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File: 64 KB, 612x380, John-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6582934 No.6582934 [Reply] [Original]

>When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.

>> No.6582937

Kill yourself, OP.

John Green is the best.

>> No.6582947

genuine contender for least favorite author of all-time.

>> No.6582948

Did OP say otherwise?

>> No.6582955

If I pretend to have read John Green will qts want to fuck me?

>> No.6582960
File: 11 KB, 322x214, 1428684441314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What exactly does "faith" mean. As in religious faith," "faith in God,"etc.
Isn't it basically crazy to believe in something that there's no proof of? Is there really any difference between what we call faith and some primitive tribe's sacrificing virgins to volcanoes because they believe it'll produce good weather?
How can somebody have faith before he's presented with sufficient reason to have faith?"

>> No.6582964

When is John Green going to grow up? Seriously, it's like he's stuck in high school. His writing, his emphasis on the teenage years, just everything about it. He still dresses like a high school kid too.

He needs to stop being a basic bitch.

>> No.6582966

Why would you even consider girls that like John Green? it's essentially eating the forbidden fruit.

>> No.6582969

so they'll think you're a pussy for actually trying to impress them with the lamest thing in the world

>> No.6582970

Is this Greene? Fuck, him talking about God is as cringeworthy as I could ever have imagined it to be. Fuck.

Faith is a higher form of knowing. It's an inductive reasoning, a reasoning beyond reason. Fucking CHRIST.

>> No.6582973

>Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you. Fear is such a powerful emotion for humans that when we allow it to take us over, it drives compassion right out of our hearts.

>> No.6582976

Atleast google the quote before you jump on the Greene hating bandwagon you moron.

>> No.6582981

Apparently stupidity is contagious.

>> No.6582987


>"Alexander conquered most of the known world not through superior military strategy but because he had longer spears"
>"Why is it only men who earn the 'Great' moniker? well besides Catherine the great she doesn't count. The term 'great' is sexist"
>"Why don't women get their own history textbooks about what it was liked to be raped and enslaved and slaughtered for 12,000 years straight?"

>> No.6582999

As David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University conclude: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."

>> No.6583002

He actually acts more immature than the kids in my highschool did (also I was a senior last year so it's not like a generational gap or something )

>> No.6583010

Dunno what you thought, but I was correcting myself.

>> No.6583014

It's actually a dfw quote but it's not complete; in the next sentence he considers if people needing faith is a good reason to have faith

>> No.6583032

that was so fucking cringey

>> No.6583037


>> No.6583042

>which was great...

>> No.6583046

Why though? Isn't he too old? Did he not fit-in in college?

>> No.6583053


>> No.6583054


HOW do you faggots manage to have a thread about this dumb cunt every single time i come here? is it some sort of obsession? are you just mad he's popular? are you tsun-tsun for him?

>> No.6583058

No, it isn't.

"Faith" is making bad logical leaps because you've been told to by an authority figure you trust.

It is not transcendental.

Any decision made on a basis of faith is utter self-absorbed idiocy and completely, shamefully and irredeemably worthless.

>> No.6583061

I hate the cuck meme, but Jesus fucking Christ if this guy isn't the biggest fucking cuck I've ever seen

>> No.6583066

>complains about people talking about Kim Kardashian
>constantly fucking talks about Kim Kardashian
Is he retarded?

>> No.6583067

Probably the same guy trying to force Green hate as a meme. Plus he says dumb shit which just makes it easier.

t.meme expert

>> No.6583072

He's got a literature playlist but I don't think I could put myself through watching any of these.


>> No.6583089
File: 1.47 MB, 1800x3827, jeff mangum petting a chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583090
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When someone posts what people decades older than them thinks and feels.

Let's go ask a five year old what's on a twenty year old's mind.

>> No.6583096


>> No.6583123
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>> No.6583176

>Great as mysoginist implications because most people who were called great were men
This guy. This fucking guy.

>> No.6583195

You can blame the black plague on oriental merchants Greeny Weenie.

>> No.6583234

How are people not born John?

>> No.6583242


>> No.6583374
File: 2.79 MB, 480x360, Forklift Simulator 2015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was fucking horrible. I've never looked into anything Green related until now and I can understand why somebody would hate him. He speaks like the guy from Blues Clues and seems to be pandering to ignorant special snowflake 13 year old girls who don't know better.

