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6586500 No.6586500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So... Do you guys think people like Elliot Rodger are an inevitable outcome of a feminist society? What is to be done with these involuntarily celibate males wanting sex, lest they turn to more and more violent uprisings. One can at least postulate that access to a vibrant and healthy sexual life would have prevented most of the past major spree shootings and disasters.

Why is access to sex so scarce? Does the patriarchal imprint of social value and property leading to a balanced ratio between the sexes, when men should be outnumbered by women.

Feminists wish to hang on to their genitals as their own limited currency in the idea that it empowers them, but it only leads to social instability, anti-family anti-traditional values (I don't need a man/men shouldn't talk to me in public).

In short, just how much blame could one place on Mr. Roger? Remember, he was practically a child, like most people his age, who aren't afforded as many avenues for the transition into manhood thanks to the intrusion of mass culture, TV, video games, Mountain Dew, etc.

>> No.6586508

report submitted ;)

>> No.6586517

Prostitution I guess
Beggars can't be choosers even in neoliberalism
But >>>/gamergate/

>> No.6586559

It was probably about 15% feminism 85% him being a spoilt delusional cunt.

>> No.6586564

Is it bait?
You are misrepresenting the problem, anyway. The feminist strawman you are presenting isn't real or, at least, isn't real in my experience, which is one of constant contact with very feminist girls with "extreme" ideas. They don't "hang on their genitals", most of the time, and neither they oppose men talking to them in public. They dislike dialogue reifying them.
Also, Rodger's problem, in my opinion, is the idea of "toxic masculinity" which is, yes, a byproduct of a manic patriarchal society obsessed with the hyperreality of things like virility and femininity, or "being-American" or "being-Left-Wing". None of these things is particularly healthy if it's the ideal you're growing up with.

>> No.6586577

>those categories are bad you guys
>so let's search for new categories, which will equally be bad !

>> No.6586588
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You know sex has become the cheapest product ever and more accessible than ever before so you cannot generalize from a single case
however cultural conditioning has fucked up everything, everyone a victim of something including beminism (merely a fashionable movement) they are serving someone's agenda but haven't realized it yet.

>> No.6586589

Did I write that somwehere? I don't particularly like categories, so I don't think I supported them. I may have done so unwillingly, so point out where I said that and I'll see if I can correct myself.

>> No.6586592

Dem dubs tho

>> No.6586611

Elliot Rodger did what he did because he had a mental disorder and our society is absolute garbage at recognizing serious mental problems. There's no more significance to what he did other than the fact that members of misogynist web forums enabled his mental downfall and gave him these wild ideas about women being the source of all his delusions.

Have you fucking read this guy's manifesto? It's obvious that he can't be used as an illustration of the logical conclusion of anything.

>> No.6586645

He quoted World of Warcraft, right?

>> No.6586662

This. Dude had serious mental problems all his life and probably should have been institutionalized.

>> No.6586769

it s pretty obvious it was the result of race mixing gone awry. his white mind told him he should be getting hot blonde babes but his beta asian manlet physique which made his sister bangable rendered him repulsive to top shelf pussy. if he were full asian he could ve accepted and lived with this outcome. if he were full white there wouldn t have been any issue in the first place: ge would ve been taller, stronger and more alpha.

>> No.6586856

>In short, just how much blame could one place on Mr. Roger?

I do hope you're joking

>> No.6586937

His manifesto could have been a heaping pile of autistic trash but the reality is that e really wasn't afforded the very thing society (patriarchy) exists to afford him.

It's become this sick game of only giving to those who are already able to themselves give fully.

Let's be honest though, society isn't THAT bad yet. Yes, it is undeniably plummeting in the direction of severely impoverishing its men, but Elliot Roger was a case of his own mental illness more than he was a product of a broken, warped society.

But can we take his case as evidence for the fact that society is tearing apart at its seems in this very way? Absolutely.

Here's the thing though, OP, having discourse and dialogue about it is exactly what's not going to fix it. Hypothetically speaking, say you have a 100% logically airtight proof for the fact that feminism is destroying society. If you show that to feminists, they're not going to stop and say, 'hey, you know what guys, this is actually totally right, we need to pack our shit up and fuck off'.

Think of women as indicators. As signals. That feminism exists is a call to action for men to actually DO something about it, it's a warning sign. A messenger comes to you with news of another empire moving forth upon your own, you don't try to reason or engage in combat with HIM. You occupy yourself to the front.

The answer to your question is yes, yes feminism is actually just a destructive force against society. The solution is not to talk about it, but to assemble. Not necessarily in a physical way, but in a private one.

Find us OP. We're out here just waiting for you.

>> No.6586953

>inevitable outcome

fuck-bots like in Ex Machina.

also, how is this lit related? go back to /pol/

>> No.6586954

i think what you're talking about is a problem in society for many people

lots of people are lonely and depressed and probably want to kill themselves because they feel worthless in the eyes of the opposite sex

but doing a spree killing probably crosses the line into something a little more extreme

what's sad is that these other people you never hear about and they just silently disappear