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/lit/ - Literature

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6550278 No.6550278 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you want to be a writer, again?

>> No.6550281

"i have no taste for poverty or honest work"

>> No.6550295

Wasn't there a survey done recently which showed that most people (or a significantly high population) want to be writers? Idk, I just enjoy reading. Bloom's quote on why he never wrote poetry/fiction resonated with me a few years ago when I entered Uni to study lit and all my peers wanted to be writers.

>> No.6550299




>> No.6550305

i feel embarrassed to write fiction. i want to contribute something philosophically, maybe it will only be read by a handful of people on the internet but there's no way i'd get famous for my message. i might sell out whenever i can and come up with ideas that people will buy. for now i'm just that weird guy that writes things nobody would read. if i had something to say that could stop both pleb and patrician alike, i wouldn't be here, i'd be doing that.

>> No.6550314

I don't, I've always just written to pass time.

>> No.6550315

Some ideas as to why this is:
>Basically all the same thing

Or if you're not a sheepleb:
>You actually have something meaningful to say through storytelling

>> No.6550317


>i have no taste for poverty

Don't bother trying to be a writer then.

>> No.6550360

I can't do anything else.

>> No.6550362

Because I'm bad at math, I can't paint, I can't sculpt, I have no taste for science, I never learned a musical instrument, filmmaking is too expensive, and writing is the only thing I can do to give my life some meaning.

I'm also not any good at writing, by the way, but the thing is I CAN become good just by working a lot on my own. It takes a lot of work, I'll probably never do it anyway, but I can.

I also can become a good painter, but it takes a kind of passion for drawing that I have never had, even though I love painting, while I've been having this passion for literature for like six years or so.

I'm in Law School. I intend to graduate, and see if I can become a judge, or some other kind of public servant, which in my disgusting bureaucratic country can give you a lot of money (my friend's aunt works 20 hours a week and makes 7 thousand dollars a month, which is an amazing salary in my country). Once I do that, I intend to dedicate my free time to writing short lyric poetry in a classicist/romantic/symbolist manner and some short stories in the manner of Chekov (I'd love to write like Borges, but I'm not intelligent enough). My goal is that one of my books one day becomes a literary classic in my country, but this will never happen. If I'm still unable to do it, then I'll translate a lot of books. I can read in four languages, and I think I can become a good translator with some moderate effort.

>> No.6550372

same reason you keep making the same thread over and over

>> No.6550373

Because sometimes I feel like literature is one of the few things of value in the world. Why would you not want to contribute to that, even if you know you probably never will?

>> No.6550384

Shitposting Saṃsāra

>> No.6550437

I don't want to be a writer. I feel as though I have no choice. I feel as though I have something to say and I just haven't articulated it yet. I don't even know what. I just know that when it comes, there will be no stopping it, and I will have to write. Until then, I resist it with all my strength.

>> No.6550440
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I have serious depression and anger issues, and writing is the only thing that's helped me stay alive. A long time ago I told myself that if I make something of myself, I'd donate every single dollar to helping any else who suffers inside.

That, and I want some of that qt3.14 fangirl poon.

>> No.6550446

Because I'm a talentless hack with no drive but I've got opinions and since all I do is shitpost on 12kun I may as well try and get paid for it.

>> No.6550460

lit in a nutshell

>> No.6550604

>because they have something to say
oh well. I thought there was some quote but it went like this:
>A writer has nothing to say but says it beautifully.
sounds vaguely like Wilde, but I'm pretty sure it isn't him.

>> No.6550644

I never wanted to be a writer, Anon. But occasionally, I feel the urge to write, and if I try to resist the urge I feel sick, like I just have to get these words out of my head and on paper or they'll just poison my brain.