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6558376 No.6558376 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. Anyone knows enought about this guy vebblen, that can give me a few insides about this article:


Please and thank you gentlemen.

>> No.6558895

What exactly do you want to know?

Evolutionary economics in the Veblen sense essentially is recognizing that wants are not "given" but emerge in the process of the dynamic interaction that characterizes activity in a modem industrial economy and recognizing that the values that emerge in this interactive process are part and parcel of the emergent value structure of the larger society. Veblen thought economics must confront this value system.

"Evolutionary economics" is used differently by mainstream economics nowadays though then what Veblen was getting at.

Just read The Theory of the Leisure Class (it's a really good read). The Theory of Business Enterprise is also very good but less read.