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6550257 No.6550257 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/.
I've lost my virginity, but I'm feeling really bad about it and I don't even know why.

What are some books (fiction or non fiction) that deal with this kind of remorse in males? I suppose it is more common among women, right?

Don't bully me pls

>> No.6550260

the new testament.
repent, heathen!


>> No.6550264

Why are you feeling bad?

>> No.6550285

Don't worry you're just a repressed sodomite.

>> No.6550293

Probably because I'm not used to be close to other people, so it was a very strange experience for me.
But I'm not sure at all.

>> No.6550354


Nietzsche Genealogy of the Morals or Stirner

>> No.6550363

It looks like you've been subconsciously indoctrinated.

>> No.6550376

I'm not a christian and my family is very liberal

>> No.6550400


You still know what is to be a christian, that can influence you

Also secular morality is a thing

>> No.6550405

The hostile attitude towards sex is deeper in culture than you may think.

But my guess is your guilt may come from your approach to life or something deep within your psychology/personality.

Follow this guy's advice

>> No.6550406
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that don't mean that you aren't indoctrinated.


The Manipulated Man

>> No.6550415

The Once and Future King

>> No.6550420 [DELETED] 
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>If I feel bad about losing my virginity, it's because I've been indoctrinated by evil repressive culture

>> No.6550426

It would seem so. A caveman would celebrate the event. It's his instinctual drive to reproduce.

>> No.6550434

Nice argument from nature

>> No.6550441

christians have better attitudes about sex than atheists in general.

>> No.6550448

Would you care to explain?

>> No.6550455

I didn't say that losing your virginity was morally good. I'm saying it's interesting a human would feel guilt about the main thing he's programmed to do.

>> No.6550462

Ok, I apologize then. I get what you mean

>> No.6550466


Look, you guys who have decided to become puritan because you don't want to grow emotionally beyond childhood - you are the pandas of your race, you understand that? You're hurtling towards extinction with pursed lips and clenched assholes.

>> No.6550468


I can't think of any books that would. It's probably being inhibited before that. The solution is more sex.

>> No.6550469

remember there is an emotional aspect behind it, OP just got the most intimate you can get, so he obviously feels guilt if he got intimate with a random woman

>> No.6550474


That's not obvious at all.

How have you let this happen to your minds? There's no guilt in pleasure.

>> No.6550479

of course there is

>> No.6550482

If that is the reason he feels guilt than he must be subtly indoctrinated. A caveman would fuck all the women in sight (provided they weren't horrendously ugly thus indicating poor genetics).

>> No.6550484


Why would you feel guilty about losing your virginity to 'a random woman'? It has no intrinsic value, it's just a form of ignorance. Going from ignorance to knowledge can only be a good thing.

>> No.6550488

Mein gott

pure ideology

>> No.6550491

A caveman would also take a shit in full view of the other cavemen.

Too bad we've been subtly indoctrinated against freely shitting wherever we please. Society, man

>> No.6550501

because the act is the most intimate you can get with another person, of course it has a value

>> No.6550506
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>> No.6550507

>inherent value

I hope you mean psychological value.

>> No.6550510
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>the act is the most intimate you can get with another person
lol dumb

>> No.6550511


Of course it has an immense value. For it's own sake. You're suggesting it has a capitalist rarity value. That's fucked up.

>> No.6550514

>There's no guilt in pleasure.

Then why do we have guilty pleasures?

>> No.6550522

If OP is still here I would like to know: do you ask this question hoping that you will be able to overcome your guilt because you think it's something you shouldn't feel guilty about? Or do you want an explanation as to why you feel guilty when you didn't think you would be going into it?

Or do you just want to air something that's on your mind? That's fine too

>> No.6550535
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>value for it's own sake

>> No.6550536

>I've lost my virginity, but I'm feeling really bad about it and I don't even know why.
it's because you broke the natural law OP

>> No.6550541


I don't. It's a stupid phrase.

