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6573804 No.6573804 [Reply] [Original]

Okay. I'm the Japanese autist who wanted to be an author of western literature. I have to decide on a city and a language. I narrowed down my options to San Francisco and Paris.

They appeal to me because of their cultural power and massive human activity. They also have similar climate. So the only difference would be the language and the pertaining culture.

Choosing one means losing the other (for good.) It's a painful choice. I love and hate English for many reasons. I love and hate French for many reasons. I'm genetically indecisive. I can't make this decision for myself. Choosing one path will generate in me a regret of not having been able to pursue the other path. (Quote Frost here.)

What city and language should I choose?
Quelle ville et quelle langue choisir ?

To haters: I don't care about opinion so move on. Swallow your bitter saliva when you can't escape from seeing my name on any literary news source for the next twenty decades.

>> No.6573810

Kek you never realized the people trying to get you to come to America were trolling you?

>> No.6573811

>he wants to be famous in his lifetime

Kek, there goes all chance for immortality

>> No.6573821

How so?
What are Verne and Dumas then?

>> No.6573823

>I don't care about opinion
*I don't care about your opinion.

>> No.6573849

Dickens, Joyce, Pynchon, Wallace?

>> No.6573854

If you're writing to get attention, your writing is gonna be shit. There's this element call "tryhard" where an author goes to great lengths to show that they're clever, and it becomes annoying and pretentious.

>> No.6573887

I'm writing to get these deranging stories out of my head because otherwise I'll die. It's the only thing I'm good at too. People find these stories fascinating. When I describe one to anyone they always get engrossed instantly, this is something what I didn't expect and surprised me. So I think writing is my calling. I also speak English and French which is an phenomenal ability compared to most Japanese people (even to the fairly smart ones.) Don't deny me my calling. I'll die.

>> No.6573892

I'm thinking of applying to
San Francisco State University - for San Francisco and
Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle for Paris.

>> No.6573899

>Don't deny me my calling. I'll die.
seriously? why do you think like this? it is ridiculous.

You have a lot of work to be proficient in english, I can tell from these short bits. Stop being so pretentious. You may fool the autistic academics but anyone with any intelligence will see your vanity from a mile away.

Also, to solve your indecision. Just choose something. There is no correct answer. The branches of the future divide infinitely.

For practical reasons, English is the language of the world, that and Mandarin. You will have the highest chance, regarding sheer numbers, of finding people who will read your work.

>> No.6573915

just something to think about, I have heard good things about Berkeley's Literature program

>> No.6573920

Oh, I remember you. Good to see you're still kicking.

As somebody who considers himself a bohemian, you'd be doing yourself a favor to skip Paris. The culture is overblown and you'd be lucky to find a shred of authenticity in the people. People are snotty in San Francisco but at least they're genuinely terrible people moulded by their shitty environment (compared to people who are only terrible to fit in).
>What city
What comes to mind when you think of 'western' literature? Any authors or works in particular?
Either a Chinese dialect or Spanish.

>> No.6573921

The only acceptable time to become famous is when you're almost dying. Practically guaranteed canon-status.

>> No.6573923

Learn English but fuck San Francisco. Go to NYC, Denver, or Minneapolis. They are all much better and for different reasons.

>> No.6573937

>When I describe one to anyone they always get engrossed instantly, this is something what I didn't expect and surprised me

You'll find that Japanese and Western audiences are very different when it comes to literature. If you want to be famous, stay at home, get published and translate your own works into English. You'll be more likely to succeed, and more exotic to the Western audience.

>> No.6573942

look at Soseki for a counterpoint to your reasoning, he went to england for a while and then went back home and it did him some good

>> No.6573991

Look at Murakami for an example though — he writes books that don't appeal to a Japanese audience, and then they're translated into English and Western plebs eat that shit up.

>> No.6573995

to get famous i feel like writing in english is optimal

>> No.6574001

> he writes books that don't appeal to a Japanese audience, and then they're translated into English and Western plebs eat that shit up.

what are you talking about, murakami is a best selling author in japan

>> No.6574138


Je suis le diplômé en lettres du précédent sujet et mon opinion à votre égard n'a pas changé. Vous n'avez pas les compétences linguistiques requises pour suivre un cursus de littérature en France et vous ne trouverez rien à Paris qui stimulera davantage votre créativité que vous auriez trouvé au Canada. Je n'ai pas les compétences pour en juger mais vous semblez plus qualifié pour vous rendre à San Francisco. Vous ne pourrez pas corriger vos lacunes en français avant la prochaine rentrée au mois de septembre.

>> No.6574140

whatever that means dude

>> No.6574142

This man. In my country, he is nothing.

>> No.6574149

the anglosphere is much more supportive of emigre authors i suspect. france is very defensive of their language. but it probably depends on the type of thing you write where you'd want to live

>> No.6574162

France has a tradition of welcoming foreign author that goes back to the time of Dante at least, but in the past two centuries it also has acquired an habit of crushing aspiring authors so that they either become great or die unnoticed (of course there are mediocre authors who got connections, but that works in every country).

The US is probably a better choice if you're ready to americanize and turn yourself into an icon, or simply if you want to write for pleasure while having a side job. Paris would perhaps be more open to a truly foreign way of writing, but you better have guts and persistance.

>> No.6574167

>defensive of their language
on the contrary, nor the institutions, nor the majority of the public cares about the francophonie.

Spanish is the best shot to for a surviving roman language

>> No.6574169

>stay at home, get published and translate your own works into English. You'll be more likely to succeed, and more exotic to the Western audience.

Paris has been dead a long while, don't bother. But you don't need to go full burger either.

>> No.6574170


You are French, aren't you?

>> No.6574282

Comment tu sais qu'il est naze en français? Tout son poste, et ce dont je m'en souviens du précédent, étaient écrit en anglais.

>> No.6574291


Nous avions assez discuté en français pour que ses lacunes soient manifestes dans le précédent sujet.

>> No.6574296


De plus, il n'est pas «naze» en français. Son niveau est très bon pour qui souhaite travailler en France et même suivre des études supérieures mais clairement insuffisant pour écrire dans cette langue ou étudier une matière relative à la langue à l'université.

>> No.6574320


>> No.6574323

Si son niveau est "très bon" pour travailler en France il sera sûrement plus capable d'étudier la langue que l'étudiant moyen en première année de fac de lettres. Et il faut compter avec les vertus de l'immersion. Quelqu'un qui a réussi à acquérir un niveau décent en français par internet ou des cours académiques pourra sans problèmes devenir bilingue en quelques mois s'il vit en France. Je te trouve bien pessimiste.

