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6551517 No.6551517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The more history books I read the more conservative I get. Why is this?

>> No.6551543

a) you have started idealizing the past
b) you realized how all social formation eventually meet their end, filling you with a fear of that happening to the current social order, and prompting you to want to preserve it by actively preventing it from changing

Or a combination of both.

>> No.6551582

You must be reading some shitty books. It usually makes you realise how shit the past was and how the present is no different. There is no material or social progress, just different realities.

>> No.6551597
File: 22 KB, 363x501, le protean aryan spaghetti traditionalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then read more books
Just don't go full "THE PAST WAS SHIT LET'S BURN THE MUSEUMS" or end up like pic related.

>> No.6551614

Because liberal historical narratives, as well as conservative ones, are full of shit.

>> No.6551619
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>The more fiction I read the more leftist I get
I used to be a conservative....

>> No.6551622

The more life I live the more I transcend the left-right dichotomy.

>> No.6551630
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>>The more fiction I read the more leftist I get

>> No.6551637

Who's this sperm worm?

>> No.6551671

The more Conservative media I consume, the more liberal and anarchistic I get.

>> No.6551674

History gives an appreciation for conflict, and for complex structures of order, authority, and elitism that allow conflict to create the interesting things you got into history to study.

There's a reason Hegel and Ranke essentially agreed that history is the slaughterbench, and conflict is a moral process revealing the Real in history. Of the really great historians, only those who studied modern history almost exclusively tended to be leftist.

>> No.6551688

The more I've browsed /pol/, the more I've started to sympathize with, or at least make excuses for, tumblr-tier SJWs.

>> No.6551690

I consider myself left-wing and I despise tumblr SJWs.
/pol/ is full of people who will believe a paranoid infograph over any kind of logical reasoning. It's not a matter of conservatism, but mental illness.

>> No.6551699

>I consider myself left-wing and I despise tumblr SJWs
The same is true of me on a normal day. But after some time browsing /pol/, I can't help but sort of see the point of even the most outrageous tumblr faggotry. If this is what they're up against, I'm with them.

>> No.6551702

I'm left wing and don't care about Tumblr SJW's, and I kind of worry about anyone silly enough to fall for a boogieman such as that.

>> No.6551707

it's funny because originally the hyper politically correct group was up against comedians, artists, etc. at the time they were pretty unjustified from time to time. but then people got so buttmad about that they legitimately turned into horrible racist, sexist, and just plain stupid people in response. now the "SJW"s actually have a reason to exist

>> No.6551709

I'm with you on the matter. I took the GG 'side' during that whole fiasco, and I enjoy watching Internet Aristocrat/Mr Metokur's videos. Some of the topics that he comments on are cringe worthy, such as his shitty EU skepticism video. But on the whole, it's refreshing to see criticism of the sanctimonious hypocrisy of those dickheads.
But again, be weary of confusing agreement with their criticisms and agreeing with their own positions.
I don't believe that they are a serious concern for the real world, but it is concerning when it seeps through from time to time on college campuses. It's not a boogieman so much as it's a convenient way of describing a group of individuals who are dogmatic on their insane beliefs.

>> No.6551714

>I took the GG 'side' during that whole fiasco
Ok, since enough time has passed for this not exploding into a massive circlejerk, from what I've gathered watching from the sidelines: conspiracy theories aside, wasn't this all about gamers getting mad that journalists wrote things they disagreed with? Seems a bit embarrassing if you ask me. Or am I missing anything?

>> No.6551722

Likewise from the other side.

/pol/ can't read books for shit but presumably at least some of them can hold a rifle when the time comes. Good fucking luck with the Tumblr brigade.

>> No.6551728

It's more a frustration at the unwarranted influence that people who hold a minority view in the fandom hold over the industry. I'm not opposed to such sites existing, I'm opposed to the ridiculous power they have, where they speak as a mainstream voice despite openly insulting majority of the fans. When people began arguing against them they said gamers were dead.
Pointing out how they were able to solidify this influence through their corruption is a method of showing people how far removed these assholes are from reality.
Unfortunately, what started as an explosive movement degenerated into a circlejerk.
Maybe this is what those dickheads involved in occupy wall street would say in defence of that cock up.

>> No.6551730

>When the time comes
If that's your biggest hope you win the desperation olympics...also, it would devolve into people turning on each other pretty quickly, so neither of us would be with anyone.

>> No.6551733

Ok, so I really didn't miss anything, good to know.

>> No.6551735

Personally I think that the solidarity of an anonymous group of individuals who already bite each others heads off has longer staying power than a poorly organised group of slacktivists who have to reduce everything down to how privileged the enemy is. They will implode before this site dies.

>> No.6551737

>I'm with hypocritical racists and sexists who want to punish white males merely for existing because a few racist teenagers post about niggers on /pol/

That is not a very smart position.

>> No.6551740

Oh wow, you're really fantasizing about a future war between internet communities. May, idk, you should go out more.

>> No.6551743

>muh bogeywomyn

>> No.6551745

I never said that, I was referring to the longevity of their communities. People with idealistic expectations will be let down a lot sooner than a community like this where the joke is that it's a shit hole.

>> No.6551746

I know, but long exposure to that particular breed of white males will sort of warp my perspective.

>> No.6551750

>white males
There is your problem. The whole point of anonymity is to expose you to ideas and beliefs without the baggage of identity. Perhaps /pol/ should not exist for this very reason, but regardless, attacking an argument based on the identity of the poster is a waste of time.
I'm not saying I disagree with the sentiment, but you should consider viewing it differently.

>> No.6551751 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you talking about man.

Why the fuck would power grids be functioning in this shtf situation you are imagining.

Why would you be on the internet on 4chan talking to these comrades in this situation.

You would be alone except for those directly around you.

