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File: 563 KB, 1336x593, renaissance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6573275 No.6573275 [Reply] [Original]

Are we about due for a second renaissance?

>> No.6573304

Nah more like a second Arab conquest

>> No.6573394
File: 2.57 MB, 3406x3529, Ebola-chan 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not unless Ebola-chan delivers an epidemic on the scale of the Black Plague.

The socio-economic instability and relative abundance of resources caused by the rapid depopulation of Europe were the primary causes of the Renaissance.

>> No.6573835


>socio-economic instability

>relative abundance of resources

>rapid depopulation
hmmm... well fuck.

>> No.6573843


Soon. All of these over populated 3rd world countries are about to have massive die offs. Their subsistence on 1st world charity is unsustainable.

>> No.6573848


There will be massive famine and disease, I hope it doesn't make its way to 1st world via ports.

>> No.6573863

you dont get it. they know that shit hole populations are unsustainable. sub saharan africa used to have dieoffs every 200 years or so.
>cattle is currency
>population of people and cattle grows
>cattle pastures grow to support cattle
>farming land decreases
>muh cows
>mass death, cannibalism and general thievery
the boes who treked up into orangeland said they didnt see any natives when they first arrived. confirmed for mass depopulation event.

but see the problem is that our economic system is stable. cheap labour is provided by shit hole countries. so they are kept as shit holes. its all part of the master plan. if there was a real posibility that mrs saunders over there could just stop cleaning toilets or move to a country that paid her 60$/hour to do it she would. but there is an ever growing surplus of labour, putting positive pressures on costs of living and negative pressures on wages.

>> No.6573870


>the boers said they didnt see any natives when they first arrived

Which was a lie.

>> No.6573885

Why would anyone want that?

>> No.6573886

the next renaissance will be the birth of superintelligent AI and the death of humans

they will continue our legacy much better than we ever could, instead of another 6,000 year circle jerk they may actually do something

>> No.6573896
File: 50 KB, 212x258, Max-Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spooks.... the spooks.

>> No.6573898

which was widely regarded as a lie. but then they actually worked out that yes, niggers gonna nig. and every couple hundred years they over nigged each other.

>> No.6574244

Actually do something? top kek. Like what?

>> No.6574248

Shut up dumb stirnerian.

>> No.6574258


Gotta love that shifting of responsibility.

"We can't ever better ourselves! Someone else can do that shit!"

>> No.6574301

>across the vast expanse of space
>tips echo into eternity

>> No.6574346
File: 14 KB, 249x249, 1421730774031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renaissance implies naissance
>naissance implies coming out of a vagina
>renaissance implies you've gone back inside the vagina
>humanity is just sliding into and out of a vagina
>humanity is a dick

>> No.6574386
File: 61 KB, 1013x768, jacqueslacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you're getting it

>> No.6574471
