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/lit/ - Literature

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6563940 No.6563940 [Reply] [Original]

Pic very related.

>> No.6563987

>Press A to select which story wins the contest
>Press A to contemplate the nature of time
>Press F to kill the Autarch
>Press X and Y together to rape Jolenta

>> No.6564007

Why do you think it would? There is hardly any action at all in The Book of the New Sun and what little there is is complicated by Severian's particular future. Maybe it'd work as an interesting commentary on the whole save/load thing, but other than that it's basically just this >>6563987

>> No.6564023

ayy which story won the contest tho?

>> No.6564037

The Ascian of course.

>> No.6564089

i will press X and Y forever

>> No.6564213

>Books and video games as media have enough similarities to be even slightly inter-adaptable
Retards like you are the exact reason video games are still terrible

>> No.6564239

>The witcher
>Roadside picnic
>El shaddai
>Raidou Kuzonoha


>> No.6564279

>I play nothing but shitty games so all games must be shitty!

Lol faggot.

>> No.6564307

Any genre fiction, so no good books

>> No.6564356
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>> No.6564448

Fuck off genreshitter

>> No.6564468

Am I right guys?

>> No.6564489
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Movie when?

>> No.6564519

This board is for literature only

>> No.6564532

welcome to /lit/, friend

hopefully never

>> No.6564555

cant be worse than the dune ones.

>> No.6564558

I see you've never been on /lit/ before

>> No.6564561

i'd rather just forget dune ever happened

haha, well meme'd friend

>> No.6564583
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>> No.6564584

Why? JGL would be perfect in it

>> No.6564624


>> No.6564651
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>> No.6564674

as severian? please no. actually the more i look at him the more i can see it but still, he has a certain element to his personality that i just can't seem to reconcile with the severian

good joke, friend
good luck with your time here

>> No.6564677

>press x to die

>> No.6564857 [DELETED] 

>Playing videogames

I want these degenerates off my /lit/

>> No.6564877

>le big boy books mustard race xd

>> No.6564884

It should be about trying to escape from the zombies that attacked your farm and just when you get to Jefferson and think you're safe a mega zombie pops out of the the coffin and the boss theme plays.

>> No.6564900

Whenever someone says BOTNS could be a good videogame I think they're just talking about the setting. Anyone whose seriously read the book knows the plot is completely unmanageable within the confines of video-game mechanics. It's just be a hulking monstrosity with none of the best parts about the original.

>> No.6565917
File: 60 KB, 300x454, Elantris_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect for an rpg game similar to palanescape torment
hell, snaderson source of inspiration might have been partially the game

>> No.6567341

Manchildren from /pol/ and /v/ have been invading lately.

>> No.6567348


The setting of Urth would make for a pretty god-tier MMO setting. Apart from that, I can't imagine the plot of BotNS working in a video game format.

>> No.6567349

How the fuck would the New Sun make a good video game? Maybe an adventure game, but even that would be a strech. It's far too impressionist and imbeded in a misty perspective to be in vain of any game I've played so far.

>> No.6567361

At first I kek'd, but it could actually be pretty good. It wouldn't have the same emotional depth, of course, but it could still be a good story that contained its multiple points of view gimmick.

>> No.6567436
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>> No.6567840

Haven't read this one yet, just finished the Mistborn trilogy though, and now that I think about it, that might make for a neat team FPS type thing.

The different classes would be different mistings, of course. Everybody would get some standard weapons, then each could have different allomantic powers. Or even feruchemical or hemalurgic. I wonder if that'd work. Maybe like Battlefront, actually, where after a while one of the teams gets a Mistborn Hero to join the fight.

>> No.6567856

catcher in the rye

>> No.6568214

The Divine Comedy

>> No.6568257
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>three wars in as many years
>world setting
>technological adaptation and advancement
>xcom without shitty science/psionics

>> No.6568942

>look this book up on Amazon
>author is 6 years younger than me
>start worrying that the youngin's are already putting out entire works while I'm still fussing with an outline
>read the excerpt
>laughably bad
>autistic as hell
>shit prose
>muh strong womyn

whew. thank god, I still have time.

>> No.6568953

and yet he's still better off than you because he's actually finished something, even if it is shit

>> No.6568973

Terrible argument.
>architect tries to build an actual structure but runs out of money/time/motivation
>fucko the clown builds an apartment out of erect dicks and 6 months later it falls down, crushing everyone inside

and yet fucko is still better because at least he did it right guys?

look, I do give the guy props for actually putting something out there, but if I was going for that level of garbage I would've published more shit than Stephen King by this point.

>> No.6568994

fucko's apartment sounds like a dadaist masterpiece