Learning real history isn't that fucking hard, this guy just zipped right over a handful of surface level facts too quickly to allow them to sink in let alone gain any understanding of events and then dumps his opinions (or more likely he doesn't believe this stuff but knows certain people want to hear it) with some stupid non-humour every few seconds.

I'm scared to check how many views this has or how his books sell.

>> No.6583386


The worst part is, he has a platform that reaches hundreds of thousands of impressionable people who will take anything and everything he has to say at face value.

>> No.6583424
File: 71 KB, 280x299, colourtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow great opinions Johnny you colossal faggot.

>> No.6583475

>seems to be pandering to ignorant special snowflake 13 year old girls who don't know better.
That's exactly who his target audience is though...

>> No.6583487

So little of that entire passage makes any sense on any level.
What the fuck.

>> No.6583490


>First sentence after the first utterance of "alexander the great" has "kim kardasian" in it.


>> No.6583533

do you know what a cuck is?

>> No.6583547

>girls that like John Green

That's like 99% of girls.

>> No.6583550

>Alexander was good at tearing down things, not building

He founded twenty cities, many of which were extremely prominent throughout history, and are still important cities today.

What's this faggot's agenda?

>> No.6583559

the logical leaps are not necessarily bad. I have faith in my medication, but I do not know. Of course, it is not always the case that the authority should be trusted

>> No.6583574

Most don't, look up Wittol, its what most people mean when they say it.

>> No.6583576

Why should he get credit when the cities only flourished after he died? Laying down a rock when you're king hardly means the cities were magicked into centers of trade by him.

>> No.6583579

99 percent of girls are trash. Same with men.

>> No.6583585

>Why should he get credit when the cities only flourished after he died?

Lol, why should Van Ghogh get credit with the paintings he made only flourished after he died?

Shoo shoo, dumbass troll.

>> No.6583586

Bad analogy, the paintings don't change over a large period of time due to the work of others.

>> No.6583595

The perception of them does.
He was far ahead of his time, so when more people started doing things he pioneered, the broader public started to appreciate him a lot more.

But okay you retard.

How about Tesla? He died penniless before his inventions came to fruition thanks to the continued efforts of others.

>> No.6583603

Alexander died 8 years after founding Alexandria in Egypt.
Tell me why he should be credited as a builder of cities when he left it a year later and spent the rest of his time conquering. It is absolutely fair to say he was more of a destroyer than a creator.

He died penniless because Edison wasn't an autist, despite being an inferior science brain. Nothing to do with the quality of his inventions and theories. Again I'm not seeing a parallel here with Alexander's cities.

>> No.6583613

>Tell me why he should be credited as a builder of cities
Because he founded the city and ordered it be built?
You want him to personally lay bricks and shit?

>Nothing to do with the quality of his inventions and theories.
That's entirely beside the point.
Tesla's efforts only fully came to fruition after his death, and thanks to the efforts of others.

>I'm not seeing a parallel here with Alexander's cities.
Because you're either a troll or a retard.

>> No.6583620

So you're saying that a foundation stone is enough to be credited as the sole creator?
It'd be like saying that sleazeball politicians are the creators of hospitals and schools because they laid down a rock.

You can't even shit on John Green videos correctly, he says so much wrong shit and you chose the one thing he isn't wrong about.
I don't think you have a right to call anyone retarded.

>> No.6583627

>Tesla's efforts only fully came to fruition after his death, and thanks to the efforts of others
Nope. His major contribution was AC, and the war of the currents was over long before he died. AC won, because Edison may have been retarded but everyone wasn't. I want this epic misunderstood Tesla genius meme to die.
Carry on with your moronic argument though.

>> No.6583632

>So you're saying that a foundation stone is enough to be credited as the sole creator?
What's this "sole creator" bullshit?

Those cities were founded by Alexander, they owe their existence to him.

To say he's merely a destroyer when he founded a multitude of extremely important cities, many of which exist today, is a complete travesty.

>Tesla's inventions didn't come to fruition after he died
Okay there stud.

>> No.6583636

If a sleazeball politicians gathers enough funds and initiates the construction of the hospital, yeah, he does get some credit. The great men of history aren't masons, it's the people who hired them.