This us/vs them mentality coupled with this shallow observation on what would be best for you in a bad situation is just fucking odd.

tldrl stop using shtf criteria for debates on political identity and gaming journalism, because that is fucking retarded.

>> No.6551753

Please see

>> No.6551755

Idk, seems like there will always be a demand for a place for racist teen dudes to circlejerk about jews and whatnot, but the same rings true for for fat leftist teen girls.

>> No.6551757

I wasn't saying I'm hoping for anything, I'm just saying that it's pretty obvious that /pol/fags are SA recruits waiting to happen, and Tumblr/Twitter slacktivist cunts are the same lackadaisical faggots who made leftist revolutionary parties look like sloppy drinking clubs in the 20s.

If any kind of social upheaval happens, whether it's some crazy ROPE DAY scenario or (infinitely more likely) just a massive backlash in Europe against multiculturalism, /pol/fags and their related cultures are going to create a lot of people willing and eager to support the backlash. Tumblr users are mostly teenage girls and people who will cry a lot.

Basically, who do you think is more likely to win in a fight: a PEGIDA rally, or Occupy? And which do you think is likely to have the more badass radicals streaming to support it, if it did break out in a fight? Skinheads always beat the fuck out of antifa.

>> No.6551758

How is it possible that you don't realize /pol/ is just as idealistic as tumblr or whatever sjw group.

They are constantly declaring the end of times when the smallest thing they dislike happens.

>> No.6551760

Well, the problem isn't with them being male or white, but with their attitude shedding a bad light onto white males in general. And mind you, I say this as a white male.

>> No.6551761 [DELETED] 

Yeah just saw that after I posted it. Bad timing on my part.

But please see

>> No.6551763

same but with the more memes I post

>> No.6551764

>a PEGIDA rally, or Occupy
Look at Pegida, or at least, look more closely. It's mostly old people, and fat fucks on welfare. No healthy, well-adjusted person has much reason to join the far left or the far right.

>> No.6551765

Alright I don't know what happened but somehow my post is gone.

Anyway, yeah, bad timing on my part, but please see

>> No.6551768

As a leftist, I sadly agree with you. The left is in shambles, with people who care about the economically oppressed being split against those who care about those oppressed as a result of identity. Not that there isn't considerable overlap, but the means to the end is quite different.
The average person doesn't give a shit about either, only the individual.
As things like multiculturalism, which have their own understandable tensions with western society continue, the conservative attitude will continue to grow amongst the people who matter on these matters - the majority.
Things are going to continue to get worse.

>> No.6551770

You or a mod deleted it.
Strange times we live in brother.

>> No.6551774

How can you be so wrong in one post.

The hallmark of the left if there ever was one is variety. It has never been a mono-culture except in war times, and then you of course see what very efficient the left becomes.

The hallmark of the right is that they together because they don't have to wonder what should come next, the only have to see what is behind them and they can all (somewhat) agree what that is.

Things are not getting worse in the way you think they are.

>> No.6551776

Oh my god the errors. The broken sentences.

I need sleep.

>> No.6551777

I see the irony in the 'common person' being the people worth fighting for but also the most ignorant, and potentially dangerous groups.
All I'm saying is - ignorance is our greatest enemy and it seems to be growing.

>> No.6551921
File: 256 KB, 2753x1801, MauserEspaniol1893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that blue pill taste, friend? Sweet?

somebody who reads an awful lot will more often than not accept the abject futility of existence and the absurdity of the notion that there exists one "true" thread of morality, woven through history; only spooks.

If good and bad are merely expressions of taste, then the only categorical statements one can make in terms of politics is what works and what doesn't.

What I'm really trying to say here is that niggers are stupid, lazy and ugly and there is literally nothing wrong with not wanting them in your society

>> No.6551928

>white males
Kek, /pol/ is at most 30% white.

/pol/ is mostly spics/gooks/slavs.

>> No.6551929


Pure shitposting gold

>> No.6551956
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1430464155922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is getting very entertaining. The thought of /pol/ and tumblr posters fighting in the streets with big sticks after the first neo-fascist governments are formed in Europe is probably going to bring me pleasant dreams tonight.

Which country will be the first to embrace beating opposition senseless with big sticks?

Greece is already halfway there but France has that revolutionary culture and Italy has a history of the stuff as well as the biggest influx of foreigners.

I bet that Europe's going to get real interesting soon, hopefully no killjoy's deploy nukes before the mobs have their fun.

I don't mean to sound edgy but this legitimately excites me, I think we might be about to enter a new age for history, the utter collapse of post-war unity into violence and aggression.

>> No.6551987

The more history books I read, the more I realize that giving even the slightest power to the majority is a terrible idea, and that in general, most people actually just want to be told what to do.

>> No.6551989

I think /pol/ really blows it out of proportion. The SJW movement is mostly limited to academia and certain places on the internet where douchey college kids hang out

>> No.6551997


>The paranoid spokesman, sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms — he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization... [T]his demand for total triumph leads to the formulation of hopelessly unrealistic goals, and since these goals are not even remotely attainable, failure constantly heightens the paranoid’s sense of frustration. Even partial success leaves him with the same feeling of powerlessness with which he began, and this in turn only strengthens his awareness of the vast and terrifying quality of the enemy he opposes.

-Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics

Anyone who hasn't read that essay should go do so now. It's short and freely available online. Essential reading to understand contemporary political extremism of both the Left and the Right. Whole passages, like the above, give the impression he lurked on /pol/ for a month and then travelled back in time half a century to 'predict' it.

>> No.6552003

just read the red pill basic literature and then start building your world from there

>> No.6552007

Interesting times. As for the fight between tumblr and /pol/, I think the first fifteen seconds of this clip resume it well enough.

>> No.6552014

There might be riots but there wont be an actual revolution or any big violence. You're right it will be interesting, but not in WW3 interesting or even mid 19th century interesting.

