just a meme'. Memes are only representing cultural units. Memes as straightforward as common idioms and phrases are supported by the context in which they're used. In the case of Vaporwave, it describes a much more abstract (but no more legitimate) concept.
Even if the genre has been around for a while, the recent reincarnation of it and the widely held belief that this reincarnation is an entirely new spin on music only proves Vaporwave's status as a timepiece model of memetics.
You're right though, I should've noted that a clear distinction has to be made between Vaporwave music and Vaporwave cover art/fan art. I'm referring to the music.

>> No.6590813

It's hard to say whether it was the biggest tipping point for vaporwave, but it definativevly was one.

spoiler/ the spammers win again /spoiler

>> No.6590919

Wait, is Floral Shoppe supposed to be bad? I sincerely listen to it all the time. Although S U R F I N G is my favorite.