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6577843 No.6577843 [Reply] [Original]

How does the Catholic Church get away with changing the original text of the Nicene Creed and then turning around and accuse other denominations of being heretical?

>> No.6577863

By having support from a sizable number of leading monarchies at the time. Christfaggotry is the most political religion.

>> No.6578465

well, also the most successful in taxation for centuries. But yeah the Creed is fucked. There was nothing wrong with Arianism, I'm a Jew but I think Arianism makes more sense and was suppressed unjustly. I find Semi-Arianism even more interesting as sort of a mystical take on the whole thing but wonder if it is a bit of a cop-out. But then again xtianity is sort of the cop-out version of Jewreligion so touche.

>> No.6578476

>There was nothing wrong with Arianism,

Of course a fucking Jew would say that. FULLY GOD AND FULLY HUMAN, MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.6578508

>I will never punch heretics
Feels bad man

>> No.6578539

Oh come on, how many Jews outside of academia ( I mean I guess I go to University but I'm not a professor or something) even know what Arianism is and how it relates to the Nicene Creed and its perceived need for inception? You could at least give me credit for really honestly trying to understand the Christian perspective.

>> No.6578543

The Roman Church has always done stupid shit because muh primus inter pares.

Hell the reason why the future churches of Eastern Orthodoxy didn't embrace miaphysitism by the end of Chalcedon, even though only Rome was initially against it, is because Rome fucked around with deciding the Byzantine Emperor to their favor.

>> No.6578544

>get away

they don't. they are literally tares and their day of judgment will come

>> No.6578545

arianism was just another failed jewish plot

you guys struck gold with islam though

>> No.6578549

Hm, you could honestly be right about that so I won't contest it because I know more about the latter than the former. OP here again. Honestly, I'd never say this in public but I wouldn't mind if Christians perished at Muslim hands if it meant the preservation of the Jews and the lack of tolerance for their blaphemy.

>> No.6578567

>everything is due to jooooooooos

>> No.6578570

> I wouldn't mind if Christians perished at Muslim hands if it meant the preservation of the Jews and the lack of tolerance for their blaphemy.

>> No.6578571

it's true. jews lead the world in inventions and contributions to science for the advancement of humanity. not to mention they run the economy that keeps western civilization afloat

>> No.6578575
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They did it to fight heretics in Spain who questioned Christ's divinity and just kept it that way to keep up appearances.

Then they were all like, "Upon this rock.. yadda yadda yadda. That means I'm the freaking Pope." And then declaired themselves head of all Christianity.

Crazy ass Papists. They make the bloody Coptics look sensible.

>> No.6578576

>everything modern is due to joos

>> No.6578579

lack of tolerance for the blasphemy of Christians who instead of respecting the gradualists who sought less radically to reduce the corruption of the Pharisees and the Saducees basically just pissed everyone off and was a zealot inbox no historical Jesus.

>> No.6578580

Yeah. The Catholics probrably did persecute them. Still doesn't make their beliefs Christian canon or make them automatically correct.

How can Christ be 100% one thing and also 100% not that thing? It does not make any logical sense.

Guess we have to take it on faith.

>> No.6578583

Yeah seriously you guys act like we are assholes but its a lot of work contributing to the arts and sciences and finance like many Jews do. I spend a lot of time on my writing, as does my family, before it is published because I genuinely want to impact people's lives positively. When some asshole is standing in front of the Supreme Court, where I am sitting on a Confederate Flag blanket no less, not to represent racism but for the tolerance of those different and misconceptions of bigotry, and some dude is shouting about being saved into a megaphone, yeah I don't think that should be legal and I don't really want him around.

>> No.6578586

Thanks! That's all I was trying to say (OP). That Arianism was/is a valid alternative to imagining Christ and that non-trinitarianism is not somehow automatically morally inferior as most American Christians perceive it as such or certainly did historically.

>> No.6578591

>led the opposition against the major heresies
>founded Christian monasticism
>not sensible

If you're gonna drag a denomination you know nothing about, drag the Assyrians. They're basically Nestorian, for fucks sake.

>> No.6578594

Judaism is pretty much a copy of Assyrian religion (quite heavily) and Babylonian stuff too of course so you might as well drag both. (OP).

>> No.6578725

Holy shit, learn how to format your posts.

>> No.6578750

make me

>> No.6578994

Because the original text doesn't mean shit in theology. Only talentless hacks like Bultmann would think that.

>> No.6579319

nobody gives a fuck except the catholic church
so yeah

>> No.6579811

I don't think we're talking about the same thing.
Nobody gives a shit about paganism, let alone the paganism of the Middle East. It's surprising that we even give a shit about Judaism.

>> No.6580021
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>you will never storm a city with your beggar monk bro leading the charge
>you will never convert heathens by the sword
>you will never party with your Crusader bros in Jerusalem and shout ebin Deus Vult memes to Mohammedians from the walls

Why even live?

>> No.6580615

>implying there are worthwhile jewish artists
Con-artists don't count.

>> No.6581982

Isnt Arianism more rational than the current understanding of the trinity?

>> No.6582019

>disagreement between whether there were two persons within Jesus, God and the Son of Mary (divine and human basically)
>dualist side makes total sense, basically God entered Jesus at his baptism and left him at the crucifixion (My god why have you forsaken me!)
>catholics decide to meet to resolve the issue
>western monists arrive first and lock the doors and resolve it in favor of monism without all the bishops
>this is somehow canon now

there was also an interesting sect of gnosticism which stipulates that the old testament god Yahweh was actually a satanic deceptive daimon. Essentially the garden of eden was a delusion, and the serpent was looking out for Adam and Eve. Jesus was the true God coming down from heaven and setting the matter straight. its essentially a refutation of materialism (like all gnosticism) and states that Jesus was anti-materialist while Yahweh was materialist and therefore necessarily evil

ancient religions are really interesting and deeply entwined with philosophy (catholic theology is basically lifted from Plotinus)

theres also no shortage of funny stories

>70 different translators all produce the exact same translation of the old testament proving its flawless and divinely inspired
>Jerome is writing the Vulgate and doesn't use the Septuagint as his source because its actually really a shitty translation
>this is explained away..........somehow

>> No.6582059

>Nicene creed

>> No.6582155
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>there was nothing wrong with arianism

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

>> No.6582378

>how do new translations of the bible continue to be made while not using the same wording of KJV?

>> No.6583111
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