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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 279x305, stirner[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6549423 No.6549423 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Stirner never used the word "ego"? that it's just a misinterpretation on behalf of his english translators?

>> No.6549424

yes, he meant to say God

>> No.6549438

Einzige isn't necessarily ego, but for all intents and purposes it's a functional translation.

>> No.6550066

>intents and purposes
intensive purposes

>> No.6550125


in tents and porpoises

>> No.6550137

this board gets worse the less stirnerposting there is, anyone else notice that

>> No.6550155

Intense and poor persons

>> No.6550173


>> No.6550190

Freud ruined the phrase forever tbh.

>> No.6550191

Where did he even come from? how come stirner is even a meme

>> No.6550201


I remember Stan started spamming him non-stop about 2-3 years ago. Stirner was too edgy to not become a meme after that

>> No.6550208


Stirner is the undisputed king of /lit/. This is well known

>> No.6550210
File: 338 KB, 1237x867, 1399808436334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the drawings of him are cool and easily edited and he has a very 4chan friendly philosophy that for all /int/ ants and purpleness comes down to 'you can't tell me what to do, all your rules are nonsense and the only legit reason to do things is for the lulz' but in a very well argued and intelligent manner.

>> No.6550216
File: 42 KB, 389x478, 1361134842755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare stirners lads

>> No.6550217

Pretty much this. He's like an ED editor who decided to become a philosopher.

>> No.6550226
File: 120 KB, 800x509, stirner4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty neat philosophy

He uses the word spook as an actual term in his philosophy

There are no photographs of him, only two doodles. That just make him interesting.

Also he rustled Marx's jimmies.

>> No.6550227
File: 2.62 MB, 450x3000, stirner art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6550230


So Stan started all this?

Why am I not surprised.

Nothing good ever came out of that asshole.

>> No.6550231
File: 625 KB, 1200x1826, stirner8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6550234
File: 165 KB, 650x1637, 1431813008314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the edited version of this image with Stirner, Atlas, etc?

>> No.6550239

Speak of the fucking devil.

>> No.6550242
File: 21 KB, 250x305, 1380765123672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i accidentally my folder with over a hundred stirners

>> No.6550249

Do you want to trade rare Stirners?

>> No.6550262


>nothing good

i made this board you pederast.

ungrateful bunch of smarmy cunts the lot of you

>> No.6550330


psychoanalysis is an american syndrome primarily, together with the colon-bound-reductionism that is now the primary epistemic 2n order mode of all western thought. with these in mind, we are lead to a constant regression into the 'self' and after all the horrors therein are gleaned(horrors insofar as one is incapable of processing paradox), the common low born sod is poisoned, stricken with all sorts of "disorders" that leave him in perpetual search of their reification (contemporary bourgeois society is, after all, fundamentally masochistic) which then leads to further explorations of (insert generic continental existentialist here). these being nothing but a supplement to their syndromes and a worsening of their neurosis. such is the effect of nearly all of western philosophical thought.
stirner is the antidote. westernized buddhism, for the western disease
nihilism packaged any other way (such as through my fascist performative ethic of nihilism, or even an undiluted buddhism) would have been too unpalatable for the western ego. thus, give it the illusion of freedom, remove its spooks, by binding it within a super spook. q.e.d.
i think we should be pleased with the results thus far.

>> No.6550401

>fascist performative ethic of nihilism
elaborate pls

>> No.6550433
File: 268 KB, 900x601, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dread the day i meet a man with a folder of over a hundred stirners

>> No.6550445
File: 9 KB, 224x225, cot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon don't do it!

>> No.6550517
File: 23 KB, 500x550, smug stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare stirner thread

post em boys

>> No.6550520
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>> No.6550532
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i'll trade you this

>> No.6550679
File: 58 KB, 636x674, pepner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a custom hybrid meme

to be distributed freely

>> No.6550685

lol Stan was behind Stirner? That's hilarious.

>> No.6550706
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>> No.6550732
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>my oc got reposted

>> No.6550752


Oldest mentions of Stirner in the archives are by Anon.

>> No.6550754

how is the ego not a spook itself tho

>> No.6550764

because it is non-conceptual


>> No.6550774

interesting thanks anon the shitposting has made me reluctant but i might actually check some of his stuff out

>> No.6550787

>tfw you stumble upon stirnerposting you like and suddenly realise you wrote it yourself years ago


>> No.6550831

He's very much worth reading even without the memes.

>> No.6551173
File: 69 KB, 998x766, 1425931836439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about Stirner that appealed to you guys?

For me, I had always had this vague feeling of unease when confronted by ideology. I love my mother very much, but when religion came up as a topic, her eyes would glaze over like she was the manchurian candidate, and she would wax poetic about being "raised catholic" and how nice the priests were, or when one of my best friends was riding in the car with me and she called her husband's step-mom a "disgusting racist" despite the woman being really nice to me, or when I told someone I respected a lot that I'd rather kill a million people than let my sister die and he told me that was "scary", or when my brother was arrested because his friend left his backpack in his car that had a single pill of ritalin in it that he took for ADHD, or the time I got a speeding ticket, and all the thousand cuts of our modern bureaucratic society, writing essays in school that force you to subtly denigrate yourself to get a good grade, or the feeling that other people are just always playing dominance games when I would never want to lead or follow anyone, or how we torture our enemies when we should kill them, the many insults from random strangers like the rude woman on the phone at the DMV ignoring me, to simply how hard I have to work to simply get by.

I had a feeling of revolt in the pit of my stomach from around 6 years old, and despite a few brief respites, it just grew and grew. Stirner helped me understand that, that I was simply allergic to all this bullshit ideology.

When I found and read about his biggest fan, Renzo Novatore, and how he fucking LIVED IT, who knew the only reason for grenades was to throw them at cops, that I wasn't alone in the world. That you could live free and happy and that if the world wanted to make you their enemy you were the better for it. Love unreservedly and just to simply be more authentic and true to yourself.

It's not like I didn't "get it" without Stirner, but the man articulates it perfectly. He gives that confused frustrated feeling towards the world a name, and if you know something's name you are free.

I hope I didn't cut you lads on all this edge, and I'm sure I will be accused of peppering my description with spooks, but that really isn't the point.

So why do you like Stirner?

