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/lit/ - Literature

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6567940 No.6567940 [Reply] [Original]

>sign up for lit 100 class
>students hurling bullshit masked in big words at the professor
>discussion consists of monologues totally unrelated to the subject matter, introduced by "I know what you are trying to say, but..."

>> No.6567953

The only people who take lit in college are pseudo intellectuals or people who were desperate to say they went to college

>> No.6567985
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English (Lit) major going into my 4th year here

Class discussion has always been terrible, best courses I've taken have been carried entirely by passionate professors and good reading material.

>Dishevelled 50 year old man pacing the class room for an hour
>notes are just words he scribbles on the board to create a web of loosely connected ideas that make perfect whole
>practically shouting about how powerful Elegy in a Country Churchyard is interspersed between maniacal laughter and hints referring to his ongoing 1500 page novel

He was like a mad scientist archetype and it was the greatest learning experience I've ever had

>> No.6567997

>enroll in college for the purpose of getting a well-paying job
>watch lectures on youtube about literature instead of wasting money


>> No.6568007

From my phil undergrad one of my favorite courses was a 4th year democracy course taught by a guy who was like 70 tenure and retiring that year.

he started the class first day by saying something along the lines of "democracy does not work because this group in this room represents about the top percentile of educated people in the general population and most of you are fucking retarded"

>> No.6568027
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>sign up for lit 300 class
>realize I'm not good at literature

This is really crushing my literary ambitions m8s ;_;

At least I will always be an A student in my linguistics classes

>> No.6568033


>tfw Computer Science Major
>tfw never had any teachers passionate about anything.

I guess that's not true. I had a professor for Anthropology and then again for Geography who was pretty passionate about the most boring and inane shit. He was basically Ulillillia, but he wasn't bouncing off the walls crazy.

>> No.6568062

This is exactly how I teach my high school class. I'm glad the method is appreciated by some. I usually just pace the classroom while yelling about whatever required reading that's been assigned to me to assign to the kids. I typically just forget theyre there and loudly soliloquize about the piece and tell the kids to take notes while I do so and have them hold questions until the end. Every now and then I'll write a word on the whiteboard and monologue about it until I reach another point related to the initial word, and put that one on the board.
i also reference the epic I've been writing for a few months on occasion.
sometimes i do a line of coke before i go in and I can't help but pace the room and be eccentric

>> No.6568067

You're everything I hope to be

Coke included

>> No.6568115
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Took a 300 level Islamic Philosophy course that was taught by a Math/Bioethics prof as a sort of passion project. Guy is the only reason abortion is available in the capacity it is today (in Canada).

There were maybe 20 people in the class and only about 7-8 that actually attended regularly so he didn't really give a shit. Class usually began with him talking shit about contemporary politics, telling us stories of his life (chasing off bears in his backyard, going off about his genuine Damascus steel dagger like a little kid at Christmas, quoting Rumi until he was nearly brought to tears) and btfo'ing this one Libertarian kid who thought he knew everything.

At the end of the semester he volunteered to debate this anti-abortion group because no one else on campus would. One of my fondest uni memories is seeing this 70 year old man absolutely destroy Biblical literalists while still managing to be respectful to the woman he was intellectually ravaging.

Truly one of the greatest men I have ever had the honour of knowing (even if he did think I was a little shit undergrad who couldn't even dream of getting on his level)

>> No.6568176

Ugh man, you reminded me of the optional psychology classes I took in highschool. Our teacher was pretty good - she was a jungian, and although I think she had a bit reductionistic, 'pleb-level' understanding of Jung, she was really knowledgeable in the general areas of psychology. I used to get along with her pretty great.

However, the classes were a fucking horrible. There were about five absolute sperglords, two of them from my class, who just couldn't keep their mouth shut and had to comment on every fucking topic. Therefore, the hour and half classes ended up being 45 minutes of the teachers lecture and 45 minutes of the retards' pretentious raving. Especially this one fucking guy (who got transferred to our class in like junior grade because he flunked a grade) - he would always get this giant fuccboi grin and ask "BUT what IS consciousness?" He then proceeded to have a twenty minute monologue which ended with him describing how all people should stop wars and shit and love each other instead and live in communes on some fucking islands. Every. Fucking. Time. It got to the point even the teacher started face-palming and trying to shut him down as early as she could.

>> No.6569484

>Tfw he probably browses /lit/

>> No.6569497


>> No.6569502


hey you're from that movie with ryan gosling

>> No.6569512

>sign up for multiple 3000- and 4000-level lit courses
>few people participate in class discussion
>most that do barely contribute constructively, generally just saying "I liked this part" instead of trying to present any intellectual statement
>only like five out of thirty people seem to even read outside of class
>four of them only seem to read ASOIAF and John Green
>even dudes claim that John Green is great, with a straight-face, apparently not even out to impress pleb bitches
I changed major from Psychology to English in part to be around pretentious namedropping fuckwads, and I've met none. I've had to develop a post-post-ironic character embodying my ideal in order to cope with my surroundings.
>tfw I'm in despair

>> No.6569534

ryan did crack, mayne

>> No.6569541

So the man responsible for the murder of thousands of children is one of the greatest men you've ever met? That's one sad existence.

>> No.6569596


the fuck u talking broh he did crack only like one or two times when he cudnt afford the snow

>> No.6569650

>telling us stories of his life
I love when they do this, especially instead of the syllabus, which is always boring in comparison

>> No.6569658

>less than a dozen kids in class
>sociology teacher take off his shoes, pose lying down on his desk (think bedroom teenage girl on the phone) and tell us about his ex-wife
Sure, I could've actually been educating myself rather than hearing a sixty year-old man talk about his scheming, but where's the fun in that?

>> No.6569748

Prof stories general?
I hope so, I like stories about dank profs.

