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6549469 No.6549469 [Reply] [Original]

Orwell or Huxley, who is closest to today's society and why?

>> No.6549472

neither and both
at once

>> No.6549479

>muh evil gubberment D:

Grow the fuck up, things are the best they've ever been.

>> No.6549480


Especially when it comes to sex and soma.

With the destruction of marriages as a result of rampant divorce, the family unit is rapidly dying and promiscuity is now normal.

Wide spread prescriptions of depression and anxiety medication is literally soma.

>> No.6549483

We have a government from Orwell's world and popular culture from Huxley's world.

>> No.6549486

>Brave New World
>evil gubberment
You haven't even read the book. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6549490

I suppose that depends on what scares one the most. Orwell envisioned a world where states had absolute control over the individual to the point that the individual almost ceased to be. Huxley envisioned a world where we essentially gave up our autonomy, and our freedom, for the sake of ease. Which sounds more like Late Capitalism to you?

>> No.6549493

They're both halves of the same whole you fuckin tard.

>> No.6549496

Most people view the system in place in Brave New World as malevolent, despite its supposed 'utopia'. This is non-contraversial.

>> No.6549504

The latter is 21st century capitalism, the former is (although not really) 21st century government

>> No.6549522

The system is not the government. In BNW, people willfully and freely participate in the system, it's not forced on them.

>> No.6549532

Terry Gilliam's Brazil is closest.

>> No.6549537

They are brainwashed into participating.

>> No.6549545

> being systematically conditioned during your entire childhood isn't being forced at all

Of course, they are doing everything out of their own will while being fully conscious of what they do.

>> No.6549552 [DELETED] 

Divergent XD

>> No.6549553

my vote goes to this.

>> No.6549565

Ive almost done with BNW and I really can't understand why people think it's a dystopian novel. What exactly is wrong with this society? Besides the obvious fact that having batches of people genetically identical doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a survival standpoint, I don't quite get whats so horrific about this society that its seen as an example of a dystopia.

Also, Bernard is a whiny cunt

>> No.6549584

It's insufficiently Rugged And Romantic.

>> No.6549586

also, is the separation of sex from its reproductive function really a bad thing? I'm not necessarily pro eugenics but you can't say natural child birth is immune from criticism, especially regarding genetic diseases and such.

>> No.6549606

The fact that we've reached a point where people don't see anything wrong with the society portrayed in BNW is genuinely terrifying.

>> No.6549618

Is suffering really a prerequisite for romanticism?

>> No.6549620


>> No.6549627

Way to avoid the question gramps

>> No.6549635

first post gets it right again

>> No.6549639

Now respond as to why it's bad.

>> No.6549649

Brave New World is a Mekka for moral relativism. While being confronted with the way things work in BNW the reader is intuitively appalled by imagining himself in it. But what if you actually grew up in that world? You would feel, think, act - be - different and I think the question if we can apply our moral standards to this world is justified.

In some way, the society portrayed is one of complete and omnipresent nihilism, generously flavoured with utilitarism.

>> No.6549654 [DELETED] 

literally reddit, the thread

>> No.6549666

At least keep your shit straight.

>> No.6549684

Islam is the real world answer to BNWtype scenario. Allahu Ackbar!!

>> No.6549685

My thought exactly

>> No.6549694
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>> No.6549696

>The reader is intuitively appalled by imagining himself in it.
I'm not quite sure this is true, and if it is I'm starting to become convinced its because of christian morality. In BNW Christianity can't exist because they already feel no pain, feel no sorrow and generally have no struggle. Which is pretty much what the christian heaven is described as. Couple that with sexual promiscuity and a de-emphasis on personal agency and Christians start to get their panties in a bunch.

>> No.6549703

>le reddit maymay xD

We don't take kindly to your type around here NIGGER

>> No.6549711

Our society is more nihilistic than theirs. They have a globally shared culture, tremendous social cohesion.and a set of values that is nearly religious that virtually everyone abides by.

Their society is pretty much free of nihilism.

>> No.6549808

Right but government is not what's under attack, you know. It's not "this is what the government will do to you", it's a look at the means not the ends, you know, it's "this is what anyone CAN do to you." It's a study of people being controlled by pleasure.

Still a shit book, but it goes beyond anti-government sentiments.

>> No.6549829
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Orwell died in '50, Huxley in '63, so it's obviously Huxley. Besides,
>book named 1984
>published in 1949

>> No.6549903

Is that a picture of melbourne?

