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6547301 No.6547301 [Reply] [Original]

I fuck how you want to fuck
-Baruch Spinoza, prince of Egypt

>> No.6547403

How do I want to fuck Baruch Spinoza, prince of Egypt?

>> No.6547438

I want to cuddle with Spinoza

>> No.6547623

ITT: Jews and atheists will praise Spinoza and Christfags will laugh at him while his supporters laugh at Aristotle
>inb4 "why did you use the word 'Jew?'"
Because it's the right word for the context.

>> No.6547629

>jews will praise Spinoza
But that makes no sense, he was a jewish heretic.

>> No.6547632

"I fuck how Spinoza used to fuck" - Albert Einstein, Nazi Physician

>> No.6547639

Fuck how you fuck, I fuck how I want you to fuck.

>> No.6547641

So? Some of the Jews and many of the smarter atheists that browse /lit/ share his stances. I understand everyone identifying as Jewish in any way to be a Jew.

>> No.6547647

So instead of saying 'atheists', you had to say 'atheists and jewish atheists', because that totally adds to your point, right?

Also, it still makes no sense, given that Spinoza himself wasn't an atheist, but a pantheist.

>> No.6547649

No, he rejects pantheism.

>> No.6547656

He was excommunicated for pantheism.

Also, the positition that matter and spirit are the same substance is basically the rare essence of pantheism.

>> No.6547663

>implying jews who excommunicated him would even understand his philosophy

Read him more faggot. Incorporating him in the modern stance of pantheism is mistaken. Panentheism might be an accurate description, but it's not so clear. God is not simply the sum of nature, it also transcends it.

>> No.6547678

I am so goddamn sick of seeing a bunch of bitchy religious gibberish every time I come to this board.

>> No.6547690

>God is not simply the sum of nature, it also transcends it.
Panentheism seems a bit of a stretch really. Compare him with Plotinus, a proper Panentheist. Spinoza's nature is not an imperfect emergence from the perfect God, the infinite expression through nature is god's very essence.

>> No.6547696

Yes, it does, because there are as many kinds of atheists as there are theists. Spinoza is appealing to a different kind of person with a different kind of background from the one a fan of Dawkins might be likely to have.
He rejected the pantheist label.

>> No.6547702

>He rejected the pantheist label
[citation needed]

Also, whatever you want to call his religious views, atheism certainly doesn't fit.

>> No.6547709

In a letter to Henry Oldenburg Spinoza wrote: "as to the view of certain people that I identify god with nature (taken as a kind of mass or corporeal matter), they are quite mistaken".

>> No.6547718

>taken as a kind of mass or corporeal matter
Well that's strawman pantheism anyway, so of course he'd reject that.
More to the point, he believe that nature was the form god necessarily takes (i.e. without a choice, which was his true blasphemy).

>> No.6547729

I'm sure there are more letters where he explicitly deals with this, I can't find them at the moment though. You should really read them before you make conclusions on his views, the ones between Oldenburg particularly.
