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/lit/ - Literature

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6585630 No.6585630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Evangelion of /lit/?

>> No.6585689

I wouldn't know because I'm not a faggot who watches Evangelion

>> No.6585696


Confusing, weird, people love give the worst and dumbest interpretations of it even though they really have no idea what they're talking about?

Any of the meme trilogy would apply, and if you don't know what those books are, lurk more.

>> No.6585702

i would say house of leaves. as in it's pretty mediocre, a little bit mindfucky, and you think it's the best shit in the world when you're 15

>> No.6585706

Catcher in the rye.

Overhyped on one hand. Actually decent on the other with some moderate depth, and the people who hate it are usually retards who miss the entire point.

>> No.6585721


>> No.6585722

Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke.
Hideaki Anno read it while in a mental asylum after attempting suicide after his girlfriend left him and it helped form what would be writing and drawings which contributed to the ultimate conception of the show.

>> No.6585734

he said, angrily shitposting on the literature subsection of a mongolian cave painting exchange forum

>> No.6585735


>> No.6585748

Infinite Jest and Ulysses, but what is the third; I can't remember. I think it Pynchon.

>> No.6585768

wow he sounds like such a weak cunt

>> No.6585863

steppenwolf kek

>> No.6586353

Open your mind for once, anon.

>> No.6586626

Without a doubt "Gravity's Rainbow"

>> No.6586865

>Hideaki Anno read it while in a mental asylum after attempting suicide after his girlfriend left him
This is absolute bullshit.

>> No.6586871

So this show apparently has Lacanian themes, anyone know where?

>> No.6586881
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>> No.6586892


Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6586899


Is more Kierkegaard/Hegel

>> No.6586905


So Shinji is the Knight of Infinite Resignation?

>> No.6586935
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Who is the Shirou of /lit/?

>> No.6586939

As someone who likes Catcher in the Rye, I'd say this is pretty accurate.

>> No.6586974


that's quite sad tbh

>> No.6586993

Definitely Gravity's Rainbow:

>le quirky skits about sex, watermelons, penguins and other stuff mixed with le serious passages
>literally gainax ending
>weird characters

>> No.6587013

Gravity's Rainbow turned out to be a lot like it

>> No.6587141


>> No.6587156
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What is the Punpun of /lit/?

>> No.6587168

Fuuck i can't wait to read it

>> No.6587170


>> No.6587172
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evangelion is basically what you get when you throw GR in a blender and base the script around whatever comes out.

>> No.6587178

ur mum cause she's gay.

just like evangelion

>> No.6588118

Anything Camus writes

>> No.6588169


Who are these retards who think Evangelion is confusing? It's literally just a mecha show with symbolic allusions and character analysis.

That's it.

How the fuck is it confusing to people who don't have Down's?

>> No.6588345
File: 51 KB, 700x488, acde522d9fe94d766c32a157496f8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Rant.

Any other answer is wrong.

>> No.6588370


>> No.6588604
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>> No.6588617

Punpun is shit. So basically the entirety of YA genre

>> No.6588838

>just a mecha show
That's like saying The Wire is a crime thriller.

>> No.6588846

You got your answer.
It's a ripoff of Clarke.
You can go now.

>> No.6588853

>incest subtext
>father's evil plan
>religious subtext

>> No.6588898

Childhoods End and EVA share very similiar plotpoints but thematically they're very different. Anyone saying it's a ripoff is just talking out of their ass.

>> No.6588938

>Take Star Trek plot points
>Change the theme

>Not get sued

>> No.6588957

>placing surface ideas over theme
>worshiping the golden calf

>> No.6588970

you haven't seen Eva, fake Butters. The sci-fi aspect is just the fluff. It's like comparing Caves of Steel with A Dame to Kill For because both are sort of noir thrillers.

>> No.6588985

the ending of the show was kinda Steppenwolfish.

>> No.6588990
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I haven't, true. Too teen soap.
Not fake btw.
Shoving off now though, so have fun with your meme thread.

>> No.6589004

>talking shit about things you haven't seen
>even thinking about supposing the high ground

When did /lit/ become so intellectually dishonest

>> No.6589018

what sci-fi is to NGE the western genre is to Blood Meridian

>> No.6589073


>> No.6589081

Misato best gril

>> No.6589231


>> No.6589939

>Kierkegaard / Hegel

Wow no. Why do people always try and shove Kierkegaard and Hegel into shit that has nothing to do with them?

Evangelion is literally "Hedgehog's Dilemma: The Show", which is Schopenhauer, you autistic fuck.

>> No.6589956

The Bible.

>> No.6589963

The Human Instrumentality project sounded pretty Hegelian.

and there was an episode named after a Kierkegaard book about "This sickness is not unto death"

The show included a lot of themes from the different philosophers, it wasn't overall particular to any.

>> No.6590041
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There is even a little Descartes "tribute", the entry plug is where him located the soul (the pineal gland), Rei Ayanami in one episode says something in the lines of "the entry plug is the seat of the soul" and the "seat of the soul" is a Descartes quote.


There are also some Freudian vibes from it but it's pretty obvious.

>> No.6590054

>Hedgehog's Dilemma: The Show
if you can't even accurately comment on eva what are you doing trying to discuss hegel you underage faggot

>> No.6590076
File: 241 KB, 1024x768, mub rub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the muv-luv of /lit/?

>> No.6590082

>implying EVA isn't literally Hedgehog's Dilemma: The Show
>implying Hegel isn't an irrelevant MUH ABSOLUTE meme philosopher for contrarian faggots on an obscure literature imageboard where no one actually reads anything

>> No.6590088

just leave already it's getting awkward

>> No.6590091

>What's the Fleshlight of /lit/?
>What's the mlp of /lit/?
>What's the action figure of /lit/?
>what's the fedora and trench-coat of /lit/?
>what's the (insert manchild paraphernalia here) of /lit/?
That's how you sound OP

>> No.6590100
File: 825 KB, 1353x968, 24243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You ain't foolin nobody

>> No.6590109

What is this, Anon?

>> No.6590116

Nice to see Pythagorus on the ups

>> No.6590161

the pineal gland is in the brain though, that doesn't look like where they are putting it.

>> No.6590189

At it's genesis.

>> No.6590210
File: 47 KB, 999x563, 10192226a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I made a little mistake, I am talking about the seat and not the entry plug itself, that anyway it's pretty complex mechanism and I actually didn't understood so much about how it works, anyway, here's a pic of the seat, it's pretty similiar to the pineal gland to me and the concept it's the same as Descartes' anyway.