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/lit/ - Literature

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6585757 No.6585757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6585776

>greatest achivements of lit
>all are epic


>> No.6585789

If literally only 6 examples can be taken from all of history, that's not actually too bad of a list

>> No.6585805

that is very clearly a troll thread anyway
there isnt even any Tolstoy and the OP put Queen's Greatest Hits on it

>> No.6585807
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>> No.6585811

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6585812

Queens greatest hits and a fucking kanye west album for hip hop.
Honestly Aeroplane wouldnt be a poor choice.

>> No.6585816

how about you go listen to that piece of shit red album with the yellow squares on it you pleb faggot

>> No.6585829

The films are unbearably boring compared to the literature. A serious no-fun zone allowed aside from The Mirror and Persona.

>> No.6585832


>> No.6585837
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Someone took it seriously and made an all right list.

>> No.6585838


>> No.6585841

Stay there, goddamnit I hate you /mu/ crossposters.

>> No.6585849

>brian wilson from the beach boys
>alright list
pick one

>> No.6585851

I thought you were talking about Good Morning Good Night but there arent multiple squares and that's pink. Anyhow, It's pretty good.

>> No.6585852
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>> No.6585853

/mu/tant here, wanna start taking literature seriously. where should i start? i was thining war and piece or pynchon? or something maybe more patrician?

are there patrician charts here too?

>> No.6585854

>most of the thread is people suggesting the musical equivalent of genre fiction
>that one guy who thinks Pynchon is just a meme

That was a fun read. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6585855

Do you not listen to music or something?

>> No.6585862

He's debatebly the best of the genre.

>> No.6585864

>that one guy who thinks Pynchon is just a meme
The funniest thing in that thread. He seems utterly convinced of it too.

>> No.6585865

Also a /mu/tant here. I really liked 1984 plus it's easy to read. Maybe start there?

>> No.6585866

>shitting on Kjottmeisel
This is actually pretty good

>> No.6585867
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>> No.6585868

/mu/ is still a cesspit.

Read what you like. Everybody mocks you here regardless of what you read.

Yes, there are charts. Go to the wiki.

>> No.6585869

The Greeks.

>> No.6585870

I think that was a joke. But even if it wasn't, you basically have to either pick Brian Wilson or McCartney if you want to cover rock music on a list of artistic masters. They both created incredibly ambitious works, seemed to have an understanding of music theory and arrangement without formal training, helped to distance rock music from the blues and instead seemed more influenced by Western art music, and considerably raised the bar for pop music.

>> No.6585873

Pynchon's great but only literal memers believe he's among the greatest ever.

>> No.6585883

The OP literally said he didn't know if that was a good idea, How are you on /lit/ when you can't even read ?

>> No.6585888

>among the greatest ever.
Are you from /mu/? Because there is no objective way to decide who is and who isn't among the greatest ever. To imply that is to imply that there is a correct way to write literature.

>> No.6585891

Lol. Rock had a lifespan of like 40 years dude. why do people seriously think it belongs in that list?

>> No.6585893

if yr not used to reading, maybe start with short stories, like Barthelme's Sixty Stories or Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilych. For something more recent, Junot Diaz's Drown or DeLillo's Angel Esmeralda might be good choices, too. If ya want something music related, Phil Elverum's Dawn is p interesting.

Otherwise, I'm not sure. Read something that sounds interesting to you. Starting with the canon might be a good idea, so you can establish what ya like and what ya don't.

>> No.6585895

Honestly though, if we're ranking thing's off significance Pynchon is shit.

>> No.6585897


Rock is still going...

>> No.6585907

Yes start with Tai Pei by Tao Lin

>> No.6585910

>there is no objective way to decide who is and who isn't among the greatest ever

Beethoven is among the greatest ever, Vanilla Ice is not.

Just look at the esteem and regard, as well as respect the individual has from their peers - top level musicians. Oh wait vanilla ice isn't even a top level musician. Argument over.

>> No.6585912

Do you think GR isn't a worthy representative of postmodern fiction, or that postmodernism shouldn't be represented on such a list, or what?

>> No.6585917

Really, who?

>> No.6585922

Pretty shitty argument but I expect nothing more from the underaged users of /mu/.

>> No.6585924


>> No.6585925

Assuming it's being based off representations of individual periods perhaps, but taking the entirety of western canon it's not even close.