>> No.6569775

that's going into the pepe folder

>> No.6569780 [DELETED] 

less babies less retards =)

>> No.6570339

coke teacher here. not a professor but close enough.
Once when orating about Leaves of Grass and the title's relation to Isaiah and the Psalms and the reoccurring theme of falling leaves in poetry, some girl got a bloody nose then proceeded to sneeze her blood mucus all over the back of the boy in front of her. Was pretty gross, I always feel bad for our janitors. I was pissing one day in the restroom and some kid had shit in the urinal. As I was walking out, the janitor was going in and I heard him say "god fucking dammit" as he noticed the turdinal.

>> No.6570344


high school dropout spotted

>> No.6570345


maybe you shouldn't have gone to a shit college

>> No.6570368

>study mech eng
>lecturers are incoherent and by non native english speakers with atrocious accents
>skip them all and learn from youtube instead.

Literally just paying to take exams and lab use here. Its the future I guess,
but its going to cause a real hit to university funding. Most of these guys are doing useful and important work. They are just shit lecturers.

Liberal Arts will b e hit twice as bad.

>> No.6570435
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>being this desperate for fraugs

>> No.6570467

Used to teach "Creative Writing" at local college. I got the job basically because I had a few Short Stories published, and nobody who was published ever held this position before. Previous teacher was an anthropology professor who wrote trash in his free time.

First thing I would tell students is "Well, as dumb as this sounds, you can't teach somebody how to write. It's a self taught thing. Most all succesful writers have little or no formal training in it. Chances are, if you had any talent at it, you wouldn't be here, you'd be writing somewhere. Ok, but seeing how I'm getting paid to do this, let's teach you how to write."

Second big, and really the only major lesson I taught was: "Ok, just because you suck at writing, that's not the end of the world. There's plenty of successful writers who are terrible at it. You could become a newspaper reporter or editor, or write YA. It's actually a benefit to suck in those fields."

Most guys, at the end of the semester, developed this "Well....my stuff is just too good to be published, so I think I'm going to get into the music industry, or some shit."

Most females left with "Well, I think i really want to get into YA writing, I got a great idea already! It's about [insert idea stolen from already published YA, but with minor twist]

If you can't tell, I didn't really give a fuck about that job. But hey, I told them right off the bat....

>> No.6570475 [DELETED] 
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>that's going into the pepe folder

>> No.6570484

>to be around pretentious namedropping fuckwads, and I've met none
Fucking this. That shit may not fly on /lit/, but the people I'm around at school aren't even interesting enough to do this

>> No.6570493
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>That shit may not fly on /lit/
yeah right
>tfw not living the literary lifestyle
>and no gf

>> No.6570494

What those students are leaving with are products of your shoddy teaching you fucking hack

>> No.6570495

thats because such retards are rare in reality

Met one of them. He was hilarious.

>> No.6570498


This sounds fantastic. You've reassured me that being a teacher is a good call.

>> No.6570499

As in people will call out pretentious name dropping shenanigans at the drop of a hat here. It seems none of my peers even know any names to pretentiously drop and its boring as shit

>> No.6570504

Uh yeah....duh! I already said I'm fully aware of that.

But like I said, it's impossible to teach people how to write anyway, and if those faggots had any talent, they wouldn't be taking a creative writing class in the first place, they'd be writing.

>> No.6570506

maybe name dropping doesn't quite work here, but the entire /lit/ scene is just pretending to be well read, when most aren't, or atleast don't get what they're reading

>> No.6570532

I would rather that than constantly being surrounded by people who either don't care enough or don't know enough to act like they know more than they do.

Which was my original point. People in real life are boring.

>> No.6570541

there are people on your course who are well read. Your complaint is that they arent utter cunts.

namedropping doesnt work IRL as you need someone to drop to. And after 4 years you will appear ridiculous

>> No.6570561

Really? I've had a ton of passionate weirdos and Renaissance men in my comp eng program.

>> No.6570562

Let them be cunts. Better that than hide their knowledge under layers of faux-modesty. Then everyone loses.

>> No.6570669

>/lit/ wants to be around well-read people
>/lit/, by definition, browses 4chan
>4chan is for edgy retards
>/lit/ are edgy retards
>edgy retards do not get along with normies
>normies aren't well-read

You have to drop out of your edgyretardness and accept that some people aren't well-read but they have tits and are called girls.

>> No.6570705

This thread is about pseudo intellectuals not misanthropy.

Also you're a retard.

>> No.6570712

>one old guy at my uni
>his self-professed goal is to die while teaching
>says it would be "one hell of a learning experience"
>been teaching there since 1968
>teaches Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Philosophy, and Literature
>goes on long rants, constant tangents, gives +5 on the next exam to any student who can answer his bizarre questions
He's a legend

>> No.6570724

but you're an edgy retard, so why should I trust you

>> No.6570725

You are actively making the world a worse place by projecting your shit onto students. Please don't teach any more classes until you get yourself sorted out.

>> No.6570772
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For my cap English course we focused on N-Nature. I was a philosophy major, and it was terrifying how no one knew how to fucking define a word, or to see how manipulative it was to use the word "natural" in various context.

My professor was good though. He was finishing up some major paper of his, had a kid coming right in the middle of the semester, and still managed to always find time to have great critiques on how my style (philosophy:brief, concise, at most sufficient) could change in an English course, which was pretty helpful.

He was also well read on Kant and Heidegger which was surprising.

>> No.6570789

No I'm not, I'm maintaining the status quo. None of these students have any hope of actually becoming a writer. If any did, I'd pull them aside and tell them to drop out of the class, and start writing seriously.

They kids that sign up for it are just all wishy-washy, "I want to do something creative with my life, but I'm not sure what" types. Most don't have a creative bone in their body, and their writing is dreck.

