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6555361 No.6555361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this guy and his literary works such as Scumbag: Musings of a Subhuman and The Douchebag Bible?

>> No.6555364

he was good until he went bananas

>> No.6555425

His later work was a bit too fruity for me.

>> No.6555428

>having long hair before 45

>> No.6555429



>> No.6555459

he's like 38

>> No.6555471


He's 30.

>> No.6555480


I've been watching him for years and I like his podcast but his books are pretty awful. He's better at being funny than he is at producing any serious thought. Watching him be himself and riff on dumb shit is the only entertainment value I gain from him.

>> No.6555511
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>> No.6555545

I hope he dies in a fire. I hate his pathetic guts. He is a whiny obnoxious atheist MRA fedora tipping FUCK!

>> No.6555558
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He's also insightful:


Absolutely hilarious.

>> No.6555565
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, Positive Discrimination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the americans swear a lot to compensate their unability to develop and use a richer vocabulary as well as a stricter grammar than what the one of their english.

>> No.6555634

I have mixed feelings about the amazing atheist.

I really liked him for a while. I still like the occasional video he puts out but overall I've shifted to having much more negative view of him.

He comes across smart at first... And he is fairly smart... but then eventually you realize that's his only card. He's smart... But he's also fat, lazy, irresponsible, dishonest, selfish, disgustingly vain, amoral, a scammer, etc.

The phrase that keeps popping in my head when I think about TJ is, "in another life."

In another life, TJ may have been something... A teacher, a professor, maybe a journalist or something... he has all the basic virtues for that type of personality, right? But it's like he never encountered the right influences early on in his life or something and he was sent down this path of utter degeneracy.

>> No.6555679

I haven't watched any of his videos for years but from what I remember he's a good speaker without any original ideas. He says the same things hundreds of other people are saying, he just says them better than most. I can't say I'd want to read a book from him.

>> No.6555689


Watching this video again, as someone who enjoys his stuff I realize that if I were to watch him now for the first time I'd probably find him annoying as hell. But now I don't because it's just TJ being his loud self.

>> No.6555700

>He comes across smart at first... And he is fairly smart... but then eventually you realize that's his only card. He's smart... But he's also fat, lazy, irresponsible, dishonest, selfish, disgustingly vain, amoral, a scammer, etc.
You pinned it.
I used to like some of his content, but he is such a disgusting youtube whore and has no integrity to speak of. I liked the videos where he wasn't being an ass clown the most, but even then he'd sometimes say things that you could tell he knew were bullshit, but that he used because he has no problem with lying to further his arguments.

>> No.6555747
File: 664 KB, 950x1624, amazing atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to watch Kincaid's videos. He's an ignorant dumbass. The only people who really take him seriously are either stupid or too young to know better.

One thing though that's undeniable is that he has an immense charisma. The way he talks has a rhythm that he got over years of practice. Just hearing him talk can make you forget that most of what he's saying is garbage.

>> No.6555751


What's the point of comics like this? It's not informative because it's obviously a caricature and it's not funny either.

>> No.6555757

I got it from Encyclopedia Dramatica, so I guess to get people butthurt than laugh and mock them and get vindicated. Humor is subjective; I thought it was funny the first time I looked at it. Expect political caricatures to be caricaturish.

Why do political comics exist? These comics exist for the same reason as many political comics: usually for an emotional strengthening of preexisting beliefs.

>> No.6555789

I don't understand how anybody thought he was smart.

>> No.6555824

He finds the dumbest people so he can look smart comparatively. Bill Maher does the same thing.

>> No.6555925

Does this guy seriously believe in the hoax that the Dark Ages were uneducated/unenlightened?

>> No.6555927

I've seen Chomsky threads where every posts states he's an idiot and now I've seen a LeAmazingAtheist thread where he's been largely praised.

this board may be the dumbest one there is

>> No.6555934

the pic kinds proves that Christianism is bullshit and the only good thing about it is charity and belonging to a group

>> No.6555963

Didn't he out himself as gay recently?

>> No.6555970

went full degenerate a.k.a he's bisexual

>> No.6555973

lol what a fag

>> No.6556016

>would continue on unchanged
has he even seen/read american psycho

>> No.6556020

>you can't do a song like that
>because people might actually do it
there are so many songs like this;
notable example: falling down by cunninlynguists
who cares what the idiots have to say

>> No.6556023

>implying this isnt the most patrician sexuality

>> No.6556024

i thought he was always bi

>> No.6556030

His videos are fun but tiring.
Never read his stuff.

>> No.6556032

>modern music sucks
does he even try

>> No.6556044

>never read
well ok

>> No.6556056

He is a fat ass neck beard. But he is not JUST a fat ass neck beard.

I feel about TAA like I think some roman general might think about some exceptional savage; he is just a savage, but maybe, just maybe if things were different there might have been potential there for something interesting.

He has had so many opportunities to leave America and do something. But they are mostly behind him now.

He literally chose to live his life as an autodidact fat American cuck.

Like, having all possibilities to be anything else that is what he chose for himself.

>> No.6556058

Not born in the wrong generation but has there been an interesting genre that popped up in the past 10 years?
It seems rather stale if you're not into electronic music.

>> No.6556081

I like his videos on feminism.

>> No.6556106
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Oh yeah, I would like to add that his charisma relies mostly on his rhythm of speech. None of it goes well on paper. He comes off more of a melodramatic douchebag in his writings than he does in his videos.