>> No.6585931

I started to respect Brian Wilson a lot more artistically when I considered
>pretty much everybody was shitting on his ideas
>he was the only person really working out the arrangements and telling people what to do
>he had an incredibly shitty childhood
>he basically had schizophrenia
>no musical training
>nobody was really doing what he was doing at the time
I consider him to be more worthy of being on the list than the Beatles mostly because Brian Wilson is more of an ARTIST. He was one man whose life eventually fell apart doing something new with all kinds of troubles creating his art by himself. Lennon/McCartney was a duo, so it's probably better to feature the tragic Brian Wilson than two songwriters working together. Also, his music speaks for itself:


>> No.6585932

Then it should be easy to discredit it.
By the way "pretty shitty argument" is amongst the shittiest ad hominem arguments you can use. It's so funny how irony works is it not, kid?

>> No.6585936

stopped reading there underage scum

>> No.6585942


I think you might mean IQ84. 1984 is a meme

>> No.6585946

>Sloop John B
Out of all the choices, anon.

>> No.6585947

I'm not going to cut out really accessible stuff
Tame Impala - Lonerism
Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007)
Queens of the Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork (2013)
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois (2005)
The Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium (2003)
Mastodon - Leviathan (2001)
Fugazi the Argument (2001)
Pretty much everything Animal Collective have done
I think you're the meme.
Sloop John B is really good though.

>> No.6585952

How do you decide which is better Stravinsky's RIte of Spring or Beethoven's 9th symphony?

>which ever one has more significance
Then more popular pieces/musicians will have a greater chance at being better because they are more well known and have a much higher chance at being significant/influential than pieces/musicians that arent that well known. Significance/influence is not determinant of whether a musician is better than another musician.

>> No.6585958


>> No.6585960

It's good but, to me, holds the least substance in the whole album.
Is a much better choice.

>> No.6585966

I think we can generally agree that some artists are more important than others. We know that the Iliad was basically the first work of its scale, was lauded by the Greeks, was taught all throughout history, was admired by other influential and acclaimed writers, and was the first to contain themes that have been continuously redone and referenced from the Renaissance to modernism. This all shows that its timeless, that it strikes a chord with the masses, intellectuals, and artists, that it was innovative, etc etc. See how we can basically agree that some artists and their work stands a bit higher than others? We can also appreciate things more when there is obviously an almost superhuman amount of work that went into them. A marble sculpture does not only fill us with awe because of how realistic it is or how tragic the story its portraying or any of that, but also because we are impressed that a man thousands of years ago chipped away at a block of marble with a hammer for an enormous amount of time to create such a perfect looking statue. The same applies for a symphony- we are impressed when we know that every note for every instrument in the entire orchestra for the entire hour it lasts was chosen by a deaf man, and that all of these notes create many overlapping melodies and beautiful sounding harmonies over it. We can use common sense to say that this took more work, intelligence, and creativity than making a trap beat on fruity loops.

>> No.6585967

>not a single original thing in the list
>rock is not dead meme

>> No.6585969


I stand corrected, but the era of guitar dominated rock is gone, still, thanks a bunch.

>> No.6585972

>Beethoven is among the greatest ever,
And this is why exactly? Because it's the only classical composer you know?

>> No.6585978

suffy isn't rock
I wouldn't call in rainbows or anco rock, either.

I think better examples would be stuff like
parquet courts, thee oh sees, ty segall
ya know, rock artists still getting lots of coverage / praise (critical and otherwise)

>> No.6585980

Sloop John B is notable because of the overlapping vocal melodies in the middle of it. If you realize that all of this was created based on the thoughts of one man, you may appreciate it more. It's also a song that's better for showcasing Brian Wilson's ear for arranging and for harmonies, as it's based on a folk song.

>> No.6585986

>rock is dead meme
>The Argument isnt original
>Like Clockwork isnt original
>In Rainbows isnt original
>Illinois isnt original
>Deloused isnt original
Dont pretend like you've listened to any of this.
Look up I Appear Missing by Queens of the Stone Age. Preferably not the edit that chops the song in half.

>> No.6585988

>Who is and who isn't
>lists two pieces of work

Can people on /lit/ not read at all? Seriously?

I don't think you understand what the word "great" means. Most average people are familiar and reverent of Beethoven. If you played his famous works they would know what it is.

Most if not all composers since him have regarded him as one of the greatest, and their opinions are much more worthy than yours or mine.

Most regular musicians, or anyone who has played a piano and attempted his works recognizes his music as art, and amongst the highest calibre at that.

It is not hard to objectively recognize the artistry in one of his compositions, which ones have you played?