They don't want to hear that obviously, so I don't tell them. I tell them the truth right off the bat, but they chose not to accept. So I know if they continue taking my class, that they basically just want to be lied to and told they can learn to be a great writer. So I do what they want, I lie to them and tell them just that. Yeah sure, that YA novel that's exactly the same as harry potter except with a black kid, boffo idea man, that's a sure fire best seller. Whatever.

It's what they want to hear. You ever notice why your rejection notices are so nicely worded and usually encouraging? It's what you want to hear.

>> No.6570800

>have read over 1,000 books of literary fiction
>can autistically talk about an individual poet/writer for hours on end
>some retarded normie in the lit department said I was name dropping

>> No.6570806

One can't even earnestly talk about literature these days without someone saying we're pretentious namedroppers or mansplaining.'it's incredibly frustrating.

>> No.6570931

>planned to study english literature
>do some research into the classes
>half of the classes are gender and political issues
>decide to visit university, maybe find some students to talk to
>half the campus is covered in feminist propaganda in the guise of promotion for english lit
I'm not signing up for english lit to learn about gender you fucks! Stop shoving your bullshit in my face.

Probably going to pick German lit instead, since the classes actually seem to be focused on literature. Philosophy looks like a decent choice as well.

>> No.6570960

>tfw I could be at home, working on my novel

>> No.6571000
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>go to community college
>absolutely shit on everybody in any remotely competitive assignment
>classmates frequently intimidated
>great GPA without even trying
>mfw understimulated and unchallenged
will a four year university be much harder?

>> No.6571014

Totally depends on the institution, but on average (avg CC vs avg Uni) yeah, uni will be harder. How much depends on quality of CC and Uni, obv.

>> No.6571027

I've been told that my CC is more like a university than most CCs. It's also really fucking big. It's got 90,000 students but most class sizes are only around twenty. I'm going to be transfering to a small liberal arts state school.

>> No.6571030

How do State Uni's size up when it comes to Literature or other humanities classes? Is it possible to get Prof's who really dont know their subject well, or am I garaunteed a decent education? Im going to Northern Arizona University

>> No.6571046

>being this new

>> No.6571047

State Uni grad here. I had a great experience with my lit professors. All of them knew their shit and most of them knew how to get the class talking and thinking about the material.

Have you picked classes and know your profs yet? Look them up on rateyourprofessor and decide from there.

>> No.6571252

>Well, as dumb as this sounds, you can't teach somebody how to write. It's a self taught thing.
I'm just fucking baffled. Like I stepped into /co/'s writefag general.

>> No.6571645

You disgust me, you shit. I guarantee someone in that room will go on to bigger and better things than you, with your injured, limping pride. You really are an absolute fucking hack.

>> No.6571666

Cool, no fucks given though. The only student I ever had that had talent is in a mental ward right now. Maybe he'll get it together but....I doubt it.

>> No.6571680

You had stuff published? That's pretty cool, what was it published in? And forget these other losers, they're fags.

>> No.6571713

>art history teacher
>over the course of the semester, we gradually learn that he's taught at UC Berkeley and Stanford
>now teaching at community college
>what happened?
>last day of the semester: immoral art
>starts talking about adel abdessemed
>adel is a conceptual artist that makes videos involving smashing cows' heads with sledgehammers and lighting chickens on fire
>professor protests this
>entire faculty at SFAI turn against him, decry his opposition to free speech
>one faculty member says that events in his class are disturbing
>my professor mentions to the class that a kid forced another kid to eat shit for performance art
>entire class goes silent

in case you don't believe me. this is fucking terrifying


>> No.6571721

Oh, just regular lit magazines. Half of them are defunct now. It was mostly shit, I never really liked the early stuff I wrote, but I guess lit types did. Won a contest once.

I laid off writing for a long time. I just wrote a novel within the past year, The first thing I wrote that I actually liked. Trying to get that published currently.

>> No.6571724

sorry, forgot to specify, the coprophagia happened in the accuser's class, not my professor's class.

so yeah, the guy who had literal forced shiteating shows in America in the 21st century was accusing my professor's classes of being "disturbing"

>> No.6571784

this sounds like fucking satire or something
>"He just didn't think this was cool."
>"One student enrolled in Labat's class was said to be going so far as to plan her own performance piece protesting Yegge's piece"
>"It made me wonder why anyone would want to do a story about it. Why would anyone be interested in anything as basic as that? Nobody should be interested in that."
>"Students at the Institute, the Academy of Art College, and elsewhere are having conversations about the difference between creating out-there art and merely being an asshole"
>"If I have to not have sex on campus anymore, they'd better put that in the student handbook, and then we can decide whether that's an appropriate rule or not," says Yegge. "I mean, I'm on probation, and I can't have sex on campus, and anyone else can."

>> No.6571792

it just fucking scares me man. the veil is so fucking thin sometimes it doesn't even seem like it's there.

>> No.6571885

Pretty simple, writing in a solitary exercise. You're all own your own, and it's up to you to figure it out. If you can't then you can't, you really can't be taught. The best they can do is teach you how others do it, but you can't write like others, the only way you'll have a "voice" is if you do it yourself.

Most people will never develop that. I always said if you put 1000 people in a room and told them to write a book, 995 will come up with nothing. 3 will come up with something bad, one something mediocre, one something good. In that respect though, even a bad writer is pretty darn talented.

But, pretty much everyone in this thread, the same as all of my students ignore was my most important lesson. Even if you suck at writing, you can still be successful at it. Check out what's on the new york times best seller list.

But...that's not what they want to hear, so they (like you) chose to ignore it. Every aspiring writer has that fantasy that they're the next Faulkner, and I'll pull them aside and say "Dude....you got IT!"

They look at me wide eyed and say, "Really...?"