De toute façon nous ne manquons pas de Français bien formés qui écrivent dans une langue maîtrisée (pas en ce qui concerne les écrivains en tout cas, les journalistes c'est une autre affaire), l'apport linguistique d'un étranger intelligent et curieux ne peut que nous faire du bien.

Bien sûr il ne faut pas qu'il s'imagine qu'il est parti pour être le prochain Beckett, mais le jeu peut en valoir la chandelle.

>> No.6574327

ah ok. Je n'ai manifestement pas tout suivi du dernier fil.

J'imagine que tu es français ou francophone par naissance, je suis donc curieux de savoir lequel tu penses être le mieux (en général, pas seulement pour ce type Japonais), écrire en français ou en anglais?

Lequel est le plus économiquement viable? Quelle langue est, à ton avis, la plus adaptée à la littérature?

Juste à titre d'info, je suis un anglais qui a vécu 8 ans en France. J'écris uniquement en anglais, même si j'ai probablement écris bien plus (en nombre de mots) en français durant ma scolarité en France.

>> No.6574330


Go to Paris, and write a novel about how alienated you feel by the French society, and how oppressed you are by Post-Colonial structures.

>> No.6574347

Don't do NYC. Everyone does NYC.

>> No.6574443

Have you written anything you can show us? You sound extremely pretentious.

>> No.6574526

Then proceed to kill yourself

>> No.6575475

There's a good reason for that too slappy.

>> No.6575653

you've obviously only experienced paris from the perspective of a short-term visitor. the fact that you think there's anything less authentic about the lives of parisians than somewhere else, let alone san francisco, is amusing. also, trying to be a bohmenian in the 21st century is retarded

>> No.6575694

lol. just because china has the largest population in the world doesn't mean mandarin is a world language. english is the language of the world because people from different countries and backgrounds around the world speak it. how many people who aren't chinese do you know who speak mandarin? literally the only westerner i can think of is christopher doyle

>> No.6576601

So je serais brimé comme ça en tant qu'écrivain étranger qui écrit en français, je choisis l'anglais.

>> No.6576628

Sorry I was on an airplane.
I might post excerpts but I'm scared of getting identified.
Sounds like shit. My first novel will heavily incline toward psychology.
Les deux langues ont d'avantages et d'inconvénients. Beef, l'anglais est chaotique mais libre. Le français est logique mais limité (stiff).

>> No.6576635

Je tape sur mon smartphone pardon.

>> No.6576639

NYC does not automatically make a good novel. But it does help to include it in your story. Like it or not, the city is powerful.

>> No.6576643

If you've ever read Lolita, you'd know that an immigrant can never truly posses a foreign language. Stick to your own or you'll end up raping what you love.

>> No.6576659

I wanted to slap Japan by making it in a foreign language.
Maybe I should give it all up and write in Japanese and try to get Akutagawa and end my life if I don't get it.
But my stories are too particular. Japanese literary snobs will never excavate me.
Do you feel my pain?

>> No.6576669


OP if you come to America you can make a decent living teaching Japanese language classes fyi.

>> No.6576686

If it's too particular for Japan then maybe your novel will be the first Japanese language honorary contribution to the Western Canon

>> No.6576697

>en France et vous ne trouverez rien à Paris qui stimulera davantage votre créativité que vous auriez trouvé au Canada.
Ce défaitisme me décourage de me rendre en France.

>> No.6576709
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Why not move to a strange, small, bleak town instead?

>> No.6576720

What experiences are there to collect in such a place?

>> No.6576742
File: 63 KB, 736x416, wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's tons depending on what you want to write.

>> No.6576747

I can always visit small and bleak towns as I live and study in a big city.

>> No.6576766

The French are notorious for being twats, especially to foreigners. California, more than any state in murrica, is notorious for superficial, vapid, and vain bullshit.

The whole world just sucks overall.

>> No.6576770

Probably the most retarded post ITT. Nabokov outwrote the vast majority of British and Murrican writers, especially those of his time, at their own language.

>> No.6576776

>Le français est logique mais limité (stiff).
Certains disent que la contrainte génère la liberté.
Par exemple, vous demandez, sans consigne, à un danseur de se déplacer sur scène. Peu feront autre chose que marcher plus ou moins normalement, ce qui n'a pas d’intérêt.

>> No.6576779

He was also native-level as a child.

>> No.6576795

>Culturally transplanting yourself to a big city in the hope that the "literary lifestyle" there will inspire you to write a masterpiece
I really hope you aren't serious

>> No.6576802

He did say he was autistic so at least he has an excuse for thinking that way.

>> No.6576815

Fair point, but why not just write literature about Japan, about the world OP is most familiar with? From what I understand, Japan is in the midst of a social, demographic, and cultural crisis at the moment. Certainly there is something important to be said about that

>> No.6576820

COmpare the neets from Japan to the western ones.

>> No.6576906


Si vous pensez que notre langue est laxiste c'est que vous n'avez pas conscience de la situation à l'étranger.


Il ne faut pas le niveau d'un bachelier pour travailler correctement, un niveau bien en-deçà de celui d'un lycéen et certainement de votre étudiant moyen, étudiant moyen qui avec le taux d'échec en première année a bien peu de chances de poursuivre sa formation. Vous confondez « fluency » et « mastery ». Être bilingue ne signifie pas que nous maîtrisons la langue. Je peux parler couramment anglais sans avoir la moindre connaissance du style, de l'étymologie ou de sa littérature ; de la même manière il pourra travailler ou étudier... L'économie, s'il le souhaite, mais certainement pas la littérature. Il n'a pas du tout le niveau d'un lycéen – et nous savons tous que ce niveau est déjà bien maigre – en filière L.


Si son objectif est la publication, l'anglais s'impose naturellement mais je ne pense pas qu'une langue prévale sur l'autre. Le français est plus rigide que l'anglais dans sa structure et n'autorise pas certaines constructions, comme l'adjonction de -less, -ness ou la soudure de certains mots qui exigent d'être développées explicitement (riderless, death-tinted glasses, ...) au risque de perdre la poésie du mot. En revanche, le français a une prosodie plus simple et jouit plus que l'anglais de son héritage latin, autant dans le vocabulaire que dans le style.


C'est que Paris est très, très loin de ce que Paris fut dans le passé et que si vous estimez que le Canada a été stérile, il y a fort à parier que vous ne trouverez jamais l'inspiration ailleurs. Le problème sur ce point vient peut-être de vous.