>> No.6549938

> written in 1948

>> No.6550034

>you now realise that huxley created a more obvious version of what we already undergo in our society to make the point that we already brainwashed into participating and that we aren't any more free from our conditioning than they are

>> No.6550060

I think the leftist mindset is still accurately portrayed by 1984 I've yet to read BNW. The whole idea of thought criminal exists today within the brigades of the PC police.

>> No.6550070

Understand what it means to be human, birth is part of that.

>> No.6550081

Amusing Ourselves to Death

>> No.6550282

So is murder, animal cruelty, diseases and death. Hardly an argument for it.

>> No.6550429

>human nature

>> No.6550463

Neither, we have our own special hellhole, but Huxley's book is the only one that's not completely masturbatory fantasy.

>> No.6550539

>thinking that BNW is a dystopia

I would volunteer for such a world

>> No.6550571

>That fucking essay
I said that both were not opposites, and that both ideas can work in tandem to one another in modern society.

>> No.6551809


>> No.6551919

The Road to Wigan Pier by Orwell will never miss the mark in any period of time

>> No.6551933

not OP but it could be, the cathedral and tram look very familiar but the neon signs throw me off

>> No.6551959

I suspect in general people drink less, take fewer drugs and actually have less sex. I think it's just more intense when they do it. In the not too distant past everyone was a borderline alcoholic or addicted opiates. People are also becoming more conservative with their money and waiting until they are older to have sex and generally having less of it.

You could argue the internet is the new dope and we are clicking at websites like they are hits of morphine in a hospital bed but that's a superficial look at an intellectual exercise. People are better educated, more connected and better informed than they have ever been. Everyone is in some grassroots movement with the internet and we are less susceptible to the powers of the government. They can no longer control the press and hide corruption as easily and people want transparency more and more.

What is scary and something I'm not sure either BNW or 1984 really talked about or saw happening was that it would be the people that would become oppressors and censors and the government would become lazy. We are entering a world of mob rule where the masses are easily offended and demand to be placated. They are literally trying to control our language to make people feel better.

Orwell was right in the sense that we would be oppressed and have our thoughts controlled and the narrative around us manipulated but Huxley was right in that we would be the ones to do it.

Although ultimately I think humans are just trying to survive by shoveling food in with one hand and flinging their shit out with the other. This external crap doesn't and won't ever really matter that much because the real world you inhabit is in a tiny space and the stream of shit around us in media is not really part of our lives.

>> No.6552052
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Someone had to do it

>> No.6552073

>liking a clean, orderly and pleasant consumerist society

>> No.6552079

yep, it is - taken in the late 60s

>> No.6552085

The world isn't suburban America, grow up.

>> No.6552127
File: 336 KB, 667x1024, Francis Fukuyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the West is the same and the rest of the world merely follows the West.

Liberalism is winning the war of ideologies.

>> No.6552211


>> No.6552238

>neil postman
nigger are you serious

>> No.6553872

this guy is right

>> No.6553887

are you a fucktard? that applies most especially to people living in cities.

>> No.6553910

quite edgy considering there's almost no precedent in literature or philosophy that advocates being a consumer aside from ayn rand

your idea of a clean, orderly consumerist utopia is kafka's nightmare

>> No.6553935
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>> No.6553956

There is precedent in society. There just isn't in literature because contemporary literature itself thrives on being edgy.

>> No.6553969

Why is that important?

>> No.6553980 [SPOILER] 
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the "those" are just spooks

>> No.6554005
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>orgy porgy
>centrifugal bumblepuppy

this seems absolutely delightful tbh

>> No.6554013
File: 22 KB, 312x475, 8809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's established that Brave New World was right... now what about overpopulation?

>> No.6554040

Overpopulation doesn't real, since the earth per definition can't maintain more of a population than it can maintain, meaning that those who are actually 'over' simply can't exist.

>> No.6554051

Do you plan on having kids/have kids?

>> No.6554060

No, why?

>> No.6554080

Overpopulation refers to sustainability, not simply existing "over".

>> No.6554166


>> No.6554167

Indefinite sustainability? That's pretty hard to determine.

>> No.6554229

What did he say?

>> No.6554245

Is there anything actually wrong with a consumerist society? Or do you live your life parroting your favorite philosophers without actually having to think for yourself

>> No.6554255

Butthurt man attacking the truth.