"Oh yeah man, I'm cutting through the bullshit and nominating you for a Nobel prize, you're going to get blown ten times a day forever, and your parents were dead wrong about you!"

"Oh god, I knew it all along!"

That kind of shit.

Not being great it at, but making a living isn't as sexy.

>> No.6571986

Creativity isn't innate though. It can be developed.

>> No.6572011

Unless it's something like the New College of Florida you'd probably be better off gunning for an honors program at a flagship state school. I'm not aware of many good small state schools.

>> No.6572037

Jesus Christ I feel sorry for you people. I got a Great Texts of the Western Tradition degree, and all my classes on the subject were fantastic. I had great professors who loved to explore literature, and almost without fail I had interested peers willing and able to discuss the subject matter.

The only really interesting thing I can report is that after four or five years studying all this, a substantial minority of my fellow students ended up converting to Catholicism.

>> No.6572040

I don't know about that.

>> No.6572044

Hahaha, no it can't. Now, if you'd said "writing can be developed," then you might have had something, but creativity? The ability to imagine and conjure things in the mind? You either have that or you don't.

>> No.6572046


Pretty much none of my professors gave a shit about computers.

I had one professor who was brilliant and knew so much about computing, but he was too normal of a dude. He didn't geek out over ridiculously dumb stuff,

>> No.6572058

In my experience, it tends to develop at a young age, and is usually a kind of defense response to childhood trauma.

The most creative people I ever met were always the most screwed up people. Most of them were never able to develop their creativity into anything useful, they usually end up succumbing to whatever their problems are. A lot died young. Most become total addicts. Like i said, the one talented student I had was a fucking nutjob, he's locked up in the booby hatch now.

Real creativity is rare man, even rarer to see it flourish.

>> No.6573180

You could've, you know, taught them shit like how to build the most basic narrative, or how important research is for writing, or what's the importance of prose, why plot is inevitable but not that important.
Are you one of those fags that only will write from personal experience by any chance?

There are things to teach about writing but, like in any artform, the act of actually doing it can't be taught, like in any artform.

>> No.6573201

I'm beginning to think that I should just study mathematics or chemistry and read literature if I feel like it.

>> No.6573202

>not double majoring in mathematics and music

>> No.6573207

hi Mr. H

>> No.6573255

I really want to be like you. Is being an english teacher a lost cause? It's really all I want to do in life.

>> No.6574389
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>english lit undergraduate
>all classes are 90% qt grills, many of them intelligent and well-read, while the very few dudes in my seminars are typically well-versed in philosophy
>mfw got to discuss the points of intersection between John Donne and Deleuze

>> No.6574403

yes, teachers are either failures or martyrs(not a good thing)
education is dead

>> No.6574423

>he has to pay for college

>> No.6574433

>You could've, you know, taught them shit like how to build the most basic narrative, or how important research is for writing, or what's the importance of prose, why plot is inevitable but not that important.

What makes you think they wanted to learn that? Most of them showed up with a particular idea about their writing, and just wanted that reinforced. If i have to read another story about a 18ish teen sitting in the college commons, or on a beach, pondering the universe. Then they want you to say, "Yeah dude, you're the next Joyce, great fucking job."

Another question to ask is what makes you think I didn't try to teach that? Usually on my first assignment i would lay a lesson like. "Look, what's important is writing, characters, story, SOMETHING interesting happening. I do not want to get a bunch of papers in, talking about a college age person wondering around, pondering the universe!" Yeah, and guess what they turn in?

I used to assign Stephen King's "On Writing". Say what you want about him, he gives great advice on the basics of storytelling. But of course, like a lot /lit/ students just roll their eyes and say "He's a mainstream hack man! What the fuck does he know?" I Don't know....the dude has 50 books published, one of the most successful writers of the modern age, I think there's probably SOMETHING you can learn from him, but whatever....he's a hack, fuck it, yeah you're probably right, nothing you can learn there. Whatever though, lets see this 10 page opus about you describing yourself watching your dog take a dump, this'll be good.

>> No.6574436

It reminds me of myself during that time, though I was the leader of my schools fascist party.

>> No.6574468

the "great artists are mentally unstable" meme

>> No.6574497

You're honestly just a shit teacher.

>> No.6574514

No need to lie

>> No.6574528

name one that wasn't

>> No.6574537

Where do you go to school

>> No.6574543

Jean Sebastian Bach

>> No.6574563

you never hear about the boring details of the lives of creative people, only the crazy stories about the weird eccentric shit they did or how sylvia plath killed herself. the vast majority are well-adjusted and sane, you just don't hear about that.

>> No.6574580

>plot is inevitable

Read Picture This.

>> No.6574592

>Intentionally chooses someone whom little is known about their personality.
Uh....so? Faulkner had good days, he also had months where he drank so much he had to be put in a sanitarium because he drove himself crazy. Does that mean he's somehow not nuts, because he had good, normal days sometimes? The unibomber had a pretty nice stretch where he was a respected, college professor. Hemmingway had a lot of days where he just hung out and fished....he also had one really bad day.

>> No.6574600

You mean YOU don't know shit about Bach.

But if you still want to play this game, Goethe.

It's only the more recent generations that worship mental illness.

>> No.6574608

No, YOU don't know shit about him either.

>> No.6574612

You can literally look up the guys history on Wikipedia, the same way you look up and spout shit about Faulkner and whoever else.

>> No.6574625

You can look up his history sure, not much is said about his personality.

You can look up shakespeare's history also, but nobody really knows what he was like as a person. Shit, some people argue that he never even existed.

>> No.6574630

Even then, you're "all creative types are insane" meme is just that, a meme. People will always blow up the more extravagant aspects of a person's life, other anon was right, most artists are perfectly sane but you don't hear about them, since the public is by nature drawn to spectacle.