>Italy will remain the same, will strengthen border security, unlikely anything out of the ordinary.

>Greece will probably go socialist, maybe leave the EU--probably not. Will continue to riot for a while, no matter who's in government.

>France will remain the same, they've gotten even more antisemtic since Hebdo ironically, so maybe the Jews will leave. Their africans might riot if someone draws the prophet again, or conflict between Israel and Palestine increases. They're very sensitive to the palestinians.

>England will be interesting, living in London currently, and depending what happens it could be likely that we see another London-esque riot. Especially considering the cuts to social spending the new government will likely announce.

>Germany there is nothing but up, but i really don't follow german polotics.

>> No.6552020

>Germany there is nothing but up, but i really don't follow german polotics.
germany will continue to be properous whilst pretending to have problems

>> No.6552022

You've falled for the reactionary trap.

>> No.6552023

Same with reactions to /pol/, both the SJW movement and /pol/ are actually pretty small, really only existing on online echo chambers.

>> No.6552029

The only real fallout is that it pushed a lot of people into knee-jerk reactionary mode who then started their circle-jerks on r/kotakuinaction and elsewhere to look for grand conspiracies against their Japanese panty quest gaems.

I'm sure all it did was push more idiots into becoming /pol/tards.

How to spot an idiot: they'll first try telling you about Cultural Marxism.

>> No.6552044



More like hypothetical.

>> No.6552058

What's the deal with that? Why does Germany seem to be so prosperous while the rest of Europe is pretty much uniformly struggling?

Did they rig the EU so that they'd win or what?

I don't pay much attention to politics if that wasn't already obvious but every now and then something catches my attention for a moment.

>> No.6552063
File: 32 KB, 313x463, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the John Birch Society, that he was talking about, was basically the original /pol/.

And like /pol/, they were always right.

>> No.6552068

>mostly limited to academia

So basically they control the most powerful institutions of the Western world.

>> No.6552070


Actually I think a few elements of the /pol/ narrative have been taken up by the mainstream media - in particular, the notion that SJWs and coddled millennials are destroying free speech on our campuses.

It seems like just about every week someone writes a commentary about how shitty kids are these days, and how back in their day universities were a place to explore new ideas, etc.

On the flipside, no one in the American mainstream media, at least, even makes a serious effort to understand leftist causes. Just look at the arguments around marijuana legalization. For many people this is an extremely serious issue; thousands of people have been incarcerated for a crime that has no moral or scientific foundation. But when the media talks about legalization movements, they're always like DUDE WEED LMAO

>> No.6552072

>thinks he's a critical thinker and has the authority on "right"

>doesn't understand the illogical reasoning behind x group is always right

Jesus Christ, what's it like living your life on anonymous Anime site holding true to a politically incorrect board full of teenagers.

Kill yourself, loser.

>> No.6552074
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>the most powerful institutions of the Western world.

>> No.6552075

They're the same kind of group, just the opposite in beliefs.

>> No.6552081

>an institution that teaches everyone that matters how to think and that tells the government what to do is not powerful

Yeah, keep the low-profile, I know this is part of your game, but please don't think you fool everyone with that.

>> No.6552083

I'm talking empirically. The Birchers believed there was a communist conspiracy encroaching the American government, and they were right.


>> No.6552087

>The whole point of anonymity is to expose you to ideas and beliefs without the baggage of identity.
When a group spends so much time circlejerking about how everybody that isn't x is inferior, it's fair to assume that most members of that group are actually x and not self hating y's. And most of the time when someone attacks your character on /pol/, they do it by calling you nigger, a jew, or a woman, but never white and/or male. Sometimes anonymity unfortunately doesn't mean an end to identity politics.

>> No.6552089
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>live in British Columbia
>immigrants are mostly Chinese and Indian
>they're actually useful and contribute to society

>> No.6552097

I think the bulk of the idiots came from the fact that a lot of people continued to trust the gaming press despite years and years of blatant indications not to, and then when GG started to happen they got slapped in the face with reality and took no responsibility for their naivety.

The actual controversy surrounding the press was the least surprising thing to happen that year in gaming.

>> No.6552103
File: 19 KB, 225x316, HegSoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll first try telling you about Cultural Marxism

There is nothing wrong in talking about Cultural Marxism.

Talking about Cultural Marxism without knowing Gramsci and Laclau is retarded, though, which is what most people are doing. Pic related, this book tells exactly what SJWs are doing and what they want, if Gamergaters readed it, they would understand their enemy much better.

>> No.6552105

>tells the government what to do
If that were true the last war the US would have gone to was WW2.

>> No.6552115
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>tells the government what to do

You know who teaches even MORE people how to think? That's right. It was never the Jews, or the Masons, or the Annunaki. It was the goddamn K-12 teachers! We're through the looking-glass here, people.

>> No.6552118

Except most tumblr "SJWs" know nothing about Gramsci and Laclau as well, and are just liberals.

>> No.6552123


>Capitalist hegemony= Cisheternonormative patriarchy

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6552125
File: 49 KB, 501x585, paulinho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you may be ironic, but that's right. These teachers in turn are influenced by radical education theorists like Paulo Freire who develop an approach to children's education that surmouns to nothing but communist propaganda.

>> No.6552128

If we live in a patriarchy, why can't I keel my wife and children like some good old Roman pater familias?

>> No.6552135
File: 1.81 MB, 427x327, Oh I Think He's Serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, you may be ironic, but that's right.
>communist propaganda

>> No.6552138

Have you ever been to a public school? Its nothing but liberal propaganda and hegemony.

>> No.6552140

Liberalism is just the lube to communism.

>> No.6552145

Except "Cultural Marxism" is a misnomer that refers to a conspiracy theory and would get you laughed out of academia.

The term was created by right-wing pundits for the sake of scaremongering.