>> No.6551268

lol black person

>> No.6551335
File: 39 KB, 348x437, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh favorite

>> No.6551347
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>> No.6551348
File: 132 KB, 500x600, the_ego_and_its_gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is it about Stirner that appealed to you guys?
I want to get into a mindset where I don't waste my time with things that I neither can affect nor enjoy.
Which is hard to do, issues of others suck you in.

>> No.6551471

>Einzige isn't necessarily ego, but for all intents and purposes it's a functional translation.
this isn't true, though.

>> No.6551473

>psychoanalysis is an american syndrome primarily
wrrrrrrrrrrongggg-ggngh-nggh, nggg ng.

>> No.6551477

>implying this board is good
Remember, we can't talk about how good something is because that goes against the meta.

>> No.6551488

>a hook
>not a spook

>> No.6551516

What is this? Is this the spook of... empathy?

>> No.6551571

loveu stan

>> No.6551625

>So why do you like Stirner?
you are cool, would hang out with. Similar reasons for me, really.

>> No.6551631

What translations of Stirner should I read?

>> No.6551642

the flemish

>> No.6551644

They are all slight variations of Byington's. I recommend using this: http://www.lsr-projekt.de/poly/enee.html

>> No.6551646
File: 104 KB, 400x592, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6551719

Is dit ook leesbaar voor Ne'erlanders?

>> No.6551741

I live in sweden, our political situation is mentally retarded. Stirner is just the one person who perfectly cuts through all the bullshit.

>> No.6551742

Sure, ik ken een nederbroeder die 'm heeft. Die heeft er geen problemen mee.
De vertaling zou dichter aan leunen bij het Duits en alleen al de introductie is het geld waard.


>> No.6551875
File: 68 KB, 250x250, game_of_spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is not too lengthy on Christianity (not as much as you'd expect for a 200 year old critique), but is his chapter-long rant about the state really necessary for a parallel to today?

And, anyway, why does it seem he spends more time on uprising communism than on capitalism?

>> No.6551971

>8 euro
Dat is nog eens een koopje, bedankt broeder.

>> No.6552117

>It's not like I didn't "get it" without Stirner, but the man articulates it perfectly.
This is pretty much it for me as well. He gave words to the ideas I already intuitively adhered to in a lot of ways and did it so with more clarity and skill then I ever could, which helped me tremendously in steadfastness in my own perspective without surrendering to the reigning ideologies.

Rereading parts of his work also helps when I feel like I'm starting to compromise too much at my own expense. His work is something that you should keep with you over time rather than read once or twice, I think.

>> No.6552120

Because capitalism wasn't a deliberate ideology until the commies made it into one to oppose themselves to.

>> No.6552139

Read Weber.

>> No.6552153


>> No.6552587

I wonder if Stirner could actually be a really big thing in this country if he got seriously promoted. I think he's saying what a lot of people are thinking.

>> No.6552600

I think stirner is too heretical for the normal person to grab on to and too free to be used by people trying to further some agenda, so doubtful. That would be a sight though, wouldn't it?

>> No.6552607

Considering how literate people who read regularly on here literally can't understand a word of what stirner says, there's no scenario I can imagine in which a popularization of stirner doesn't result in mass drama at best.

>> No.6552610

> He is not too lengthy on Christianity (not as much as you'd expect for a 200 year old critique), but is his chapter-long rant about the state really necessary for a parallel to today?
Nobody gave a fuck about Christianity when Hegel shifted its place with that of State.

>> No.6552665
File: 4 KB, 200x112, _64137418_sandwich.think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually want to popularize stirner? why?

i'd much rather be the only egoist around all the zombies. it's easier to operate.

>> No.6552707

it would be dank, like pepes on the news or baneposting being linked to international accidents

>> No.6552746

Yes. But except for in the title, "Einzige" is generally translated as "unique one," which is a perfectly serviceable translation (Der Einzige literally translates to "the only one," but Stirner clearly means it in the sense of uniqueness and not in a solipsistic sense).

>> No.6552764
File: 50 KB, 237x300, groovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the translation in my language is proper

>> No.6552778
File: 18 KB, 1000x1000, mopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Museum Of Pepe Art
>filled entirely with rare pepes

>> No.6552786

I never read Hegel.
Do you mean he conceptually did this in his writing, or he advanced such a shift?

From which point on, in time, can we say that "state" was as much of a power that it is today?

>> No.6552798

I never felt oppressed like you do (or did). You describe it like being held back and I didn't experience that.

I feel like I missed out on that, but then again it doesn't sound like a happy experience.

>> No.6552807

How do you know which parts to get back to? Did you take notes or have you written into the book?

>> No.6552816

Was "Einzigartige" maybe not catchy enough?

>> No.6552915

I just roughly remember generally. I tend to have a pretty good memory for where what is in books I've read. I dislike writing in books and note taking of any kind.

>> No.6553011

With Stirners book, I have the feeling that the best part is always the last page of a chapter. It's even like that's done on purpose.
Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.6553025

I get the same feeling with Nietzsche, like he's building up momentum starting out with subtle preparation work and then towards the end he goes full force and you start wanting to agree with him excitedly like a black person in church.

>> No.6553359


Because its nothing. Its just a creative void.

>> No.6553562

Maybe did, is possible? Maybe

>> No.6554116

Because capitalism is a many faced term that is used by anyone to say anything.

People often forget that Stirner translated and was an advocate of Say and some others of the Paris school in German. Today we would call it Austrian Economist. His rant against the state comes from anarchism. But it's easier to pretend spooks are a good way of deconstructing late capitalism in a post structuralist manner than recognising that he was simply an hardcore "libertarian".

He is not really light on anything. While he is not the most used meme in academia, there are some people that refer to him without any remorse. For instance, some of the Bavarian socialists in 1919 used him, or even hacks like Camus. By the way, the relevant people that were stirnerites, like Schmitt, Junger or Steiner were Christians. That is, if you don't count "anarchists" like the LGBT crowd as relevant.

>> No.6554128


>> No.6554247 [SPOILER] 
File: 325 KB, 1920x1200, 1431907799834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because capitalism is a many faced term that is used by anyone to say anything.
You know who you gotta blame for that?
i wish i was joking

>> No.6554315

Yea in the translators note he said "the ego and its own" sounded better than "the unique one and its property" which would have been more accurate.