>> No.6576967

True, but who is to say OP's unique autistic foreign perspective on the western world wouldn't be just as entertaining.

>> No.6578851
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I think you should re-think the SF/Paris option and consider going to Vegas or Monaco instead.
From a psychological POV, and I guess that's what you're interested in,both offer a concentrated pool of many extreme creatures.

Whatever you choose, enjoy your stay

>> No.6578855

Where are you getting the funds for this? Are your rich parents supporting your decision to travel the world and live while writing off of their dime?
How do you plan to attend a prestigious college if you dropped out of high school?

>> No.6578938

china will grow, it will be the "USA" of the 21st century

>> No.6578970

Even most normal Japanese seem like autists to westerners. Because hes Japanese AND autistic all youre going to accomplish is giving yourself a headache trying to understand his thought processes. Dont bother. If he really thinks moving here is gonna fix his writers block he's gonna be in for a rude awakening. America will chew him up and spit him out.

>> No.6578997

Go to Paris. France is ideologically a healthier and more creative climate. Americans are too obsessed with their personal freedoms and have a kind of familial relationship with their government.

>> No.6579722

Anon I think its absurd for the need of a "cultured" environment for good writing. What you need is travelling in general, especially to poor countries where you will experience many more complex human experience. Paris and San Francisco are dope ass cities but its very much the mundane life of a liberal country.

Also, plan on what you will do in the city; sitting all day at home or jerking off around the iffle tower won't inspire your writing. Go out and talk to people (you can do this in your current home) to get inspiration. Anon truly i think your need of a new environment is just an excuse not to write and you should just write your first page today.

>> No.6579739

Yeh but its only in one continent as opposed to English which is in 5.

>> No.6579787

>Iffle tower
>not ieflfle tower

>> No.6579927

San Francisco has a rich Japanese subculture. I know you're looking to isolate yourself in a foreign place, but that could provide you with a nice social support net if you need it.

Paris sucks. Paresians are all pretentious assholes who have no patience for any foreigner. Ironically, the city is also filled with immigrants and tourists. It's just a wildly overrated place.

>> No.6579972 [DELETED] 

This. I don't know any great authors to pull it off.

In all seriousness I don't see the point in ''gathering human experiences'' or ''living the literary lifestyle''. You can write if you have imagination, and you don't develop your views by moving to an international metropolis which is just like all the others.

But you could be happier.

However, where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? I'm confident in my own ability, but it's still unrealistic to expect to become a literary giant, and since I like things like status, money and women, I plan on the unlikely situation that I won't win a Nobel Prize.

Many of the greatest had unshakable drive and they were willing to take risks. Do that if you're certain that is what you want, but be careful to avoid regretting your choices later on.

>> No.6580319

My parents. I'll pay them back including interests when I make it. (soon)

>> No.6580329

No normalfags are normal in Japan too. Disgustingly normal.

>> No.6580345

There is less stigma in Japan for being a neet. It is still frowned upon though.

>> No.6580354
File: 97 KB, 450x320, delicious-sandwich-man-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op isn't even japanese, he's playing out some fantasy of his.

i did the same on /jp/ to earn the trust of all those sad neets.
>mfw looking back at all those crushed souls on the warosu archives

>> No.6580359

Parisians here seem like they are begging to differ. The city almost seems like a cultural desert according to their descriptions. I took them as shameless self hate for the most part but I wouldn't be sure.

>> No.6580360

San Francisco is shit. Paris is expensive and filled with tourists and arabs if you're outside of the right neighborhoods.

New Orleans is where it's at. You get both French and English.

Ton Français est à quel niveau?

>> No.6580388

What, should I post my hand or something?
Je crois que j'aurais plus de chance de m'intégrer sur le côte ouest en tant qu'asiatique.

>> No.6580404

anybody can have yellow hands
better post ur dick to make sure

>> No.6580409

this, i better see some japanese pubes also.

you better not iron them straight.

>> No.6580415

Why do you ask for dick pics on the Internet when there are plenty readily available in real life wherever you live.

>> No.6580425

>ideologically a healthier
>I took them as shameless self hate
Suppose that's what comes from experiencing life there: should still tell you something about the place, don't you think?

>> No.6580432

That's not really a valid defense.
We want a dong pic to prove that you are in fact asian. It'd be no miracle if you were, it's just to confirm a lurking suspicion.
Upload it to pomf.se.
You better not clear that metadata, boy.

>> No.6580440

>asking for an asian dick pick by using a word that sounds like "long"
>despite unescapable knowledge that asian dicks must be tiny
>being this cheeky
>as to potentially being able to hold a long dick in corresponding cheek
>yet wanting a tiny one to begin with
>being this confused

>> No.6580459

>not preferring modestly sized dick pics
My racial insecurity runs deep.
Cough it up, OP.

>> No.6580476

I may be autistic but not stupid. I don't fall for this. Go watch some jav.

>> No.6580500

TFW when the thread goes french

>> No.6580523

OP, whats your hometown? Write something on that. It will be a lot more authentic and from the heart.
The best writing is derived from personal experiences and from the heart. Start where you are. Fuck Paris and SF.

>> No.6580531

Warms me core

>> No.6580606

So should I write about old women going to supermarkets? Wow, who wouldn't read that?

>> No.6580612

ほんとに日本人っすか? (笑)

>> No.6580634

>uhmm assuming you're gonna write FICTION...

ADD SOME SPICE. In Paris you're just a tourist. You have no inner knowledge of the place.
You wanna write tourist stories?

>> No.6580636

Wisteria Lane was a boring place

>> No.6580693


>> No.6580703

That's why I need to study, live, and infiltrate into society there to be able to write something
I just can't write these stories in Japan. If I set them in Japan and give them Japanese characters, they lose their luster.

>> No.6580713


San Francisco is expensive but you can live in nearby Daly City and commute in. Or you can live in the suburban wasteland that is San Jose, which is flanked by the cheap shithole that is Hayward.

>What city and language should I choose?

You can buy a gun in San Francisco. As much as the state of California has tried, you can buy all the guns you want. You can also defend yourself with them.

>> No.6580733

返事待ってましたよw それと特別なケースってなんですか?池沼?

>> No.6580750

Joyce wasn't all that famous until he was almost dead

>> No.6580763

How is Oakland?
>You can buy a gun in San Francisco. As much as the state of California has tried, you can buy all the guns you want. You can also defend yourself with them.
Enjoy eight years of Hillary.