>> No.6574650

Well it's hard for me to buy the argument of, "Well Hemmingway was a morbid drunk his whole life who blew his head off with a shotgun, but overall he was perfectly sane, not many people talk about that. Or Stephen king went through that period where he did so much coke that he can't even remember writing a few books, but overall he's a pretty well adjusted guy. Or Virginia Woolf was a total schizo her whole life and killed herself by walking into a river, but that's all just sensationalism, overall they were all down to earth, normal people,"

>> No.6574666

>A handful of authors account for every single artist across various disciplines

You should stop now.

>> No.6574679

A handful that i listed, we could go on for days listing mentally ill creative people.

Oh hey btw....what's this?


>> No.6574685

It's not the rule, thats for sure.

>> No.6574722

>paying to listen to an infanticidal maniac talk about his personal life


>> No.6574734

Ah, yes, I also get all my most relyable knowledge from the wikipedikeks :)

>> No.6574753

Alright, alright, it was a little white lie. We were studying John Donne on his own, I simply mentioned the feverish devotion of his sonnets as kinda being like 'symptoms' of the body without organs as we'd studied a thousand plateaus earlier in the term, but it was more just hashing an idea out with another student and not really a main point of discussion

All I'll say is that its one of the top 20 universities in my country, as well as being one of the fastest-developing 'progressive' universities in the world.

>> No.6575297


fucking share it

>> No.6575324

>Be swede
>Get feminist professor in methodology of science
>She goes on bragging about her Ph.D. and how research was about starting a political grass-roots campaign for Obama during the election period with state founded money
>Ask her if that is scientifically ethical
>Well Obama is a good president even though it was his first try for presidency

Such is life in the matriarchy

>> No.6575333
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I'm a graduating Senior
can anyone help me pick between these Florida colleges?
New College of Florida
University of Florida
University of Central Florida

>> No.6575345

We have no evidence to support that Pynchon is mentally unstable. Also could Joyce be categorized as unstable? I know he was into some kinky shit and he may have had syphilis at the end of his life but that doesn't necessarily mean he was crazy.

>> No.6575368

>Marcus Aurelius

Almost all great canonical works are written by sane people.

>> No.6575375

>All I'll say is that its one of the top 20 universities in my country, as well as being one of the fastest-developing 'progressive' universities in the world.
> 20 top
>Fastest progressive

You say this like it's a good thing.

>> No.6575381

>tfw progressive basically means "we think its ok that you suck cocks"

>> No.6575480

Being Progressive today basically implies that anything goes. Your OK with everything because nothing else really matters so long as you get to do what you like.

>> No.6575491


you should fit right in then

>> No.6575559

Don't go to UCF.
UF is kinda shit but at least you'll feel really smart here.
I only know a few people at NCF but they're very happy with it. Keep in mind it's very liberal vs. at UF you have multitudes of christian fundamentalists and /pol/tier autists. still it's free so who cares

>> No.6575602

LITERARY high school dropout I'd say

>> No.6575626

Seconding everything
said. Grew up in Florida, actually less than an hour from New College, and went to UF from 2007 to 2011. I would think it depends on what you want to study and what you want to do afterwards, but in general, the above referenced post is spot on.

UCF is a shit university in a shit town, with the only potential redeeming quality being the amount of attractive and easy women (I say potential because it isn't really redeeming to someone like me when they are as moronic and vapid as those women are).

UF is a pretty decent institution overall, with a beautiful campus (lots of green spaces and a nice lake, beautiful buildings) with the exception of The Swamp which looks like an oversized parking garage from the outside. Gainesville is also a great town, not too big that you're always stuck in traffic for an hour trying to go 5 miles up the road, but a lot of great restaurants, music scenes/venues, a decent museum, a zoo that I can't comment on as I never went, etc. etc. etc. Also cheap as fuck, if you have bright futures and/or Florida pre-paid, you're golden.

I know surprisingly little about New College for having grown up so close to it, but I can say for sure it is VERY liberal and among the more respected colleges of its type. To get a sense of how liberal it is, look into something called The Wet Princess, as well as their tri-annual Palm Court Parties. Also if you know about Erowid, that project was largely developed by a New College alum.

>> No.6575640

I dropped out of high school. Now I'm a millionaire.

>> No.6575658

Just went to look for some info on Palm Court parties to post and found this little article, posted just yesterday


The headline in the HTML leaves out the last two words, "recent deaths", and as the article explains, both were apparently drug overdoses

>> No.6575675

>You say this like it's a good thing.
I say it because that's what it is, and it suits my intellectual pursuits just fine. u mad?


>> No.6575684

Literally just started applying to colleges. Should I bother with a lit degree or not?

>> No.6575757


I graduated HS with an AA from a local community college, do you know anything about how credit transfers would work at NCF if I were to major in English?

>> No.6575760

Prove it by buying me a book

>> No.6575805



>> No.6575816

Fantastic, you're great!

>> No.6575818


UF is a shit college
I've never seen a bigger shithole
fuck UF

>> No.6575828

the only reason to take any english/lit/writing classes in college is so you have professors who can edit your shit, so professors can help set up internships, and so you can do a bunch of drugs and slam some fine uni pooni. Might not be worth the student debt, but its worth the experience

>> No.6575836

how can anyone stomach listening to a lecture series by a bumbling country doctor?

>> No.6575840

this guy gets it

>> No.6575874

Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations as a self-help book for himself. Plato watched his mentor and friend die and was likely traumatized from that. Aristotle was almost killed, also probably traumatized. Homer was blind, and considering all the shit people give blind people today, you can imagine how blind guys had it in the BC. Archaelogists who found Shakespeare's tobacco pipe found traces of weed and ground up coca leaves (the stuff coke is made of), so while not all druggies are crazy, most crazies tend to do drugs.