>> No.6554328


Read with a pencil and make small notes.

I like to make notes about parts that challenge something i thought or add something new etc then rereading you can see where you were before hand

>> No.6554335

The ego requires sustinance like any other psychological repertoire.

>> No.6554337

I hate leftist socialists

>> No.6554339


At first I thought this was a shitpost but you're actually right.

>> No.6554355
File: 798 KB, 1152x1152, spooky nadkip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take my nadkip stirner

>> No.6554358

Stirner translated the most important edition of the wealth of nations into German

He actually was fairly libertarian in that sense

Also I meant "I hate leftist anarchists" with my other posts. I've seen anarchists arguing that animals have rights.

>> No.6554376

Are you a fucking idiot? Wealth of Nations is concerned with how individual nations become wealthier, and it advocates a labor theory of value, there's nothing libertarian about it. Neither can you call Stirner libertarian in a capitalist sense, since he opposed property rights.

>> No.6554379
File: 41 KB, 520x520, stirnerpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice.

can i save it?

>> No.6554381

>adam smith

>> No.6554385

45% done with you. you're not particularly annoying though, so you're not filtered yet. just a heads up, I know you care.

>> No.6554386

its all yours my friend

>> No.6554391

there are several of us

>> No.6554395

the more the merrier

>> No.6554396
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>> No.6554400
File: 142 KB, 495x700, 20120228172648-Max-Stirner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are emotions like fear and love spooks?

>> No.6554408
File: 51 KB, 500x746, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your stirner and raise you one i made using my own blood

>> No.6554424
File: 44 KB, 875x572, stirner on love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Love is not a spook, thinking you ought to love is a spook.

>> No.6554428

you know this will summon him, right?

better get some beer and cigars.

>> No.6554480

for the record I don't browse /lit/ and I don't read or write as often as I probably should. so what i'm about to say comes from a general understanding of him. feel free to disregard anything below

i agree with his idea that acting in anything but self interest is not rational, and also that even those who claim not to be secretly are. Rather I wouldn't call it self interest so much as everyone whether they know it or not acts to further their own survival .even someone jumping off a cliff is practicing a (flawed and rush) method of survival, escaping. i assure you they arent thinking about their own death seriously till they hit the ground.

but this is also why i don't agree with anarchy. because if anarchy were to be the best system that would mean we are all acting in our self interest, this is partly true i feel. but our self interest is only acting in our survival. this is why most rational people will often exchange safety for freedom. however when we are so restricted that a simple slip up could kill us then we start to revolt.

i guess what i'm trying to say is yes it's irrational to not act in ones self interest, its even more irrational to act against ones own survival.

>> No.6554496

Stirner is blatantly unconcerned about what's rational though.

>> No.6554521

i-is this real?

is stirner going ebola-chan mode?

>> No.6554527

>always acting in self interest...
no. maaate, just stop. you're confusing stirner's egoism for psychological or rational egoism


>> No.6554538

Have you read Stirner or just some secondary stuff? You seem to be ascribing things to him he didn't say.

>> No.6554561

Stirner's egoism is psychological egoism, that is the idea that everyone is an egoist. Stirner then divides those into voluntary and involuntary egoists.

>> No.6554608

I like him because he pretty much said the things I thought but more eloquently.

>> No.6554717

The historical context and intent of the work is irrelevant.

>> No.6554758

i don't believe in psychological egoism, in acting only with self-interest, but through acting selfishly, that i believe.

there is never an unwilling psychological egoist, since they are incapable of behaving otherwise to begin with, while the unwilling/involuntary egoist exists through selfishness alone.

>> No.6554808

>In the same way too, by determining the relation which a philosophical work professes to have to other treatises on the same subject, an extraneous interest is introduced, and obscurity is thrown over the point at issue in the knowledge of the truth. The more the ordinary mind takes the opposition between true and false to be fixed, the more is it accustomed to expect either agreement or contradiction with a given philosophical system, and only to see reason for the one or the other in any explanatory statement concerning such a system. It does not conceive the diversity of philosophical systems as the progressive evolution of truth; rather, it sees only contradiction in that variety. The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of the blossom. These stages are not merely differentiated; they supplant one another as being incompatible with one another. But the ceaseless activity of their own inherent nature makes them at the same time moments of an organic unity, where they not merely do not contradict one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and this equal necessity of all moments constitutes alone and thereby the life of the whole. But contradiction as between philosophical systems is not wont to be conceived in this way; on the other hand, the mind perceiving the contradiction does not commonly know how to relieve it or keep it free from its one-sidedness, and to recognise in what seems conflicting and inherently antagonistic the presence of mutually necessary moments.

Read it and weep. Get over your fucking retarded notions that "whatever stance the author held, is the filter by which we MUST interpret the authors work"

It's not that simple. Adam Smith's work is most relevant for hard right economics, of which there is only libertarians. """Intent""" is irrelevant

>> No.6554816

Daily reminder that Stirner is a Hegelian and understanding Hegel will illuminate his views much more thoroughly

>> No.6554825

Stirner said in another work that people are capable of true selfless love, which contradicts that view.

>> No.6554833

citation pls

>> No.6554854


"Posts by people other than anonymous are worth less than nothing." -Max Stirner

>> No.6554856

60% now

>> No.6554866
File: 126 KB, 849x1052, 1427976384026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth less than nothing

Stop impersonating the one and true Max.

>> No.6554880

>not being Marx Stirner

>> No.6554881

>there are parts of the wealth of nations which can be used in favour of a libertarian agenda
>therefore stirner himself was a libertarian for translating the book

muy kek cabron

>> No.6554884


>> No.6554912

http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/max-stirner/ section 2.3

>literally argues for competition in the ego
It's not just one sign, and I'm not saying he WAS a libertarian, but he's slanted more toward giving them ground than communists like Marx was.

>> No.6554915
File: 1.01 MB, 1773x2363, enemy of the stars (2)_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lit have you read that namedropped stirner and the ego and it's own?

pic related is all i've found without cheating.

>> No.6554937


Also Zizek's anti-ideology position is not too far from Stirner's spooks

>> No.6554944
File: 10 KB, 281x179, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, actually it is. Zizek's definition of ideology is Althusser's. Spooks are conscious idols.

