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6546896 No.6546896 [Reply] [Original]

>one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.6548188
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>I do not think, therefore I am a mustache

>> No.6548247
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>The signifier literally overrides the signified

>> No.6548372

But that's true, and that's one of the most beautyful sentences in modern philosophy.

>> No.6548387

Why must pushing a boulder uphill preclude happiness, smart guy?

>> No.6548398
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The rock is happy.

>> No.6548418
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>the nothing nothings

>> No.6548518

does anyone actually say that
seems like that's an exageration of post-structuralism

>> No.6548525

How much modern philosophy have you read, 17 year old?

>> No.6548540

>anything by TS Elliot

>> No.6548545

>the sex was worth it

>> No.6548575
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pic related for you, please stop embarassing yourself ; if you have nothing interesting and argumented to say, just shut down your computer and whine about your pathetic existence to your mom downstairs.

7/10 made me respond

>> No.6548642
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>> No.6549312

The determination of pushing the rock up the hill constantly was a symbol of his rebellious spirit against the gods and the unwillingness to give in. It had absolutely nothing to do with him being happy pushing the rock. You're a fucking retard. Please remove yourself from the gene pool. The mere thought of you accidentally impregnating something by even jerking off on a toilet seat frightens me.

>> No.6549330

b-but id beautyful

>> No.6549421
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but camus used it in a totally other way as to show how one must embrace the absurdity of life.
If you are not even capable of understanding that we are talking about based Albert and not about the original myth please be my guest and join me to this gene pool removal.

>> No.6549435

Still, I smirked.

>> No.6549467

Remind me again why I should consider the false interpretations of a Greek myth by a modernistic Frenchie seriously. I seem to have forgotten.

>> No.6549523

This happens quite a bit in regular conversation. The signifier is a contextually based construct; without specific context applied it can be taken to mean multiple instances of signifieds, which is the dumbest word I've had to type today.

You can mean what you say but I don't necessarily have to, or naturally am required to, take it the intended way. Haven't you ever had miscommunication due to imprecise word choice or linguistic ignorance of contextual jargon? Modern speech is littered with everyday instances.

>> No.6549533

You only 'must' do that if you're willing to delude yourself in order to be happy. And if you want to do that, there's a bunch of fun religions in the world capable of fulfilling that function in a much more interesting way.

An interpretation can't be false, they're subjectively determined. It can be stupid and trite, but it's not false because of it.

>> No.6549567


But those religions can lead you down a path based on false facts. The man who is happy determining his own path outside of preestablished goals is much less likely to become a suicide bomber for instance, or just try and pray away the cancer.

>> No.6549597

Yeah, I never got that either.
We all need to stick it to the man, but I don't see how the act in-itself can provide happiness and why we shouldn't kill ourselfs.

To me Camus seems like a little bitch that doesn't fully want to commit to the idea of suffering he has laid out, so he tries to undermine it by some retarded statement of optimism.

>> No.6549669
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The Being by which Nothingness arrives in the world is
a being such that in its Being, the Nothingness of its
Being is in question. The being by which Nothingness
comes to the world must be its own Nothingness

>> No.6549707

personally after the 100th time or so I'd probably start riding the rock down like a cowboy or something

>> No.6549708


That's a beautiful line

>> No.6549732


This is the true beauty of Heidegger, he may have been a crazy nazi, but how can you say such line with such force and poetic value unstead of saying "the origin of Being is it's nothingness".

He could have easily written great poetry if he wanted to.

>> No.6549739


>> No.6549748

>An interpretation can't be false

>> No.6549750


I always liked Heidegger because his description of being could be applied to whatever human in whatever culture out there

>> No.6549761

I interpret that you're a homo.

>> No.6549766

You've made my point, not that I feel like trying to prove it.

>> No.6549770

I'm not him, homo!

>> No.6549785

It's funny because it's the opposite.

>> No.6549799

>he would rather think that existence is depressive

>> No.6549818

Hey Pepe, why don't you turn that frown upside down?! All it takes is a little positive thinking to put a pep in your step and go from :( to :D

>> No.6549823

philosophy is not about deluding yourself into happiness

>> No.6549891
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True, but what does that have to do with false interpretations?

>> No.6549907

It also isn't about crying over the perceived emptiness of the linguistic construct 'existence.' I'm not denying things exist; I'm just saying that the concept of existence preceding essence is loaded with lots of semantic weight and presuppositions.
I'm coming from more of a Daoist angle than an empiricist one with this.

>> No.6550638

What does this even mean?

>> No.6550649

But it's true.

I was planning on killing myself this Wednesday before I read The Myth of Sisyphus yesterday.

Now I plan to become a complete normie. Be a wageslave, marry a qt, play sports, read genre fiction and watch reality tv.

And I'm happy.

>> No.6550650


Schopenhauer would have pissed himself reading this tripe

>> No.6550658

>tfw I like Heidegger and Schopenhauer.

>> No.6550700
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>> No.6550711


Heidegger is like a stunted, half-drunk version of Schopenhauer that happens to love Hegel instead of despising him.

Schoppy would have btfo the Nazi movement.

>> No.6551788

Words are good
What they mean is bad