Besides, just because someone is outwardly sane, it doesn't mean they're not suffering on the inside.

>> No.6575882

FSU student who was rejected by UF detected

jk, why do you say that?

>> No.6575958

>multitudes of christian fundamentalists

Is it that bad these days? When I was there, several years ago, it was really just the one obnoxious guy on Turlington Plaza, and everyone ignored him.

>/pol/-tier autists

Yeah, this one was true back then, too, but I feel like you'll find plenty of these at any state school, and I doubt UF has more than its fair share.

>> No.6575970


Yeah, this: >>6575874

Also you're mentioning people who we really have no idea what their personality was, whether they were sane or not, in fact some of those can be argued never existed.

You look at any great creative people in the modern age, when we started actually paying attention to mental illness and addiction, most all of them were nuts or addicts, usually both.

>> No.6575981

There seems to always be a huge audience in front of whatever preacher sets up in plaza of the americas for the day, and I can't get to class without going around a bunch of weirdos handing out bible passage fortune cookie things everywhere. still i guess it could be worse.

>> No.6576011


>> No.6576020

Took a class on Milton with a very well liked professor. She was amazing, knew the subject very well and was incredibly interesting to listen to. The discussion was derailed by the people in the class sadly, there were a few people who contributed interesting points, but the majority of them were very reactionary to the writing.
>Why is Milton sooooo sexist?
>Dude God is such an asshole lmao
>Eve is so strong willed I love her
>Satan is like, such a dick

It's fucking pathetic, especially for a school with such a good reputation. The kids in class spoke like complete imbeciles. They would honestly say things like "Satan is a fucking asshole" in class and expect that to be a well thought out and logical response to a passage.
>tfw I got a B in the class because I never bitched about Milton being a sexist.

>> No.6576024

Lol just because the teaching experience is good for the students doesnt mean other aspects of the career arent putting the teacher/proffessor through hell. Ive never met a teacher that wasnt wet behind the ear seriously trying to convince anyone to follow his life path

>> No.6576036
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>> No.6576045

best philosophers are the ones who are very good at math, as what they say isn't some meaningless bullshit.
philosophy and logic are interchangeable

>> No.6576051

When I was in high school I taught math to kids an hour a week as a volunteering project. It was cool but I don't think I'd like to do it 35x that

There were a few kids who made it worth it, some fat shits who couldn't into 2+2 babby math were unbearable tho.

>> No.6576053

>tfw I got a B in the class because I never bitched about Milton being a sexist.
Is this a good thing for you or a bad thing?

>> No.6576056

Yeah, could be worse, but that still sounds annoying. I remember Plaza of the Americas being filled with students lounging/studying, the hare krishna group serving lunch, and a few random student groups with info about shit like study abroad programs.

Is there still a big truck driving around with images of an aborted fetus all over it? That shit was fucking annoying too.

>> No.6576060

a B in a humanities course is pretty bad if you're in the US

>> No.6576065

Yeah what's up with grades in the US anyway? It's like you're suppossed to get straights A's. Here in Poortuguese engineering courses you count your blessings if you even manage to pass.

>> No.6576066

Yeah I mean the other stuff is there too I guess it depends on the time of day.

And yeah the abortion people at least seem universally reviled but that's because they spend all their time being absolute assholes to everyone instead of trying to actually convert anyone

>> No.6576080

I mean STEM departments tend to do the opposite, at least for the first few courses you'd take because they get a bunch of people who have no place there who think college is a vocational academy. Meanwhile humanities programs can't really afford to shit all over the students taking General Anthropology if they want to actually have anyone taking their upper division classes.

>> No.6576086

*blah humanities/social sciences/etc it all fits in with that issue. They need to hook students in unless they're the default choice of psychology i guess.

>> No.6576088

Where the fuck do schools allow a fascists party? In America even something as relatively tame as MRAS cant get traction at Uni.

>> No.6576097

I see, in post-Bologna Process EU universities you barely have that kind of freedom in what classes you decide to take so they just fuck you up from the get go since you really don't have much of a choice.

>> No.6576106

Goddamn I know Sweden is called the America of Europe but why the fuck do they care that much about OUR elections? She is not a citizen of our country, its unethical for a foreigner to be involved in any way with our democracy

>> No.6576140

>its like youre supposed to get straight A's
Yeah our culture about school is odd. For example, check out something called "No child left behind" & "common core"

>> No.6576146

>but why the fuck do they care that much about OUR elections
this country is already retarded in a million ways, why not add one more retardation into the pile?

>> No.6576149

Its understandable from their perspective though. If I felt like I was surrounded by people who condoned the murder of innocents id be pretty emotional too.

>> No.6576155

I mean, grade inflation doesn't really help students. All it means is that you've got this minimum standard of having that 3.75+ gpa or whatever you need so that people don't think completely incompetent and then you need to have something outside of this required number to show you bring any real value.

>> No.6576171

>going off of that
>going off of that
>going off of that
>going off of that
>going off of that
>going off of that
>going off of that

>> No.6576176

I agree. Thats why Degrees are becoming less valuable here, and why employers are more concerned about Internships and whatnot now.
Basically it works like this: they cant milk as much money out of a student who drops out early. So they make it easy to coast on by so they can maximize profit.

I lean libertarian in some ways, but the "not free muh taxes" argument is ridiculous. As long as theres a government at all we are going to be taxed, and personally id feel better if it was going to help working class kids get educated instead of building some new military killing machine. Not to mention It would improve school quality to European level. Sure, they say the degree is devalued when anyone can afford it under such a socialist policy, but thats already happening anyway due to capitalist greed, so fuck it.

>> No.6576183
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> youtube.com/html5
>click on 'enable'
soo good watching it in 1.5x speed

>> No.6576283

This shit is beautiful.
Old professors whose brain has clearly been damaged by ears of medicine / drugs / alcohol abuse are always the most passionate (because they can't afford forgetting the singe important thing to them - their class) and obviously the craziest.