When people talk about Cultural Marxism they're usually referring to the Frankfurt School as if they were a unified group with an evil agenda. A lot of them also happened to be Jews. Some Feminists also happened to be Jews. Guess where this is headed?

Anywho, go back to /pol/.

>> No.6552151


>> No.6552152

>would get you laughed out of academia

That doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just means that it doesn't serve the interests of communist intellectuals. "Capitalism" was a term invented by a left-wing Jewish revolutionary for the sake of scaremonging people in supporting his activism. It was accepted by the academia because it furthered their interests.

>> No.6552156

That doesn't matter, what matters is that their ideas have penetrated enough to where unread teenagers can pick them up without even knowing it.

>get you laughed out of academia
That should be a badge of honor these days

>> No.6552158

Why do you guess that? OP doesn't say that reading history books makes he appreciates the past.

>> No.6552165


I'm talking about economic liberalism, not liberals in the US mainstream "conservatives vs liberals" definition. Both "liberals" and "conservatives" are liberals.

>> No.6552175

Except their ideas absolutely have not. If you try to discuss Gramsci with a tumbkr "SJW" they won't understand much.

>> No.6552184

Then you do realize that Marx himself aproved economic liberalism in order to make capitalism consumes itself faster, do you? The smart communists are accelerationists, only the dumbest ones are still wanking off illiterate peasants in Chiapas.

>> No.6552185

Did you even read what I wrote?

>> No.6552187

>OP doesn't say that reading history books makes he appreciates the past.
Well, isn't that kinda what conservatism is in the first place? Preservation of the tradition?

>> No.6552194
File: 94 KB, 501x585, gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the point, the point is that Gramsci's ideas underscore SJW tactics and methods.

>> No.6552198
File: 23 KB, 501x585, 1431366146748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are saying tumble SJWs are radical socialists whether they know it or not, which is patently ridiculous when most of these people are just idealistic liberals who vote Democrat.

>> No.6552201

It's their own mess. They're not gonna do anything but make it worse. It's already happening

>> No.6552202

If this was true things would look significantly different than they do now. The reality is little gets out of academia other than the most sensationalist fraction that is then superimposed on the entire academic landscape, institutions that do produce power brokers like this one (http://killingthebuddha.com/mag/dogma/ditto-boys/)) are rarely if ever mentioned though from what that article says that is the way they like it, the most powerful members of academia are economists because they directly advise those in power and sit on powerful organizations like the IMF, and members of the government if they even bothered to read all the criticism about US imperialism and neoliberal economics just don't give a damn about it. Attempts like that of US academies to "boycott" Israel to put pressure on it did little to nothing.

>> No.6552203

Not necessarily. You can think the past was a terrible time to be alive and still be a conservative, at least I am.

>> No.6552208

>Attempts like that of US academies to "boycott" Israel to put pressure on it did little to nothing

Yet. Give it 20 years and Israel will have gone the way of South Africa under apartheid and Rhodesia under academic pressure.

Intellectuals think they don't have power because their power is not temporal, but spiritual (going back to medieval terminology). Everything they desire happens in a few decades, but they still pretend they are powerless because they can't make it happen now.

>> No.6552213

How so? Opposing social change means you want to preserve the existing social forms i.e. the tradition. If not, what does conservatism mean in your context?

>> No.6552216

Depends on what you mean by "conservative." Once you read de Maistre there's no going back.

>> No.6552219

>they're always like DUDE WEED LMAO

That is what most people who actually give a crap about legalising weed enough to publicly campaign about it are like in my experience. Smelly, shifty looking stoner stereotypes who nobody wants to be around.

>> No.6552220

>Intellectuals think they don't have power because their power is not temporal,
They lack power because having the power to implement your ideas is a big part of "power". They have been railing at Israel for over twenty years and little has happened. Israel won't go the way of Rhodesia because Britain doesn't hate them, they have significantly more sway than either of those nations ever had, and they are one of the America's major allies.

>> No.6552228

Conservatism doesn't mean "opposing social change", though. It means "opposing to remodeling the whole society according to the ideas of a political group that doesn't feel itself accountable to anything except a hypothetical future of their own invention" (see that this excludes neocons, as it should, they aren't real conservatives).

For example, the very notion of "social change", "historical change" as something possible is derived from the work of conservative historians and theorists such as Ranke, Burke and Chateaubriand. XVIIIth century liberals and their progressivists heirs don't believe in "change", they believe in a mechanicist society that is able to be organized according to the dictates of reason, and once it is done, it's stay in that way. Even Marxists have that belief, history for Marx works according to scientific laws immutable as the laws of gravity, there is no place for "change" in that.

One example of Conservative historiography that accepts social change is the German school of Historism, for example.


>Historism is a philosophical and historiographical theory, founded in 19th-century Germany (as Historismus) and especially influential in 19th- and 20th-century Europe. It pronounces the historicity of humanity and its binding to tradition.

>Historist historiography rejects historical teleology and bases its explanations of historical phenomena on sympathy and understanding (see Hermeneutics) for the events, acting persons, and historical periods. The historist approach takes to its extreme limits the common observation that human institutions (language, Art, religion, law, State) are subject to perpetual change.

>> No.6552244

By left-wing Jewish revolutionary you mean Marx, right? If so then you're wrong because the term capitalism was actually used as early as the 17th Century.

Also Marx was ancestrally Jewish, yes, but his father converted to Protestantism and was largely non-religious. Pointing to Marx's Jewish origins betrays your conspiratorial leanings.

Capitalism, according to the OED, refers to an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Cultural Marxism refers to a conspiracy theory. People believing in that conspiracy conflate it with a group of intellectuals - with conflicting views - that they poorly understand. It was created to scaremonger.

