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6556977 No.6556977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

John Green cringe thread, I'll start
"y'all smoke for fun i smoke to die"
Seriously who actually speaks like this?

>> No.6556994

Obnoxious teens, which if I'm not mistaken is the center focus of his writing.

>> No.6557081

>group therapist:
"What are you afraid of?"

>teenage girl

I laughed my ass of tbh.
No teenage girl talks like this unless they have some kind of personality disorder.

>> No.6557095

Why do you make the same John Green shitposts everyday if you like him so much?

Who gives a fuck if you enjoy low brow teen fiction. Looking for Alaska was actually really good YA.

How insecure are you that you have to hide behind lies on a fucking anonymous website?

I fucking swear some people should have been aborted.

>> No.6557102

In reality
>group therapist
"What are you afraid of?"

>teenage girl
"That I'm not pretty enough for this boy to like me."

>> No.6558297

shoo shoo john

>> No.6558353

leave our midst, john

>> No.6558438
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>> No.6558803

It was Augustus who said "oblivion" ya dolt.

>> No.6558809

calm down John it's just banter take it like a man. Tao did.

>> No.6558813

g2bed john

>> No.6558842
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That's actually hilarious.

>> No.6558866

its a bit quirky but it's not that bad. I kind of enjoyed reading it. Its YA, we shouldn't be putting it up to standards of classic literature.

>> No.6558874

I'm having trouble believing he actually decided it was a good idea to publish that in a novel

>> No.6558881

She was talking about the game. Couldn't beat Mannimarco without console commands, which we all know are for casuals.

>> No.6558888

How do you justify smoking?
When people ask me i say slow suicide or bc it makes me look cool.

>> No.6558889

Doesn't he just straight up die when you walk up to him?

>> No.6558899

She's stupid and regularly leveled up her character.

>> No.6558905

John c'mon buddy we're just joshing ya

>> No.6558921

'Tis but a joke, John. You can't expect people to leave you alone when you write like Ayn Rand going through adolescence.

>> No.6558930
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I can hear their voices in my head.

>> No.6558933
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Lmao your ideals are a spook I do what I want

>> No.6558948

>Why do people write YA?
>Do you have to believe that being a teenager is in some way sublime?
>Do you have to be cynical about adulthood?
>Do you have to have extra sympathy for young people?
>If Green lived in ancient Athens would he get the hemlock?
>Am I implying?

>> No.6559016

I like to watch the world history crash course videos while drunk tbh

>> No.6559036 [DELETED] 

Therapist: What are you most afraid of?
Teenage girl: Lol um... nothing. Awkward.

>> No.6559052 [DELETED] 

This one is terrific:

>“Gus: "It tastes like..."
Me: "Food."
>Gus: "Yes, precisely. It tastes like food, excellently prepared. But it does not taste, how do I put this delicately...?"
>Me: "It does not taste like God Himself cooked heaven into a series of five dishes which were then served to you accompanied by several luminous balls of fermented, bubbly plasma while actual and literal flower petals floated down around your canal-side dinner table."
>Gus: "Nicely phrased."
>Gus's father: "Our children are weird."
>My dad: "Nicely phrased.”

You can just imagine what it's like to be a father whose teenager daughter is a Green fan and is now trying to have these quirky dialogues all the time and you're not sure how to act because you want hell to stop but you also don't want to ruin her self-confidence.

This one is characteristic of people like him:

>“Worldview" is not based on books; it is an internal form, which at times in a person with little education is expressed much more brightly, than in some other "intellectual" or scientist.”

>> No.6559061

This one is terrific:

>“Gus: "It tastes like..."
>Me: "Food."
>Gus: "Yes, precisely. It tastes like food, excellently prepared. But it does not taste, how do I put this delicately...?"
>Me: "It does not taste like God Himself cooked heaven into a series of five dishes which were then served to you accompanied by several luminous balls of fermented, bubbly plasma while actual and literal flower petals floated down around your canal-side dinner table."
>Gus: "Nicely phrased."
>Gus's father: "Our children are weird."
>My dad: "Nicely phrased.”

You can just imagine what it's like to be a father whose teenager daughter is a Green fan and is now trying to have these quirky dialogues all the time and you're not sure how to act because you want her to stop but you also don't want to ruin her self-confidence.

This one is characteristic of people like him:

>“Worldview" is not based on books; it is an internal form, which at times in a person with little education is expressed much more brightly, than in some other "intellectual" or scientist.”

>> No.6559085


who would even write this

>> No.6559094

you revealed you actually read it anon
you fool!
what a waste of time!