He's also a lazy motherfucker who does the bare-minimum whenever he possibly can, and as a result, his shit books are all short. He tries to remedy the disparaging word-count by just increasing the font-size. Neckbeard Uprising only has around 31,000 words for a book that only has around 200 pages.

>> No.6556112

>Like, having all possibilities to be anything else that is what he chose for himself.

Do you mean he could be like Zizek with less idiosyncrasies?

>> No.6556122

>not into electronic music
well that's where a lot of innovation is happening so

the genres this guy covers are all relatively recent -- he's mocking them, though, but most of the time it ain't actually that bad, or is surprisingly good, like the extratone video

I mean mathrock, post-rock, ambient, experimental, avant-garde, have all been around for a while now.

>> No.6556125

Maybe not quite a zizek, but he could be close. maybe. that's a big maybe. But I have a suspicion most of his retardation is self imposed. Those people have a lot of potential.

>> No.6556127

although, although
saying they've been around a while doesn't mean so much
interesting albums are still being put out if you pay attention
like, zs -- xe, or, clarence clarity -- no now

>> No.6556131

>I mean mathrock, post-rock, ambient, experimental, avant-garde, have all been around for a while now.
yeah, in the 90's or before that.
But we're talking about modern music, nothing new seemed to have happened in the past decade other than the occasional album that impresses.

>> No.6556155
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Think of it this way. How much innovation are you aware of between 1600 and 1610?

John Dowland began writing the first music with abstract lyrics, not that you'd know ;)

Change is generally always happening, but it's so slow and subtle that we don't notice it until it's well past. Does anyone ever think that they're living in a state of change or revolution?

I think Kierkegaard once said that if you looked at any one point in time you'd get the impression that something remarkable either just happened or was about to happen. That's how you're looking at music.

Now let's all post dank-ass beats: https://youtu.be/-cxKq9gvaOs

>> No.6556166

Lot of texts, such few examples of new genres.
Sure we might look back over a decade and see plenty of innovations but for now I'm not seeing it.
This is coming from someone who is pretty much only interested in rock music, it seems stagnant

>> No.6556189

Rock music might very well be be stagnant, but everything is at some point. It might have just run its course for now. Did you think that after the invention of the electric guitar rock would rule forever?

I don't complain that there haven't been any breakthrough lute composers in centuries, there's innovation around, just maybe not where I'm interested.

Music is going in strange new directions all the time, you probably just don't know where to look.

Sorry if this sounded a bit vague but I'm really not sure where you're going with this.

For an example of what interests me, here's Dowland: https://youtu.be/8oTfzpb01Sk

Nobody makes music like that now, but I can still kind of trace the evolution of plucked strings since then. Here's King Crimson in the 70's (gotta dig the album cover): https://youtu.be/EKli1neZvK0

And then here's Kenji Kawaii's score for Stray Dog: https://youtu.be/ETU90pDtHJE

Music's still doing enough to keep me interested. The problem isn't the with the times, music is more or less doing what it always did provided that you ignore the toxic influence of radio. It's probably just going in a direction you don't appreciate or you don't listen to enough and think all modern music is Taylor Swift or something.

>> No.6556205

Nobody has.

>> No.6556218

>Did you think that after the invention of the electric guitar rock would rule forever?
>you probably just don't know where to look.
I think I do, but if you know of better places, please do tell.
>It's probably just going in a direction you don't appreciate
Probably, but if you read back to the first post about this: >>6556032
It's a fair thing to say you don't like modern music if it's going a direction you don't like, right?
>or you don't listen to enough and think all modern music is Taylor Swift or something.
I tried listening to a lot of modern music, I think in 2013 I started and went trough about 80 albums that year and found only around 10 to be good, not good enough to be in my top 100 but simply good.
After that I also did so for 2014, only a couple of months of wading trough the ocean of mediocrity and I decided to put a stop to it.
I get much, much better music from listening albums that were made in the past.
That might be because the bad stuff gets forgotten while the good things get easier to find but I doubt it.
The way I usually find music is with RYM, Last.fm, looking at influences of my favourite bands or specific record labels that produce music I like.
I do this with old and new music and the results are mostly mediocre new music and often great old(er) music.

>> No.6556228

Well, I'm not sure what to say to that. I generally prefer older things too but I can usually find at least something to like every now and then.

I don't know if this is enough to say that music has gotten worse, maybe it's just shifted almost entirely away from what you're into.

It does seem strange though. As far as I know there's no proper way to judge the state of an entire medium.

>> No.6556239

>I can usually find at least something to like every now and then.
I do that as well, the success rate is just way lower so I end up not bothering much.
>maybe it's just shifted almost entirely away from what you're into.
Which would make it worse in his eyes
>As far as I know there's no proper way to judge the state of an entire medium
If the medium is providing you things you like it's doing good (in your opinion)
If it's putting out things but you can't find it (untill later) that's a different thing.
But for now I can say that moderm music doesn't really offer me a lot.

>> No.6556461

Teens. Atheism. Atheism. Teens. Especially americans feel really good about themselves breaking the taboo and hating on religion.
Of course by doing that in the loud way in which they do, they are just being stereotypical rebelling teens.

>> No.6556472

>this retard being like a highly educated well read proffesor that wrote more then 40 books.

Are you for real scum? and I dont even like Zizek that much.

>> No.6556488

> theres a large number of contrarians on 4chan

>> No.6556637

i finally decide to come back after a whole day of not posting here and i see you guys are discussing illiterate internet semicelebs? this just depressing