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6552766 No.6552766 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question anons, where do you think one should start with Deleuze? Can't decide between Nietzsche and Anti-Oedipus. I know it's kind of ironic to ask how to "make sense" of it, so I'll just take your personal opinions or feelings or whatever, since I've got no strong preference one way or the other. I've studied philosophy in high school and I'm majoring in the subject, but there are no courses on the guy and I really feel an itch.

>> No.6552801

I recommend Nietzsche then Spinoza then Difference and Repetition then Logic of Sense then Anti-Oedipus then A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.6553574

Seconding this, but I recommend you to make a few extra stops. Download Bergson's reader from libgen and read at least one Nietzsche's book (I recommend Beyond Good and Evil). Bergson in particular is crucial, that's where Deleuze starts as a philosopher. His first essays are precisely on Bergson being the answer to Hegel. And Bergson is fun to read.

As a general schematic Deleuze went through 3 periods of major influence, in this order:

And if you have the will to make more detours then also get at least some vague knowledge of these:

It's not *that* crucial though, there's certain fun in just jumping straight into some philosopher's works and struggling to create your own interpretation.

>> No.6553657

Your last statement is correct, in particular for Deleuze. Get a copy of A Thousand Plateaus and just read it at random whenever you're feeling a little surge of intensity overcome you.

If nothing else, you can laugh.

>> No.6553749

Daily reminder that Foucault formulated Deleuze's "societies of control" much better in his lectures "Security, Territory, Population".

The thing is Deleuze didn't know what Foucault was doing in his lectures during his "silent years" while Foucault was actually one step ahead.
I don't mean this as shitposting, I just think there's a further connection between them that is only now becoming apparent since Foucault's Collège de France lectures are now finally released to the public. Foucault actually implicitly refers to Deleuze+Guattari's works on capitalism a bunch of times in his lectures on neoliberalism.

>> No.6553799

Thanks guys, I'll keep this stuff in mind! I know my basics, so I think I'll go straight to the "Nietzsche"!

How are his courses? I've enjoyed what I read of him, but I've heard they are quite boring and uninspired, at least verbose.

>> No.6553870

Foucault's courses are amazing, far more readable than his books. It is true that they are not that systematized and are more of a draft. But they are less abstract and contain many ideas that you can't find in his published works while at the same time functioning as a foundation for them.

If you're interested in contemporary power read this sequence:
>Society must be defended (how war and battle came to be seen as a principle of power)
>Security, Territory, Population (genealogy of government, state, politics, and economy; security replaces discipline as a dominant form of power)
>The Birth of Biopolitcs (actually a genealogy of neoliberalism)

And if you're interested in ethics as an art of living, or how individuals are constituted as subjects:
>The Hermeneutics of the Subject (the care for self as a principle of ethics in Antiquity)
>The Government of Self and Others (haven't read yet)
>The Courage of Truth (haven't read yet)

>> No.6553924

Thanks for the list man! I shall read them, especially the ones about politics. I think they've got them all in the "free/anarco libraries" of my city.
Though I can hardly believe them to be an easier read than, let's say History of Sexuality. His writing is top-notch in all his books.

>> No.6554471

get stoned before reading AO,
thank me later
>inb4 420blazeitfaggot.jpg

>> No.6554497

Fuck off hippie anarchist

>> No.6554524

>on the bus hearing a middle aged black dude calmly talking about Their use of mind control devices, the control of the language of the slaves and its modern day parallel to the approach towards Ebonics, literal secret sodomy of world officials on camera during press conference, and subtle controls and smokescreens used to prevent resistance
>realize Deleuze and Guattari are fucking nutsos who are only intelligible because of their use of traditional philosophy and their position within the academy

If some dude on the street was spouting shit from A Thousand Plateaus he'd be involuntarily committed.

>> No.6555745
File: 44 KB, 410x410, 1431787991891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bryan you in here bro.

>> No.6555782

that's like the point of whole A-O, fuck off wanker

>> No.6555886

>I cant understand something
>Therefore it's nonsense and the person should be committed.

Hospitals are about to get even more crowded because almost every scientist, philosopher and mystic are about to enjoy a stay.

>> No.6555890

begin with the abécédaire on youtube
finish with the abécédaire on youtube

>> No.6555972

Dudes on the street often say intelligent things. It's not that you should dismiss Deleuze, you should listen to the "crazy bums" a bit more.

>> No.6555976

By coincidence, I bought it yesterday while I was in a social centre. Good find.

>> No.6555977




>> No.6556436

The Greeks

>> No.6556454


>> No.6556591

Xavier is better.


>> No.6556743

Which I have, of course, already read, what with me being from a country with a decent education system and all. Fuck off.