>> No.6554945


>> No.6554985

Interesting, since I've been involved in young Hegelian philosophy and Hegel generally, Zizek has become much more interesting and meaningful

>> No.6555010

Most people who steal from Max refuse to namedrop him, like Nietzsche.

Max wouldn't mind though since he rejected property rights.

>> No.6555076

That's politics for you. If people were forced to speak their worst thoughts, and our imaginations are true, we would hate each other.

>> No.6555113


Let us bring back crazy, speculative idealism, /lit/

>> No.6555121

Any egoists here? How is it?

>> No.6555131

It's.. fine? What do you expect me to say?

>> No.6555189

Something more confident

>> No.6555251

>who knew the only reason for grenades was to throw them at cops
you don't understand Stirner at all

>> No.6555269

He's referring to a meme you dip

>> No.6555311
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>> No.6555340


>> No.6555384


>> No.6555395

You don't understand Stirner. Do you even read brah?

>> No.6555421

>all your rules are nonsense and the only legit reason to do things is for the lulz
that's now my favourite quote

>> No.6555470

I've read some Nietzsche works way before reading Stirner, although there's much there that I see some sense, Nietzsches' always seemed like a huge moron to me.

Stirner was like this guy that takes only the good parts of that though and it's a really nice guy.

Like, he says all he says and at the same time he sounds like this super nice person that loves everyone for the right reasons (for me) and at the same time is not that judgmental of those who don't or of almost anything else really and that's kinda how I have always felt.

At the same politics are important to me and I pretty much agree with his views. Is like he clarified for me a huge part of what's wrong with the left.
And I think reading Stirner (not only him, but...) changed a lot of how I live my life in a sense that I try to question what is "imposed" to me by society and try to do stuff ignoring some barriers that aren't really there or trying to live more in a way that I enjoy than in a way that I'm "supposed to live".
And by this I don't mean some ultra cool revolutiary stuff, I just mean doing that with simple mundane stuff, it kinda leads to a better life imo (although sometimes getting rid of spooks is painful :).

>> No.6555473

eggcorn pls

>> No.6555876


>> No.6556028


>focusing on Smith forgetting he was into Say
Say is libertarian general.

Stirner in the 20th century would have been the slightly depraved link between Murray Rothbard and Mencken.

>> No.6556206
File: 126 KB, 1200x874, kokou-no-hito-3427961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting rid of spooks
he advocates ownness more than freedom from ideals

make them serve you

why doesn't anyone understand this

>is _______ a spook?

>> No.6556494

He would mock libertarians just as he would mock liberals because they still believe in all kind of spooky things like property rights.

>> No.6556505

This. You can't be 'rid of spooks' without getting rid of thought. Which is an impossibility without getting rid of your life. It's about using conceptual thought to your heart's delight without being used by it.

>> No.6558220

This isn't even a point to me. Stirner still responds to communism with libertarian arguments and his thought structure mirrors theirs in ways. You're retarded as fuck to be so intensely centered on one conception and focusing on truth and falsity rather than the dialectical progression of thought

Stirner says explicitly "you" are a spirit. Read Hegel to make sense of this

>> No.6558243

I.E. the creative nothing is a spirit

>> No.6558272


>I.E. the creative nothing is a spirit

I'd disagree with that. I think the creative nothing is not spirit, by virtue of the fact it is nothing.

>> No.6558454

I'll explain it in a little bit but it's not as simple

>> No.6558529

Just because his arguments seem similar to some of your libertarian stuff doesn't mean they are libertarian arguments and it doesn't mean you can claim the Maximator for your muh rights and muh freedom club of Rand worshippers.

Libertarians truly are the worst with their notion that rules they like are freedom and rules they dislike are oppression.

>> No.6558544

To both Hegel and Feuerbach, the "you" that's capable of reading, writing, talking and communicating is the reason. The reason is ONLY capable of accepting reason. Feuerbach understands that Christianity began with the belief that the reason is higher than all things, e.g., the side that can only accept reason is the absolute facet, and above all.

Stirner wants to say that, basically, both the reason and the unreasonable are neither superior. What is the unreasonable? It would be the hedonist, the uncontemplative life.

But the reasonable is the life of the purely spiritual. Thus all discussion, all reason is reason of spirits. So Stirner is saying, more or less, stop applying any absolute values to your faculties.

It's basically all about the Apollonian/Dionysian divide that Nietzsche spoke of.

Of course, you can't actually "speak" of the unreasonable, because the reason cannot accept the unreasonable. So all attempts to speak of these human things is necessarily a failure.

As for the "creative nothing" being a spirit, that's Hegel. Hegel knows that your phenomena are unreasonable, but in the process of self development, you must turn yourself into an object, contemplate that object and negate it. So negation of the creative nothing fulfills its idea as such. The ultimate goal is refutation of itself.

Hegel also believed that all things should be spiritual, "of the mind", and that "substantial life", the unreasonable, should be placed entirely in reason. Stirner is against only this value in Hegelianism, but is Hegelian in nearly all tools of analysis.

>> No.6558550

Stop focusing on truth and falsity, you doltish bum. Stirner and libertarianism aren't negative truth and falsity states. They birth into each other their own truths. Stirner happens to verge closer to the entropy of libertarians than the Absolute of Hegelian derivatives.

This doesn't mean he defends property rights or Ayn Randianism. Read Hegel.

>> No.6558554

>muh hegel muh dialectic

>> No.6558568


IIRC Stirner doesn't support property rights at all and merely defines property by what you can take and defend. He advocates "theft" as defined by law The Ego, saying that if you can't steal something, its not real competition.

>> No.6558588

If it's not obvious through intuition that it's too simple to say "Stirnerism is the opposite of libertarianism", then you're too retarded to reason with

Of course he doesn't, why does that matter to my point?

>> No.6558615

Stirner doesn't verge closer to any of those assorted fixed idea worshipping ideologies.

>> No.6558685

just because his maxim doesnt directly support an ideology doesnt mean he didnt influence them.

>> No.6558720

It's, again not about negatives and truth/falsity, don't reify libertarianism. You must break the ideas down and compare them. Stirner clearly shows he was influenced by and influenced libertarian thought. Responding with "Stirner isn't a libertarian" just straight misses the point.

>> No.6558737

I musn't do shit. Libertarianism didn't even exist in Stirner's time. He may have influenced some libertarian thought by virtue of them misunderstanding him, but that's about as far as it goes.