>> No.6552250

the forgotten point here is the shift that happens when students meet reality after graduation. I'm nearing the end of a PhD - 7 years - and I can't tell you how many people I've known from undergrad and then teaching in grad school who have snapped out of their racist-privilege-misogyny mantras after only a year or two out of school and in the real world. And some snapped out as violently as kids raised in a church end up fedora atheists as teens. Most just moved from one identity - politically interest, activist liberal college kid - to another - upwardly mobile young professional - that no longer requires or benefits from the same posturing. That's not to say the teachings aren't still lurking, but they definitely lose to actual experience as soon as the daily indoctrination stoops.

>> No.6552251

>Also Marx was ancestrally Jewish, yes, but his father converted to Protestantism and was largely non-religious. Pointing to Marx's Jewish origins betrays your conspiratorial leanings.
Oh please Marx was as kike as it gets.

And I'm sure all the leading jewish bolsheviks and spartacists were not really jewish because they were "atheist"?

Top kek

>> No.6552259

That's a very weird definition of conservatism, you find it neither in dictionaries nor in its own very name. If conservatism isn't about conservation then I think it's actually something else. What you oppose there is revolution, which is not identical to change.

>> No.6552261

>Capitalism, according to the OED, refers to an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

According to this capitalism has ceased to exist somewhere in the 20th century.

>Cultural Marxism refers to a conspiracy theory.

If Cultural Marxism refers to a conspiracy theory, what do we call the strain of Marxism that beginning with Gramsci, gives more attention to the superstructure of society and develops methods to change it in order to further revolutionary goals? I'm not saying it's a cabal in a smoke-filled room, just a bunch of guys with similar ideas.

It must have a name, since it's a clear intellectual phenomenom, if Cultural Marxism is not acceptable, what is?

>> No.6552263


>> No.6552264
File: 82 KB, 630x310, cariche1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which country will be the first to embrace beating opposition senseless with big sticks?
Any country with a police force?

>> No.6552267

Back to /pol/.

>> No.6552268

That's because the enemies of conservatism get to define the terms, so they end up making it come across as the worst way possible. "Hurr durr I"m a conservative I must oppose everything new" that's not subtle but it works.

It's very common, in the United States, for example, to associate conservatism with the worldview of rednecks and hillibillies. This is cultural hegemony at work.

>> No.6552269

Basically yes, by having a shared currency with some poorer countries, Germany has kept their export costs way lower than they would otherwise be, making them a great place to buy from.

But they also have an excellent education system which ensures they have a lot of skilled workers.

>> No.6552276
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I used to be a white nationalist MRA /pol/ack until I realized what a giant douchebag I was being. When I became an SJW, I was treated with far more vitriol by my former ideological allies than I ever experienced from feminists as an MRA. Criticisms by SJWs also tended to be directed at the morality of my actions, whereas MRAs just heap on piles of childish insults about how much of a fat lesbian I apparently am. When they find out I'm a guy, "fat lesbian" just becomes "mangina". I've never personally experienced misandry from female feminists, they're even quite receptive when I bring up male issues in an intersectional way. The phenomenon of radical Dworkinesque feminists really seems to be relegated to a tiny minority of blogs with no real life presence since the 3rd wave bumped them out of the mainstream movement for hating trans people.

TL;DR - almost everything 4chan teaches you about SJWs is wrong. Fite me.

>> No.6552279

But giving power to few people is even worse.

>> No.6552280

What are some good history books to read?

>> No.6552283
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Wait until they have enough power to impose their desired social changes.

Not that white nationalists and MRA's are better, but at least they are inoffensive since they will have have political power anymore.

>> No.6552290
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anime avatars


>> No.6552293

Sounds spooky.

>> No.6552306
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That's why studying history makes me more conservative. You realize that what is happening now happened before, you see the results, and you dislike it.


>N. O. Lossky father of Vladimir Lossky also made periodic contributions to Vekhi. For Semen Frank, as for Gershenzon and Struve, the intelligentsia's failure of leadership in the 1905 revolution warranted a reappraisal of their fundamental assumptions. His essay emphasized the nihilistic sources of the intelligentsia's utilitarianism: material progress, national education, always viewed as a means to another end. Moreover, he saw Russian Marxists as obsessed by a populist drive to perfect society through redistribution and faulted them for their penchant for dividing all humanity into friends and enemies. Gershenzon asserted, in the book's most controversial sentence, that "so far from dreaming of union with the people we ought to fear the people and bless this government which, with its prisons and bayonets, still protects us from the people's fury."

You see, dettached from this political context, I'm not opposed to feminism, LGBT rights and anti-racism. It's just that we begin with such innocuous political and social changes, and we end up worshipping mangoes.

>> No.6552307

Feminism is also shit, they're just a little more sympathetic and have better grasp of actual problems than MRAs. I'm waiting for an all-inclusive social movement that will actually be reasonable all around. I have faith.

>> No.6552309

SJW's DESPISE white males simply for existing. I see it all the time. You are just ignoring the numerous real life examples of them being sexist and racist hypocrites to make your side seem better.

If it was a 'tiny minority of blogs' then ideas such as rape culture, affirmative action and the wage gap would not be key parts of mainstream feminism. Nobody would be giving rape special status over all other crimes or trying to deny rape suspects the right to a fair trial because they would be publicly shamed if it was not acceptable to a good number of feminists.

>> No.6552310

>Whole passages, like the above, give the impression he lurked on /pol/ for a month and then travelled back in time half a century to 'predict' it.
What you need to understand is that since the 50s the changes in western society have been quantitative, aesthetical and formal, not qualitative. Political discourse has faced the same topics for more than half a century, and did it the same way we do now. If you look up old news articles you will find this is the case.

>> No.6552315

This is what I never understand about /pol/ people, the kind of feminists they talk about I have never encountered on the internet or in real life. I assume there are parts of the internet that reflect what they are talking about, but even then it hardly represents normal political discourse.

