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File: 597 KB, 960x540, eReader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6541872 No.6541872 [Reply] [Original]

Are eReaders /lit/?

>> No.6541882

If you don't read real books you don't even read.

>> No.6541896

I generally tend to read books online or in cheap ereader format, and then if I decide its part of my library, something I feel I want to read again seriously, then I buy a real copy. In general.

It's not the ereader, or the physical OP, its getting down to reading it.

>> No.6541899

You don't read. efag.

>> No.6541919

>look for proudhon stuff
>this publishing house has lots of stuff in copyleft books freely available from their site
>except they're pdf, all of them
>download the proudhon book
>no way to convert it to epub and make it readable
>stow the thing in a folder
>check the interwebs every now and then to see if there's an epub version
>there never is
>finally get pissed off
>convert from pdf to rtf with calibre with some magic mumbo jumbo so it doesn't go down a row every half sentence
>spend the night correcting the other stuff that makes it unreadable
So I guess I'm gonna read proudhon after I'm done with Weber.
>that feel when lots of other pdf books lying around and no way I'm gonna do this with every one of them
Fucking add text reflow now for fuck's sake.

>> No.6541930

That is why tablet's are master race.

>> No.6541943

You can crop some PDFs and, depending on the font size, get something you can decently read page-by-page on an ereader.

Otherwise OCR software does a good job on text PDFs, might introduce a couple undue linebreaks or typos but if you're just wanting to read something comfortably yourself that's good enough.

>> No.6541944

checking in my nigga

>> No.6541956

RIP your retinas.

>> No.6541959

>OCR software does a good job on text PDFs
I thought that worked on scans only.

>> No.6541964

am I the only one who prefers pdfs on my kindle? even when the text is small, I like the font selected by the author/publisher and small text means I don't have to turn the page as often.

>> No.6541995

No, I've used one (ABBYY) on a pure text PDF. But I assume due to the nature of the errors I got (maybe 5 or so replaced characters in 500 pages, and some pagebreaks turning into linebreaks when the first word of a page happens to be capitalised) that it went through the PDF as if taking pictures, and didn't corroborate the result with the original text data.

>> No.6542034

I have to try that. Thanks.

>> No.6542047


What works of Proudhon are you reading?

Reading him makes me wonder how Marx got any fame at all, since Marx just repeats a lot of what he says.

>> No.6542048

stopped right there

>> No.6542054

>not having the smell and feel of real paper

Not worth it.

>> No.6542071

Proudhon is distrusted by most of the left as aside from his socialism he was relatively conservative societally and even religious. Same reason why Tolstoï is distrusted.

>> No.6542125

it's basically a collection of essays from different works of his
the same publisher had a book of this kind for bakunin too

>> No.6542188

Anyone know good places to find pdfs besides the Gutenberg project?

>> No.6542659

>high res PS display
>apps to eliminate blue light or backlight, or replace it with healthy red tone

>> No.6542664


>> No.6542812



>> No.6542842

Collectors of physical books are just commodity fetishists who are more likely to not even read their coveted possessions.

>> No.6542845

>muh book smell

>> No.6542875
File: 373 KB, 1600x1200, 217540431VTBjsL_fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sweatshops

>> No.6542883

>books aren't made in sweatshops


>> No.6542900
File: 755 KB, 900x1283, Vagabond___Musashi_Miyamoto_03_by_Ryu_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that most ereaders have a landscape window orientation setting, so it might be better to read pdfs that way.

>> No.6543037

Just got a kindle. Will always love physical copies of books, but fuck is the voyage nice.

>> No.6543039

no, I like the smell of a new book and spend most of my time smelling the pages

>> No.6543073

millennial here. Never read a physical book for leisure and have done most of my reading on a monitor or a phone. Bought an ereader recently because i was getting eye fatigue.
Fuck off with your "there's nothing like a physical book!" instagram mentality. If you give a shit about reading books you wouldn't care about the format they're presented in

>> No.6543086

>tfw poor ass fuck

My ereader is all I have, man! I'm a poor fuck whose ereader was gifted to him by a family friend, got a 500GB hard drive for his sixteenth birthday and who still uses a computer running Windows XP from 2007. Everything worthwhile I've ever learned is inside that ereader and in that five year old hard drive. They're my precious.

>> No.6543116

is the voyage worth it if you're just reading normal books and not using any of the other features? I didn't really see the benefit apart from having a few more pixels, which are not worth spending like 80$ over the paperwhite for

>> No.6543119


>> No.6543126

how do you show off your book collection to guests with an e-reader?

>> No.6543288

The redtone destroys AMOLED screens eventually - forcing you to read in some light.

>> No.6543322


kek how do you think books are made? hint: it aint fucking people power

>> No.6543456

I had the same problem, so I got an Icarus, they handle pdf's well. I went for a refurbished Icarus Go from their own site, was like 45 eur including shipping and taxes.