>> No.6558777

We only have our perspective on history. It doesnt matter what Stirner or Adam Smith called themselves, because neither Stirner nor Adam Smith were able to tell from their perspective what their ideas would mean to us.

As far as you pointing out that Stirner isn't a "libertarian", you're right, but you're right insofar that no particular EVER in ANY circumstance fits any particular ever. John Locke didn't actually believe all things came from sense, David Hume didn't believe all knowledge was impossible, no individual's view on anything is equal to the universal descriptions we give, that's why no empiricists actually believe the core ideas of empiricism as truth verbatim and Absolutely. You're stuck in very basic and childlike notions of the development of thought.

And you're right, you can be unreasonable, but you can't be unreasonable in the context of reason, which we are doing now. If you get unreasonable with me, the conversation ends and you stay ignorant.

>> No.6558780

>As far as you pointing out that Stirner isn't a "libertarian", you're right, but you're right insofar that no particular EVER in ANY circumstance fits any particular ever.
Change to "fits any universal ever." at the end

>> No.6558789

I.E. I don't have to accept a philosophy wholly or reject him wholly. This is literally like section 2 of the preface of the phenomenology

Stirner was a student of Hegel, by the way, so you're wrong if you believe Hegel had no influence.

>> No.6558834

>Custom having once given the name of “the ancients” to our pre-Christian ancestors, we will not throw it up against them that, in comparison with us experienced people, they ought properly to be called children, but will rather continue to honor them as our good old fathers.
I.E., our thought has dialectically progressed and sublated the past, <insert Hegelian history here>

>> No.6558939

Stirner is basically an opposing value judgment to Hegel, basically all of the work against ideology is present within Hegel. I really want to speak with Zizek about this. Does anyone know his email?

>> No.6559004
File: 62 KB, 800x600, tfw .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stirner is basically an opposing value judgment to Hegel
sorta knew that already

>emailing zizek
don't forget to attach some kleenex

> <hegel> alone is a philosopher who sees and demonstrates or proves the presence of heaven in the world, the supernal in the earthly, the divine in the mundane

>> No.6559018

Stirner isn't against the spiritual, he's merely against elevating it above the substantial. Reread the section in Stirner about the sophists, he commends them for using reason as an egoist would, selfishly.

>> No.6559067

>but you're right insofar that no particular EVER in ANY circumstance fits any particular ever.
I think you're downplaying their incompatibility. Stirner's philosophy and any ideology involving rights are diametrically opposed.

I never said Stirner wasn't influenced by Hegel.

>> No.6559114

>Here Paterson’s sentimental argument gives us a truism -- that Stirner is attacking the sacred. Stirner’s point, however, was that this sort of sacredness or holiness is -- imaginary.
right, he never really attacks it

>For Stirner, the issue is not how I got my beliefs, but what I do with them once I begin to think for myself.

>> No.6559122

>I think you're downplaying their incompatibility. Stirner's philosophy and any ideology involving rights are diametrically opposed.
No, because the anti-ideology ideology is just as much of an Absolute spirit as any other. You've turned Stirner into an ideology.

Reread the first sections of Stirner. It's absolute spirit, not spirit, he argues against. Absolute spirits are spooks, but the negation of all spooks as a value is a spook. You can't reason through it, that's why he advocates unreason

>> No.6559136

looks like pepe eyes

>> No.6559219
File: 693 KB, 800x600, pepfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

custom made rare 4 u

>> No.6559223

I'm not turning anything into anything, I'm just noting that opposite positions are not similar positions.

You sound like you just read Hegel for the first time and are very excited about applying it to absolutely everything as if it were gospel.

>> No.6559231

thanks m8

rare af

>> No.6559233
File: 17 KB, 350x294, polls_HappyFROG_420px_3454_556380_poll_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare rare rare

>> No.6559448

Right, the "sacred" spirit is nothing but a spirit itself, that's a perfect understanding.

>> No.6559587

>You sound like you just read Hegel for the first time and are very excited about applying it to absolutely everything as if it were gospel.

You sound like you just read Stirner for the first time and glossed over half the paragraphs that were "weird" as though they had no meaning, "and are very excited about applying it to absolutely everything as if it were gospel."

Alright, you're starting to be a waste of my time, so this will be my last response to your repeated parroting of something you clearly don't get.


Read that. It's where Stirner got his line.

Communism in Stirner's day (and through Marx) are obviously based in Hegelianism. Hegelianism involves the optimistic pursuit of absolute truth, or spirit. As such, all ideologies that "find" this absolute truth, are all-encompassing absolutes. Literally all facets of everything are contained in the absolute spirit.

Libertarians never claim their views on property rights to be an ALL-ENCOMPASSING spirit. They say "do literally anything you like, except my property". If we're to view Stirner solely in your view, then I'm right, because libertarians are closer to saying "I don't know the truth for you, you can pick that, but just respect this one spook" versus "literally all things must be in my spook". That's why Stirner is CLOSER to libertarians than the leftists of his day. The libertarian spook is not as all-encompassing as the communist spook. Got it?

But, Stirner isn't even against spooks at all. Stirner is fine with libertarians, and literally VERBATIM uses their arguments in the ego. Remember the Goethe poem? What is it saying? The Goethe poem is saying that ALL "absolute" spirits failed him, so he stopped caring and instead drinks with his friends.

THAT is what Stirner is saying, except slightly more reserved. Stirner wants you not to waste your life in Hegel's pursuit of the absolute, you can do that if you so choose, but there's nothing wrong either with just having a beer, you don't need spirits with your spirits.

By the way, it would help if you knew that "to negate" wasn't simply to disagree; Stirner absolutely would disagree with libertarians, but he wouldn't negate them, negative thinking is the absolute polar opposite thinking, and Stirner's thought isn't polarized to libertarians because not all facets of libertarian thought are Absolute.

But go ahead, demonstrate again that you are simply an angry child who just hates libertarians, and wants to abuse an thinker he doesn't get to justify his own beliefs. You don't have to develop your thoughts, but you should know that you're simply basic and not really worth talking to. Adios.

>> No.6559860

Not actually, if you own it it's not a spook. The ideals you have based on your own thought because they appeal to you are not spooks. Therefore by getting rid of spooks I don't mean them.