>> No.6552319

>better grasp of actual problems

What 'problems' does modern feminism have a grasp of in the developed world?

They seem to spend most of their time getting mad at guys liking hot women in media or trying to police how people think and speak.

>> No.6552323

Except studying history makes me see that there are always dangers in any extremity.

Give the raunchiest man-hating Tumblrina the reigns and we'd see mass castration.

Give a /pol/-tard the seat and we'd see internment camps for immigrants (again) and lynchings.

I'd rather have neither.

>> No.6552327

You do know 1/5 of women are raped, and 1/3 of women are sexually assaulted. The only argument I've heard against this being a problem is people saying these numbers must be fictional because hey "I wouldn't rape someone, you man hater!"

>> No.6552330

those numbers sound extremely suspect

>> No.6552331

Anti-SJWs can't blab on about how the modern left are ultra-tolerant liberal hippies afraid of harming a fly one second, and then treat them like violent Stalinist revolutionaries the next. It's contradictory. They're overwhelmingly anti-gun, anti-war and anti-death penalty; these aren't the kind of policies you can implement and have a bloodthirsty totalitarian regime. The changes they support are more social/cultural than political/legal reform, anyway. Your doomsday scenario is just silly.

>Not that white nationalists and MRA's are better

They're hundreds of times worse. Feminism gave rights to more people in the 20th century than any other ideological movement except democracy itself.

>> No.6552336

See, this isn't an argument.

>> No.6552344

Mostly the social implications of being female. Being expected to be pretty, to marry and have kids, bias against their intelligence and disbelief/disincouragement of females in the hard sciences, female sex liberation being seen as negative etc.

I ignore eveything else and no longer identify as feminist, but not all things they say are bullshit and unlike MRAs, they're actually driven by injustice (sometimes) and not by sheer ressentment.

>> No.6552347
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>They're overwhelmingly anti-gun, anti-war and anti-death penalty; these aren't the kind of policies you can implement and have a bloodthirsty totalitarian regime.

Again, study history. That has all happened before. And the verbal violence of SJWs make it clear that they would have no qualms about going to actual violence.

>Feminism gave rights to more people in the 20th century

Feminism also killed millions thanks to it's association with communism in Russia and China.

>> No.6552354

The verbal violence? Are you for real?
Also 20th century communist movement=/= anybody left of hitler.

>> No.6552355

What is your point?

Even if that did not use bullshit numbers it does not justify perpetuating the harmful fiction of 'rape culture'. It also does not justify presuming men are guilty until proven innocent or expecting convictions when its her word vs his.

And it definitely does not justify claiming having sex with a girl who had a few drinks is rape. Especially since feminists will call a man a rapist even if he was just as drunk as the girl.

I should not be called a sexist rape supporter because I think the right to a fair trial is more important than feminist dogma. Or for expecting people who have drunk one night stands to take responsibility for their actions instead of trying to ruin an innocent guys life.

>> No.6552361

Do you have any sources or books that I can read? I'm curious about feminism's connection with totalitarianism.

>> No.6552365

Dude, that's just not true here on the ground (living in Leipzig currently). PEGIDA only looks scary because they mob single immigrants or people they don't like after the police have left. The police are there fighting antifa to keep antifa from killing PEGIDA.

It's entirely the other way around, at least here.

>> No.6552368

>I'm curious about feminism's connection with totalitarianism

Read about Alexandra Kollontai, she was a huge feminism and also a huge Stalinisn and no one ever saw a contradiction in that.

>Also 20th century communist movement=/= anybody left of hitler.

No, but feminism specifically in inherently communist in it's goals and aspirations. I'd say that feminism is communism in drag and it's only purpose is to enlist women to the revolutionary cause.

>> No.6552370

>Feminism also killed millions thanks to it's association with communism in Russia and China.
Many Soviet leader were conservatives who did things such as banning abortion in Romania and making it much harder to get divorced which is why Eastern Europe is more conservative than the west.

>> No.6552371

The conviction rate for rape is laughably low, lower than it is for any other crime. People who actually get convicted for rape have usually been prosecuted many many times before they go to jail. The burden of proof is not in favour of the victim at all, this is a total myth, which is obvious to anybody who understands how the burden of proof works in a court of law.

Nobody is calling you a sexist rape supporter, you are arguing with straw feminists.

>> No.6552374

And the feminist disdain of anybody who wants to be a housewife is any better? The attitude you are talking about barely even exists anymore.

>discouragement of females in the hard sciences

Completely false, there is a huge drive to get females into science with a lot of money being wasted to do so. Women do science subjects less because they do not want to, wasting money to try and force them to do it is stupid. I have been involved with science, there is no 'disbelief' against female scientists from their male colleagues.

And some MRA complaints are driven by actual issues. Like the unfairness of divorce courts and the blatant sexist hypocrisy feminism gets away with.

>> No.6552375

SJWs aren't physically violent, for the most part, no. Their world isn't one of secret police and summary executions, but the world they would LOVE to live in is one where people are immediately fired from their jobs, expelled from school, generally ostracized for ever making any statement anyone among them deems "problematic." And no, I don't think this is even hyperbole. These people are sinister and would love to ruin the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.

>> No.6552379

As I said, feminism is a method to enlist female support for the revolution, but once the revolution is done, feminism is not needed anymore. Since the feminist activists are now commissars in the nomenklatura, they don't really care that everything they supposedly fought for was reversed.

Expect to see the same happening in the U.S. when SJWs win, suddenly they will realize that concentrating absolute power at the hands of the revolutionary intelligentsia trumps bourgueois obsessions with women's rights.

>> No.6552382

>SJW's DESPISE white males simply for existing.

Except they don't. I've received nothing but welcome when joining the feminist community. Being critical of a social structure that privileges a certain demographic is not the same as wanting to destroy that demographic.

