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/lit/ - Literature

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6572523 No.6572523 [Reply] [Original]

Now, for Moscow there is
№1 the snobs who don't speak any foreign languages and know nothing aside from the highschool lit curriculum but still they are haughty and like to pontificate on every fathomable topic on the radio and in the press. They're funniest when they attempt to opine about such Western memes as "Pynchon" and "postmodernism" because there are no Russian sources which they could rely on. You're getting bullshit instead. The perfect examples are Tatyana Tolstaya, Dmitriy Bykov, Lyudmila Ultskaya. They also like to shower one another with random "literary prizes":
№2 there are such Westernizers as Lenore Goralik, as Pelevin and Kaganov who are popular with STEM people or people who at least are able to speak English. Their stuff may involve computer-savvy pastiches of cyberpunk, real world drugs, marketing and PR studies jargon, the internet, foucalt, derrida and debord, the Pokemons and vampires all serving as a barrier to keep the boorish people in №1 from appreciating their books. They're usually accessible on the internets.
№3 patriots and nationalists like Zakhar Prilepin, Makanin, Yelizarov, Prohanov, Limonov who must be popular with armymen, with bureaucrats and angry blokes. Some overlap with the other groups.
№4 Genre writers: gothic - masodov, scifi - glukhovsky, fantasy - alexey ivanov, urban fantasy - lukyanenko, scifi - glukhovskiy, historical - boris akunin, crime - marinina; it's not that bad but they are regarded as a halfcaste because they're all pronouncedly down-to-earth.
№5 writers I like too much to pidgeon-hole (Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.)

>> No.6572530


>> No.6572590

and goodreads, while we are at it.

>> No.6572633

come on, guy, I'm sure thre's someone who would follow his local literary scene

>> No.6572689
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here's the anglo version of #1 OP

>> No.6572712

this is actually quite interesting, OP; i am an expat so i don't know the scene where i live but i would like to see others do this
one thing, though, who do you actually like besides petrushevskaya?

>> No.6572897


holy shit DFW dressed like a huge pleb

>> No.6573154

I don't because I only know enough to think they're all shit
but have a bump

>> No.6573858

the expat word is reserved for anglosaxons

>> No.6573953

No it's not

>> No.6574191

>actually listing Masodov
Isn't he a very marginal writer? His prose is very nice though, I wonder if there are English translations.