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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 600x400, eklund1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540471 No.6540471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do feminist artists feel the need to display bodily fluids and sexual organs in their work?

i'm seriously curious

like wtf

>> No.6540478
File: 526 KB, 1280x1024, IMG_1670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me this is the equivalent of those dick drawings everyone did in highschool

or just you know, writing about dicks on jizz on the face

>> No.6540482

it's all they have

>> No.6540485

Not lit related.

>> No.6540487


>> No.6540493


It's so they have an excuse to hate men more when they appropriately act disgusted to the work and then the artist responds, "See, you're a mysoginist! You can't handle true femininity!" or something like that.

>> No.6540497

this is: http://granta.com/numb/

"It started off as a patch of skin, just at the swell of her calf. While eating her cereal at the kitchen table she crossed her ankles, enjoying the repulsive sensation of her winter-hairy legs rubbing against each other, and felt something smooth and slippery on her left leg."

> her winter-hairy legs

>> No.6540513

you like this faggot?

"scars where the body had torn during childbirth, clumps of cellulite, the complex network of lobules and ducts in the breasts."

>> No.6540533

/lit/ - literally anything

>> No.6540563

just thought this was where I'd find the most feminists and queers

>> No.6540573 [DELETED] 

We have a decent userbase of reasonable feminists. If you want people to start up a shitstorm, try /r9k/ or /lgbt/.

>> No.6540576

there is an /lgbt/ board you nutter

>> No.6540584

why does it repulse you so much?

the reason they do it is because it's almost completely unexplored in classical art, although now it's being overplayed into banality (like everything).

>> No.6540589

Ironically, they blame men for thinking of them as sexual objects, but they use their genitals as the symbol for their empowerment.

>> No.6540608

this is some fedora tipping garbage and you know it. it's like saying black people shouldn't use the color of their skin as a symbol of their empowerment because white people hate them for the color of their skin.

>> No.6540618

>turning yourself into an object is a good way to make others think of you as something other than an object
You're going to need to explain your position more. I don't see the rational connection.

>> No.6540631


When they talk about nothing but their sexuality it justifies us in thinking that they ( not women in general) are not applicable for anything but sex, since they give no show of having anything to say or demonstrate in any other subject.Genuinely intelligent and free women can talk about things other than their vagina's, and apparently western patriarchy and the mild feminism that came along with it is much better for enhancing female intellectual virtues than radical autonomous feminism, which boils down to sensationalism, solipsism and "muh cunt" at the end of the day.

>> No.6540632

>i'm seriously curious
i doubt that

it's because it was taboo, more so than male bodily fluids and sexual organs

>> No.6540639

They want to challenge the notion that menstruation and the female reproductive organ should be objects of shame and disgust.

This isn't sexual

>> No.6540642

who cares it's hot!

>> No.6540663
File: 425 KB, 636x516, this is how diseases spread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaginas are objects of shame and disgust

As for menstruation, the logical extension is that defecation should also not be seen as something disgusting. There is no difference between "free bleeding" and walking around with shit smeared on your pants.

>> No.6540674

>Menstruation is as disgusting as poop

Crazy bitches, huh :^)

>> No.6540681

>Walk around with a bleeding open hole, rubbing it on any public surface it comes into contact to
Pick one

>> No.6540683

>poop is disgusting
stop this scatshaming

>> No.6540686

>poop is disgusting
get a load of this cishet shitlord

>> No.6540689

Yeah, menstruation is seen as worse than shit

I think they have pads and tampons and shit now.

>> No.6540691

>using that as a prejorative
o m g this is soo problematic fucking kill yourself

>> No.6540694


>Sex organs aren't sexual

Alright then. So where exactly is there evidence of people telling girls that vagina's are disgusting in our society? Where is their evidence that we take menstruation to be any more disgusting than any other kind of bodily waste? What does society think about the dead skin cells that builds up under foreskin every now and again ? Why are feminists so solipsistic that they can't consider things beyond their own personal insecurities and look at society objectively instead ?

>> No.6540698

>Yeah, menstruation is seen as worse than shit
great source m80

>> No.6540700

A meme thats time has come.

>> No.6540706

You don't know what solipsism is.

>look at society objectively


>> No.6540709

pads and tampons are supposedly symbols of oppression. that's the whole point of free bleeding
remember, it's not about sensible or reasonable struggles, it's about getting as much attention as possible to create a market demographic retailers and advertisers can cater to. Did you actually think you could escape Capitalism?

>> No.6540713

They're disgusting axe-wounds

especially outies

>> No.6540715

>muh capitalism

back 2 tumblr, sweetheart

>> No.6540724

>tfw Hillary is too old to be our first freebleeder president

>> No.6540731

have you ever read updike? it's no different. both are bad writing generally

>> No.6540733

Because it causes a reaction and makes money

>> No.6540735

though in case someone jumps at me updike is in general a great stylist. it's just him talking about sexual organs constantly is cringeworthy

>> No.6540743

I'd love to influence a load of women to do something completely humiliating in the name of feminism, from behind the scenes and then reveal myself as the male mastermind behind the operation.

>> No.6540749

You sound like a well-balanced person

>> No.6540750

>But they consider themselves, artists, not high school kids.