I think mostly brave new world but elements of 1984 are still there (newspeak especially)

>> No.6554541


>> No.6554869

>i have no idea what nihilism means

>> No.6554900

switch the 4 and the 8

>> No.6554957

Huxley, hopefully. I still don't get how BNW isn't perceived as Utopia.

>> No.6554986

How do you think they are nihilistic? They have meaning and values and ethics. Doesn't get any less nihilistic than that.

>> No.6555114

>rampant anti-intellectualism
>consumer culture
>people who are genuine, and don't find pleasure in meaningless distractions like media bullshit are considered weirdos
>pretty much everything except the robot dogs and book burnings

>> No.6555272

i dun get it

>> No.6556226

Beijing Consensus brah, Capitalistic Authoritarianism is where its at

>> No.6556868

Don't forget the focus on equality that came with the book burning. Also,
>flat screen TVs
>abortion as a contraceptive
>academia refocused into trade school 2.0 (see STEM student mentality)
>TV that involves the viewer

>> No.6556878

Fucking this
Even Bradbury himself was shocked at how they became so common nearly immediately after Fahrenheit 451
There's so many ways to just shut out the world now, the character of Montags wife (I forget her name) is an all too common real world phenomenon.

>> No.6556897

>things are the best they've ever been

>> No.6556930

Why is being on medical life support worse than living conventionally?

Language did not evolve for debates about metaethics. The world exists regardless of what we can say about it. Quality is a pre-intellectual experience.

>> No.6556935
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>capitalism with asian values

my god

>> No.6556939

*my gott, pure ideology

>> No.6556944

>Why is being on medical life support worse than living conventionally?
How is the BNW society any more on 'life support' than our society?

>> No.6557020

That's not what I'm illustrating. I'm illustrating the futility of using asking someone to put into words (intellectualize) why one is better than the other. If the world of simple hedonism is worse than that of higher metaphysical purpose it is not something we can intellectualize.

For the same reason we can't discuss with meaning the existance or non-existance of the soul, we don't know what we're talking about. The word "soul" has no meaning because we cannot triangulate to a real world phenomenon that corresponds to it.

And so, quality is precisely an example of something we cannot intellectualize.

However, because most of us live, in part, in a sort of schizophrenia were we believe the intellectualized world to be all there is, we confuse ourselves to say that something which is obviously not 'good' is 'as good as anything else', when we experience the opposite.

It is baffling that nobody in this thread has mentioned doublethink or newspeak, these are arguably some of the most important concepts in 1984.

>> No.6557123

That poster was suggesting that there is something actually obviously wrong with it that some people just can't see. That's what I take issue with.

If he merely disliked it he could just say "boo BNW" and it'd be fine.

>> No.6557156

>merely disliked it

And how is that different from there being something wrong with it?
Surely most people think BNW is a dystopia and not a utopia. Why is that the case?

>> No.6557179

>And how is that different from there being something wrong with it?
I don't, but generally the people who use such phrasing think there is.

>omg it's obviously horrible how can you not see this

Not quite emotivist lingo.

>> No.6557265

I guess i am a emotional reader whereas i was abhorred while reading Huxley. If i have to put it in words it would be that i get the feeling all the population never progresses beyond a childlike mentality. But i have to agree with >>6557020 that one existence isn't good or better than the other. Nonetheless i can only say what i felt was wrong.

>> No.6557452
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>suicide rates increasing steadily
>people requiring more and more psychiatric medications to function

But I can buy bottled sugar water and plastic crap, so it's paradise...

>> No.6557462

>>suicide rates increasing steadily
alongside population

>>people requiring more and more psychiatric medications to function
these people would simply have went untreated and undiagnosed 50 years ago

>> No.6557833

Increased population has what value?

>> No.6558118

>murder rates decreasing steadily
>people require less and less toil to survive

But there's a camera at the corner store and silly TV shows, so I feel oppressed...

>> No.6558260

I'm not him but how do you guys feel about the world?

>> No.6558287

Great post.

>> No.6558299

It's shit.

>> No.6558325


They are bred into classes. I'd hardly call that free.

>> No.6558329
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Now make it into a novel

>> No.6558333


>> No.6558335


Things will always be shit. Living is hard, deal with it. The point is that it's significantly less less shitty to live now than it ever was for many people (not all, not even a majority, but many).

People cry about war, famine and disease. You do realize that people dropped like fucking fliers for the slightest thing only a century ago? You realize that there has NEVER been so little conflict in the world at any given time than we have at this moment? You realize that famine has been ever present throughout history, and was ever present in the west as well until quite recently?

