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/lit/ - Literature

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6547982 No.6547982 [Reply] [Original]

Scifi books

gibe de bookz, b0zz

what scifi books are good read?

>> No.6547995

Hunger Games

>> No.6547999

The Expanse series

>> No.6548044


>> No.6548053


I wish there'd be more translated russian scifi novels.

>> No.6548102

Phillip k. Dick
Frank Herbert - Dune

>> No.6548107


>> No.6548110

Arthur C. Clarke
Isaac Asimov
Robert A. Heinlein
H.G. Wells
Phillip K. Dick
Frank Herbert

>> No.6548116



If TV wants to create another series with the budget, scale and popularity as GoT, they will turn to Hyperion.

>> No.6548434

Pretty much this

My favourite scifi:
>A Scanner Darkly
>The Noon Is A Harsh Mistress
>I, Robot

>> No.6548437

read the fucking sticky

>> No.6548469

Iain Banks is fun enough

>> No.6548471


>No John Wyndham

I thought there would be people with taste here.

>> No.6550502

Robert Sheckley - Store of the Worlds

>> No.6550512
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>like Science Fiction setting
>like Fantasy characters and storytelling

This is suffering.

>> No.6550718

I'm not sure if others would agree but I thought the Halo novels were great.

>> No.6550745

stanislaw lem is the high priest under pkd

>> No.6550773
File: 25 KB, 567x567, IMG_82878872955702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy oh boy do I have the perfect media franchise for you!

>> No.6550785

Obligatory Phillip K. Dick mention

>> No.6550800

The Mote in God's Eye
Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.6550823

I doubt that.

also, most of it's not quite as good as Hyperion, but I get the feeling from lit a lot of people don't go any farther into Simmon's work. Anyone who likes it and the Iliad should try Ilium, and The Terror is also quite good.

>> No.6550824

Wow what an obscure album to make an image out of

Never met anyone else who listened to Darkthrone albums past TH

>> No.6551992

Fucking pretenders, y'all could and should have gotten that shit off cross referencing blogs, rather than read those tired old shits. Read Iain M Banks, if you're an adult, Gibson if hip, and yeah I guess frank Herbert but for fucks sake you are human garbage if you pretend to be /lit tier classy and you're reading fucking aasimov, it just sucks, it doesn't matter why it it just unreadable if you consider you could be reading something fun and relevant and not badly written, Heinlein and Dick are really the same thing just old shit that would have made u a cooler person if you had nothing better to do, and it's 50 years ago when none of the best sci fi was written because everyone was busy being shitty "pioneers"

>> No.6551994

>full Hyperion Cantos
>TV adaptation
More of a waste of money then.

>> No.6552037

The Dispossessed

>> No.6552654
File: 43 KB, 450x684, Book-Review-The-Martian[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. It's about a man stranded on Mars after being left behind by his fellow astronauts when he was presumed dead. It's about him struggling to survive while awaiting rescue and trying to contact Earth.

The writing itself is pretty mediocre, to be honest, but it's a pretty "fun" book and a neat what-if scenario. It's very well researched (at least as far as I, a layman, can tell) and realistic to the actual conditions of the Martian landscape.

Apparently they're turning it into a movie. I'd recommend it if you can bear the amateurish writing for a fun, hard sci-fi story.

>> No.6552681

This was a good read in my opinion

>> No.6552700
File: 34 KB, 1280x1024, The_Honor_Harrington_Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of the Honor Harrington novels?

>> No.6552711

It's a fun read. I liked how all the science reasonable. There's no stage where I thought "There's no way that would have worked." He really put his research in.

>> No.6552751


>HBO adapting Hyperion
Please no

Anyway, here's my two cents, including classic and modern Sci-Fi:

>Book of the New Sun
>Starship Troopers
>Inverted World
>Roadside Picnic
>The Foundation Series
>The Forever War

>> No.6552765

Hyperion has enough pussy eating for HBO to seriously think about adapting it.

>> No.6552771


I think HBO would be better off adapting Ilium considering it features a lot more sex and nudity.

>> No.6552797

th is shit

panzerfaust goat

>> No.6553361

OP here

thanks a lot for the suggestions, I enjoyed the "The expanse" series a lot.

In return I can offer my insight on "The lost fleet" series and "Ark Royal". Both military scifi.

The lost fleet is the standard, space opera, no sex if any and the few that happen fade in black. Technology is fairly generic and a lot of handwavium is used, only thing that is realistic are the fleet battles. Acceleration, speed difference, ranges and light-delay are taken into account and how these affect the battles are especially interesting to read about, the author clearly researched into the subjects.

The Ark Royal follows pretty much the same routine, except the technologies involved are much closer to present-day, however it follows the much more traditional approach to scifi, so tactics don't change much and you might as well be reading about naval battles of WW2. Space fighters are the prime striking force with capital ship the standard nuclear missiles and mass drivers coming in second and third. The plot is fairly standard fare, old decommissioned ship suddenly being the only hope of mankind blah blah blah.

Oh and lots and lots and lots of sex that half the time don't bother fading to black, betraying the author's limit of talent as this was clearly his cheap attempt at making a "mature" book for adult audience.

If you can ignore that last part, then the books are rather enjoyable for their depiction of combat.