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6565534 No.6565534 [Reply] [Original]

philosophy philistine here. what exactly is "pure ideology?" do you have any examples?

>> No.6565551


>> No.6565560

sex for any purpose other than pleasure/ecstasy

even that could be argued to be ideological
so all sex

>> No.6565702

1. everything is ideology, forget about any connection to reality
2. "pure ideology", the way Ž uses it, is a high concentration of one particular ideology, very explicitly expressed in a single phenomenon (as opposed to being a muddy foggy mix of multiple different ideologies dispersed across multiple phenomena)

>> No.6565710

>so all sex

Top kek.

I hope someday everyone to understand this.

>> No.6565732

any TV commercial

>> No.6565985
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An unconscious truth.

Ideology, in the way zyzzek uses it, refers to a kind of tinting in our perception, colouring everything we comprehend. Pure ideology therefore is when that tint is so heavy that it's all we see.

And this perceptual tinting is of course influenced by social structures, biological particulars and so on

>> No.6566085

>what exactly is "pure ideology?"

This thread is "pure" (id)eology