>> No.6583648

I don't know what you're trying to say or what you're referring to, but the mind of a 5 year old relative to a 20 year old is vastly different than, say, a 20 year old to a 50 year old.

>> No.6583649

>many of which exist today
Yeah? Name them.

>> No.6583652

Tesla wasn't even in the war of the currents. It was Edison and Westinghouse

>> No.6583654

Lol why?

>> No.6583658

>>Tesla's inventions didn't come to fruition after he died
Provide examples.

>> No.6583659

Lol why?

>> No.6583661

Because only a couple of the cities he "built" stand today, and that too only in name. But I'm sure you know this.
How does it feel to know that John Green is more knowledgeable than you?

>> No.6583663

Because you're talking out your ass.
But I guess it's par for the course for /lit/, and I don't know what I was expecting in a Green troll thread.

>> No.6583691

7 of the 20 cities he founded still exist today.

Stop trolling and/or stop being a complete retard.

Virtually all of Tesla's contributions and inventions were at the very earliest phases of development when he died.
The world of electrics is still evolving exponentially to this day.
Why you would see a need to debate this is a mystery. Although I believe it's just your ego warping general knowledge.

>> No.6583705

>7 of the 20 cities he founded still exist today
I will concede you are right if you can name them.

>> No.6583719

Your ignorance does not make me any less right.

>> No.6583720

What happened? You googled it and couldn't find anything so you resort to insulting me? If you're right then prove it.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.6583721

It's a fact that 7 of the 20 cities he founded still exist today.

>> No.6583722

And they are called?

>> No.6583723

Not even this guy, but this is common knowledge :

I think these are not the only remaining cities.

>> No.6583724

Why are you asking me this?

>> No.6583729

Educate yourself. Tesla was a smart guy sure. Way smarter than you or me, but don't fall for the Tesla meme sweeping the internet.

>> No.6583733

>I'm scared to check how many views this has or how his books sell
They do very, very well. He has a brother who looks nerder than him as well, I forget his name but he is also a youtuber.

>> No.6583734

>Khujand is the site of Cyropolis (Κυρούπολις) which was established when king Cyrus the Great founded the city during his last expedition against the Saka tribe of Massagetae shortly before his death

5 isn't bad tbh.
I just read through the entire conversation, and it's hilarious how much it digressed to end up here.

>> No.6583735

Tesla came at an early stage of the electric age, and was responsible for a great many seminal contributions.

As we all know, the electric age was still at a relatively early stage of evolution and application when Tesla died, and to this day the world of electrics is still advancing at an exponentially increasing rate, to a large extent based on Tesla's contributions.

>> No.6583744

>to a large extent based on Tesla's contributions
He was important sure, but so were a lot of guys whose names nobody remembers.
History remembers Tesla because he was eccentric so people like John Green can point to him and make shit video about him, not because he was the greatest genius to have ever lived. I'm willing to bet the world of electrics would be the same if he wasn't born. There were a lot of concurrent inventions in his age.
Read up on the Tesla myth.

>> No.6583746

How about this list of 7:

- Alexandria
- Kandahar
- Uch
- Iskandariya
- Iskenderun
- Farah
- Herat

>it's hilarious how much it digressed to end up here
I'll tell you exactly how it digressed:

I said: "Alexander built many cities that were important, and many still exist today"

You tried to deny this by saying he didn't physically lay bricks himself.

You then realized how retarded you were being, but didn't want to admit defeat, so you started a petty semantic discussion by attacking the wording "MANY still exist today".

When I said 7 of the 20 still exist, you tried to trump my facts with your ignorance.

>> No.6583749

Tesla made a lot of contributions to the electric age, don't be silly.

>> No.6583760

>You then realized how retarded you were being
Actually I didn't and still maintain my position. A city is more than just bricks and physical structure and he can't be credited for their flourishment.

>> No.6583763

>he can't be credited for their flourishment
He can be credited for their very existence you moron.

For something to flourish, it first has to exist.

You are hopeless.

>> No.6583769

dude not even that guy but common.




>> No.6583771

Alexandia of Egypt flourished because of trade, not because Alexander laid down a rock.

>using common as come-on
not uncommon tbh

>> No.6583775

>Alexandia of Egypt flourished because of trade, not because Alexander laid down a rock.
If Alexander hadn't founded the city to begin with, Alexandria wouldn't have had any trade.