>> No.6580767

discourse translated
Me "Are you actually Japanese? Ive never heard of any 19 years speaking 3 languages"

OP "They doubted my legitimacy earlier.. I can speak under special circumstances. Are you Japanese, or are you just /a/ weaboo? "

Me " haha i was waiting for a reply. What do you mean by special circumstances? Autism?
Btw im a senior in a high school in America. Personally im better in English but I like to think im japanese."

>> No.6580774


>Have you been to /a/?

Japanese things are not boring/ lacklustre. Maybe its just that you look down upon eastern entertainment.

>> No.6580777 [DELETED] 

ITT autists use Google to translate English into Japanese to pretend they can speak it.

>> No.6580790

>How is Oakland?

You might as well move to Detroit, or maybe Compton, or Canarsie.

>> No.6580802



It's 50/50, mostly because it's been slowly gentrifying. I personally wouldn't suggest it but if you call 911 the ACSD will actually show up. That wasn't the case in 1990. The safe areas are fairly expensive if you don't have a stable job, so you'd have to live slightly south in Union City, Fremont or Hayward. SF itself, and the Peninsula are extremely expensive to live in. Same for the hills just above Oakland to the east.

>Enjoy eight years of Hillary.

The city of San Francisco tried to outright ban firearms twice, in 1982 and 2004. Both times the California state courts told them No. As for Hilary, even if she does get into office (which I doubt) the GOP will still retain their filibuster and everything will continue to be gridlocked. When it comes to Californian politics, getting firearms is still easy (compared to the east coast), and Pena v. Lindsey is likely to result in the safe handgun roster being dismantled. Point is, you can still get most guns (especially longarms) and the state still has castle doctrine so you can defend yourself with them. Many counties, particularly ones outside the big cities, will give you a CCW as well. If you have a green card you can get a gun.

Overall the Bay Area is cheaper than Paris, and it'll be easier to assimilate and live. Only issue is that, because you're an immigrant, people will mistake you for chinese.

>> No.6580810

So is it the Bronx of the Bay Area?

>> No.6580812


Oakland isn't that bad anymore. It's improved a lot because the city has more tax money due to gentrification. Most of the trash (black, mexican or otherwise) have been pushed north into Vallejo and Stockton both of which went bankrupt a few years ago and don't have a full time police force (they rely on the CHP/Sheriff to do policing from 5pm-9am). The Amtrak and BART stations there all have security as well, as does the Greyhound terminal.

>> No.6580822

>Only issue is that, because you're an immigrant, people will mistake you for chinese.
Arabs and blacks say "nihao" to me in streets of Paris. So it's the same on that point. And it's not an issue.

>> No.6580824

>everyone is out there to get me
>everything i see must be a lie
>i can only trust in my trips

>> No.6580848 [DELETED] 

I don't want to derail the thread "Paris or San Francisco", but I'm Genuinely interested in who you are and what you think OP. I'm moving back to Japan for college in a month, and I'm overwhelmed by both enthusiasm and fear of Japanese society. I mean Japan is convenient, has good food, and I feel at ease, but the people are so cold and soulless that I sometimes feel crippling loneliness and boredom.

Maybe from that you think America is luring but idk. Education was terrible and the people here are pretty boring-also don't read. I think Japan is way better than here. This from a 17 year-old around DC so don't take it seriously.

>> No.6580859
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>have been pushed north into Vallejo and Stockton both of which went bankrupt a few years ago and don't have a full time police force (they rely on the CHP/Sheriff to do policing from 5pm-9am)

It's done wonders for the street racing scene there though. There's nothing better than racing around Vallejo at three in the morning knowing that the police will never bother with you. It's just like my animes.

>> No.6580911

In my opinion, normalfags are normal in Japan too. They like people's company, their life is not cold or soulless. Also there are people who like reading in America. I agree with what you say as tendencies, but I'd like to avoid generalizing.
Japan and USA are both great countries. It's a matter of preference, like choosing between equally great but inherently different two girls.

>> No.6580918

normalfags = リア充

>> No.6581058
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Tru, normies or リア充 seem to be enjoying their lives, but doesn't everyone turn into wage slaves someway or another, in any country? What's the point of avoiding this inevitable fate and spending a few years in another country?
Isn't it better just attending a prestigious college and hope you'd get a better paycheck?

>> No.6581134

Not everyone. Select few get to escape that fate of becoming cogs in the machine, by various means.
>Isn't it better just attending a prestigious college and hope you'd get a better paycheck?

>> No.6581229

you are one dumb nigger you know that?

i clicked on 3 pics of sushi to call you an idiot, let that sink in

>> No.6581318

OP, first of all:you can write about any place, city, region and country you want in the city where you live. Today, as you well know, the Internet facilitates the work, and you can get all the information you want if you do enough research.

One more thing: while reading your posts I realized that you are definitely smart, but do you have talent? You did not posted a single excerpt of your writing, saying that you fear being recognized. But what do you mean with "recognized"? You are a famous writer or you just post often here on /lit/? Please, give us a proof that we can expect something from you. Talk about some of your projects (what kind of stories do you have in your mind)? And let's see some of your work.

>> No.6581383

From a economic viewpoint English would be an easier market to get into. Out of curiosity, what made you decide against London?

>> No.6581394

Their accent and British spelling.
>aeroplane, manoeuvre, foetus
No way I can put up with such nonsense as I write.

>> No.6581971

even if that's true, madarin's tones make learning it very, very difficult, especially for a westerner. honestly, i really don't see mandarin becoming a world language, like ever

>> No.6581989

the first thing you'll learn about parisians is that they love to complain about everything. they're just being self-critical. paris can be a stressful and difficult city to live in, but it's far from a cultural wasteland. the museums here are without a doubt the best in the world, and the sheer number of excellent exhibitions shown each year is astounding. there's always something to do, and you'll never be bored (as long as you're not completely broke)

>> No.6582108
File: 49 KB, 345x322, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>____our instead of ____or

i agree about the spelling, but their accents aren't so bad.

>> No.6582145

What's wrong with these? There's only a few of them, and the added u's mostly follow simple rules. Of all the annoying exceptions in this language, that's what you're going to base your decision on?

>> No.6582170

>>Not everyone. Select few get to escape that fate of becoming cogs in the machine, by various means.

