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File: 57 KB, 700x467, Roger Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6558802 No.6558802 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favourite right-wing writer?

>> No.6558827

Michael Oakeshott

Scruton sucks btw

>> No.6558839

Carl Schmitt

>> No.6558844

Julius Ebola

>> No.6558856

Evola favors a stronger state, he's left wing.

>> No.6558858

Probably Hayek although I admit I never gave all the mystic nationalist nonsense of the 20th century much attention

>> No.6558862
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>> No.6558864

shut up evola has right wing mentality like myself

>> No.6558867

Karl Marx

>> No.6558871


*tips fedora*
*fixes bowtie*

>> No.6558872
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>> No.6558880

>Scruton sucks btw

give reasons plz

>> No.6558886


>> No.6558887

He is the middlebrow Peter Hitchens, or Peter Hitchens is the lowbrow Roger Scruton.

>> No.6558896

The driving force of his work is to counteract a straw postmodern socialist that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.6558904

>t. never read Scruton other than some blog written unfavourably about him

>> No.6558910
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Seriously underated.

>> No.6558912

Peter Hitchens a chronicler of day-to-day life, and like Scruton, he has the pretensions of being a Burkean, whatever that might mean in the 21st Century. Yet Hitchens seems far less pretentious, and is a far better essayist than Scruton. He's also much more funny, and can elucidate the specifics of political pathos in a way that conjures Graham Greene or George Elliot.

Even if Hitchens doesn't practice your brand of deliberation, you should be able to admit his talent. I wish Hitchens wrote a book of character studies or even a novel about a British life in the 1970's.

>> No.6559147

Amartya Sen

>> No.6559182
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left-wing/right-wing is the false dichotomy of plebeians.

might is right.

>> No.6559183

He wrote?

>> No.6559197

plenty of bitches ate it

>> No.6559218

Scruton shills for big tobacco.

>> No.6559224

Alan Moore

>> No.6559228

Hail power!

>> No.6559545
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>> No.6559559
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I bet you think hitler was left wing too

>> No.6559568


>> No.6559876

Capitalists aren't right-wing. They just came on that side because liberals were becoming too left-wing.

>> No.6559895


Though I like my Schmitt fucked upside down by Agamben and Foucault.

>> No.6559937

Not him, but he was.

>> No.6560059

Phillip Larkin.

>> No.6560251
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Mishima's my favorite fascist

>> No.6560304

Hitler was left wing.

>> No.6560360

Okay, if Radputin has any texts, you need to give them to me now

>> No.6560377

He's not really a fascist.

>> No.6560378

They are 'murricans. Don't even attempt discuss basic political concepts with them, they're too brainwashed.
For them it's good=right wing, bad=left wing.

>> No.6560384

Mate, you're an idiot, as is pretty much anyone else bumping this thread now

>> No.6560385

None. They're all fucktards longing for an imaginary glorious past that never happened

>> No.6560388

At least I can into policis.

>> No.6560392
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De Maistre

>> No.6560510



>> No.6560524
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>> No.6560802

>caring about political ideologies

>> No.6560827
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evola, he's the dankest
>mfw someone was a chthonic and titanized inferior race and a spiritually/ethnically bastardized heir of the fallen Atlantean civilization captured by the "Southern Light" and its sacerdotal and naturalistic-pantheist religion of promiscuous vegetal and animal fertility near me

>> No.6560831

1. John Kennedy was right-wing (hated hippies and was in turn hated by his left-wing students)

2. Kerouac was Catholic and disliked the fact his book motivated people to do drugs and admire a degenerate lifestyle.

3. Philip Larkin was right-wing

4. David Foster Wallace assisted the Republicans in their election

5. Mishima disliked the focus on weakness and pity among the left

6. Walker Percy was right-wing

>> No.6560840

What does Evola mean by "titanised"? Is it used to describe someone who has been cucked into near-extermination yet accepts that fate, like Oceanus in Keats' Hyperion?

>> No.6560847

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

>> No.6560855

Don't know actually, I think it's opposed to the divine

>> No.6560910

The Titans were in fact divine, but they were overthrown by their children, the Olympian Gods.