>> No.6550545


> haha, nobody knows I'm scared to fuck

>> No.6550554

Post coital tristesse.
>The phenomenon is famously traced to the Greek doctor Galen, who wrote "Every animal is sad after coitus except the human female and the rooster".

>> No.6550556
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i want to sell my virginity so i can keep neeting.

what's the going price for 23 year old boipus?

>> No.6550557

Is it because she was ugly?

>> No.6550559

OP here.
My main intention is understand why I'm feeling this remorse since it's not common among men.
At some point I'll overcome the guilt, but I'm curious about it.

>> No.6550572

Thanks for answering. IMO, I wouldn't worry about whether or not these feelings are common among men. What matters are your own, individual feelings.

>> No.6550577

Out of personal curiosity as to the makeup of this thread:

>> No.6550578

She wasn't pretty, but not ugly at all.

>> No.6550588

it's because you did wrong, happy?

>> No.6550594

Pretty sure you got this
>Baruch Spinoza in his Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione writes "For as far as sensual pleasure is concerned, the mind is so caught up in it, as if at peace in a [true] good, that it is quite prevented from thinking of anything else. But after the enjoyment of sensual pleasure is past, the greatest sadness follows. If this does not completely engross, still it thoroughly confuses and dulls the mind."

>> No.6550597

whether it's common or not among men is a non-issue and irrelevant

whether it's common or not among people is a more relevant question though still pretty non-interesting

do you feel that you've lost something op? maybe it's the ol loss-of-innocence blues

>> No.6550599

Wrong is a spook.

>> No.6550605

It's because, you fuck, are scaried about having a children. This is totally uncounscious.

Once you realize that no children appeared from the copulation, then you will be at ease

>> No.6550623

the results of that are really odd.
i guess it's nice to see a diversity of opinion.

>> No.6550641


They are all lying, no one knows the truly horror that comes from losing your virginity, you lose your consciousness and you become a robot looking at how your body works without you being capable of stopping it

Truly the original sin

>> No.6550642

Not exactly as I've lost something, but sometimes I can only associate my sexuality to that girl

>> No.6550662

After thinking I guess I can relate to that.
Thanks for the posts, anon

>> No.6550672

I enjoy to be the one someone in a relationship is fucking that's not their partner. It really turns me on and it's really the only time I get into sex. All my sex in relationships is pretty tame, I mean I'm alright but I don't have the passion and I'm not fully in the moment like I am when the other person is in a relationship. I like to fuck them and then think about the shame they may feel around their lover, and how they might lie about where they were and what they were doing. It is so liberating ... to operate outside of the traditional monogamy paradigm. I love every second of my sex life.

>> No.6550677
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>> No.6550702

Spook has no meaning

>> No.6550705

Meaning is a spook.

>> No.6550729

Virginity isn't a social construct like these faggot socialists would have you believe.

Virginity is an actual metaphysical condition of your soul, so that when you lose your virginity something changes in you. How do I know this? In ancient times the "gods" (demons) would ask specifically for virgin sacrifices. Think about the significance of this. Satanists today still use virgins in their human sacrifices. This applies to men too, not just women.

It's very unnatural to have "casual sex". In future you should marry first and have sex for the sake of children. This will remove guilt because it will put sex towards its proper rational end and will not reduce you to an animal.

>> No.6550740
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>talks about souls and being rational in the same post

>> No.6550741


>I'm not a christian

The West has been shaped by Christianity.

You may not be Christian but you still live within a society built on Christian tenets - at least in appearance.


>A caveman would celebrate the event.

Horrible analogy.

A caveman would also celebrate his murdering of a foe who wronged him for petty transgressions.

>> No.6550744

>A caveman would also celebrate his murdering of a foe who wronged him for petty transgressions.

Yes, and?

>> No.6550746


>and will not reduce you to an animal

Just the kind of animal who would make hateful shitposts on 4chan. How far you've come oh enlightened paragon of spirit.

>> No.6550749


>Yes, and?

And you're an edgelord for still standing by it.

