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File: 264 KB, 1600x1379, 1432041174767[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561211 No.6561211 [Reply] [Original]

seriously where was this pic taken? are this girls really fans? or was gmmr in a third world country spending money like they is no tomorrow and the girls are attracted to any westerner who is spending?

>> No.6561216

please go back to /tv/

>> No.6561220

can you think nice thoughts?

>> No.6561238

>black girls don't read fantasy

which one would you do first, /lit/?

i'ma say purple dress

>> No.6561245

>>black girls don't read fantasy
that's not what i said

>> No.6561247


>> No.6561256


>> No.6561269 [DELETED] 





>> No.6561273

i hope OP will not get banned because of this gentlemans post

>> No.6561275

Looks like it is someplace in Africa. You can tell because of how creepily similar all of those girls look. (Tribalism, I guess; this would explain why they look like they're all relatives.)

New World blacks have much more ethnic variety.

>> No.6561278

just redpilling you, my friend

scientifically blacks are inferior to whites

>> No.6561289

Relate this to heart of darkness, or a book of similar or greater merit, or you're being banned

>> No.6561296

In the heart of darkness the white men own the means of production, they are exploiting and taking advantage of Africucks.
The black men in the novel are all savages and Kurtz succumbs to SJW-disease of muh white guilt at the end.

In reality, he was making Africa a better place by giving them civilization like in Belgium and Western Europe in general.

>> No.6561304 [DELETED] 

are you this guy ? >>41924124

>> No.6561307

I know you are trolling but I reported you anyway.

>> No.6561310

bitch on the left looks annoying as fuck

>> No.6561311

what post?

Are you a degenerate, feebleminded liberal cuck?

SJW feminist shit

>> No.6561342

why are niggers so fugly goddamn

>> No.6561349

This was probably taken on a set in North Africa. Maybe for the Dornish scenes. Notice the producer in the background

>> No.6561408

i actually find the girls kinda attractive

>> No.6561425

2 on left in black same time

>> No.6561439

Black women can't resist the Big White Belly.

>> No.6561441

3 or 4 from that pic are cute
t. whitey

>> No.6561494

There's a couple of whites in the background so it's probably in Atlanta or DC or something. Chocolate city, baby.

>> No.6561518

What do black girls read?

I need black audience pussy

>> No.6561527

You need any kind of pussy, mate

>> No.6561539

neither can asians
nor most of white girls for that matter

>> No.6561549

i actually knew a black girl who was really into the game of thrones series

>> No.6562542

It's obviously in Egypt. All the signs are in hieroglyphics.

>> No.6562803
File: 487 KB, 1600x1379, 1432049554954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I circled all the fuckable ones.

>> No.6563779

>that two for one circle


>> No.6565879

Should i let this thread die?

>> No.6565924

Do you feel in charge?