No one ever escapes the state of being a cog in the machine. If you think anyone ever has, then you've only failed to grasp the true scope of the system. What drives people insane is the realization that they've always been a part of the conspiracy of the inanimate whether they realized such a thing even existed or not. All you can really ever do is live with it, create your own personal meaning amidst the meaninglessness.

>> No.6582207

nothing, i just prefer using american english, since there is no effort in transcribing my thought. it's so comfortable that i've never been able to successfully learn a foreign language

>> No.6582252

>narcissistically misreading Frost
Go to San Francisco.

>> No.6583155

Okay last question, I hope there are some Franciscans lingering on to answer this.

Does it rain much in San Francisco?

>> No.6583170

Considering the massive statewide drought, it's safe to assume no.

>> No.6583551


>> No.6583747


>> No.6583820
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and the same goes for Wallace to a certain extent. In terms of credibility maybe, as unfortunate as that reality is.

>> No.6583840

are you sure you won't become another junzaburou nishiwaki?

>> No.6583903

they both had a very nice level of fame in their lifetimes.

Getting invited to do fun stuff and give speeches and talks and go on the radio and people buy your books and read them.

and audience pussy. Thats literally the literary dream.

>> No.6584536

>I may be autistic but not stupid.
You're not autistic, you're just stupid.

>> No.6584564

>Beef, l'anglais est chaotique mais libre. Le français est logique mais limité (stiff).

C'est davantage une dichotomie facile qu'une réalité. Il n'y a pas, entre le français et l'anglais, tant de différences qu'on veut bien le dire.

L'anglais par exemple a une syntaxe très rigide, plus que le français, ce n'est certainement pas une langue "chaotique". Quant au français, il a assez souffert de son assimilation au modèle académique, qui ne représente qu'une minorité du français véritablement parlé. Les français ne sont pas si logiques dans leur parler quotidien.

Je te suggère de t'essayer à écrire sérieusement dans les deux langues, jusqu'à ce que tu sentes que l'un d'elles t'appartient en propre.

Et tu n'es pas vraiment obligé de faire un choix exclusif. On est au 21ème siècle bordel de cul. Un mélange bâtard de français et d'anglais écrit par un japonais aurait l'avantage de l'originalité, comparé à tout ce qui se fait de médiocre et de sans-couilles aujourd'hui.

>> No.6584578

why not just get regular wholesome organic pussy?

>> No.6584595

>Il ne faut pas le niveau d'un bachelier pour travailler correctement

Non, mais avec un niveau "très bon" pour travailler on est largement à la hauteur de la plupart des bacheliers que j'ai connus.

> Je peux parler couramment anglais sans avoir la moindre connaissance du style, de l'étymologie ou de sa littérature

Cela n'empêche nullement de devenir écrivain, ces choses-là s'apprennent.

> Il n'a pas du tout le niveau d'un lycéen

Là c'est un problème, mais dans ce cas je ne pense pas qu'on puisse qualifier son français de très bon quel que soit le critère. Correct, à la rigueur.

>> No.6584622

French people ITT are a bit insufferable to me. They already displease me sitting comfortably in my bedroom, over the LAN cable across the Eurasian continent, all with their defeatism, intellectual superiority complex, general meanness, whatever angst they are projecting hard on me, etc. I don't think I am required to live with such snobs and ask for their recognition my whole life. I choose San Francisco. French are rude and mean. No thanks. Hopefully I'll benefit from lexical knowledge acquired through French as I write in English. So my French won't completely go to waste.

>> No.6584665

Tu ne comprends pas les deux langues assez bien pour comprendre ce que je dis. L'anglais est un batard linguistique et ses traits sont similaire a ceux des langues germaniques et romanes.
>L'anglais par exemple a une syntaxe très rigide, plus que le français
I only love you.
Only I love you.
I love only you.
I love you only.
Ces cas sont tous acceptables dans l'usage anglais contemporain. Le francais ne se rejouit pas de cette liberte.
>ce n'est certainement pas une langue "chaotique
Il n'y a pas de vrais regles universels dans la langue anglais. Son syntax, son vocabulaire, et son orthographe sont tou irreguliers avec un minimum de regulariter pour que la langue fonctionne.

Je peux te donnner une centaine d'exemples particuliers si tu les demande, pour soutenir mon observation.

L'anglais est chaotique mais libre.
Le francais est logique mais rigide.

C'est un veritable fait.

>> No.6584672

>ses traits sont similaire a ceux des langues germaniques et romanes.
ses traits sont similaire a ceux des langues germaniques et romanes a la fois.

>> No.6584676


Tu fais plein de fautes de grammaire fils de pute

>> No.6584677

Lol, is this your first interaction with French people?

>> No.6584686

don't go to paris, you might as well be going to Pakistan

>> No.6584689

Les enfants de catin comme l'OP me donnent envie d'enfoncer ma verge dans un mixeur plutôt que leur adresser la parole.

>> No.6584698

Je m'en fous maintenant que j'ai renoncer a ecrire dans ta langue foutue & pompe. je dirais que j'ai plutot envie de la salir.

>> No.6584707

Ton charabia est incompréhensible, gamin. T'es même pas foutu de m'insulter correctement, reviens donc a quelque chose de plus simple comme l'anglais, ou mieux encore, le japonais. queque.

>> No.6584726

Le japonais possede la grammaire la plus scientifique de toutes les langues. Va te faire enculer par des noirs et par des arabes. Tu t'en rejouirais, je le sais, t'es francais.

Enjoy writing in your retarded and stuck-up language for the rest of your life and knowing that no matter how well you write you will never be fully recognized by the rest of the world.

>> No.6584743
File: 50 KB, 417x394, tumblr_mzp1fe5e4u1qjqehno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Il n'arrive plus a continuer en français
Ahaha putain des barres
Un peu trop muzukashi pour toi ? mata7chemch d'être aussi nul dans une langue que tu dis aussi facile ?

>> No.6584751

>monoglot pleb checking in
can you not

>> No.6584752

Mdr, t'es qu'un abruti désespéré qui vendrait ses deux reins et sa pute de mère pour une demi heure de gloire. Ta seule quête littéraire est d'être connu. Aucune prétention de beauté ou de grandeur, aucun désir de transcendance. Ton prosaïsme insulte la langue française et est symptomatique de la décadence de ton peuple, ainsi que de ton jeune age.

Amuse toi bien a courir des années durant après des chimères, trébuchant chaque fois un peu plus fort et plus loin, jusqu’à ce que tu te pète la machoire et finisse des tubes dans tout les trous, oubliés de tous, sans n'avoir rien produit d'autre de ton existence que de la merde, de la pisse et du sperme.