>> No.6550751

well yes, rationality is a part of the soul.
reason can't exist as a reaction between chemicals in the brain

>> No.6550756

Ok. That's not really an actual criticism.

>> No.6550760

Catcher in the Rye.

He feels bad all book, twenty times.

>> No.6550761

Is this some Aquinas bullshit?

>> No.6550765

common sense is a spook
guess ya dont have that one, eh?

>> No.6550767

it is, that's why it's true

>> No.6550768
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>be a virgin male
>desolate feelings after masturbation
>pray to Virgin Mary
>morning erection and desires to masturbate go away
>lust replaced with an interior joy over purity such as I have never experienced, not even as a child
>The thought or sight of nudity just passes through me without the least disturbance
>My little flaccid penis just sits there unmoved
>realize that virginity is real, promiscuity is demonic, and women who say otherwise have a guilty conscience

you should've prayed :^)

>tfw a woman reading this post feels a twinge of guilt and shame, and this will never go away until she's brutalized herself so much through fucking that she has no sensibility left, or until she gets down and cries at Christ's feet like the Magdalene

>> No.6550772
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>reason can't exist as a reaction between chemicals in the brain

>> No.6550780


Do you have any ethical beliefs whatsoever?

Because if you have even one single ethical position on anything in society citing an ethically neutral precursor like "cavemen" in any ethical context makes you a hypocritical edgemax dunce.

>> No.6550781

>desolate feelings after masturbation

That's called the refractory period. Dopamine receptors are blocked temporarily after orgasm.

>> No.6550782

Go on then, explains how a series of unintelligent and material causes can cause a unified and coherent intelligence capable of generating immaterial abstractions

>> No.6550784


>he posts /mu/ memes on /lit/

If you're going to shit on a fedora don't go out of your way to appear even lamer.

>> No.6550786

I do not have a system of ethics, no. All ethical beliefs are emotional and thus temporary. They can change and they only exist when the feeling does.

>> No.6550792

Your ideas exist only when your feelings do then, and so you are a self-refuting sophist and Socrates will torture you in tartarus forever

>> No.6550794

Natural law theory begs to differ

>> No.6550797

Is your belief that ethical beliefs are emotional and thus temporary itself emotional and thus temporary?

>> No.6550802

Reaction between chemicals
Frontal lobe
This shit is Psychology 101

>Implying I give a fuck

Kill yourself even harder

>> No.6550803


>I do not have a system of ethics, no. All ethical beliefs are emotional and thus temporary.

You're a fucking dork, kid.

You follow the letter of the law and keep within the ethical guidelines of your society like a good boy.

>> No.6550805

>pussy 20th century onward values
People kill each other, its normal
Youve been brainwashed to preserve the rich's status quo
They really need to legalize duels again

>> No.6550807

I can feel the surface of an object. Does the sensation of the surface exist materially? The atomic arrangement that cause me to feel that sensation does.

It is the same with thoughts.

>> No.6550813

no it isnt

>> No.6550814

>refuting ethical ideas on the basis that they cannot be represented linguistically

>> No.6550819


You're young and still mired in your angry contrarian phase.

Don't worry. You'll probably grow out of it and see what a precocious little wank you were.

>> No.6550833

>Reaction between chemicals

correlation does not imply causation, bitch

just because some part of the brain lights up with when I do something does not mean that my action is determined by my brain
you could say that whatever chemical reactions taking place in my brain causes my mind, my intentions
I could say that the movement of my mind/soul causes the chemical reactions in my brain

It's a metaphysical distinction that can't be answered by physical science. The thing is that my position is more natural, because we experience the "I", this simple unified thing, causing our own acts, we don't experience thousands of chemical reactions causing our acts, and if you say that our psychology deceives us on this point then you've basically undermined the basis of our thoughts and may as well say that every thought is deception and embrace quietism.
Also, the reason why we experience having an "I" that persist for years when all the particles in our body have been replaced by other particles is that there really is a simple substance that I am, whereas you have to explain it as an "epiphenomena", a kind of illusion that the reactions between thousands of neurons generates.

