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/lit/ - Literature

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6573368 No.6573368 [Reply] [Original]

>I used to work at a bookstore and had a customer come in once who wanted the “true story of Lord of the Rings.” When I asked her to clarify whether she meant books about the making of the books or a biography of the author, she said she just wanted the historical accounts. I narrowed my eyes and carefully explained that the books were in fact fiction. “What is fiction? That’s the true one right?” No, I said, trying to sound patient and understanding, it means it is NOT true. This is when things got hairy. She began to insist that it was true, leading me towards the history section as she talked. “It took place during the middle ages. I saw a documentary about that time period once.” At this point I decided that there was no way I was going to let this woman leave the story still believing that this story was in any way true. And so in true geek fashion I explained to her the history of the writing of the series. I led her to the fantasy section and showed her the books. It worked, but I felt like I had been the one to ruin Santa Claus for her or something. Her parting words as I left her teary eyed in front of the plethora of Tolkein books was, “I really thought elves were real and that was why everyone in my family was so tall.” I couldn’t even laugh because it was so sad that a grown person actually believed this.

>> No.6573373

His was not a true imagination, you know; he made it all up.

>> No.6573379

I wish this were true

>> No.6573395

I worked at a bookstore once upon a time. During my time shelving and shoveling through dusty old volumes a stuffy looking old grey-haired gentleman in a tweed jacket and frock coat wandered in.
"Say," he enquired in an upper crust British accent, "do you by any chance have the novel 'Gormenghast' by Mervyn Peake?"
"Yes, sir," I replied, "it's over in fantasy."
Suddenly, the elderly gentleman began to look very disappointed.
"Fantasy," he muttered. "What RUBBISH." And with that, he gave me a dirty stare and wandered out the door.

>> No.6575050
File: 86 KB, 605x598, alan is going to spend a couple hours explaining you why you're wrong if you go to Northampton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying stories aren't real

>> No.6575163

>I used to browse /lit/ and had an anon come in once who wanted the “true story of OP.” When I asked him to clarify whether he meant archives or a link to news, he said he just wanted pics with timestamp confirming OPs story. I narrowed my eyes and carefully explained that OP post was in fact fiction. “What is fiction? That’s the true one right?” No, I said, trying to sound patient and understanding, it means it is NOT true. This is when things got hairy. He began to insist that it was true, leading me towards reddit as he talked. “It took place during May. I saw a newspaper about that time period once.” At this point I decided that there was no way I was going to let this poster leave the board still believing that this story was in any way true. And so in true geek fashion I explained to him the history of the writing of the site and how OP is always a faggot. I led him to the literature section and showed him the threads. It worked, but I felt like I had been the one to ruin Santa Claus for him or something. His parting words as I left him teary eyed in front of the plethora of blog posts was, “I really thought OP had a job at a bookstore and that was why he seemed so cool.” I couldn’t even laugh because it was so sad that a grown person actually believed this.

>> No.6575244

Replace TLotR with the Bible and lol because grown adults actually DO believe in it

>> No.6575323

Do not put that but put THAT!
We are not watching this thing or that or that or that BUT THATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

Wait a second Wetasekind


Is is is is that so really that way?
Are they really being so? NO... WOOOOOOOAAAAHHHHHHH
Is it really that way?
Is is is is si sissisanioanosivnwiobenbioen

>> No.6575383

She was probably mentally ill OP. People generally dont realize that you have to actually be dangerous to be in an asylum, otherwise the delusional wander free.

>> No.6575389

Tolkien specifically states numerous times that elves refer to men as "Tall". Tolkien elves are between dwarves & men in height.

>> No.6576150
File: 54 KB, 400x300, 1280106330306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6576178

go sperg out somewhere else

>> No.6576640


Lord of the Ring isn't a religion though

>> No.6577672


Some Tolkien fans disagree

>> No.6578368

>Not telling her that Tolkien believed high fantasy worlds exist in our minds
>Not banging her afterwards

Nigga, you went full plebeian.

>> No.6579386

I've shared this story here before but once I had a classmate in middle school with mild mental retardation and a juvie record who dressed like a skinhead Eminem. Whenever you got him talking about anything, he would always bring up a book he was writing. When he was asked "what's your book about?" he would always answer "It's nonfiction. You know, a true story. Like Lord of the Rings."

>> No.6579560

I challenge everyone in this thread to prove the Silmarillion is fiction.

>> No.6579878

My copy has the word "fiction" written on the back cover. Check and mate.

>> No.6579896

Fuck this gay earth, I'm moving to Tlön.

>> No.6579993

>not questioning the media
Stay mad fictionfags

>> No.6579999

I at least hope you'll rewrite the Don Quixote first.

>> No.6580022

He should have explained the overt Catholic elements in Tolkien's worldbuilding and the guiding idea of true myth, which all point to the ultimate reality of Christ. Tolkien was not one who thought he was just writing silly stories. Most of derivative fantasy suffers because it overlooks this element and revels in escapism - Tolkien's world is not escapist.