Go ask a serf from feudal times if he'd like to trade his lord of the land for a couple of CCTV cameras and then ask him if he feels opressed.

Can shit be better? Yes, but things have never been better either.

>> No.6558340


>the gubmint is INGSOC because muh NSA


>> No.6558356

While its easy, and pretty justified, to look down on those who spend considerable time preoccupied with celebrity news and reality shows. In terms of pure consumption how is someone who who watches cartoons for 5 hours a day different from someone who reads 5 hours a day. While the quality of what your consming may be higher, your still share the same plaesure seeking mindset.

>> No.6558495

Pretty cool place, not unproblematic but I manage to enjoy myself most days and there's always enough to incite my curiosity.

>> No.6558502
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That's the spirit.

>> No.6558618


>> No.6558632

The point is that there are worse things than having to work for your food. There are worse things than senseless war even. Did you actually read BNW?

Modernity brings new horrors to the table.

>> No.6558658

But the serf would not be unhappy because he lacks technology. Ask him if he needs a tractor or a supermarket to be happy. He's a slave and he knows it, we don't.

Sophisticated oppression is not better than crude oppression, just harder to fight.

>> No.6558659

Name some of these things worse than shitting yourself to death in the trenches, oh privileged one.

>> No.6558668
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Show this to a medieval peasant and ask him if he wouldn't be happy to have access to this.

It's easy to act wax all philosophical about how oppression is oppression, but I prefer a cell with Norwegian prison cell to a Russian one.

>> No.6558677

I'm not sure a medieval serf would know what a jpg is though

>> No.6558678

It's interesting how we've become so comfortable in our lives that we have become so decadent. I think vegetarianism is one of the most decadent things these days. I mean, I understand those who do it out of health issues, but political statements (about commercial treatment of animals) or ethical statements just seem so unnatural and so incredibly first world.

If society crumbled how would these people survive? They're so sensitive, so comfortable in their lives where everything is static and "normal".

>> No.6558708

>The point is that it's significantly less less shitty to live now than it ever was for many people (not all, not even a majority, but many).
i'd argue that life probably felt most fulfilling back when we lived as hunter-gatherers, since that's what we evolved to be.

also, pollution, cancer rates, decline of the core family, spiritual bankruptcy etc. there's a reason so many people are munching down prozac. my gramps used to work hard all day in a factory yet he seems to be the most fulfilled guy i know. all the younger ones in my family lack direction and are somewhat empty and depressed.

>> No.6558722

eh, most vegans are cunts but it makes sense to cut down on meat and animal products; the sheer amount of meat we consume is way more unnatural than vegetarianism; vegetarianism has been around even in prehistoric times in certain areas.

also makes sense to criticise the meat industry (most of it anyways) from an ethical standpoint as well as an environmental standpoint

i agree it usually comes from a decadent holier-than-thou place though. not vegetarian myself either

>> No.6558724

>continual warfare
>continuous treat of famine
>30% chance of a violent death

The noble savage was a mistake.

>> No.6558732

Not him, but the purpose of the title of Orwell's book wasn't to set the story in the future. Since he wrote it 4 years after.

>> No.6558738

>>continual warfare
that wasn't the case in prehistoric times. there were rituals, but it was more like any given tribe would knock some guy's head in every couple of years to prove their strength or whatever, but 'continual warfare' wasn't a thing at all.

even if there was more danger in this life, i still think it was more fulfilled. our minds and bodies evolved to do certain tasks that we just don't do anymore. a certain level of danger is what we are made for. our sedentiary lifestyle alone completely fucks with our blood sugar and hormone levels, and that's just the tip of the iceberg

i'm not talking about noble savages; just what situation i suppose must feel the most fulfilling, thrilling, alive for a human being. it's nothing to do with nobility

>> No.6558754

So you believe war is never justified? Or in the broader sense that the only meaningful thing is momentary well-being?

There are any number of stories were someone has chosen painful death for some perceived higher purpose.

>> No.6558771

>Several archaeologists and anthropologists now argue that violence was much more pervasive in hunter-gatherer society than in more recent eras. From the
!Kung in the Kalahari to the Inuit in the Arctic and the aborigines in Australia, two-thirds of modern hunter-gatherers are in a state of almost constant tribal warfare, and nearly 90% go to war at least once a year. War is a big word for dawn raids, skirmishes and lots of posturing, but death rates are high—usually around 25-30% of adult males die from homicide. The warfare death rate of 0.5% of the population per year that Lawrence Keeley of the University of Illinois calculates as typical of hunter-gatherer societies would equate to 2 billion people dying during the 20th century.

