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6547231 No.6547231 [Reply] [Original]

>name a few books from your reading list

>> No.6547236

why do you keep posting that pic

>> No.6547246

Portrait of the Artist and Ulysses
Invisible Man and War of the Worlds
Siddhartha and Steppenwolf

>> No.6547270

godel escher bach
malcolm x autiobio
the stranger
bunch of bukowski
brave new world
catch 22

>> No.6547309

all god tier

>> No.6547334

Please read portrait of the artist. It is such an enjoyable read.

>> No.6547338

bunch of nietzsche
anti-oedipus: capitalism and schizophrenia
character analysis
bunch of deleuze
molecular revolution in brazil
the pale king

>> No.6547378

Storm of Steel
Various Shakespeare plays
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Oreimo LN

>> No.6547431

wading through 2666 (brilliant writing but so damn morbid)
just finished Paradise Lost ( a new favorite)
re-reading W&P
ficciones en español (Jesus does Borges have a vocabulary to match his imagination)
just beginning les mis

>> No.6547513
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at the moment, I'm going through Kierkegaard. I'm reading Fear and Trembling right now. Then I'll finally start with Hegel's Phenomenology. After that, I intend to read Husserl's works

>> No.6547526

Infinite Jest
Anna Karenina

>> No.6547763
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Reading list right now:
>Wage-Labour & Capital/Value Price and Profit - Marx & Engels
>Introduction to the Reading of Hegel - Kojeve
>Dance of the Dialectic - Ollman
>Foundations of Leninism - Stalin

Eventually I'll get to:
>Studies on Marx and Hegel - Hyppolite
>Science of Logic - Hegel
>History of Philosophy - Hegel
>Capital Volume 1 - Marx

>> No.6547766

Marthe by Huysmans
Posibility of an Island by Houellebecq
Fathers and Sons by Turgenev
The Stranger by Camus

>> No.6547775

You can knock out The Stranger in an afternoon, it'd be a good first choice.

>> No.6547794

Please take your time with The stranger so you don't fuck your experience with it up like every other faggot on this board. Everybody knocks it as some "kek so lonely and isolated"-bullshit but it's a lot more than that, if you are not handicapped in the brain or if you spend more than a few hours reading it.

>> No.6547800

that sounds monothematic

>> No.6547802

Dance of the Dialectic, now that is one appealing title. Would you recommend?

>> No.6547806

Portrait of the artist
A farewell to arms

>> No.6547812

Consolation of Philosophy
City of God
Summa Theologica

>> No.6547814

About to read:
The Old Man and The Sea

To read:
The Sound and The Fury
East of Eden
Great Expectations
Anna Karenina

It honestly depends on when I finally go to a decent bookstore.

>> No.6547870

Autumn of the Patriarch
La Llamada and other stories
Mansfield Park
Bridging The Americas
Angels In America
and I need to do my annual reread of I, Lucifer

>> No.6547939

In no particular order:

Acceptance (Vandermeer)
Hopscotch (Cortazar)
The WInd-Up Bird Chronicle (Murakami)

Those are what I have sitting on my desk right now. What I read after those will come out of the box of what I salvaged from the bookshelves as my mom sold them or threw them out--AKA "The Divorce Bucket." Here are a few possible contenders:

Mason and Dixon (Pynchon)
The Corrections (Franzen)
Space (Michener)
Absalom Absalom (Faulkner)

>> No.6547951

Currently Reading:
>Fear: A Novel of World War I
Extremily good so far

I want to devote time to something long next.
>The Brothers Karamazov
>In Search of Lost Time
>Les Miserables

>> No.6547962

I've Alberto Moravia's Il Conformista and Charles Baudelaire's Artificial Paradises prepared to read next. Not sure what to read after those yet. Probably either Camus, one of the Brönte sisters, more Moravia or a short sci-fi classic.

>> No.6547967

>Autumn of the Patriarch
my favorite parts were the periods

>> No.6548022

Gravitys rainbow
Concrete island
American pastoral
Plan to actually read Nietzsche's corpus to see what there is to see

>> No.6548064

You taking the edgy teen module m8?

Paradise Lost
John Donne's Poetry
Emerson's essays/lectures
Walt Whitman
The Revenger's Tragedy
The Shoemaker's Holiday
The Waves

>> No.6548267

Well, I just finished Inherent Vice this morning and am planning on starting DeLillo's Underworld pretty soon. Otherwise, Stoner, Lost in the Funhouse, and The Day of the Locust are what I plan on reading next.

Also, is Twilight of the Idols a good place to start with Nietzsche?