>> No.6550838

Oh for fucks sake go read some fujcking psychology you fucking dumb bitch nigger

>> No.6550847

If your thoughts are really just atoms then why should I even care about what you think. I may as well go look at a pile of dust seeing as its all the same substance. Why are you even speaking to me.
Your speech should be like this

. . . . . . . . . . . .

just a series of atoms

>> No.6550851

>we don't experience thousands of chemical reactions causing our acts

We do through our perception of them. We experience an uncountable number of atoms every day. But it's not like we experience every atom individually. Everything forms a mush of perception.

>> No.6550854

it's the arrangement, not the atoms

>> No.6550855


*goes off to read Plato*

>> No.6550858

We are programmed to care about certain arrangement of atoms.

>> No.6550859


>I'm only pretending to have a clue but I don't even know enough about psychology to speak on it with any depth

That angry "nigger" posting might fly on /b/ but it means precisely shit all on /lit/. Either you have a rebuttal to his post or you don't.

>> No.6550860

dualists are so stupid

>> No.6550865

Of course I don't i'm shitfaced to the core posting at 6 o clock my brain is more than fucked up
But reading that shit as someone who has studied psychology I can recognise it's nothing but bullshit pulled out from the ass
I don't even have to dismiss anything in his post

>> No.6550870

Is your post just a mush of perception? If so, why should I acknowledge it any more than my doves mush of perception?

>> No.6550875

You know the answer because you are already acknowledging it just by responding

>> No.6550877


If you're so shitfaced that you can't even remember anything from a topic that you've supposedly fucking studied then how could you possibly be in a condition to really parse what he is trying to say to you?

Just stop posting m8 you're too fucking drunk for it right now.

>> No.6550885

I cannot stand this mindset. Once I begin to start talking about reality as it really is without any fantastic concepts such as souls they think I am denying life.

Hello. I am a human being and I really fucking care about certain arrangements of atoms. Get used to it.

>> No.6550892

souls are just the "forms" of living things, there is nothing fantastic about it

>> No.6550896

hylemorphism is where it's at, kid

>> No.6550902

go away Aristotle, you're supposed to be dead

>> No.6550905


>reality as it really is

That any human could think that they are initiated enough to speak on "reality as it really is" becomes the ultimate form of hubris to me.

>> No.6550910

I speak of our clearest perception of reality: that obtained through the scientific method.

>> No.6550913


Nigger, psychology is made when you take the ontological world and you desworld it. It's like when you are doing PDE's, if you select a initial condition you lose *answers*. You can't go back because you already neglected it to get your 'non-human' response.

You can't make sense of the world from that desworldly posturing.

That's why you can't, ontologically speaking, get an "I" from psychology

It's that hard to understand?

>> No.6550916

but the scientific method presupposes a perception of reality

but my soul subsists, kid :^)

>> No.6550921

human language presupposes a perception of reality

>> No.6550922

I use "reality as it really is" in a non-literal sense. "Reality as it really is" doesn't even exist. At this point in human development the scientific method is the farthest we have extended our perception of reality.

>> No.6550925

but if reality as it really is doesnt exist, then what's the point of discovering it through the scientific method?

>> No.6550928


The scientific method is just the world without our wordliness (read, our meaning, all life, all ideas). If it gets better as 'science' it's because it has less *human* in it.

Now the funny thing is assuming that reality is what is when you take out the *meaning* part. For me that is not reality, it's void, like when you take a dictionary and point towards the words and say "this is reality", it lacks the context nigger.

>> No.6550929

No, through the scientific method we are discovering reality as it appears to humans. That is all that we can perceive. "Reality as it really is" doesn't exist because it is reality outside of perception, which doesn't exist.

>> No.6550932
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>I suppose it is more common among women, right?
hum no

The feminists want that women have as much sex with the Chads as possible with the fewest consequences from the Chads and especially the betas

>> No.6550937

but why are you assuming that reality is different depending on the species?
why not go further and say reality varies between people?