>> No.6560912

Of course, but we're talking evolas fanfiction now.

>> No.6560920

You're right. Mishima was more of a Homofascist.

>> No.6560924

homofascists are still fascists, just like black panthers are still racists

>> No.6560944

Evola is using titanized to mean a divine being who has let itself become resigned to a mortal outlook.

>> No.6560945

Probably Peter Hitchens or Vladimir Lenin.

>> No.6560947


>> No.6560969

Didn't know there was another political theorist named Vladimir Lenin apart from Ilyich. What a coincidence!

>> No.6560973
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>he hasn't read post-revolution Lenin

>> No.6560981

>implying linear-progressivists aren't the same looking toward an imaginary future

>> No.6560988


Who says I'm a progressive? I find linear outlooks completely unfounded. I believe that history progresses by trial and error, not some kind of divine A to B line we're not supposed to divert from

>> No.6561018

HRM Richard of Edan

>> No.6561444

How? I've been meaning to get into his work.

>> No.6561456


authoritarian or anarchic?
monarchical or democratic?

that's the predicate of the left right dichotomy.

Everything else is embellished

>> No.6561491

Did Evola ever focus on a stronger state? He didn't give a fuck about nationalism, he strikes me as advocating for a return to feudalism and the aristocracy

>> No.6561503

Black people cannot be racist, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.6561587

Very nice

>there are people who call themselves conservatives but haven't read de maistre

>> No.6561872
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Drieu la Rochelle

>> No.6562093

He thinks that economy is of lesser importance than spiritual life, so economic welfare and government intervention could actually be tolerated even if they are encouraging slave morality. This can be spun a lot of ways though.

>> No.6562107

Read the sticky.

>> No.6562140

Theodore Dalrymple

>> No.6562166


>> No.6562173
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Stalin, Lenin and Kalinin.
Visit the Soviet-Empire forum to find conservatives who think.

>> No.6562181


Yeah, he was quite sure that nationalism was leftism and degenerative. He did like the idea of a strong Empire with authority at the top, but without any sort of bureaucracy, and the bottom levels being mostly self governed " orbiting the center" as it were.

>> No.6562264

No, it's just that the libertarian left-right spectrum is based solely around how much "state" there is. It's pretty damn retarded.

>> No.6562364

He invented Keynesianism. In fact, it should be called Hitlerism instead. He's also been

>> No.6562370

...A SOCIALIST ! ! !

>> No.6562616

No, Bulius Ebola want a strong state to by strongness destroy all the contradictions. Such as OP is a fag vs OP is pretty cool.

>> No.6562855
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>> No.6562869
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>F3 Spengler
>0 results

Kill yourselves

>> No.6562894

“Working class people of all colors must unite against the exploitative, oppressive ruling class. Let me emphasize again — we believe our fight is a class struggle, not a race struggle.” — Bobby Seale, co-founder Black Panther Party

>> No.6562907

So just commies, that happen to be racist.

>> No.6562942
File: 68 KB, 625x789, lenin complaining about liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vladimir Lenin

>> No.6562958

He wasn't conservative by any means. He did have some rightest, tendencies, though, particularly his distaste for democracy and his distrust of the masses.

>> No.6562979
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Olavo de Carvalho and Nicolas Gomez Davila.

Unfortunately, the second one didn't write more than aphorisms, and the first one became a meme philosopher in his native country thanks to his strange metaphysical ideas (that in no way discount his political philosophy in my opinion).

>> No.6562981

TS Eliot, duh.

>> No.6562989

>He did have some rightest, tendencies, though, particularly his distaste for democracy and his distrust of the masses

That doesn't make anyone right-wing. Much less in the Soviet context, when the actual "Right Opposition" where the ones with more taste for democracy and trust on the masses.

>> No.6563002
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>distrust of the masses
nigger, try organizing people when your party is banned

>> No.6563033


>> No.6563041

it is the right-wing that supports gun freedom in the U.S.

I'm talking about after he grabbed pow--err, assumed leadership.