I finished Fear and Trembling a couple weeks back and really liked it. Have you read either/or? Is it worth reading as well?

>> No.6548273

Either/or is pretty good, the sickness unto death is that true Kierkegaard shit though

>> No.6548274

that pic
i feel like shaving my head and taping cabbage to it while attending a uni course on existentialism that i don't even belong to

>> No.6548291

>Inimitable Jeeves/Young Men in Spats - Wodehouse
>The Recognitions - Gaddis
>A Smuggler's Bible - McElroy
>White Teeth - Smith
>I Am a Cat vol III - Soseki
>Foucault's Pendulum - Eco
>Tristram Shandy - Sterne
>The Satanic Verses - Rushdie
>2666 - Bolano
>The Pale King - Memester Dankus

Honestly will probably last me into the fall assuming I don't get random shit in the interim (hah!).

>> No.6548373

East of Eden
Don quijote
All quiet on the western front

>> No.6550676


>> No.6550707
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See for yourself. I got it because I wanted an introduction to Marx's dialectical methodology that wasn't filled to the brim with Hegelian obscurantism or Dialectical Materialist dogmaticism. It's the book David Harvey sourced for his understanding of dialectical contradiction in 17 Contradictions of Capitalism, and since I haven't started reading it (I'll get to it after I finish reading Foundations of Leninism), the real question is if you trust Harvey.

Reviews of it have been really positive.

I read really slowly, so tackling too many subjects at once will make me forget most of what I read. What's wrong with monothematicism anyways?

>> No.6550725

Homer, Illiad (Baricco's)
Canterbury Tales (read a few so I'd like to do the lot)
South of the Border, West of the Sun

>> No.6550778

I heard The Stranger is a toned down Brothers Karamazov without as much jesus hubbabaloo. Y/N?

>> No.6550827

the trial (currently reading)
mason and dixon

...any other recommendations?

>> No.6550849

uh, no

>> No.6550883

Currently reading
The Recogntions

Plan to read
Confessions of a Mask
Moby Dick
The Tunnel
Something by Samuel Beckett, haven't decided specifically what yet
Barthelme's Sixty Stories
The Floating Opera

>> No.6550891

Oh and Absalom, Absalom and The Violent Bear it Away, gots to get some southern goffick in there

>> No.6550992

(Not counting the few history books in reading/going to read)
Gulliver's Travels
The Old Testament
The Divine Comedy
Aesop's Fables

>> No.6551051

You actually read history books? Not knocking you but isn't that boring? I like history but still...

>> No.6551113

Currently Reading
Anna Kerenina

Plan to read
Mason and Dixon
The Tunnel
Les Miserables
Cancer Ward

>> No.6551127

how are you liking Anna Karenina?

>> No.6551175

Currently reading:

History of Rome by Livy Books 1 - 10 (will read Machiavellis Discouses of Livy after)
A collection of Japanese folk tales in nihongo.
Guide to Shooting and Guns
Athenaze Vol 1
Selected Works of Plato

>> No.6551177

Rendezvous with Rama
The Mote in God's Eye
Foundation series
Divine Comedy
Shakespeare stuff

>> No.6551204

Entre Nous by Manny Levinas
Homo Sacer by Georgey Agamben
To Our Friends by the Invisible Committee
The History of Sexuality Vol. 1 by Mike Foucault

And various poetry and fiction by Celan, Rilke, Woolf, and Blake.

>> No.6551208

I really like i so far. I haven't read much Russian lit besides Dostoyevsky, but I'm finding Tolstoy to be more enjoyable. I guess I've read Nabakov, but I almost see him as an American writer as he went on.

>> No.6551220

>currently reading
Love in the Time of Cholera
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

>next few
Capital in the 21st Century
Paradise Lost
Blood Meridian
White Teeth
Invisible Man
American Psycho
Masters of Atlantis
Tinker, Sailor, Soldier, Spy
Shalimar the Clown

>> No.6551226

I haven't, but I will. It seems really interesting.

>> No.6551229

Here's what I have planned now that I've graduated and need to start getting my shit together for possible grad school (no particular order):
>finish The Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
>Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals - Kant
>Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics - Kant
>Cambridge Companion to Kant - Ed. Paul Guyer
>German Idealism: The Struggle Against Subjectivism - Beiser
>German Philosophy 1760-1860 - Pinkard
>Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics - Wittgenstein
>The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein - Editors: Kuusela and McGinn
>The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason - Schopenhauer
>The World as Will and Representation (undecided about vol. 2) - Schopenhauer
>The Philosophy of History - Hegel
>The Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel
>Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology - Lewis
>Philosophy of Mind - Editor: Chalmers

The anthology stuff should be no big deal, same with Kant's shorter works. Hegel and Schopenhauer will kill me which is why I'll probably read them after the German idealism and german philosophy books so I can have some groundwork laid out.