>> No.6584755

Continue a ecrire dans ta langue stupide et pompeuse pendant le reste de ta vie et sache que tu ne seras jamais reconnu a l'exterieur de ton pays, peu importe que tu ecris bien ou non.

je peux le faire mais je refuse. c'est simple.

>> No.6584767

4 grammatical errors here, can you find them all and win a free baguette ?

>> No.6584769

>Ta seule quête littéraire est d'être connu.
>Aucune prétention de beauté ou de grandeur, aucun désir de transcendance.
je ne les ai pas fait remarquer par vous, intentionellement

>> No.6584795

Speak in english retard you make no fucking sense in french

>> No.6584800

omettre les accents n'est pas une faute de grammaire.

>avoir les accents

>avoir les genres grammaticaux

>avoir les lettres muettes partout

>avoir le subjonctif

>avoir le preterit simple

>avoir les temps uniquement litteraires.

Quelle langue primitive et demodee.
Je suis desoler pour toi qui es censer parler cette langue par destin.

Vous les francais avaient des milliards d'annees pour faire evoluer votre langue mais on dirait qu'elle a reculer un peu meme. Quelle peuple pathetique.

>> No.6584803

c pas les accents tu fais des fautes de syntaxe de débutant abruti

>> No.6584805

8 errors here
try harder with your worthless rhetoric

>> No.6584811
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x1024, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>primitive et demodee
>Vous le francais avaient
>omettre les accents

>milliards d'annees



>> No.6584821

English has two tenses for the present.
French has two tenses for the past.

English cares about the present and future.
French is stuck in the past.

Anglosphere is generating passable authors even in the modern world.
Francophonie ceased generating good, new literature and is generally just jerking off to books that are hundreds of years old.

L. O. L.

"Manhattan is an island where 163 different communities and ethnicities live together with a desire of building a 164th identity, which is to be a New Yorker, and you can definitely say you are a New Yorker with any foreign accent and nobody will smile in your face.

"....In Paris, you cannot say you are a Parisian with a foreign accent because everybody will tell you you're not."

- Marc Levy, the most-selling French authors living in New York and spitting in the capital city of his home country whose language he still writes in.

A joke on your face, arrogant frogs. Fall faster.

>> No.6584826

Mauvais appat.
You can't even write in french how do you expect to understand our litterature ROFL
Musso and Levy are so entry level yet I'm 100% sure you couldn't even fucking understand the sommaire

>> No.6584851

French has devolved a bit, actually.
Modern French lost tons of words that existed in Old and Middle French. Now you don't even have two different words to differentiate between "hot" and "warm" they are all "chaud" in French.

"remember" existed in Middle French but it is gone so now you have to say "se souvenir de"

You don't even have a word for "cheap" so you have to say "bon marche" WTF
You don't even have a word for "shallow" so you have to say "peu profonde" Ewwww

>> No.6584857

Stop insulting your ancestors and commit seppuku.

>> No.6584867

>ca fait mal maman waaaah

>> No.6584876

literally nothing you just said is correct ROFL
I knew gooks were retarded and bent over backwards to us frenchies (I did went to Tokyo and was absolutely hysterical in "french" cafés and their maids trying to speak my language t ahaha), but you are taking it to another level

sorry dog-eater, you'll forever be a subhuman uncultured pleb :(
at least you have animes and mangas, great asian culture and history.

>> No.6584886

you are so fucking retarded
also, sorry, it was supposed to be

>> No.6584890


Stop humiliating yourself

>> No.6584911

Stop lying to deceive innocent Anglophones.
that's lukewarm, not warm
so you'd translate cheap products to produits accessibles? Quelle terreur.
L'eau superficielle doesn't mean shallow water. It means water on the surface.

>> No.6584923

You are so ignorant it hurts.

And I don't even like French.

>> No.6584938

Just stop already ffs, even anglos are laughing at you now.

>> No.6584947

I don't care. I ditched Paris.

Imagine you have to say "well-marketed products" instead of "cheap products" and there are no real alternatives.

Imagine you have to say "not-very-deep river" instead of "shallow river" and there are no real alternatives.

That's how retarded French is.

>> No.6584974
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1200, hungary-budapest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Budapest is far more eccentric, more cultured, more genuine than San Fran or Paris. It is still unmarred by globalism, and an author who comprehends it will not go unrewarded.

>> No.6585002

>he can't basic grammar and is trying to teach me my native language
>Quelle terreur
this is grammatically incorrect lol

>> No.6585004

You have no idea how languages or translation work.

>> No.6585025

Does Krasznahorkai represent Budapest at all? He's the only Hungarian author I know, and I'm about to read Satantango, so I'm curious

>> No.6585027

I have £10k saved up, how much would it cost me per month to rent a cheap, single bed apartment and live ascetically in Budapest.

>> No.6585046
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Well the beginning of the thread was nice but now people are shitting directly into their open palm and throwing it at each other.
OP, you sound smart but also a tiny bit arrogant. Je suis français et ton niveau est remarquable pour un japonais, mais il n'y a pas de quoi en faire de la littérature (yet).
Also, this thread is giving a new meaning to frogposter.

Please don't think que tout les french sont like ça. Here's an idea: utilise ton grasp de multiples tongues pour en créer un new, en choisissant parmi ton vocabulaire phenomenal le mot qui est le plus appropriate.

>> No.6585047

These Frenchies are fucking awful. I feel like crying right now because of them.

Well, another reason to strike out Paris. Thanks for helping me decide, for that.

>> No.6585063

Tu n'est pas natif, ou alors un sale arabe :^)

>> No.6585064

Well even English lacks some words that'd be nice to have, like kokoro-machi, but the English-speaking audience wouldn't understand such words and footnotes are ugly.

>> No.6585076


>> No.6585081

>footnotes are ugly
t. dfw

>> No.6585099

je suis natif (et pas un arabe), qu'est ce qui te fait dire ça?
that's the idea, you create un langage parallèle, que seule une élite peut comprendre. Add german, arab and hébreu et tu as créé un texte que seul certaines personnes sur la planet peuvent comprendre.
Thank me when la critique te nomme la réincarnation de Joyce. You wouldn't make it big, but tu aurais un impact.
Are my comments chiants à lire? Imagine how the mecs who force through Finnegans Wake will feel after grinding through 500 pages of multilingual asshattery?
Also, think of the calembours potential

>> No.6585141

>Are my comments chiants à lire?
Not really. You're not mixing in nearly enough languages para ao menos começar a ser difícil.
La plupart des personnes qui kann ein lateinisch Sprache sprechen can understand your posts, because French is that simple and English is "universal".
Eu também não vejo que tipo de vantagem this constant and seemingly random code switch could bring aber ich kann es verstehen, wie die Benutzung of other languages substantives podem ajudar na expressão.