>> No.6586000

If suffy doesnt make rock music then what in the world would you call it. But yeah I see why those bands would be more "rock" even if they didnt have as many original ideas.

>> No.6586004

Anyone who hasn't yet come to terms that Beethoven comes second only to Mozart hasn't listened to those works that leave no room for denying this truth. Listen to his 23rd piano sonata or, if you really want to experience the pinnacle of human artistic achievement, listen to his 14th string quartet, but I warn you, the latter is a lot to take in for one new to the emotional turmoil that the works of Beethoven are capable of producing.

>> No.6586015

what's the top-right Russian film?

>> No.6586026

Eisenstien's Alexander The Great

>> No.6586036


Not the guy you replied to, but I'd just spent two minutes copy pasting the Cyrillic into a translator to find out. Damn you.

>> No.6586037

suffy is chamber pop with strong folk influence
nothing about his music is particularly rock

Originality wasn't really the point I was going for with those bands (though I'd see Thee Oh Sees is p original). More that rock is still commercially viable (and, therefore, alive).
if ya want original stuff, Black Eyes (2003):
Boris (2005):
or even Dope Body (2013):
would be better examples because they both fit within the realm of rock and are p original. (Admittedly, more on the heavy side of rock.)

>> No.6586043

Alexander Nevsky*

>> No.6586046

Boris make me cream

>> No.6586055

gravity's rainbow does not belong there. hell, even pleb stuff like brave new world or on the road is better.

>> No.6586060

>artistic master

you can only pick one

>> No.6586067

Are you baiting me

>> No.6586072

not that guy but McCartney is mediocre as fuck

>> No.6586073

Surely Battleship Potemkin would be the Eisenstein pick

>> No.6586078

Yeah writing the best Western of all time is pretty mediocre

>> No.6586080

Replace Gravity's Rainbow with The Sound and the Fury, and it's perfect. Literature, at least. Not well versed in films or music to claim anything.

>> No.6586084
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>make a joke picture comparing DOOM to great art
>no replies
>1 hour later
>threads on mu and lit re-purposing my picture completely


>> No.6586089

Add Planescape: Torment, Deus Ex, Mother 3, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Katamari Damacy to video games, and it's perfect.

>> No.6586100

All of those choices you listed are for faggots. The only rock musicians worth listening to are jam bands (and live if you can swing it) like Umphrey's McGee and Dopapod and Lotus or more even more traditional ones like Phish and moe. you aren't a bandwagoning retard and acually give their live stuff a chance.

>> No.6586104
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u got cucked

>> No.6586124

>not even any Kurosawa
Doomed from the start

>> No.6586134

It would be an insult to compare video games to any other artform, even remotely

>> No.6586143
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>> No.6586144


>> No.6586149

no he's right. you're either trolling or you need to get off my board.

>> No.6586155

Comes from a guy not using capital letters when a sentence begins. Remove yourself, faggot. Preferably kill yourself too.

>> No.6586157

I don't think you understand what the word "great" means. Most average people are familiar and reverent of Kanye West. If you played his famous works they would know what it is.

Most if not all contemporary artists since him have regarded him as one of the greatest, and their opinions are much more worthy than yours or mine.

Most regular musicians, or anyone who has touched a synthesizer and attempted his works recognizes his music as art, and amongst the highest calibre at that.

It is not hard to objectively recognize the artistry in one of his compositions, which ones have you played?

Seriously, that's a terrible argument. The music taste of a genius composer are no more valid than mine.

>> No.6586160

I was going to check out more jam bands already but you're such a cunt that I dont want to be associated with it.

>> No.6586165

Keep your Doom, then, and ruminate on the interplay of pixels as I absorb the trajectory of human thought

>> No.6586167

Why Fats Waller?

>> No.6586170
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>I take grammar on the internet very seriously
>I consider videogames an artform
>I have never been laid

>> No.6586172

Kanye West is one of, if not, the greatest producer of all time. You understand the immense differences between a musician/composer and a producer don't you?

>> No.6586174

>Video Games arent art
I'd love to hear why you think this

>> No.6586177

The taste of a genius composer is far more valid than yours. Who the fuck are you? Some guy on his couch? no one cares what you think, beethoven's opinion would surely be more relevant than yours, especially if the discussion is about musical composers. Because, dumbass, there's a thing called "experience".

>muh subjectivity

fuck off.