>> No.6550948
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>No, through the scientific method we are discovering reality as it appears to humans. That is all that we can perceive. "Reality as it really is" doesn't exist because it is reality outside of perception, which doesn't exist.

I would be more precise: through the scientific method we are plastering, on as many phenomena, the causal models via the mathematical language built around a few rules of

>> No.6550950

There are common things between humans. Yes reality does vary between people, but there are enough similarities between humans that most of us agree on certain things.

>> No.6550958

You are supposing this (because you can't go and ask 4 billion out of 7 billion humans whether they all agree on certain things), but I would agree. Why not go further and suppose that our close primate relatives, if asked in a manner they could understand (or responding in a way that we could understand), would also agree on those certain things?

>> No.6550963

so would it be valid if someone were to disagree on a aspect of reality?
how can you be so sure people really agree on reality in the first place?

>> No.6550966

What are you trying to get at, anon?

>> No.6550968

Perhaps that we are discovering reality as it appears to life, justified in the similarities between lifeforms.

>> No.6550969

>so would it be valid if someone were to disagree on a aspect of reality?

For them, but not for me

>how can you be so sure people really agree on reality in the first place?

I can't. As in all things, it merely seems that way.

>> No.6550972

Yes, you could go that far.

>> No.6550981

so why does the scientific method matter, if it doesnt reveal an objective reality?

>> No.6550983

Because it deepens perception. The quest for "objective knowledge" is stupid. What the hell is objective knowledge? Only a god could know.

>> No.6550990

only a god could know that 2+2=4?
or that a triangle has 3 sides?

>> No.6550991

It's a more reliable method to establish collective reality

>> No.6550996

so reality isnt established in the first place?

>> No.6551002

A different being could think differently. I know those concepts sound basic and logical but they are specifically human concepts. Yes they are logical, but only to us. In the context of human knowledge at this time, yes that is objective. But taking a universal perspective, no.

However, all that matters in our human perception because we can do nothing else.

>> No.6551008

The existence of reality is different from the establishment of reality. Reality exists "out there", reality is established "in here" by assuming certain things about the nature of reality. Basically I mean establishing a collective ontology.

>> No.6551019

so if everyone were to disappear in a moment, would triangles stop having 3 sides?

>> No.6551027

That is an unanswerable question.

>> No.6551029

what the hell are human concepts anyway? we form concepts because we are humans (rational animals), we dont form concepts that apply to humans only

>> No.6551032

>it will put sex towards its proper rational end and will not reduce you to an animal.
Animals only have sex for procreation. Sex for pleasure is characteristic of the smarter species.

>> No.6551033

By definition we do. How can a human do something inhuman?

>> No.6551041

you misspelt "sinful species" :^^^)

>> No.6551044

by doing something irrational?

concepts apply to rational beings, not only humans

>> No.6551053

Humans are not entirely rational all the time. We simply can be.

>> No.6551058

of course, but being rational is a power that comes from being human. A animal cant be rational

>> No.6551060

Yup. At least not to the full extent that humans can.

>> No.6551061

hey guys I just thought of something

what if christianity didn't conjure up some notion that sex is bad out of thin air

what if they sprung from the same kind of feeling that nowadays prompts feminist theories about sex and violence

what if sex is not morally neutral but actually tied up with some of the worst passions, anxieties, etc

what if sex is as bad as they say it is and you don't need to be religious to think so

what if religion isn't just about indoctrination, but rather has some real secular wisdom built into it

what if the reason so many people find religion is not that humans are on the whole impossibly stupid

>> No.6551066

rationality doesnt come in degrees, you either are or you arent

>> No.6551086

No, it would cease to be a triangle entirely. It would cease to be.

>we dont form concepts that apply to humans only
No, but they can only be understood by humans. They can be applied to anything humans know, but this application can only be done by a human. That's why bots can't solve the stupid food captcha.