>enroll in aesthethics course
>teacher is a early 30sqt
>one of the most passionate people I've ever met
>constantly btfo'ing undergrads who read the philosophers wikis and want to talk shit
>introduced me to a lot of great thinkers (Warburg, Ranciére, Eco's semiotics stuff, Wölflinn, Agamben
>taught the best summer-course I've ever had, about Benjamin
>always shows up during college parties and drink and recommend us stuff to read / exhibitions to go
>actually likes the Spookmeister Stirner

also, this guy

>dude is a 30 something who only loves computational art, Debord and text adventures
>constantly and openly mocking everyone from neoliberals to SJWs to ancaps
>srsly, Debord and only Debord
>Introduced me to Huizinga, Pannekoek and so much contemporary authors it's not even funny

Really, the two are the people that made me endure college

>> No.6576309



I think I might go to New College of Florida
I'd really like to be a professor and conduct research and that place seems to set you on the path pretty well.

>> No.6576314

Damn that prof sounds awesome

>> No.6576390

If anything, the pro-life groups are in fault for not being able or willing to fight an asshole like him.

>> No.6576407

Real shit. I get mad as hell.

>> No.6576412

i hate you because although i go to a decent university i'll never have this

>> No.6576443

Bad, it's not easy to get an A in English classes because so much of the grading is subjective. A lot of it is ass kissing and doing the extra 10% (office hours, constant participation etc.)

>> No.6576447

Weird thing is that I go to a extremely traditional modernist (I know it sounds weird, but "modernist academy" is in opposition to "classicist academy", but both can be traditional) fine arts school, but these two are really against the grain (maybe because they're from a newer generation and focused on theoric classes).

Also, qt professor speaks like 6 languages and has the cutest accent ever, and she wears these short skirt / high heels combo often that I just...I just can't

>> No.6576456

The man who wrote the odyssey was clearly schizo. Or several. Anyway, all religious people are mad.

>> No.6576459

yeah but all it takes is doing that extra 10% and you're set for a relaxing cruise of a course. Of course the inverse is true if you act like an idiot but if that were the case you'd be a STEM major :^)

>> No.6576478

Bullshit. My country, with the vast majority of my fellow citizens condoning or at least not actively protesting, has been responsible for the murder of millions of innocents just in the 26 years I've been alive but I don't go around screaming at everyone about it, or forcing upon them images of Afgani children who have starved to death or Iraqi women and children gunned down after having been raped.

>> No.6576552


Adachi did nothing wrong

>> No.6576554

I once had one of the "rambling" type professors ( I actually had a lot but this guy sticks out as the most obnoxious)

The class was supposed to be on Shakespeare, but every single god damn lecture was about Derrida and how he used to be friends with Derrida and would get invited to his birthday parties, blah blah blah. It drove me nuts. I didn't even bother turning in most of the assignments, but at the end the prof warmed up to me and he gave me an A.

The classes I hated the most was when the professor tried to get the students to lead the class, a lot of student reports, student discussion driving the direction of the course, ec. They were all fucking shit. I wasn't paying that much money to listen to the stupid opinions of teenagers and young twenty somethings, I was paying so I could learn from an expert.

>> No.6576666


>> No.6576673

welp looks like someone's got no choice now

>> No.6576674


>can't teach writing
>can't teach storytelling

KEK. This is like a painting teacher coming in, throwing his paintbrushes at his students, and shouting "You think perspective can be TAUGHT!? WROOOOONG!"

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you obviously don't know how to write, or you'd be able to teach it.

>> No.6576677

speaking of shitty florida schools, last year when I submitted my application to FAU the essay submitted was just "Lil B is my friend 2014" and they accepted me into their honors program.

>> No.6576761


wait what

>> No.6576942

I recommend the same thing to any student considering the humanities or the arts:

Are you a genius (like did you score in the 97th to 99th percentile in your national exams)? If so, you can study whatever the hell you want and you'll be fine. If not, you're better off enrolling in a stable degree that has a clear path to a job that wouldn't make you want to kill yourself.

The truth is the availability of academic positions in these areas grows smaller every year. Likewise, in the real world, it's harder and harder to make a living doing these things; competition is fierce, profits are low. Even if you are decent or great, depending on where you don't live, who you don't know, you are not assured success. Most likely, you will end up having to switch to something wholly unrelated to your degree, rendering that degree nothing more than an indicator of which university you went to and your GPA (these things are still valuable, which is why it doesn't matter if you're a genius, but they're not AS valuable).

That doesn't however mean you're giving up on your art. Regardless of what you study, you will have more than enough spare time in college to learn to write/paint/sculpt/music/whatever. There will be time to join clubs, audit classes, attend workshops, create shit, send shit that off to journals and competitions, plough the uni library for materials, etc etc. That's assuming you're genuinely dedicated and pro-active, things without which you would probably be doomed to failure no matter the path course you chose.

>> No.6577504


what are you even saying
I don't even know how I'd know if I was 97th to 99th percentile
what are you saying?

>> No.6577562

>I don't even know how I'd know if I was 97th to 99th percentile

This means you're probably not in the 97th to 99th percentile

>> No.6577622

If you had the balls to tell them straight up you couldn't do a work for which you're getting paid, you could've just as easily tell them to forget whatever dumb shit they thought was "writing" and try teaching that.
If some pretentious faggot refuses to read King because hurr heesa hak then you could've looked for someone else. You could've suggested some other book on story theory or script-writing, or just tell him to fuck off by giving him bad grades for not following instructions.

Like those other guys said, you're just a shit teacher and shit makes me fucking mad because I've been covered in shit teachers my whole life.