Also, we didn't 'evolve to do' anything and we aren't 'made for', be careful not to sneak teleology into evolution. Apart from that, our sedentary lifestyle is easily helped and a lot of people today are becoming more active and health concious to the point where we are capable of being easily as healthy as hunter-gatherer tribes.

>> No.6558778

I responded to a post that said:

>There are worse things than senseless war even
>Modernity brings new horrors to the table.

I was wondering which horrors of our contemporary first world Western life are worse than senseless war.

>> No.6558830

>>Several archaeologists and anthropologists now argue that violence was much more pervasive in hunter-gatherer society than in more recent eras. From the
those are studies done on peoples that have had a lot of contact with the civilised world. there's pretty much no hunter-gatherers left. homicide isn't warfare. and anyways, i wasn't arguing against warfare, just that the picture of constant warfare amongst prehistoric tribes is wrong.

>Also, we didn't 'evolve to do' anything and we aren't 'made for', be careful not to sneak teleology into evolution.
i know what you mean but we did certainly evolve to (or: evolve in such a way that we) fit a somewhat specific situation. extreme example: fish evolved to breathe in water, if you put them out of water, they die. nothing teleological about that. i do believe that removing humans or any species from their original environment (the one they adapted to) will make them less happy simply because they're wired in a way to expect certain things, be fulfilled if certain things happen. i don't argue we should return to that, i'm just saying what to me seems reasonable.

>Apart from that, our sedentary lifestyle is easily helped and a lot of people today are becoming more active and health concious
i'm pretty sure that's not true, generally speaking. afaik obesity rates in the west are peaking, so is heart disease, diabetes, etc etc. it's true that we have the option but most people simply don't do it. there is a health trend atm but i don't think that translates into a healthier population; it's just something people talk about and a symptom of a society fixed on individuals (obsession with the own body). my fat aunt talks about diet and walking and health smoothies all day, didnt do her any good so far

>> No.6558970
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Trick Question

>> No.6559015

you seem to have missed something, anon
is it possible you've had a stroke?
should i call an ambulance?
i'm sure they'd be there soon / anon

>> No.6559056

I don't mean to sound so trite and human-positive, but we are a bit more complicated than being
>wired in a way to expect certain things
>fulfilled if certain things happen

>> No.6559133

And a far more commendable one than we are.

>> No.6559200

Do you feel like a mistake, anon?

>> No.6559922


>> No.6560076

Correct answer. Read Fahrenheit.

>> No.6560099



>> No.6560633


>> No.6560980
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And this is better?

>> No.6561229

>oh no it's a screen!!

luddites pls go, this baby is training for posthumanity and space dwelling

>> No.6561254

Fuck you

>> No.6561305

go live in the wild, maaaan

>> No.6561318

Heartless Last Man detected. Enjoy your fear of death in your live for the moment mentality. You've been robbed and you don't even know it.

>> No.6561321

That's because you are a basic idiot.

>> No.6561329

>waiting until they are older to have sex and generally having less of it.
The former is the biggest joke in your post.
>inb4 muh aristocrats pedo marriages
Nice try.

>> No.6561354

what is bad about this?

>> No.6561378

>without actually having to think for yourself
>this comming from someone who thinks a consumerist society is good

>> No.6561405

well, if supply and demand has anything to say about it, the benefit is a greater number of more expendable bodies to throw at our problems

>> No.6561469

Demand does not have anything to say about it. Supply has.

Population is our problem.

>> No.6561623

>Overpopulation is a problem for white people in white countries

Good goy, don't reproduce.
heh heh heh...

>> No.6562112

this is not /pol/ u know

>> No.6562213

Discussion about dystopian literature in relation to the modern world definitely has a lot to do with politics

>> No.6562411

>things are the best they've ever been.

Is this the soma talking? :^)

>> No.6563204

Keep greentexting and dodging the question you moron

>> No.6563659

When were they better?

>> No.6563701

They were never good. The times are never good, only individuals. In dystopian fiction, the destruction of the individual is a common theme. It's something we see in the digitized age- even though people aren't changing in their own lives, all of us are a statistic to some company who want to use us. Old men running the world.