>> No.6586179

>no Xenogears

>> No.6586183

I don't care what a man may think of me for doing so, but I consider anyone who thinks Kanye West, the degenerate scoundrel, to be even remotely close to the genius, the immortal greatness of Beethoven, to be no different than the barnyard swine that can't differentiate between the two because it is without the mental capacity to do so. It is not a matter of conforming to the opinion of anyone, but a mere adherence to common understanding: you cannot listen to ANY of Beethoven's sonatas and then listen to Kanye West, and still harbor the slightest uncertainty in regards to what greatness and artistry, in terms of music, means.

>> No.6586192

>The taste of a genius composer is far more valid than yours.
What makes you think that taste is objective, anon? Is there any quantifiable way to measure how 'good' something is?
And no, I'm in a very cozy armchair.
That's a lot of rage to express your opinion :^).

>> No.6586200

Because if you ever picked up an instrument you'd understand that the music taste of an actually talent musician is infinitely more important than some random kid off the street.

Taste may be subjective, but their opinion is objectively more relevant than yours, and there's no way around that.

>> No.6586201

I can understand that video games conceivably *could* communicate artistic expression, but it certainly isn't something like fucking Doom. Also:

>inb4 Journey

>> No.6586205

>white males everywhere
>2 token black people in the music section

>> No.6586210


if you're completely new, its best to start with the type of books you find in high-school reading lists (authors like hemingway, steinbeck, vonnegut, fitzgerald, salinger, etc). they're chosen for a reason: they're "deep" but accessible. unless you have an iron will, beginning with pynchon or the greeks will only leave you frustrated and bored.

>> No.6586214

I am offended when Beethoven's genius is undermined. Ignorance is unacceptable when his invaluable contribution to man is a youtube search away. All of these meretricious "musicians" of today will be forgotten in a few decades but He will be remembered and appreciated for as long as man continues to exist.

>> No.6586216

How do you determine how 'relevant' an opinion is? What is relevance of taste in this context?
More people would agree with my statement about Kanye West than they would yours about some dusty old fogey. Does that mean my opinion is more relevant?
>whines about a lack of racial diversity while ignoring black people
>they're just there because you didn't want to not appeal to me .;9
I don't even know what's ironic anymore.

>> No.6586226

Someone who has experience in a particular field is in a better position to make a subjective argument since they have subjectively gone through something directly relevant to the discussion, i.e. they have years of experience playing the guitar and you don't, so their opinion on who is a better guitarist is backed up, while yours is not.

As i've said, Kanye West is objectively not a composer or musician, he is a producer. Most people including myself would agree that he is one of the greatest producers of all time, but not the greatest musician.

>> No.6586230

It doesnt have to be good art to be art. Games are meant primarily to be about instant gratification and doing anything else gets the work labeled as pseudo intellectual or pretentious. Here's some of the more artful ones (in my opinion) though.
Stanley Parable
Deus Ex
Hotline Miami

Why the fuck cant someone think white males made the best art

>> No.6586237

It's backed up by years of reinforcing their own taste :).

>> No.6586251

Well my definition of artistic expression is something that communicates something of the sublime or the tragic that comes with being thrown into the chaotic, suffering existence of human life. The only video game that has offered anything resembling what I might consider artistic expression is Shadow of the Colossus, and even then it is tenuous

>> No.6586254

>subjectivity backed up by subjectivity
>Objectively better than or equal to subjectivity backed up by objectivity

That is incorrect. If you are talking in an objective sense, the experienced musician is better.
In a subjective sense, everyone is equal.

Even if they are biased.

Which makes the subjectivity of individuals incredibly misleading and untrustworthy, which forms the basis for my arguments but is still irrelevant to the discussion we are having.

>> No.6586256

That's another one that could go on the list.

>> No.6586277

- posted from my iPhone

>> No.6586280


missing Satyajit Ray

>> No.6586293

this should not be a hard concept to understand. kanye west is both a producer and a musician, and what he's mostly beloved for (today) is the latter aspect.

yes, for the most part, producers have not been musicians BECAUSE they did not compose the actual music, they only over saw its production. this is no longer true. the modern usage of "producer" in certain subgenres (hiphop, electronica, etc) is not synonymous with how the term was once used or continues to be used in others, and you're either being completely disingenuous or you're absolute mouth-breathing troglodyte if you think the same limitations apply just because the label happens to be the same.

Woody Allen, Christoper Nolan, and Wes Anderson do not suddenly become ineligible for the screenwriters award because they also direct their films. Proust self-publishing In Search of Lost Time does not stop him from being labelled a writer.