Wish me luck!

>German idealism

>> No.6551291

Did you like Inherent Vice? Now that the movie hype is over. I didn't really care for it, sadly.

>> No.6551310

>Foucault's last three lecture courses at Collège de France where he talks about the ethics and subjectivity in the West, with emphasis on the "care for self" of the ancients.
>I'll probably reread some of Nietzsche from the perspective of those Foucault's lectures above, and try to translate it into concrete practices.

>> No.6551318

The Unconsoled
The Octopus
Four Novels by Marguerite Duras
Harold Pinter plays 1959-1963
Maybe some Shakespeare

>> No.6552226

I want to get Days of Rage and All Involved. Currently reading Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.6552531


read 2666 next, its truly magnificent

>> No.6552536

The Opposing Shore
Infinite Jest
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.6552551


not him but I enjoyed it. I didn't think it was a great book but it was an enjoyable one I don't regret reading.

I'm really into psychedelics though and so I liked how they tied into so many different parts of the book and into how the characters talked and behaved. If I wasn't though I probably wouldn't have enjoyed the book as much, by the end of it I was a little tired of the whole thing.

>> No.6553388


>> No.6553425

Currently reading Gravity's Rainbow

A View From The Bridge
The Divine Comedy
Elizabeth Gaskell's Gothic Tales
The Trial

Those are books I have planned for the summer.

Looking to pick up some more Pynchon and Dostoevsky over the summer too. Recently became hooked on both authors. I hear I should chekov some Tolstoy and Chekov if I like Dostoevsky. Any other Russian authors I should read?

>> No.6553436

Currently reading Gravity's Rainbow

A View From The Bridge
The Divine Comedy
Elizabeth Gaskell's Gothic Tales
The Trial

Those are books I have planned for the summer.

Looking to pick up some more Pynchon and Dostoevsky over the summer too. Recently became hooked on both authors. I hear I should chekov some Tolstoy and Chekov if I like Dostoevsky. Any other Russian authors I should read?

>> No.6553452

these are some books i have that i've been wanting to read:

electric kool-aid acid test
nutrition and physical degradation
james joyce
gravity's rainbow
the trial

which order?

>> No.6553455

you should read James Joyce first, it's a great novel

>> No.6553462

Gogol, Zamyatin, and Gorky

>> No.6553467

i most of all of joyce's books. i thought that was obvious but apparently not, huh?

>> No.6553475

tolstoy and chekhov are not really similar to dostoevsky except that they're russian. chekhov might have a few similarities

>> No.6553493

Thanks, kind anon.

That's fair enough. I just remember seeing a post or two on /lit/ recommending both writers if somebody liked Dostoevsky. Still plan on reading their work in the near-future though. Thanks for the heads up, good to not get my hopes up about more Dostoevsky-esque work.

>> No.6553659

Jurassic Park
Dog Training for Dummies
Harry Potter Series
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.6553712

A Hero of Our Time
White Noise
Mason & Dixon
The Odyssey

>> No.6553715

Just finished The Moviegoer and am starting Swann's Way.

>the existential pain is real

>> No.6553731

How Proteins Work
Free will: A very short intro

Next up:
Maybe Fear & Trembling or Philosophical Investigations. Perhaps another stab at Ulysses...

>> No.6554522

>"father goriot" Balzac
>"antimanuel de philosophie" Michel Onfray
>"the ego and his own" Bill Murray
Yeah did it /lit/, I will read fucking stirner.

After that I have a couple of ideas, like "the nasuea" or "the second sex". I'm quite interested in everything between 19-20th century right now.

>> No.6554689

All the books in my nighstand at the moment:

Notes From Underground by Dostoyevski
Religious Ethics by HH Dalai Lama
Ugly Man by Dennis Cooper
Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard
A Clockwork Orange by Burgess
Ulysses by Joyce
62: A Model Kit by Julio Cortazar

>> No.6554690

My Twisted World (Elliot Rodger)
A Scanner Darkly (Philip K. Dick)
Ubik (Philip K. Dick)

120 Days of Sodom (Marquis de Sade)
V (Thomas Pynchon)
Game of Thrones (George R. R. Martin)

>Planning to read
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Philip K. Dick)
VALIS (Philip K. Dick)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (H. G. Wells)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)

>> No.6554746

>Lotsa Dick.
>My nigga.