>> No.6559134

I remember my friends and I used to talk like that over AIM when I was younger. It sounds terrible looking back, but that's what I sounded like, and a lot of other people. That's probably why it appeals. It's actually what his audience sounds like for a large part.

>> No.6559146

This is cancer in its purest form

>> No.6559150

>>If Green lived in ancient Athens would he get the hemlock?
He'd get the boipvssi

>> No.6559173
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>doing what you want is cancer

what else should i be

>> No.6559181


To be fair, if I were at a group therapy session, I may very well answer exactly that, but then I'd bust up laughing. That'd be a great answer were she joking.

>> No.6559190

Underrated post.

>> No.6559216

Something about the vocalic v combined with the i's substituting the y's just made me lose my shit. Like it's an ancient Greek pastry or something. My God I make myself laugh.

>> No.6559252
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>tfw you speak like this
clearly you have never actually spoken with teenage girls, because they do say things like this, especially the kind that goes to group therapy

>> No.6559279
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I avoid talking to other people so I never have to deal with that question

nice get though

>> No.6559283

There's no reason to feel ashamed. This is a totally normal conversation to have. There's just no reason why it should be in a book about teenagers with cancer. It's ludicrous filler

>> No.6559286

Dopamine feels good.

>> No.6559293
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>tfw greenposting is /lit/'s baneposting

This is our big meme, it's going to go mainstream guys!

>> No.6559302

stirnerposting is the true /lit/ meme, stop flattering yourself OP

>> No.6559306

it already did faggot


>> No.6559317

Is John Green the Christopher Nolan of books?

>> No.6559319

The first minute.

>> No.6559322

Also Joyceposting, a-and Pineconeposting, even DFWposting too!

>> No.6559326

>great sitcom
lost it

>> No.6559327

>last quote on first post

wtf has he ever met a teenager

>> No.6559329

Just say because you can't handle your anxiety, you sperg. Lol. If someone said "it makes me look cool" I would hate them so much. People also aren't being comfortable around people with problems so the slow suicide isn't best but understandable thing to say.

>> No.6559330
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>browsing reddit

>> No.6559335

whats wrong with browsing reddit?

>> No.6559341

gotta keep an eye on the normies to figure out why they keep coming here.

>> No.6559342
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>> No.6559343

nothing man. keep being yourself.

>> No.6559359

I could see someone saying that as a joke.
Why must you take it so seriously?

>> No.6559365

"Pancakes? Can I eat them for dinner?" I asked.
"Oh, dear, you really shouldn't do that," Mom said. "They're a breakfast food, which means that you're supposed to eat them in the morning."
"Why? That doesn't seem right. Shouldn't we be able to eat them whenever we want to? It doesn't make any sense that we limit ourselves so arbitrarily when it comes to food."
"You've got to pick your battles in life, Wattaga. I mean, if this is one that you're inclined to be passionate about, and really fight for, I guess I'll stand behind you; but you should think—"
"Let me stop you there, Mom. I don't appreciate the patronizing tone. I am a resilient young woman, full of hopes and dreams that stretch beyond your feeble imagination, which has been worn down by the drudgery of conventional life. You're so small and empty. God, Mom, you won't even fight for the liberation of pancakes! You don't see how harmful it is that we place ourselves within these strictures—these boundaries of dull normality. I'm not normal, Mom. I, Wattaga Levinburch, am anything but normal, or average, which is the same thing as being lifeless. Here's what I'm gonna do, with or without your support: break the paradigm of food categories, eliminate injustice! One day, we'll be able to eat more freely, and you'll have me to thank . . . "
"Okay, Wattaga. I'm with you. I'll help you through this fight."
"Thanks. By the way, I'm pregnant with Jerome's baby, but I'm probably gonna have an abortion. If I'm going to really change this country's eating habits, I'll have to avoid all distractions."
"Sure, honey."

>> No.6559427

I read it in George's voice before I noticed the second post. And really that isn't a bad thing since Seinfeld is better than a good bit of contemporary lit.

>> No.6559740


>> No.6559753


you have a teenage daughter wtf are you doing on 4chjn

>> No.6560192

I saw the trailer for the movie, and all the dialogue, every single thing anyone said was a tryhard cringefest.

If that's any indication of how the book is, then la-di-da Mr. Green.

>> No.6560204

I don't see the issue. I'd just call her a pleb and tell her to read some real books.

>> No.6560253
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>> No.6560391

"I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things"

John Green is not in the business of accepting the opposite of the elements that occupy the part of his brain dealing with things he desires.