Please stop being edgy and thinking you are the cool guy that get stuff other people don't. :)

>> No.6559915

you can't really own spirits

>> No.6560616

as an alcoholic i disagree

>> No.6560619

But those are mine

>> No.6560642

but some of them want to use you
some of them want to get used by you
some of them want to abuse you
some of them want to be abused

>> No.6560679

>Libertarianism didn't even exist in Stirner's time.
What would you call Turgot, Bastiat, Constant, Jackson, van Buren?
Does their thinking mysteriously start being libertarian around 1950?

>> No.6560767


>> No.6560779

/r/ing the well spooked my property stirner

>> No.6560796
File: 135 KB, 803x688, 1426504434617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony ideologys blessing, but because I am enlightened by my egoism

>> No.6560880

i made this rare stirner and i claim it as my property (along with all you virgins)

>> No.6560899

>(along with all you virgins)
please be gentle

>> No.6561905

bless you, my properties

>> No.6561914
File: 179 KB, 564x516, i am the only rule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your stirner and raise you one with this comfy stirner

>> No.6562075
File: 102 KB, 957x1300, stomach-ache-caucasian-man-blue-shirt-cries-extreme-pain-pressing-hands-against-white-background-35947722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, object

>> No.6562087

Junger's Christianity is overstated by his Fash/rad-trad defenders. By the end of his life, he was almost certainly agnostic. To the extent that he believed in an afterlife, as revealed in works like The Adventurous Heart, he didn't believe in the Christian one.

Junger is a very complicated figure, and so is his use of Max Stirner.

>> No.6562100

>Stirner wants you not to waste your life in Hegel's pursuit of the absolute, you can do that if you so choose, but there's nothing wrong either with just having a beer, you don't need spirits with your spirits.

This is the best explanation of Stirner in this thread so far. Relevant Stirner quote:
>No sheep, no dog, exerts itself to become a “proper sheep, a proper dog”; no beast has its essence appear to it as a task, i.e. as a concept that it has to realize. It realizes itself in living itself out, in dissolving itself, passing away. It does not ask to be or to become anything other than it is.

>> No.6562113

Why the fuck people feel like Stirner has to be recuperated into any sort of non-anarchist thought?

Why the fuck people feel like there is any kind of non-left anarchism?

Americans disgust me.

>> No.6562367

Outis, I love you to death, but you should limit your posting quantity if you're going to keep the name up at all times.

>> No.6562400

it's a public name, see?

there are dozens of users.

>> No.6562407

Oh. When did it become so?

>> No.6562423
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>> No.6562442

Because a spook is something that is not you that you put above yourself.

>> No.6562443

Is it true that Stirner once killed 16 men and drank their blood like it was water?

>> No.6562523

>their blood
It was his blood.

>> No.6562532

Fuck off, Marx.

>> No.6562541

stirner is basically jack kerouac then (you find god, but not in the pursuit of god)

>> No.6562545

It was actually my blood.

>> No.6562547

>as an actual term
He uses it brielfy on the first part of his book as a metaphor (mocking the hegelian geist). Taking it as his key concept is all /lit/'s stupid doing.

>> No.6562580

i'm unsure, but from the beginning many impersonated him without objection.

here's an unrelated platitude:

>I have no objection to freedom, but I wish you more than freedom; You ought to not merely be rid of what you do not want, you ought to also have what you want, you would have to be not only "free", you would have to be an "owner".
from this, i see egoism as not merely busting spooks, freeing yourself from ideology, foreign causes, beliefs, and convictions. freedom is the ultimate negation, but not the end for egoism, only solipsism. egoism is more of a selective negation that only bothers for the useful or the interesting.

>> No.6562595
File: 38 KB, 468x304, article-0-006E03F700000258-4_468x304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm that, i changed it for something longer

>mfw i'm ruining the name of ΟΥΤΙΣ

>> No.6562831


Not much different than before.

It's more like I go out and do my public functions, go to my job, but I am now actively aware of the ridiculousness of it all, which, unintuitively, makes things a lot more fun. I give people more knowing winks and creepy nods so that they know that I know.

>> No.6562933
File: 95 KB, 1678x488, YOUNG LADIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see a connection here. how many young ladies do you reckon noble stirner gave the ole unique one to?

>> No.6562960


yes. it is the same with freud.

>> No.6562966


>psychoanalysis is an american syndrome primarily

so. wrong.

>> No.6563060

He was married twice, right? Because I think his other wife said something like "It never felt like living with him, rather it felt like living next to him."

>> No.6563067

he left the school before publishing so. . .

might be

>> No.6563228

The old skool hardcore remix of that is the tits

>> No.6563239


The tits m8

>> No.6563253

There is post left anarchism

>> No.6563259

He uses spook to refer to Absolute spirits

>> No.6563558

Yes this is true. I personally suspect Stirner was banging young ladies at the school

>> No.6563656
File: 94 KB, 1236x456, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys guess who this philosopher was? just discovered him. he was like stirner's little brother.

it wasn't stirner, though he had the same last name, was a young hegelian, and published a work paralleling the ego and its own a year afterward.

>> No.6563714


>> No.6563721

Pretty good. I like the original more though. Manson version is also alright.

>> No.6563732

I still feel bad about his kid.

I really wonder how Johann reacted to that. Apparently he was a very nice albeit quiet and introverted person when he wasn't Max Stirner.

>> No.6563751

my google-fu says karl schmidt but I can't find so much as a wiki about him.

>> No.6563754

reading his biography is a pretty sad endeavour tbh

>> No.6563755

fucking suspicious, right?

>> No.6563769

Yes. Same thing they tried with Max.

>> No.6563800

I plan to do so eventually.

Did he have other family?

No one tried to make Stirner obscure, it just happened to him.

>> No.6563835

>No one tried to make Stirner obscure, it just happened to him.
>nietzsche deliberately silent about stirner's influence on him
>when he lets it slip once among friends he asks them not to tell anyone because people would speak of plagiarism
>marxs gets hella mad but ultimately doesn't publish his shitty criticism on stirner
>Husserl deliberately never mentions him to 'protect his students'
>Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.
>the section on Stirner in Camus' The Rebel is ommited in most English editions

People didn't happen to forget. They wanted to.

Based Mackay resurrected the Maximator and set him loose upon the world again though.