>> No.6583780
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6584326

No you idiot. Faith is a commitment to believe but more importantly live in a certain fashion despite a lack of certainty. It's like trust. One can only trust where one lacks certainty. Uncertainty is a precondition of trust and likewise faith.

Faith is living ones own life passionately, out of ones own deepest convictions, rather than submitting oneself to objectivity and thereby doing away with ones subjectivity.

>> No.6584571

sometimes I wonder if John Green's entire existence isn't just to bait /lit/

>> No.6584674

except tons of adults read his shit

>> No.6584838

holy shit that gif

>> No.6584889

>rather than submitting oneself to objectivity
That's called reality, child.

>> No.6584902

Nice dfw quote jackass

>> No.6584925

No anon, no one cares about us at all.

>> No.6584954

Yes I know but I also know the meaning the meme has made it take on. And honestly he seems like the type of guy that would willingly let himself be cuckolded.

>> No.6584999

>drew the design for the AC motor, one of the most important electrical inventions, in dirt
>came up with the idea of VTOL aircraft
You sound like John Green, trying to besmirch someone because you're secretly jealous of them. Fuck off.

>> No.6585003

>be me
>on train
>incredible girl in front of me
>honestly, gorgeous woman
>reading a book
>don't recognize the name of it
>think high of her
>get home, google the name of the book
>John Green
>instantly think less of her
Why am I so shallow?

>> No.6585008

What the fuck is this thread even about anymore

>> No.6585035

no he's saying you common you whore

>> No.6585052

>be on math team
>hang out with math teamers
>find out qt short spunky azn is atheist
>be atheist
>find her more attractive
Why am I so shallow?

>> No.6585095

If Alexander's mother hadn't given birth to Alexander, Alexander wouldn't have founded the city.

If her mother hadn't given birth to her, then she wouldn't have given birth to Alexander, so on and so forth.

He had a hand in the founding of cities, but how much of a hand? If he just said, "build a city there" and then left them to it, that doesn't really mean much.

I mean, I'm genuinely curious as to how large his role was in it, I don't know.

>> No.6585123

John, you're almost 40
Please, really.
Unrelated, every time I see his picture I think it's Christopher Paolini, but at least he wasn't this pretentious.

>> No.6585126

I don't know, even with all his faggotry he could probably pull some 12 yo pussy.

>> No.6585127

Stop arguing semantics, you're looking like a fucking retard. By your logic, no one founded the city, because 'How much of a hand did they REALLY have in it?' That one merchant that brought trade? Well other merchants did the same so you can't say he helped found the city. That one guy who moved there? Well other people did too so you can't say he helped found the city. See how dumb that is?

>> No.6585180
File: 78 KB, 832x584, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I had these on youtube recommended videos and was considering doing a quick marathon of the channel just to get myself up to speed
Guess not.

>> No.6585262

>say otherwise
you're on a fucking lit board

inb4 meta comment

>> No.6585272

Is it shallow?

You're evaluating her based on intellect.

Though, I have read books to see what all the hoopla is about. So people may see me with the current shit trend only because I want to see how shit it really.

>> No.6585280

can relate. athetists are more attractive to me.

>> No.6585495
File: 25 KB, 265x308, 1426259712489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeff mangum
back to /mu/

>> No.6585783
File: 27 KB, 340x250, 1408742287399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole basis of this video is fucking offensive and my day has been ruined

>> No.6587386

Alexander chose the locations, paid the engineers with his funds, and usually went on small mini-campaigns to procure the raw materials and human labor needed for the city's construction. He also chose the main deity of the city (important to the Greeks because cities with allied deities would ally politically.

If were to believe Pliny, he was extremely active in construction, and burned through most of his wealth and plunder by doing so.

>> No.6588352

My brain hurts from all this inane stupidity.

>> No.6588357

Which book was it, though?
Paper Towns is good.

>> No.6588360

>If he just said, "build a city there" and then left them to it, that doesn't really mean much.
Yes it does.
Before he could have cities built by merely saying "build a city there", he needed to make all kinds of accomplishments.

>> No.6588363

That's "Staplerfahrer Klaus", a German video promoting occupational safety.