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/lit/ - Literature

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6582637 No.6582637 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn publish that novel
>you don't know what you're doing with your life
>you are incredibly lonely
>you will always be a depressed loser

>> No.6582658
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>tfw worried about the future
>worried that technology will lead to dehumanization
>and if it doesn't climate change or something will probably cause profound suffering
>just want things to stay the same

Why does "progress" have to be so anxiety inducing? It really bothers me; makes me just want to not participate, to exit stage left. Something is probably wrong with my head.

>> No.6582671
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You ruined this thread

>> No.6582680
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Fuck I thought this was a melancholic feels thread. Sorry.

>> No.6582683
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I thought we were going to exchange personal information and become slightly less lonely people, but you did what you did.

>> No.6582685

All technology will end up doing is to turn us all into Buddhist monks.

>> No.6582686

I'm going to publish that novel
>It's all i have

>> No.6582692
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f-follow my l-l-l-letterboxd

>> No.6582701
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Wut dat

>> No.6582712

A site where people log and rate films. Here's an example profile (not mine)

>> No.6582718

Notepad + loneliness is superior

>> No.6582725

I use it because I like the pretty posters and now I've made internet friends there I can't leave this is some kind of pain

>> No.6582726

Kik + black strangers is superior

>> No.6582730

What if I haven't seen many movies and they tend to bore me

>> No.6582731

But most of them are very unattractive, is that part of the fetish?

>> No.6582734
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not with that attitude you won't

>> No.6582741
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>> No.6582742

I don't use Kik sexually. I just like talking to stupid people who happen to be black.

>> No.6582744

You have to move past flicks into cinéma, then into absolute kinography

>> No.6582745

I may well always be a loser but I'm not always depressed.

>> No.6582746
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>> No.6582750

Sounds like effort

>> No.6582756

>stupid people who happen to be black
>can't even say "stupid black people" without fear he'll be castrated

>> No.6582762

Are you that faggot on /tv/ who tells everyone Bee Movie is one of his favorite films

>> No.6582766
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A lot of the users just steal the mubi users film taste. It gets pretty depressing reading people and knowing they're parroting someone else, especially when the copied person's taste is just two clicks away. Like where's your fucking self-respect you know you say this shit like people can't tell?

>> No.6582770
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I'm not afraid of pissing someone off on /lit/

>> No.6582782
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That's how I feel when someone steals my tweet instead of retweeting it.

>> No.6582784

oh but you are

>> No.6582795
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Tell me that in person. I'll straight up be mean to you.

>> No.6582800

We have to drive the crossposters out of /tv/. Even I need to go. Somewhere deep down is a board (or really a medium: film) that deserves better. 50/50 shitposting-filmdiscussion is all I ask.

But to actually answer your question no but I do think that's funny. I prefer the guy that gave an insightful argument about why Looney Tunes: Back in Action was a landmark in genre filmmaking.

>> No.6582805
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>two "but"s in the same sentence
I wish the Lord would take me now.

>> No.6582807
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It's so nice to come back to /lit/ after a while and finding that it still shares my feels.

>> No.6582818
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What Uganda do about it?

>> No.6582840
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>> No.6582910
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“Attach yourself to what is spiritually superior, regardless of what other people think or do. Hold to your true aspirations no matter what is going on around you.” - Epictetus