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/lit/ - Literature

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6546951 No.6546951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one get their friends/gf into reading without just screaming THE GREEKS at them? Where does one start?

>> No.6546954

The Mesopotamians.

>> No.6546963

Scream "THE VEDAS"

>> No.6547089

Figure out their interests and recommend something relevant, then if they seem to enjoy it move in a more "academic" direction

>> No.6547103

Short stories.
What you suggest depends very much on the person. Get them all the free time they need and try to take away shitty medias.
Fat chance getting vidya addict to read anything beyond some manga or vidya magazine. They're just going to have to burn out and find their way to books or something

>> No.6548308

>They're just going to have to burn out and find their way to books or something

This is what happened to me and the only reason why I was led to literature is because I wanted something more meaningful.

Without knowing what kind of people OP's friends are there's no way of giving sound advice that isn't random. For example, if they're in to their current media just for entertainment then they will never, ever develop an interest for literature without going through a sort of existential crisis first.

>> No.6548309

By starting them on pleb shit

>> No.6548323

start with hegel

>> No.6548332

I've never faced this situation, but perhaps introduce them to some of your favourite poems? And if you're dating a girl you doesn't appreciate good poetry, dump her on the spot.

>> No.6548353

Give them ASOIAF. Tren LotR and other typical fun fantasy and SF. Then Children of Húrin. Maybe some serious SF as well. Lem perhaps. Then Silmarillion. Then Beowulf.

>mission accomplished

>> No.6548411

except if they'd read books purely for entertainment, which I guess can't really be classified as literature

>> No.6548415

Except then I'd be stuck in a relationship with a smelly fantasy nerd.

>> No.6548443

Did you read the sentence mentioning Beowulf?

>> No.6548455

Anyone who reads ASOIAF is not boyfriend material. Sorry.

>> No.6548960


>> No.6548979
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>yfw they become more /lit/ than you and your intellect gets rekt by theirs

>> No.6549020

I've got a few people interested by name-dropping the shorting work of Kafka and Destovesky.

The Greeks are recommended for people who want to learn how literature developed throughout history until now; and to understand a lot of allusions or influence in literature from the Greeks.

It takes some commitment to start with the Greeks. I doubt there is much people out there who actually started with the Greeks first, as to getting interested with literature on their own, instead reading other work far after the Greek's time, first. So it's better to give them something which will get their attention, but isn't too difficult with reading or understanding the context.

>> No.6549044

why don't you appreciate your friends for who they are?

do they appreciate you for who you are?

>> No.6549058

How many books do y'all go through in one week?
/mu/ here. Looking for a new hobby.

>> No.6549067

Hire someone else to scream the Greeks at them

>> No.6549072

You're joking right? Even if you're introducing someone to fantasy you wouldn't do it like this,

>> No.6549103

>Why can't you be less judgmental?!
>You are so ignorant.
>Don't be a hypocrite.
Fuck off to Reddit.

>> No.6549173

>it's wrong to be a human being

I think you're the one who needs to fuck off to Reddit, fedoralord

>> No.6549174

Why do you want to get them into reading, OP?

>> No.6549182

Finnegans wake

>> No.6549187

Not everyone enjoys literature, accept them for who they are and go on living.

>> No.6549236



>> No.6549254

Or you could be a good friend/bf by understanding and contributing to their own interests.