>> No.6543465

>real copy
the e copy is real too faggot. you just can't impress your faggot friends with a pile of shit to look at.

>> No.6543530

you read so you can smell books?

I think i'd rather get every book ever for free

>> No.6543655

>tfw I can't lurk /lit/ on my paperwhite...

>> No.6543696

>every book ever
sadly not

>> No.6544017

>having guests

>> No.6545289

The computer you used was made in a sweatshop and the 4chan server too. books have words on them you're supposed to read. smelling them isn't sufficient.

>> No.6545321
File: 37 KB, 264x440, 66245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this /lit/. Sub-par surf pads isn't /lit/.

>> No.6545442

you turn the e-reader on?

>> No.6545448

It's also physical. data isn't transcendental.

>> No.6546117
File: 624 KB, 3153x3985, Corey and Alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out about a book
>have it seconds later
>sell the +100 books dusting up your room
>buy a ps3 and travel to prague

love my kindle

>> No.6546124

>ebooks which can be copied ad infinitum will be outlasted by cellulose


>> No.6546137

I used to post here against ebooks, got gifted a paperwhite and since I live pretty far from any major cities and I'd usually have to order them and all, I started using it more and more.

In the last year all my reading was on it.
I tried to reread a couple of physical books I had lying around and suddenly the print was too small, the lighting was all sorts of inadequate, I'd become used to comfortably hold the book and turn pages with just one hand, it's a hassle to read lying down, etc.

I can't go back to physical now.

>> No.6547327

It's just words and information. What medium is presented through has no significance whatsoever and anyone who claims the opposite is a pretentious wanker trying to hold himself above others over the most trivial, inconsequential bullshit. People even used to carve their messages into stone for others to read.

>> No.6547339


They're very convenient to say the least. Although I mostly prefer reading real books, I don't have any complaints with my Kindle.

>> No.6547384

I've had a similar experience with ereaders. When I first started reading on an ereader I just treated it as supplementary reading, and physical books were still the most important type to me. Now, a few years later, I see physical books as the inferior cousin of ebooks.

>> No.6547901


>> No.6547919

flat surface is much better than curvy paper.

i remember reading dan abnett's wh40k novels and the inquisitors there using dataslates. felt like a citizen of the imperium.

>> No.6547932

>single study
>sample size of fifty
I dislike eReaders as well, but this is poor evidence.

>> No.6547933


>> No.6547948


>> No.6548405


I live in the Philippines where it's nigh impossible to find a good book that's not in ePub format. When I do, it's often from used book stores and very rarely. A lot of my reading material comes from my phone, because fucking barely anyone reads anything worthwhile here.

Digital reading is fine, the point is to read and enjoy the fucking book regardless of whether it's made from paper or bytes.

>> No.6548727

What do you mean by normal books?

The voyage is nice, but it pretty much is just Paperwhite+

>> No.6548756

I like holding bookshelves worth of books in my hand. All legally downloaded for free. Buying the physical books would have cost tens of thousands of dollars. The device can be useful for watching videos too.

>> No.6548870
File: 12 KB, 509x381, laughingclarke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment I read this post I knew that link was coming.
I don't know why paperfags can't deal with the existence of e-readers to the point of actually posting broscience.

>> No.6548887

>breakfast of champions
>a confederacy of dunces
>IJ twice

>> No.6548908

Why not? Last time I tried it was possible.

>> No.6549253

Honestly, the paper white is fine. I only have the voyage because it was a gift. If money is an issue, get the paper white.

>> No.6549287

Why don't you find something worthwhile to feel superior about over other people, like mastering a musical instrument or reaching for scientific achievements? Oh, right, because picking one of two available mediums to passively digest information from and then posting shitty 50-people-sized studies implying that the demographic you belong to is intellectually superior is far easier, right? You're fucking pathetic mate. Your life is a shit, you have nothing worthwhile to be proud of and you're generally a terrible human being. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.6549300


Real readers don't express themselves like this. Angry genre sperg in his cheetos-stinkin' cloak.

>> No.6549368

And real people who actually have something worthwhile to live for don't search for a false sense of superiority over whether they choose to digest their information from a computer screen or paper. Good thing you have absolutely no ideals to stand up for or anything worth investing your energy into giving your life any purpose, making this insignificant shite your only battlefield, right?

It's okay. Maybe some way down the road of your short, insignificant life you might find something a little more worthwhile to feel superior over than what surface you choose to read from.

>> No.6550200
File: 997 KB, 400x225, I spit that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, someone's on fire.

>> No.6552249

I don't see the point for this kind of debate. Whether or not you're reading a screen or piece of paper, you are processing the information in the same way.