>> No.6563862

what do you guys think of this karl schmidt?

i found he was mentioned briefly in Welsh's relatively recent Max Stirner's 'Dialectical Egoism - A New Interpretation' (a pdf is up if you google it), but not enough to satisfy my curiosity.

i found a preview of the english translation of das individuum:


if that link doesn't work, i think searching for 'das verstandestum und das individuum' on google books will bring it up.

i'm reading it atm, not sure what to expect.

>> No.6563890


>> No.6563901

I just learned about him from you, but I'm too tired to get into it now tbh. Sounds interesting though.

How do you like Welsh's book? Worth reading?

I haven't read any secondary lit on Stirner apart from that Camus part in The Rebel (which is pretty fun, pic related, you can see that typical stirnerfear shining through) and Mackay.

>> No.6563913
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Seems like my forgetfulness illustrates my tiredness.

>> No.6564020

Where are the quotes of that last paragraph from?
When reading EE Stirner never seemed that violent to me.

>> No.6564050

The translation on Gutenberg goes like this:

>To-morrow they carry thee to the grave; soon thy sisters, the peoples, will follow thee. But, when they have all followed, then——mankind is buried, and I am my own, I am the laughing heir!

Sounds a lot less edgy. The others are malformed and taken out of context even more:

To find those parts, ctrl+f:
>or you are not so great as a criminal, you—commit no crime!
>I can kill them, not torture them


>> No.6565167

>>nietzsche deliberately silent about stirner's influence on him
>>when he lets it slip once among friends he asks them not to tell anyone because people would speak of plagiarism

Did this happen?

>> No.6565717

Yes, though the only source I know is the wikipedia article about the relationship between Stirner and Nietzsche.

>> No.6565740 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 479x348, 1432132355494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



WHAT IF I'm retarded

>> No.6565754

Einzige is not ego. A better translation would be The only one or The single one and his property.

>> No.6565759

yeah I kek congraztz

>> No.6565836

>Nietzsche's closest friends and other people near to him were perplexed. No one could remember ever having heard the name of Stirner from Nietzsche's mouth. There are dozens of letters in the archives that bear witness to the confusion of his friends. They understood well enough why Nietzsche had been publicly silent about Stirner, but why did he, given his "habitual communicativeness" (Overbeck), never mention him even in the most familiar circles? Only Overbeck's wife Ida remembered in 1899 a discussion she had with Nietzsche about twenty years earlier, during which he unintentionally let escape the remark that he felt a mental kinship to Stirner. "This was accompanied by a solemn facial expression. While I attentively observed his features, these changed again, and he made something like a dispelling, dismissive movement with his hand, and spoke under breath: 'Well, now I have told you, even though I did not want to speak of it. Forget about it. They would talk about a plagiarism, but you will not do that, I'm sure.'" (33)

>> No.6565884

She literally had one job.

>> No.6565946
File: 150 KB, 245x320, maxim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Stirner was to atheist moralists what satan was to Christians.

>In his opus magnum Joël writes: 'The Ego' is the "most rampant heretic book a human hand has ever written", and Stirner laid with it the foundation for a veritable "devil's religion."

>The "destruction of alienation", that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to "the return to authenticity", and this would be "nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status."

>Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner]."

>Calasso too regards Stirner's "Egoist" or rather "Owner" as an "artificial barbarian", an "anthropological monster" etc.. 'The Egoist' is the "writing on the wall", signalling the doom of occidental culture.

>No, the intrinsic reason, which was passed down probably by accident, was that [Husserl] wanted to protect his students (and perhaps himself?) against their "temptational power".

>Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.

>Nevertheless in his study of Nietzsche, [Klages] was prompted to commemorate the author Stirner as a "sheer demoniacal dialectician." He concedes to him that his thinking, in comparison to Nietzsche's, is "often more radical, less circumlocutory, analytically more exact", and that he "gives ultimate conclusions, for the most part, with more conciseness." Klages regards Stirner as that "antipode of Nietzsche, who in any case should be taken seriously." Stirner, he says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because "the day on which Stirner's program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the 'doomsday' of mankind."

>> No.6566157

What are some good secondary sources on Stirner?

I'm about half-way through TEaHO, and I really like it.

>> No.6566508

it was a joke, something along this line
"Hey, that is Max Stirner, he wont drink beer, i bet he'll drink a glass of blood"

>> No.6566533 [DELETED] 

Tham, according to al these fags he was way more based than I've always believed.

>> No.6566541

Read this.

>> No.6566552

And specifically to Hegel's. Most of the shit he writes is satirizing Hegel.

>> No.6566568

How can a hardocre statist be considered a stirnerite? I don't get it.

>> No.6566651
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Oh god stirner makes me wet as fuck

>> No.6566657
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>> No.6566995

>the doom of occidental culture.
I love this meme.

>> No.6567164
File: 40 KB, 600x400, 2eed6c81497d46f0902b8664bcbcf6cf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen,they call him the doom of occidental culture, the demoniacal dialectition, the unique one, the artificial barbarian, the anthropological monster and the antipode of Nietzsche! I present to you, the one and only!
*rap music plays*

>> No.6567265

>please be gentle
I hope you're not trying to make me feel i OUGHT to be gentle...

>> No.6567278

I hope YOU'RE not trying to make me feel I ought to not make you feel that you ought to be gentle
fucking property

>> No.6567286
File: 113 KB, 480x400, spookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare stirner thread

>> No.6567289

Is that a post-apocalyptic bunker with no food but lots of brill cream?

>> No.6567316
File: 59 KB, 640x640, policomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little political compass i made

>> No.6567325

Stirner is on the south-east corner.

>> No.6567344

you're wrong. I was going to call you an idiot but you've just made a mistake. You can't put Stirner on the scale. this quiz has a bunch of spooky propositions on it.

I see why you would say something like that. He's anti-government, but too the right is fiscal conservatism, but I don't think Stirner would be into markets.

>> No.6567413


Stirner was into markets, he tried to start his own milk business and translated The Wealth of Nations. However, he knows about the inherant spookiness of a market and says he has no problem with theft.

>> No.6567450

I still find it funny that his actual name was as bland as John Smith.

>> No.6567652

Wasn't Johann the name of the bad guy in Monster?

Quick, what was Stirner's hair colour?