I don't think such a work would be well received at all, not unless the switching happened for a reason.

>> No.6585142
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It is much cheaper than most places in the UK unless you are living with parents. Rent is about $450/month in the nicest district, i.e. 5 mins walking from the Hungarian Parliament.

Food and transportation are very cheap.

>> No.6585207

poetry then?

>> No.6585248

You could also go all concrete and make a simple plot romance in which the meaning and subtleties are revealed through the switches that happen. Make it a comment on historical political relations and post colonialism and you're out for a great book.

I mean, in my opinion. I give away ideas I consider good because I know I do not have what it takes to put them into practice and the consequential good finished work is more important than my petty pride.

>> No.6585267

I think OP left but that's a good idea. Maybe add in some latin here and there too, and precise historical/cultural references from each language.

>> No.6585382

Sounds great. How difficult do you think it would be for a native English speaker to pick up the language?

Also, how hard would it be for an American to get an okay job? I don't care if I have to be a busboy or anything, I think it could be a neat experience. I'm not the British guy with 10k bong-dollars, so I may need to work if I go there

>> No.6586209
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you inmense shame for family and country
kill your body with great honour
japan proud, japan strong
you weak, you faggot

>> No.6586234

i'm not French
and was insulting op pretty hard
because he's a legit fucktard

>> No.6586284


Move to Toronto

>close to New York if you need to visit
>lots of cool stuff there (TIFF for example, Danforth's food festival or whatever)
>prestigious university
>get to be surrounded by Canadians
>good subway system
>one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world
>low crime rate
>a Tim horton's everywhere you go

It's just that it is expensive, cold (which if you're a dolt like me is actually a plus), and architecturally pretty ugly.

>> No.6586539


C'est inexact, ce n'est pas le même niveau. Le but du baccalauréat n'est pas de parler couramment français mais de le maîtriser. Étudier sa logique, son étymologie, sa littérature, la culture et la philosophie qui en découlent. Bref, comprendre la langue. Certes un bachelier moyen commet des erreurs comme tout natif mais il a tout de même un niveau bien meilleur que le genre de maîtrise que j'évoquais. Certes l'étranger sera comme un poisson dans l'eau dans un environnement professionnel, mais c'est très éloigné d'un cursus de lettres où il faut non seulement parler couramment la langue mais la maîtriser. Il échouera s'il s'engage dans ce genre de parcours car il n'a pas ce bagage. La philosophie de lycée, les styles littéraires, l'histoire de la France, les quelques auteurs classique, tout cela, c'est considéré comme vu. Certes, « ces choses-là s'apprennent » mais pas en un semestre, même avec toute la bonne volonté du monde.

Je qualifie son français de « très bon » dans le sens où il se fait comprendre sans problème et semble lire sans trop de contraintes. Il a probablement 1.500, 2.000 heures d'étude derrière lui et a atteint le niveau « advanced French » de tout manuel de FLE. Seulement voilà, c'est insuffisant pour étudier les lettres françaises en France. À la rigueur, qu'il suive ce cursus à l'étranger. Je suis sûr que le département de français d'une grande université japonaise ou américaine lui convient à merveille.

>> No.6587410

>san francisco
>appealing because of its culture

This guy

>> No.6588309

OP I'm >>6585046 and I thought about your skill with languages and came up with this:
Why not write a story like >>6585248 said but change language not with switches in meaning or sublety but with plot.
Example: in french, you write the story of a man's life during one day, all very simple and mundane. In english, you add here and there a paragraph, a line, adding dramatic tension and symbols. In japanese, you do the same but add more intensity.
That way, a french reader will read one simple story that folds up nicely at the end, a bilingual french will get more out of it, a someone like you will be able to grasp the entire story.
I thought about something really simple, for example a bottle of milk. In the "host" language (the backbone of the text) it would be a mere part of a description. In the second language, the one that adds tension to the story, you understand that the bottle is connected to the man's wife who disappeared and that's why his daily routine feels so strange to read. In your third language, you add in that the man actually killed her by poisoning her glass of milk.
Sorry if this reads like mad rablings, I had the idea last night in my bed.

>> No.6588431
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>un franglais de japonais serait genial

nan mais sincèrement

>> No.6588442

why does the janitor allow this endless blogging
this is barely related to literature any more

>> No.6588704

>that's lukewarm, not warm
>if anything it'd be tepid
>Trying to translate words for words as if there were absolute equivalents


>> No.6588711

>japanese arborist
op, can you identify this tree?


>> No.6588719 [DELETED] 
File: 374 KB, 783x899, French_in_the_United_States.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bullshit sphere of influence

oklahoma, are you fucking with me?

>> No.6588841

>Tu ne comprends pas les deux langues assez bien pour comprendre ce que je dis.

Mouarf. Venant de toi c'est assez drôle à entendre. Tu ne fais que répéter des vieux poncifs inventés par des profs de lycée pour se faire comprendre d'abrutis à peine pubères, et tu prétends m'expliquer ma langue maternelle ? Soyons sérieux deux minutes. L'usage de prépositions pour indiquer la fonction des mots dans une phrase force une certaine rigidité syntaxique, qu'on peut contourner mais jamais complètement éviter. C'est pourtant simple Jackie. Et de ce point de vue l'anglais n'est pas plus souple que le français, c'est même le contraire, même s'il faut vraiment aller taper dans les langues à déclinaisons pour que la différence devienne flagrante.

>Ces cas sont tous acceptables dans l'usage anglais contemporain. Le francais ne se rejouit pas de cette liberte.

Ils sont acceptables parce qu'ils veulent tous dire quelque chose de différent, et qu'il y aurait ambiguïté si ce n'était pas le cas. Et ton exemple ne concerne que la place du complément par rapport au verbe. L'anglais n'offre pas de choix entre "the red flower" et "the flower red" par exemple.

>Le francais ne se rejouit pas de cette liberte.

"Ne jouit pas de cette liberté", tu veux dire ? C'est complètement faux.

>L'anglais est un batard linguistique et ses traits sont similaire a ceux des langues germaniques et romanes.