>I see it all the time

You've seen JPGs on the internet, and everyone knows the internet doesn't lie! Vast amounts of material used to shame feminists is outright fabricated by anti-feminists themselves; like #freebleeding, father-hating lawyers that can't spell subpoena or "don't breastfeed boys it makes them stronger durrr".

>You are just ignoring the numerous real life examples of them being sexist and racist hypocrites to make your side seem better.

How am I ignoring them? I explicitly mentioned radical feminists in my post. I'm not claiming people like Valerie Solanas don't exist, but that they're a tiny minority of the feminist movement - whereas calls for murdering vast swathes of people are pretty much the norm for /pol/, stormfront, VNN etc. (MRAs aren't usually as extreme as WNs, except for Return of Kings, reddit's /r/TheRedPill and MGTOW).

>If it was a 'tiny minority of blogs' then ideas such as rape culture, affirmative action and the wage gap would not be key parts of mainstream feminism.

None of these are radical or violent ideas.

>Nobody would be giving rape special status over all other crimes or trying to deny rape suspects the right to a fair trial because they would be publicly shamed if it was not acceptable to a good number of feminists.

You have it completely backwards. The vast majority of rapes aren't even reported. Secondly, the notion of rape as a 'special' crime comes from the culturally conservative notion of sex as being a 'special' kind of moral impurity, and most of these laws are created by a majority male legislature and interpreted by a mostly conservative male judicial system - so much for feminist power. Why else would the courts give favoritism to mothers over fathers in taking care of children unless they reflected some kind of gender essentialism that designates women as housewives and child-rearers?

>> No.6552383

Because its he said/she said most of the time. There is nothing to be done about that. And these nonsensical 'affirmative consent' rules won't do anything to deter actual rapists, just demonise everyone else and make guys worried about getting in trouble for having sex like a normal person does.

>The burden of proof is not in favour of the victim at all

If there is no evidence beyond their respective claims either way the result should be aquittal generally yes. How can you have a problem with that?

>> No.6552387
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>SJWs aren't physically violent, for the most part, no. Their world isn't one of secret police and summary executions

They outsource the violence to street gangs. The 1960s was clear about that, with radical students inviting thugs to college campus in order to impose their desired reforms, see also Tom Wolfe's work about the love affair of U.S. liberals with the Maoist Black Panthers urban guerrilla group.

>> No.6552392

Just look at the way they sometimes set out to ruin someone's life for saying things they disagree with online while claiming to be tolerant.

And in any country with 'hate speech' laws they have got the government to punish people who say things they disagree with. Because who needs free speech.

>> No.6552395
File: 93 KB, 477x700, No Room in Our Collective Farm for Kulaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being critical of a social structure that privileges a certain demographic is not the same as wanting to destroy that demographic

It just so happens that when Stalin wanted to liquidate the kulak as a class, he ended up physically liquidating the kulaks. So you don't want us to fear when we hear about how SJWs want to "abolish the white race" as a "social category"?

>> No.6552397

>These people are sinister and would love to ruin the lives of anyone who disagrees with them.

Yeah, sending Zoey Quinn's nudes to her dad is how social change really happens. IT'S TIME TO REBOOT GAMING JOURNALISM.

>> No.6552399

>As I said, feminism is a method to enlist female support for the revolution, but once the revolution is done, feminism is not needed anymore.
From what I've read about the Soviet and other communist revolutions they have never heavily depended on it to enlist women.

>> No.6552400

I don't personally have a problem with that, I don't think there is much that can be done about it. I am merely saying that a lot of people still get raped and it is unfair to get angry at women for being upset about it, or to suggest women just love making it up to get men into trouble.

>> No.6552407

>1/5 of women are raped
Maybe in the Congo rainforest.

Not in America, and certainly on american college campuses.

>> No.6552408

That's because they had the proletariat by then, when the left lost the working classes somewhere in the 1960s, feminism and other SJW causes became more important, Marcuse is clear about that.

>> No.6552409

I've never heard an SJW ever say this. In fact, ignoring social categories to play down the differences they produce is one of their biggest gripes. Google 'colorblind racism'.

>> No.6552411

>So you don't want us to fear when we hear about how SJWs want to "abolish the white race" as a "social category"?
Yes. When the US declared a "war on poverty" did you think they were going to go house to house killing every single last poor person?

>> No.6552414
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>When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category.

Again, Stalin didn't want to kill the kulaks either, just liquidate them as a class. How that turned out?

>> No.6552416

No the idea of rape as 'special' is entirely due to feminism.

Just look at how they react when women are told to be careful and aware of their surroundings. Rape is the only crime where even attempting to help people by making them act more safely gets you called a bigot. Instead they waste time on idiotic 'learn not to rape' campaigns as if the vast majority of guys don't already know that. Actual rapists won't care. We don't try to 'teach burglars not to burgle', we tell people to lock their doors and get an alarm.

>none of these are radical ideas

That is my point. They are either immoral or nonsensical yet mainstream feminism has embraced them. Looking at the numbers will tell you that the wage gap is entirely due to female career choices yet they keep blaming men and claiming they are being paid 25% less for the same work. Rape culture is a fiction designed to attack men, nothing more. Anybody who lives in the real world knows the vast majority of men do not support rape and think rapists are scum.

I should not even have to get into why affirmative action is bad.

>> No.6552418

Undead Nazis engaging in overkill to murder calm and tranquil individuals?
I doubt it

>> No.6552419

But anon, they did worse, they taxed the rich! Can't you see how rich people are being treated like the Jews in Nazi Germany?

>> No.6552420

>Marcuse is clear about that.
Doubtful being that political science has completely blown the fuck out of the many assumptions Marcuse made but that falls under the "shit nobody reads" in academia.