>> No.6577677


expected ignorant and lazy response
You have no foundation for your words, 97th-99th percentile is a meaningless phrase until you define it
How do I know if I was in it or not?
Also your entire post has nothing to do with what the person you replied to said

>> No.6577684

so how come you're only in community college?

>> No.6577726

>Are you a genius (like did you score in the 97th to 99th percentile in your national exams)?

Uh yeaah I got 98th percentile and I'm a dumbass I'm pretty sure they just give you a random number in the 90s to make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.6577744

I do have several professors in the family, ranging from so-so to elite universities so I guess that sort of helps?

I just wanna be a prof one day :(

>> No.6577755

did u teach part-time at a community college because that's the only situation in which anyone would ever accept any of your work

>> No.6577757

community college is a great choice if it's a choice between that and a state school. You can just save a lot of money your first 1-2 years and just transfer. For me it made more sense financially to go right to a 4-year but if things were different I'd have done the CC thing.

>> No.6577851

yes you would, you fucking retard. the scores and their related percentiles for almost all nationwide exams. i hope you don't live in the us because they percentiles are literally listed right next to your sat and act scores and if you can't even understand dont even bother with college because its clear your retard mind cant handle it

>> No.6577871

dude chill it doesn't matter those test scores are bullshit anyway i don't know a single person from my class who didn't have at least a 31 ACT score which is what, 97th percentile right there? I seriously doubt more than 1 or 2 of us were even above average so it looks like bullshit 'feel good about yourself!' shit

>> No.6577901

the guy who was giving you advice was being overly generous if you don't have at least a 2250 or 34 act score unless you're black or something you'll end up at a shit school and getting a degree in any humanities would be worthless. its not 'feel good about yourself' shit and if you're only applying to college now (after every good college has finished admissions and already released their results) you have nothing to feel good about at all

>> No.6578006

who the fuck applies for college in may

regardless im not in high school

>> No.6578035

>outwardly sane
>inwardly suffering
you can say that about literally anyone
proves nothing m88

>> No.6578077

right but you're probably mentally "well-adjusted," to quote dfw
they're emotional, think everyone around them not only are befallen to original sin but succumb to sin consciously and willingly, in fornicating copiously and, when birth control doesn't work (which object they also find sinful due to its inherent design to contradict the(ir) notion that sexual intercourse has been, is, and always will be first and foremost for procreation, its pleasure being secondary, for the most part, though I've heard some Catholics explain its being pleasurable as God blessing the consummation, so that a out-of-wedlock consummation may still be pleasurable, but you've got hell to pay for it, etc, etc), aborting, ie, 'murdering the innocent,' which is a combination of two mortal sins, so that the agents within are sent to some deep circles of hell, ie, those who abort are, to them, some of the most depraved heathens alive, and then the culture around them seems to condone this, meaning that, in effect, society's responsible for millions of deaths, and they're outraged, and outraged that others aren't as outraged at them, which is just a cycle until they're in hysterics, and people then look down on them, which feeds the Christian persecution complex, etc, etc
they actually feel like they can, somehow, have some sort of positive, if minuscule, impact on society, through their protesting, paradoxically
probably unlike any member of your populace, but I wouldn't really know

>> No.6578463

(1) I don't know dfw's definition of "mentally well-adjusted" (is someone who takes their own life the person whose definition of "mentally well-adjusted" you want to go with anyway?), but I doubt I meet it
(2) holy shit, do you know what a period (or full-stop or whatever the fuck you call it in your country) is?
(3) I'm too drunk and exhausted from working a 12 hour day and then getting drunk the past few hours to put together a cogent post that adequately explains why your rambling, barely coherent response is complete bullshit, so I'll be back tomorrow if the thread is still up. And I assure you I don't think it's rambling, incoherent bullshit and fail to understand because I'm drunk. Massive alcohol consumption doesn't affect my comprehension, only my ability to articulate myself.

>> No.6579003


>if you don't have an SAT of 2250 or ACT 34 you'll get into a shit score
>useless to major in humanities without those scores
holy shit anon how small is your worldview
you should actually live through life before thinking you can impart wisdom on anyone

>> No.6579008



>> No.6579038
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Nice teacher, /lit/ should pay a lot more attention to Ranciere.

>> No.6579060

Lel he's not even that good of a thinker

>> No.6579097

Why do you think Jacques Ranciere is not a good thinker and who would you recommend as a good contemporary thinker?

Or are you just a shit posting fag?

>> No.6579121

Jean-Luc Nancy

>> No.6579135

Joyce came from a family with a history of psychic disorders namely schizophrenia. When Jung had to treat Joyce's daughter who was suffering from schizophrenia he noted some residual symptoms in Joyce when meeting him.
Psychoanalytic authors (Lacan for example) saw in Joyce writings a way to cope with sub-clinical schizophrenia.

>> No.6579160

I know who he is but how does he read Schelling? If you give me a good answer I'll read him (I heard he's done work on Schelling and that would be my main interest in him)

Also why Ranciere a shit?

>> No.6579182

He's not really shit. I was just being hyperbolic (retarded) because it's 4chan. He was incredibly influential on me last year when I was consumed by works, however I'm just disaffected by political thinkers. granted I haven't read his aesthetics -- since his oeuvre is huge -- but that is precisely where JLN grabs my interest. Furthermore, JLN philosophizing on ontology, on the "co", or the "we", is incredibly brilliant.

>> No.6579202

>philosophizing on ontology, on the "co", or the "we", is incredibly brilliant.
I'll keep that in mind anon when I read him (I was going to read him anyways before you mentioned him but perhaps bump him up on my reading list). You didn't answer my question about JLN on Schelling but whatever thanks anyways.

>> No.6579214

Oh, completely forgot. His book "the experience of freedom" engages with Schelling.