A Scanner Darkly is my favorite of his novels. I'm barely on the first page of The Transmigration of Timothy Archer.

>> No.6554756

Wretched of the Earth - Fanon
Wealth of Nations - Smith

Book of the New Sun - Wolfe
Call of Cthulu and other weird stories - Lovecraft

>> No.6554981


Memento Audere Semper
Geographies of Strabo

>> No.6555513

mona lisa overdrive
infinite jest
playboy sci fi anthology
swanns way
the bees

>> No.6555519

my next few books are:
the golden bough
the fabric of the cosmos
the consolation of philosophy

>> No.6555776
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almost done with The Familiar (which is, thanks to pages with literally just 3 pink dots on them, the fastest I've ever read an 800+ page novel.

up next is The Gunslinger, the second Wild Cards book

inb4 Steven King and George RR Martin hate

>> No.6555778

should be an "and" in between those two books. sorry /lit

>> No.6555787

The Rommel Papers
Infantry Attacks
not sure after that

>> No.6555806

>multiple books to read
Why? How? You can only read one at a time slow down and wait

>> No.6555820

Pale Fire
Fear and Trembling
The Immoralist

>> No.6555823

autobiography of a brown buffalo
martin fierro
the waves
invisible cities
novel with cocaine

>> No.6555852

>Currently reading
Metamorphosis and Other Stories

>Reading next
The Trial

>Planned reads (in order)
Cannery Row
A Portrait of The Artist As a Young Man
Norwegian Wood
Doctor Zhivago
Confessions of a Mask
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
Gravity's Rainbow
Blood Meridian
Tortilla Flat
Light in August
Outer Dark

Hopefully I should get this all done by the end of summer, except for Ulysses (might take that one slowly).

>> No.6555868

The Making of Law
The Parasite
Cosmopolitics II
Theory of the Partisan
The Body Multiple
Que diraient les animaux, si ... on leur posait les bonnes questions ?
The laws of the markets
Ni duieu ni gene
The Concept of Nature
Science and the Modern World
Process and Reality
Some stuff by Auguste Comte

>> No.6556615

>Mike Foucault


>> No.6556648

-Las últimas lagrimas del guerrero - Juan Diego Loaiza (My favorite school teacher posthumus book, published by his family)
-A prayer for Owen Meany - irving
-The Conspiracy against the human race - Ligotti
-El obsceno pájaro de la noche - Donoso
-The castle in the Forest - Norman Mailer
-Pirke Aboth
-Mount Analogue - René Daumal
-Geometry Revisited - Coxeter

>> No.6556655

>Autumn of the Patriarch
Get ready to a weird, awesome, difficult trip. It is worth it. Finish it.

>> No.6556680

>the golden bough
Are you going to read the abriged version or do you want to commit intellectual seppuku?

>> No.6556714

>people are actually responding to OP
I see that making your list of books known is very important to you guys.

>> No.6556722
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>being this ass blasted

>> No.6556725

been down so long it looks like up to me by richard farina
the fire next time by james baldwin
bright lights, big city by jay mcinerney
slouching towards bethlehem by joan didion

working through some books i didn't get to from my courses this semester, and some fun ones thrown in

>> No.6556762
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War and Peace
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
A Scanner Darkly
The Gambler
Narcissus and Goldmund
The Stranger
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Gay Science
Infinite Jest
The Good Earth
On War
Paradise Lost
City of God
Confessions (also by Augustine)
Suma Theologica (is that by Aquinas? I need some Aquinas)
Les Miserables
Gravitys Rainbow
All Quiet on the Western Front
A Clockwork Orange

Maybe some Wittgenstein, after I finish the following
Some Kant
Some Sartre
Some Simone De Beauvoir

To reread:
Fear and Trembling
Sickness Unto Death
Works of Love
120 Days of Sodom
The Bible

>> No.6556818
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Try the Metamorphosis before you do The Trail, if you haven't already. In the trial, because of layered characterization and a frequency of dialogue, it can become easy to forget that it's really a grand alegory, and an allegory within and allegory as it nears the end. Read at least one essay on it by someone you respect before trying it. That's what I did with 120 Days of Sodom, read Beauvoir's Esssay on it. Zero regrets.

Take a 2 day break beforre and after the trial as well as Blood Meridian. i now it's not quite kosher, but these deserve the time it takes for the ideas to sink in. Just saw you're readin metamorphosis, good show, I think we have the same copy.