>> No.6552426

I am not 'getting angry they are upset about it'. I am just being realistic and telling them its not an excuse for any of the nonsense they try to push.

>> No.6552428

extremely suspect as in outright totally wrong

it's truly unbelievably how that 1 in 5 statistic is still used. it COMICAL how bad the study was but liberals stand behind it.

>> No.6552432

You keep equating campaigning against rape, with women calling all men rapists or rape supporters, stop it. This doesn't actually happen, and just undermines attempts to talk about a very serious issue because you feel touchy about it.

>> No.6552433

>verbal violence of SJWs

Verbal violence? What the fuck. That doesn't even exist. If an SJW used this kind of language to describe your ideology, you'd be whining about censorship and misleading terminology.

>Feminism also killed millions thanks to it's association with communism in Russia and China.

This is more absurd than claiming atheism caused the holodomor. I suppose since moustaches had an association with Stalin and Hitler that facial hair was also partially responsible for these murders?

Since when are Russia or China feminist, anyway? They're less feminist than the West. Is North Korea actually a democratic republic? Why are people on the internet even so obsessed with this dead ideology. Communism is not a blanket label for every leftist movement. You might as well whine about British loyalists in America.

>> No.6552435

>No the idea of rape as 'special' is entirely due to feminism.
Not even a feminist, but that's a huge fucking lie. Was it progressives lynching black men for being accused of rape by white women? Asserting that conservatives don't treat rape as special goes against the narrative that males are treated as disposable. I was raised in a fairly conservative home and my parents were always more concerned with my sisters' safety when going out in public than mine. I don't get how you came to the conclusion that conservatives don't treat rape as an especially heinous crime.

>> No.6552436
File: 276 KB, 1536x1024, o-OCCUPY-WALL-STREET-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people on the internet even so obsessed with this dead ideology.

Because it's not only alive, but winning.

>> No.6552439

>Since when are Russia or China feminist, anyway? They're less feminist than the West
Soviet Russia pre-Stalin was very feminist.

The USSR was the first country to legalize abortions. They also made it very easy to get a divorce, and encouraged "open marriages".

The USSR was also the first country to decriminalize homosexuality.

Of course, once papa Stalin came to power, he purged all the faggots and sent the women back in the kitchens.

>> No.6552441


>Wanting more tax is communism

'kay buddy

>> No.6552442

underrated first answer.
I don't know to what extent it's true, but it doesn't seem wrong and I wouldn't have thought of it.

>> No.6552444

the left didn't "lose the working classes", the left had WON for the working classes! the working classes were doing great! that was their goal! but the spoiled middle class brats just wanted to have fun playing revolutionary and were butt hurt that the working class had actually achieved many of the goals they have become somewhat radical in fighting for and didn't want to leave the comfortable lives they had won for themselves to go play revolutionary with the college brats. so the left, by then made up predominantly of middle class brats, turned their back forever on labor and economics to embrace ever more ridiculous race and gender rhetoric. they did this EXPLICITLY because they believe minorities to now be the "revolutionary class." if working class people didn't want to play revolutionary with them, maybe blacks would now.

>> No.6552445

>occupy won
About the only thing left is their social media presence. They didn't accomplish anything besides getting demonized by the media.

>> No.6552446


Yes, and his publication is openly called crankish by mainstream SJWs:


>This rather crankish journal appears to have had little influence. Its most notable legacy seems to lie in its adoption by white nationalists as evidence that all anti-racists are secretly anti-white bigots who are plotting the genocide of the white race.
>Categories: Extreme Moonbattery

>> No.6552447

>Since when are Russia or China feminist, anyway?



The fact that Russia and China are bad for women after decades of official feminism should make you wary of feminism, specially when it allies itself with revolutionary politics

>> No.6552450

It literally is.

Progressive income tax rates are actually one of the 10 goals of the communist manifesto.

>> No.6552451

Not that guy but that doesn't prove you have to be a communist to be a feminist, that is clearly absurd.

>> No.6552452

Conservatives don't push affirmative consent laws or promote the myth that rape culture exists.

>> No.6552455

It also mentioned a stateless, classless society where private property doesn't exist.

>> No.6552458

>occupy wall street
>a for the most part failure of a event

Yeah and I'm sure once Hilary is elected she will finally stop those drone strikes :^)

>> No.6552459

Not in the ten goals.

Did you even read it? I bet you didn't, you uncultured fuck.

>> No.6552461


>> No.6552462

No, but communism and feminism are intrisincally linked.

They're both ideologies based on "struggle" against an oppressor. In communism, the struggle is class struggle, where the bourgeois oppress the proletariat.

In feminism, the struggle is gender struggle, where men oppress women.

>> No.6552463

>occupy wall street


>> No.6552465

On that logic so is democracy.

>> No.6552466

That doesn't mean that they don't treat rape differently than other crimes. Just watch Fox talk about an incident where a woman was raped (not just alleged, but it actually happened) and compare it to how they treat male victims of violence.

>> No.6552475

I did read it, albeit a while ago, and I'm 99% sure it said a stateless, classless society was the main point of communism. Wasn't that list not describing what communism itself is, but more about the demands of class struggle? I honestly don't remember, it's been a while.

>> No.6552489

I'm not talking about the description of communism, I'm talking about the 10 goals to implement which will lead to a communist society.

Here's the list to refresh your memory (towards the end of the page)


>> No.6552492

Your point? That doesn't take away from the fact that it was a general failure and leftists have been able to do little more than write critiques about police brutality in cities which have been controlled for decades by democrats such of which boast black mayors.

>> No.6552493

How so?

>> No.6552494

>which will lead
Exactly, so not communism itself. A progressive tax structure is not communism, it's something communists and some capitalists agree on, although for different reasons.

>> No.6552497


Major news sites like The Guardian, Huffington Post and Salon are full blown SJW. It's not an isolated issue.