>> No.6567841

>Stirner was into markets,
>he tried to start his own milk business and translated The Wealth of Nations.
Nigga, pls.

>> No.6567848

In tension, poop her sons.

>> No.6567910


fuckheads. that sentence was a commentary on current trends as modes treating the general public, fitting into a broader comment about the individual self-perception. this wasn't a comment to elicit your half assed understanding of lacan or deleuze or whatever fundamentally dead to the world continental philosopher that you still think is keeping the cokehead's spirit alive. i well the fuck know of its origins, and i'm well aware of contemporary discourse.

BUT, currently, psychoanalytic modes of assessment, whether personal or professional, are primarily confined to America. most, but not all, of europe has lodged their heads out of their asses, and moved away from regressive-reductionist psychological assessment. while this still remains a western syndrome, much of europe has made huge strides. alas, psychoanalysis is now primarily an american syndrome.

>> No.6568194
File: 6 KB, 250x198, 1427080736595s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Need more pics like this

>> No.6568231

>made this board
you did?

>> No.6568336


"made" is pretty loaded word, and i'm not that traitor cuckold if thats what you're asking,

think of it in the same way that megyn kelly "made" me hard enough to keep watching fox news without smashing my head through the television, or seriously contemplating homicide

>> No.6568503

Would Christianity be a spook for Western atheists?

>> No.6568872
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>> No.6568873

my max game on point faggot, lets not get ahead of ourselves junior

half those anon are me before the trip, followed by my OW9! trip, followed by my current one

took me two years to indoctrinate these cunts, show some respect fuccboi

>> No.6568888

you can be whatever you like, as long as it serves your interests, but you must hypothetically be able to rid yourself of it all, since egoists are indefinite, undefinable, perhaps only defined as egoists.

>> No.6568894

meant to tag this poor cunt, permanent fixture and astute archeologist>>6550752

/lti/ sleuth extraordinare...

>> No.6568923
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>> No.6569228

im out of rare stirners

>> No.6569675

tips fedora to y'all

>> No.6569683

Make more then.

>> No.6570231

>realize everything you do is because you want to do it
>realize that any ideal you follow and consider sacred is fake and you only do it to please yourself.

-I want to promote certain values within society
Stirner: you are only doing this cause you want to please your ego!!!
-eh, yeah thats why I said I "want".
Stirner: but these values were invented by society.
-yeah I still dont see why we are discussing these platitudes.
Striner: they are only platitudes because you live in the 21th century!
Striner: The point I was making is that there is no god or religion or some deterministic spirit of society.
I was essentially saying dont believe stuff we sort of already know are fake.
I was proclaiming these things are fake.
The individual is this amorphous blob that has desires that appear magically.
See, I couldnt know back then the depth and extent to which society culture and language are inseparable from the individual and drive his desires even as he recognizes them.

-So why do so many /lit/ constantly mention something that was only semi controversial in the 19th century?
Stirner: cause baby's first realization that We design the word as we please. Your board is full of teens.
-yeah I guess, I just wish they didnt interpret it to mean they in practice have to be selfish ayn rand zombies and that part of being a person is living within society, inadvertently sharing some of its values and opposing others(while obviously realizing it can be viewed as satisfying one's ego).
they keep confusing your proclamation with "there is no meaning to anything", "nothing is sacred", as if we havent already established that meaning and what is sacred is indeed decided by us.
-Oh striner, they still use terms from the point of view of religious people(thinking intuitively meaning is given by a higher being), probably because their countries are ripe with religious dumb dumbs.
Oh well, they will grow up at some point.

>> No.6570238
File: 5 KB, 160x160, 1385262422573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to fucking write before you vomit up this clusterfuck in my thread

>> No.6570246

it was a shit thread about some meme guy that no one cares about outside this shitty board anyway.

>> No.6570249

>b-b-but it doesn't matter anyway i-i-i was just pretending to be retarded
i can taste your shame through the monitor

>> No.6570250

>Writing properly
Lose the spook kid.

>> No.6570251

heh, it wasnt me you maymay teen.

>> No.6570262

I wasn't even the guy you were talking to earlier. I just noticed that there are a lot of threads about this meme guy, probably started by whoever is publishing him now in the same manner that the kanye meme threads on /mu/ were started by his label for monetary gain. Nobody actually reads this shit XD and if you do, you were tricked by his publisher. All of the real users of this site left years ago and now it's just easily influenced underaged posters and the corporations that influence then recommending shit writers so they gain money.

>> No.6570272

>stirnerposting is just the CORPORATIONS trying to shill for a new edition of an obscure 170 year old philosophical text which is freely available online and in libraries
This is the most infantile attempt at seeming "in the know" I've seen this month

>> No.6570285
File: 12 KB, 211x202, 1431553768128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize that 4chan is basically a viral marketing center to influence teens and that over half of the posts on sfw boards are just advertisements written by paid shills to sell products
stay pleb there bud.

>> No.6570318

>implying you're not just a shill for the catolic church

>> No.6570569
File: 18 KB, 317x309, Genie_working_with_Marilyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing the equivalent of troubleshooting a military bomber's avionics systems based on watching 45 minutes of top gun

you think how you acquire your beliefs matters, but it doesn't for the egoist. furthermore, belief isn't core to egoism, as dogma fails to elude even the nonbeliever. it's not about knowing or believing anything.

you aren't even trying to persuade me with those lukewarm opinions.

>> No.6570585
File: 36 KB, 463x387, xHzNQi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Stan-kun is back

>> No.6570636

Huh. I always thought Stirner as a (monistic?) materialist.

>> No.6570777

Nah, he's a moralistic mineralist.

>> No.6570815

No, he doesn't describe/doesn't have an ontology but his views are basically Hegelian, so he would be an idealist of sorts

>> No.6570865

>so he would be an idealist of sorts
Obviously not.

>> No.6570925


>realize everything you do is because you want to do it


>> No.6570998


>> No.6571093

According to your retarded logic Marx and Engels should be idealists too. Being a hegelian doesn't mean you agree with him.

>> No.6572296

>Of course, you can't actually "speak" of the unreasonable, because the reason cannot accept the unreasonable. So all attempts to speak of these human things is necessarily a failure.

Stirner was the first Lacanian.

>> No.6572377

More like Stirner said it first.