>> No.6551090

Yes, intelligence is sinful. I assume you are familiar with Genesis.

>> No.6551109
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You've discovered puritanism and the value of community. Solid speculation, dude.

I'm not trying to belittle you, I swear. I concur with you about your idea on religion bearing wisdom. I also say that sex can be very closely bound up with bad emotions and worse memories. I definitely agree that these notions people view as stupid didn't just happen because people are stupid and whatever.


Sex can be a beautiful thing that unites and creates more than it could possibly destroy. Wisdom that religions hold can be inapplicable to some situations. People are stupid, too. None of this means you're wrong. It means that there things can be circumstantial. It also means that I'm a moron that can't decide on what side of the fence I want to sit on.

Okay I'm done.

>> No.6551110

That is, to meet human standards of rationality.

>> No.6551121

>No, it would cease to be a triangle entirely.
that is absurd.
>No, but they can only be understood by humans.
they can be understood by rational beings
>That is, to meet human standards of rationality.
there isnt human rationality, just like there isnt christian morality or muslim algebra (harris a shit). There is only rationality

>> No.6551149

>that is absurd
Humans are creators of the concept known as triangle. If there are no humans to validate it, it ceases to be entirely.

I get where you're coming from but I don't have compelling reasons to change my mind (and it is mostly semantic problems) therefore I will refrain from being uncivilized. Have a nice evening, anon.

>> No.6551153

>it means that there things

My bad.

>> No.6551160

we dont create concepts, we merely obtain them


>> No.6551161

That's ok, the fact that you acknowledged your fuckup is a blessing in the skies.

>> No.6551167

Why would the most important thing to the perpetuation of our species, or any species of animal, be morally wrong? From a logical standpoint, that would make no sense.

>> No.6551188

it's only when the act goes contrary to its purpose that makes it morally wrong

>> No.6551192


>> No.6551302

>secular wisdom


>> No.6551311

And you've just decided that ironic meta contrarianism is the only way to maintain your own identity on an anonymous image-board.

Come on please, Stop pretending to be conservative Christians. If you really were one, you wouldn't come to a Khmer sculpture BBS filled with degenerate porn.

>> No.6551314

I spent days in agony thinking I wasn't the same person anymore after my first sexual experience. I couldn't look at the mirror and I hated myself.

>> No.6551342

>first sexual experience
which was ? and at what age ?

>> No.6551349

I think you'll find they're pretty much exactly the same.

>> No.6551995

Male virginity is not worth anything, unless you are a child. The value decreases, and before you know it, you have to pay to get rid of it.

>> No.6552025

the once and future king, the ill made knight book

sir lancelot gets tricked into sleeping with a woman and then regrets it because he lost his holy purity. its a theme he talks about a lot.

>> No.6552034

>the act is the most intimate you can get with another person
no it isnt. the fact that you feel guilt for your first time is an indication that you felt little intimacy with that person in that moment.

sex can be the most intimate, but when i hold hands with my girlfriend its more intimate than hooker sex. context

>> No.6552054

not op but i can relate to him. when i lost my virginity i felt bad, maybe because i thought it was supposed to be this intimate thing, and physically it is, but i didnt really feel connected to the girl emotionally. not as much as i expected i would. i still get sad sometimes when i think about sex because its not the magical thing these christians are going on about.
the other thing that brings me down about sex is that its naturally a violent act. my lizard brain kicks in and wants to get nasty with these girls, but later the next day i feel like a bad person for doing things depraved and perverted to another human being.
sex makes me think about solipsism, since even when youre doing the most private intimte things, your still actually alone.

>> No.6552078

So the sex wasn't good then...?

>> No.6552098

>he actually had sex

You lost, OP.

>> No.6552110

>the other thing that brings me down about sex is that its naturally a violent act. my lizard brain kicks in and wants to get nasty with these girls, but later the next day i feel like a bad person for doing things depraved and perverted to another human being.
me too, but I feel bad also beforehand

>> No.6552186

It's a deeper thing because it ought to be sacred rather than pure pleasure. Also it is an event that can result in new life which is a gift from God himself.