C'est aussi le cas du français en fait. C'est très bien de vouloir faire ressortir les différences entre les deux langues, mais il faut quand même que ce que tu mentionnes soit une différence, pas un point commun. Si ça continue tu vas me dire que l'anglais est plus libre que le français parce qu'il utilise des mots latin.

>Il n'y a pas de vrais regles universels dans la langue anglais.

Donc je peux dire "Faggot est ustedes" et prétendre que c'est de l'anglais acceptable et qu'il faut comprendre "You are a faggot" ? Et Finnegans Wake est une oeuvre en anglais parfaitement courant et accessible ? Là encore, un minimum de sérieux. Toutes les langues on des règles de fonctionnement qui sont presque universellement applicable à ceux qui les parlent. Et toutes les langues ont des grandes déviations par rapport à leurs standards académiques selon le lieu, la classe sociale, l'âge, etc. Si tu crois que le l'anglais se distingue significativement du français sur ce point laisse moi te dire que tu te fourres le doigt dans l'oeil jusqu'à l'anus mon petit père.

>> No.6588847

>Son syntax, son vocabulaire, et son orthographe sont tou irreguliers avec un minimum de regulariter pour que la langue fonctionne.

Là encore, ça s'applique à n'importe quelle langue européenne parlée par plusieurs millions de personnes. Tu crois vraiment qu'il n'y a pas de verbes irréguliers en français, ou qu'il y en a beaucoup moins qu'en anglais, ou que les 65 millions de français vivants en France métropolitaine (pour ne rien dire des DOM-TOM ou de la francophonie internationale) parlent tous une langue homogène et rigoureuse ? Je commence à avoir l'impression que tu confonds allègrement le français et le basque.

>Je peux te donnner une centaine d'exemples particuliers si tu les demande, pour soutenir mon observation.

Et je pourrais te donner autant d'exemples du contraire. La langue est une affaire de pratique et d'emploi, lis ton Wittgenstein abruti. Si tu n'es pas capable d'utiliser un français aussi souple que l'anglais couramment utilisé dans les grandes villes, c'est que tu n'as pas le sens des langues, voilà tout. Dans ce cas inutile de prétendre écrire en une langue étrangère.

TL;DR: I mostly wanted to rage in my native language over the internet, hadn't done that in a long time. Was fun. No hard feelings, but you're mostly peddling overblown stereotypes, that is pretty sloppy for an aspiring writer. Also that orthograph won't fly with an employer.

>> No.6588883

Après avoir lu ses premier posts en français je suis d'accord avec toi. Il se débrouille, mais il manque de rigueur, et les études de lettres en France risquent de lui faire un peu mal au cul.

Qu'est-ce que tu proposes ? Qu'il essaie de faire le singe savant et joue aux Rilke naturalisés ?

>> No.6588884

Is ur boipussi free range?

>> No.6588911

c'est une référence à C'est pas sorcier? parce que c'est fred et jamy.

>> No.6589040

>c'est une référence à C'est pas sorcier? parce que c'est fred et jamy.

Kek, I hadn't though about those two in a long time. If it's a reference, it was entirely unconscious.

>> No.6589138

>One more thing: while reading your posts I realized that you are definitely smart, but do you have talent? You did not posted a single excerpt of your writing, saying that you fear being recognized. But what do you mean with "recognized"? You are a famous writer or you just post often here on /lit/? Please, give us a proof that we can expect something from you. Talk about some of your projects (what kind of stories do you have in your mind)? And let's see some of your work.


>> No.6590133

Japanese persimmon tree.
I'm sorry. I don't speak a bastardized patois of Latin. Please go back to JVC forum ecriture. This website is English-speaking.
I will post one of my short stories in a few days.
I won't make these threads anymore.

>> No.6590165

I won't make these threads anymore for I now have the answer. I'm going to San Francisco. Parisians in this thread helped me a lot, more than anyone else.*

>> No.6590199

>I don't speak a bastardized patois of Latin
>bastardized patois of Latin
y'know if you even a smidgen identify yourself as this Japanese autist you are, and you are autistic, truly, in some other thread, a week or month from now, with some piddly short story of yours, that should somehow indicate your excellence, your destiny of literary greatness, your future of being inducted into the Western canon, or what have you, I will criticize it scathingly and relentlessly, for your utter faggotry and stupidity here evinced again and again.
I legitimately hate you as a person, and I hope you never get remembered.

>> No.6590207
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>implying all native Francophones are from Paris

>> No.6590235

>I will criticize it scathingly and relentlessly
Who will read your critiques when you are no one?

There, I fired my shots.

>> No.6590242

To be honest, Parisians seem to be stuck-up cunts I could never get along with. Is there a big crowd for analytic philosophy combined with western literature in San Francisco? Also how well would I get by with 150 dollars a week? What is a book you would want to see ripped off?

>> No.6590252

Italian is the legitimate successor of Latin.
French is a bastardized patois.
I am sorry if I was not clear.

>> No.6590258

This is not me.

>> No.6590261

This is not me.

>> No.6590270

This is not me.

>> No.6590274

This is me.

>> No.6590285

Enough of this, I shall adopt a trip code.

>> No.6590287

Is this me?

>> No.6590291

>legitimate successor
a funny notion.

>> No.6590292

Wow, just great. But I applaud you on your ability to mimic my speech patterns. This shall be my real trip code. Now back to the topic.

>> No.6590295

Fuck off impostor!

>> No.6590297

I repeat: This is not me.

>> No.6590298

>deciding where you will live because a couple anons insulted you on a Tatar throat singing contest
>being this thoroughly commmitted to your own faggotry

We can only be happy to oblige when you keep providing us mighty keks like that.

>> No.6590305

Italian is the successor of Latin.
Where is Rome? In Italy.

French is a bastardized patois of Latin.
Spanish is just a patois of Latin, not that bastardized.

>> No.6590315

English-speaking anons insulted me in their petty ways too. But they were by no means as insufferable as you pretentious frogs. I think this difference signifies something.

>> No.6590353

Are we talking about natural numbers here?
Languages can have more than one successor, y'know,
which you obviously do, you just
take it to divide them along lines of patois and dialect and legitimate
and substandard, which is
silly and arbitrary.
Why, why is Italian the best of the many
which sprouted from Latin?
If that is your claim.
How can you rank languages?
If you can, what's the best?
And if you /can/ name the best, why
did you ever start this conversation?

>> No.6590532

>Why, why is Italian the best of the many
which sprouted from Latin?
Rome is in Italy.