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6581879 No.6581879 [Reply] [Original]

I've just started reading pic related. I love it so far, but I rarely hear people discussing any of the later volumes.
Are they worth reading, or does Proust lose his touch after the first few? 3,000 pages seems a bit much, and I'm aware that he died before he finished editing the last couple of volumes.

>> No.6581895

You're incredibly retarded. He wrote the last volume after finishing the first book. He died before he could finish editing volume 6. Stop being a retarded pleb.

>I never see the later volumes discussed
Because all quality posts are overshadowed by the shitposters. Lurk more.

>> No.6581904

>I rarely hear people discussing any of the later volumes.

Yeah it's because they're YA babbies like you who are daunted by page count and who secretly hate reading and just want to have read books instead.

>> No.6581927

I'm in the middle of book three right now (Le Côté de Guermantes) and it's as good as everything that came before it.
I personally don't care much for the many impressionistic descriptions of scenery that bog down the second book, but every single one of Proust's psychological observation (about the narrator himself or other characters) is fascinating.
I think it's definitely worth reading all the way through, as it's supposed to come full circle.

>> No.6581935

A couple of them drag but are still worth reading, and then Time Regained owns

>> No.6581945

Albertine dies

>> No.6581978

lol someone's bitter

>> No.6581983

You wish, nerd

>> No.6582013

Cheers, these are both useful. I'll see how I feel at the end of the first Vol, and maybe attempt a couple more. I don't think I could burn through all seven one after another, though, without feeling the need to read something else.

Jesus, stop projecting your insecurities onto me.

>Thinking Proust is GRRM, and can be spoiled.

>> No.6582022

>reading a meme author

>> No.6582039

There are many books to equally deserving to be read and pretty much all of them are shorter than In Search of Lost Time. Now unless you're an English student or professor or a NEET, not everyone has the time to read the entire thing unless they don't want to read anything else for months or a year (since it's Proust, not light reading), or spend certainly more than a year on it if they read other things as they read it.

>> No.6582079

Gilbert married Robert Saint-Loop
Odette made Swann a cuckold
Swann dies and the aristocratic world forgets that he even existed
Proust was a weeaboo
His grandma dies and he was a total asshole about it

>> No.6582090

Mme Vedurin turns Morel (Charlus's inamorata) against him

>> No.6582102

Bergotte and Vinteuil die