>> No.6552237

>The hostile attitude towards sex is deeper in culture than you may think.
I know this is true and I NEED to read more about it.

>> No.6552262

>Don't bully me pls
It's pretty difficult considering the information you just gave about yourself which, amongst other things, imply you're either underage v&, some pathetic loser or both options.

>> No.6552296

Did you lose it in a loving, commited life-long relationship or a casual fuck?

>> No.6552329

>losing virginity while being in a
>commited life-long relationship
The only way I can imagine this to happen in 2015 is in an arranged marriage somewhere in India.

>> No.6552363 [DELETED] 

didn't have sex when it was expected of them, and they feel shame instead of liberation and happiness.
I'm going to make love with a person I want to spend my life with or not at all.

If the best argument you can come up with is LEL CHRISTIAN DESPERATE VIRGINS, that's sad.

I was in a position to fuck several people in my life, and upon reflection found it such a revolting, emotionally barren idea that I refused.

>> No.6552376

That is why you are a sad human. So many people have refused to have sex when it was expected of them, and they feel shame instead of liberation and happiness.
I'm going to make love with a person I want to spend my life with or not at all. I was offered the chance to do it with people I wasn't in love with, and upon reflection found it such a revolting, emotionally barren thought that I couldn't.

>> No.6552377

You need to reed Goosebumps by M. Stirner.

>> No.6553273


>> No.6553315

a terrible image
a terrible post

>> No.6553345

>value decreases
get out capitalist pig

>> No.6553363



>> No.6553368

Right after I lost my virginity the girl told me she had a boyfriend. That fucked me up for a while

>> No.6553611

>The solution is more sex.

or else

underage GTFO

>> No.6553708

one of sam's better vertical videos

but not entirely relevant here

>> No.6554914

"Eros and Civilization", by Herbert Marcuse

>> No.6555359

truth hurts the delusionals indeed

>> No.6555775

Maybe you were uncomfortable at the time and were moving to fast into it to realise you weren't ready for it? anyways maybe write something yourself, that usually helps vent stuff and it might come out good or you can toss it and still feel a lil better having written it down.

>> No.6555799

sex really isn't a big deal; it's just a thing people do. relationships are a big deal, and sex within a relationship can be a great bonding experience

>> No.6555860
File: 117 KB, 546x628, $_1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a 28 yo KV. Tell me why you wanted to take a woman for the first time ?

>> No.6555872

I felt bad my first time too

Just read philosophy and move on

>> No.6555873

Only because it was my sister.

>> No.6555878

Don't feel bad, there's no such thing as a male virgin.

>> No.6555879

Hot meme, mind if I repost/riposte?

>> No.6555880


It's actually the truth.

>> No.6555888

Only when I'm telling it to my sister.

>> No.6555893

Can't argue with dub trips

>> No.6556843

>the most intimate you can get with another person
I always found holding hands to be more intimate than sex.

>> No.6557260

>bicurious about it

>> No.6557319

I remember my girlfriend crying after we were done, but then again she was only 15 and i was inexperienced. So you have the emotional maturity like a 15 year old girl OP.

>> No.6557372

Why are you feeling bad about it? Is it because of space daddy?

The loss of your virginity is completely meaningless in and of itself. You've already jacked off anyway, it's the exact same except you're using a vagina. Its only meaningfulness comes from who you lost your virginity to and how you feel about that person

>> No.6557461


It's because you realised that you're an animal. It's kinda like early masturbation. You feel guilty for no reason. Or trying to masturbate to a person you really really feel is special. You start feeling really dirty after you finish. As if you ruined something by acting like this. The only thing that you ruined is your perception of humans as some clean and divine beings.

>> No.6557533


10/10 post friend good bell wishes your way God bless.

>> No.6557568


>It's kinda like early masturbation. You feel guilty for no reason

LOL what a flower

I bet you cried to your mumma wit sticky white fingies