>> No.6560423

I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.6560439

That part is so bad on so many levels. :(
Also idk, but I've been only "afraid to fall and to lose" when I was a kid/teeager tbh. Nowadays I couldn't care less cause I know I'll survive anyway.

>> No.6560446


>> No.6560455
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Expect that Marx destroyed your master in his critique.


>> No.6560458

Man, when was the last time someone said "arseful of farts"? It's been too long

>> No.6560465


Typical dumb socialist scum.

>> No.6560483

if his ego didn't get in the way of almost everything he says or tries to do he'd be a decent cat

>> No.6560489

why do people think he has a massive ego

is there any evidence for that

>> No.6560505
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6560507

he is a 37 year old author of children stories creating 15 minute long history lesson videos on YouTube. what do you mean "why"

>> No.6560515

he wants to educate children seems pretty normal

he just seems like an overly anxious but pretty normal dude

>> No.6560839

Marx was a retard who spent more time around dusty books than people while writing about the nature of the latter.

>> No.6560992

Fun story, my sister went to a party once, and when she went out for a fag, a girl came up to her and said that exact sentence. She didn't smoke for the rest of the night.

>> No.6561003

Paper Towns > Looking for Alaska > An Abundance of Katherines > The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.6561034
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>> No.6561066

Post her dirty panties

>> No.6561219

how many hours of reading is that
for shame

>> No.6561244

Couldn't be more than 24 hours all up.

>> No.6561284

>needing to justify it
Same reason why I read books, hardly ever sleep, avoid emotional connection, don't eat my vegetables and don't exercise.

It feels good and I don't care.

>> No.6561286

>Wattaga Levinburch

>> No.6561290

i started young and now i'm too weak to quit

>> No.6561299

i agree
i was a silly pleb teenager once myself y'know

>> No.6561391

Where does he praise Aquinas?

>> No.6561396

what the hell is this guy's obsession with Amsterdam?
ive been there and its shit, by far the worst european capital

>> No.6562824

john green books read ridiculously fast

>> No.6562841

fuck you you bumping fuck

>> No.6562858

my b

>> No.6562997

>initiate major free market reforms
>call it communism
>they produce prosperity, as expected

>> No.6563015

The second paragraph is gay as fuck, but the breakfast conversation is neat. It's actually profound by teenager standards. Fite me irl.

>> No.6563054

Green, John. A complete nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Even worse than Camus.

>> No.6563122

>"y'all smoke for fun i smoke to die"
fuckin lol

I think the stupidest one is
"Yo, I fell in love the same way everyone falls asleep. Quickly, and then all at once."

>> No.6563140
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>> No.6563266

Worst European Capital is Lisbon

>> No.6563277

we don't need to fight, you are honestly just a dumb person if you think that's profound.

>> No.6563289

>by teenager standards

>> No.6563301
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>by teenager standards

>> No.6563303

you must have been a dumb teenager, too. saying that some foods are socially constructed as breakfast is not profound or even interesting. stop being stupid.

>> No.6563317

I guess what I was saying was it was age appropriate filler. It is normal, but when people look back on things like that, it feels awkward.

>> No.6563344

There isn't a huge amount wrong with liking this shit if you're like fifteen or so: Teenagers will be plebs after all. People in their twenties fawning over it is laughable though

>> No.6563550


It's a ridiculous made-up (pretentious) name, similar to John Green's characters'.

>> No.6563666

What's so bad about Amsterdam?

>> No.6565531

its full of degenerates

>> No.6565554

its not in england

>> No.6565576

it sounds like assterdam and we can't have that

>> No.6565606




nothing, but ónce youve been to rotterdam amster kinda blows in comparison

>> No.6565632


>> No.6565758


>> No.6565827


Literally the anus of the Netherlands filled with the worst people of the country.

>> No.6565844

Rimbaud was a pretentious fuck who thought he'd become a great writer by roving around yurop while taking it up the ass and getting shitfaced every day. Which was really just a rationalization for rebelling against mommy, who had to bail him out when it got to be too much for him to handle. Good poems though.

Maybe Josh Green would be more talented if he spent his teenage years getting reckt via drugs and anal?

>> No.6565870

Rimbaud was literally the embodiment of the literally life, the archetype of the bohemian and changed poetry forever with a few works he wrote as a teen, only to casually dismiss it and become an arms smuggler in places where no white man had been before.

He was about that life, no pretension necessary.

>> No.6565881

fucking kakkerlak

>> No.6565930
File: 254 KB, 963x1280, theydontthinkitbelikeitisbutitdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was literally the embodiment of the literally

>> No.6566059

I remember this thread and was hoping someone screencapped this. saved.