>> No.6586304

op of that /mu/ thread, thanks for the inspiration

>> No.6586309

muh eurocentrism knows no bounds.

>> No.6586311

capitalize your shit

>> No.6586315
File: 67 KB, 389x282, art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a unique kind of art that you experience and interact with.

>check out this bullshit
>it's not even scratch and sniff

>> No.6586319

you forgot VTMB. this is really the only video game worth playing. all the new games have degenerated into a split between visual novels and mugging hookers, CJ.

>> No.6586325

What's your point faggot?

>> No.6586330

Start capitalizing your shit. And no, Masquerade is not the only video game worth playing. It's 8/10 and you're wearing nostalgia googles.
>all the new games have degenerated into a split between visual novels and mugging hookers, CJ
I dont even know how to respond to this bait

>> No.6586331

It being a video game does not preclude it's ability to effectively express something human, but almost all games I've played are transitive wish-fulfillment and nothing more

>> No.6586333

Kanye West is not a musician, he is an artist. He does not play an instrument nor is he sophisticated in the composition of music that requires instruments to be used.

You should, go and look up the definiton of a musician before you come here and call me a mouth-breathing troglodyte. Mr West is not a musician.

>> No.6586357

wow, even /mu/ has better mods than /lit/

/lit/ once again confirmed for shittiest board

>> No.6586365

everyband that uses an electric guitar, bass and drums

>> No.6586377

>A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented, or one who composes, conducts, or performs music.

You should have looked it up yourself m8

>> No.6586386

nickelback it is,

Musical talent and production are two different things.

>> No.6586408

Composing = To create musical work
Perform music = someone who performs music, like a rapper who puts on a concert.
Musically talented = the ability to compose music, such as a rapper who puts songs together


>> No.6586432

art requires somethign done with the hands

>> No.6586447
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I know this is bait but how the fuck do you not have Shakespeare in there?

What the living fuck

>> No.6586485

it could probably replace Gravities rainbow but these charts are just personal opinions anyway.

>> No.6586511

Books are shit, reading lit a thing to be seen doing, not enjoyed.

>> No.6586519

Shakespeare is performance art more than it is literature.

Unless you're talking about his poetry, anyway.

>> No.6586530

You'd need to clarify more. Film has activities done by the hands, and writing is done by the hands, but the products of those mediums are generally more appreciated for their intellectual merit, not their handiwork.

>> No.6586534

I'd agree, although I don't think that eliminates the possibility of games being something more; they just need to mature as a medium. I've played a few that stood out, but mostly they don't tend to have much of what many would call 'artistic merit.'

>> No.6586538

>Chaplin but no Lynch, Bunuel, Godard, or Truffaut

literally spot the pleb

>> No.6586545

The very definition of music requires instruments. Kanye doesn't use instruments. HES NOT A MUSICIAN.

>> No.6586556

If somebody likes Kanye or Drake or Kendrick or all those meme pitchfork rap artists I immediately stop listening to them. Scaruffi said it best

>> No.6586688


Well, yes, it should certainly be amended to greatest WESTERN artistic achievements. If it were greatest artistic achievements worldwide, we'd need to include at least somebody from India and/or China as one of the great writers.

>> No.6586714

>Scaruffi said it best
Scaruffi had some good things to say about Kanye

>> No.6587070
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>elitist pleb

>> No.6587082

wait what. so a synthesizer and a sampler and a vocoder and a drum machine arent instruments or what. plus do you really believe vocalists arent musicians?

>> No.6587094

i remember jerking off at the scene in Persona where she describes the foursome at the beach

good times

>> No.6587101

>joyce with dante, shakespeare and tolstoy
I mean he's good, but Jesus

I've never seen such a fraud in my life.

>> No.6587118

No they aren't. And Kanye is a shit tier vocalist.

>> No.6587133

>drum machine

It was literally created so that people who couldn't play the instrument could still make drum beats.

It's like playing madden and calling yourself a football star.

>> No.6587146

>brian wilson

>> No.6587163

>3. Music A device for playing or producing music
That is not an opinion. That is just plain wrong. Like it or not, Kanye makes music using instruments. That is not open to debate. Alienating artists from being a musician. because they're bad :( is just immature.
For what it's worth, a Kazoo is also an instrument.

>> No.6587189

McCartney really shouldn't be compared to Wilson. BW (and the Beach Boys) were much much better than Paul/theBeatles

>> No.6587195

Seriously, anon? Are you legit this dumb? Of course Joyce belongs in that company. He is an unparalleled master of the English language and the single most important author of the last century.