On War by Clausewitz
The Prince by Machiavelli and reread
The Art of Wart by Sun Tzu skip the Prince if you never want to lead or command anything, but if you want rise to power of a kind and hold it, he has considerations you need.


Give 120 Days another try, it's worth it. Read Lolita if it's too dense, then return. If it's the material I recommend another reading of Blood Meridian to harden your soul, if too dense I recommend you read more slowly, carefully and man up.

Why would the Dalai Lama know anything about ethics? He's just going to go deontological with an eastern slant, just read Kant.

Read Dubliners and Finnegan's before you do Ulysses.


Greeks first. Not meming, they're necessary. Do the Illiad, the Odyssey, the Aeniad and if you have time the Argonautica. If you put the hamer down you can do them in a week or two, then get back to your reading list.


Soljenysen. That's deifnitely a mispelling, but he was the definition of WW1, outside of Hemingway and All Quiet on the Western Front.


Godspeed you glorious golden bastard. Some day you will understand more than we could possibly know. just do me a favor. When you're done, contribute yourself.


Read 120 Days of Sodom instead of Rusdie. His 'freedom' is edgy without the point of being entertaining.


Fleurs du Mal if you haven't already on Baudelaire.


Every book on this list is excellent. Take a minute after Siddartha though.


Bread pill I see? Good stuff.


I think he's doing it because it describes the notion that the things we wish to do both disgust and unnerve us, not by their neccessity, but the fact that we have not done them. They torment us, and here we see a man broken by that which he cannot help, cannot remove, and cannot help but feel creep along the surface of his being, perhaps visible to all those who care to look at him. It's pretty apt.

>> No.6557173

>currently reading
Consumed a Novel - Cronenberg
2666 - Bolaño
The Collected stories - Lydia Davis
The Colossus and other poems - Plath
The Lottery and other stories - Shirley Jackson
Subliminal - Modlinow

>to be read... maybe
Signal to Noise - Silvia Moreno
Underworld - Delillo
a bunch of Marquez

>> No.6557187

Les miserables
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Master and Marguerita
For whom the bell tolls

>> No.6557188

The bohicaryavatara
Helmet for my Pillow
Confessions of an Advertising Man

>> No.6557670

Albert Speer - Spandau
Bertrand Russel - The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism
C.G.Jung - The Red Book
Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel
Joseph Stalin - Works
The Autobiography of Malxolm X
T.E.Lawrence - Seven pillars of WIsdom
Theodor Herzl - The Jewish State
The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943
Viktor E.Frankl - Man's Search for meaning

>> No.6557749

I am currently reading The Biocentric Worldview by Klages, Brighton Rock by Greene, A Mencken Chrestomathy, Camp of the Saints by Raspail, and Six Characters in Search of an Author and Other Plays by Pirandello. I finished reading The Stand and Dorian Gray yesterday. I've been anxious to plow through what I'm currently reading to start fresh, especially since these all have been slow burners that I'm on the last few pages of.

>> No.6557764
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Currently reading Narcissus and Goldmund.

Being and Time - Heidegger
Either/Or - Kierkegaard
Iliad - Homer
Faust - Goethe
Actually wondering about the last one. Not seeing a definitive edition on amazon. Any recommendations for a translation? Leaning towards Kaufmann's, but I'll gladly read suggestions for alternatives.

>> No.6557777

How is Works of Love?

>> No.6557909

>muh profoundity

>> No.6557954
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It's Kierkegaard, so a little awkward aroun the edges. It deals a lot with the immutability of God and the infinite compassion/ and beneficence of God, which are thing most Christians enjoy. I would highly recommend it for a post bread pill education. Pic slightly related, Kierkegaard always makes me think of this.

>> No.6557988

>post bread pill education

>> No.6558269


>> No.6558283

I'd read The savage Detectives before 2666. Much more light-hearted, not as dense and still GOAT. 2666 can put you off from Bolaño and make you think all of his stuff is in the same vein, when it's not the case at all.

>> No.6558290
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Paradise Lost
Structure of Sci. Rev.
Confederancy of Dunces
Did Marco Polo go to China?
Immediate Fiction
Elements of Style

Those are the books I'm reading now.

>> No.6558315

Gödel Escher Bach
Kafka's letter to his father
Robinson Crusoe
Anneli Rufus - Party of one
Nabokov - Look at the Harlequins!

>> No.6558322

Kierkegaard - Selections
Karl Ove Knausgaard - My Struggle
Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks
W.G. Sebald - Austerlitz
Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Natsume Soseki - Sanshiro