>> No.6540754

>having power fantasies, especially those centered around attacking an artificial nucleus
You came here for the memes didn't you? You reek of someone who hasn't read anything of note.

>> No.6540755

I've only got one leg so doubtful

>> No.6540765

I've actually read Evola, Mein Kampf, and the Culture of Critique.

So suck on that, liberal swine

>> No.6540773

Christianity and western art is generally what has eradicated the pagan vaginal signifiers that used to be ripe and abundant in art. Feminist art is the art of uncovering that lost thread and in a broad stroke, showing the origins of origin, the metaphysical void that western art tried to cover up for centuries.

>> No.6540775

Feminism is a "idiocracy", they don't want equality, they want visibility, like a child who cries just to get attention. Obviously, Penis envy.

>> No.6540790


>> No.6540803
File: 40 KB, 339x454, privil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a better pic for you OP.

Related: >dat weird kind of feel when you finger a girl and her hymen isn't properly removed and you got strings between your fingers as you go in.

>> No.6540810

Male philosophy
>There are only two ways in which we can account for a necessary agreement of experience with the concepts of its objects: either experience makes these concepts possible or these concepts make experience possible.
Male literature
>When beholding the tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean’s skin, one forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly remember that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang.
Male poetry
>O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
>That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
>Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
>That ever lived in the tide of times.
Male politics
>And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Male science

Female philosophy
Female literature
Female poetry
Female politics
Female science
>E=mc2 is a gendered equation

>> No.6540813
File: 328 KB, 1147x787, 1349216527858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's art
You're miss-attributing things.
Feminism is not about realizing the significance of a vagina.

>> No.6540820
File: 306 KB, 390x570, Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 9.31.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most girls go for long periods of time in the winter where they don't shave their legs, that's a fine turn of phrase
because so much of the world's 3 million years of art has employed the female anatomy without fully realizing it, somehow nobody noticed that until like 1973, and now the world is inundated with delightfully raw renderings of the crucial but previously overlooked minutiae of femaleness

show me 1 vaginal objet d'art and i'll show you 1,500 bullshit paintings, photographs, and proverbs devoted to the "windows to the soul"

>> No.6540823

Cringed hard

>> No.6540838


>Mein Kampf
>anything of note

I bet you read a translation, too you subhuman waste of air.

>> No.6540854


>not fucking your gf when she's on her period

oh, wait, you're a fucking virgin wizard who has never talked to a girl

>> No.6540865

Patrice O'neal once asked a simple question.

PO: Women, if you did not have a vagina, how would you keep or acquire a man?

Response: blowjobs, anal, etc.

PO: Exactly. Given a chance to qualify your value the only answer you have is a series of holes to put dicks in.

>> No.6540866

wow, you fuck girls and shit, dude?

>> No.6540877


well, i rarely fuck shit, but sometimes i just feel like it. are you gonna hate me for sticking my dick into a turd you fucking scatshamer?

>> No.6540895



(im not a virgin btw i talk to girls all the time they dont even mind my view so fuck off with your comments okay? i fucking told you i get laid like crazy literally every single day)

>> No.6540904
File: 3 KB, 253x97, thanks vel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540908

>posting completely non sequitur humorless JUST GO TO /POL/ THEY HAVE INFOGRAPHS LOL!! FUCKING INFOGRAPHS!!!!! in another thread
>posting humorless allcaps LOL POL BELIEVES BENJAMIN WAS A KABBALIST WIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in another thread
>angrymad allcaps posting about misogyny in this thread

/pol/ seems to have upset you today, femanon. Are you on the rag?

>> No.6540912

it's fucking true idiot

not even that guy, but men are inherently better

we create everything
we invent everything
we can be true ethical beings
we can truly love

women can do none of those things, they are mere holes for men to use as sexual property.

they should never be treated with respect, they are all whores and worthless

>> No.6540919
File: 63 KB, 1671x624, MALE AND PROUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6540921
File: 68 KB, 640x426, Schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there was a more interesting period than Vienna pre WWI.
I demand my 1500 bullshit "windows to the soul" paintings now, btw.

>> No.6540926
File: 56 KB, 412x680, 1431225388792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can be true ethical beings
>not being a truly unethical being

>> No.6540927
File: 96 KB, 461x682, Wien_NHM_Venus_von_Willendorf-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post that picture. It makes your argument seem less valid.


You know, I have no problem with vaginas reappearing in art but could that new art be a bit less retarded? Ok, it's a big pussy. We've seen such art for a hundred times already. Can't they make some art that isn't destructive for the sake of destruction in a time when such art can't destroy anything anyway? (Tgat is, these "provocative" images aren't actually provocative anymore.)

Pic related holds much more meaning and is more interesting than those "deep" vagina sculptures.

>> No.6540933

Because that's the only way to reach you.

Seriously, why the fuck does it matter if it is vaginas, dicks, flowers or trees, why are we shocked by one and not the other? What is our relationship to vaginas like? The vagina is a hidden organ, it was concealed by moralism to the point that women don't know much about themselves as men do. Someone mentioned early in thread that it's like drawing dicks on the school's wall, well, I kind of agree in the best sense possible, it is a sense of marking territory and showing power. When women represent vaginas, they are making the image of their vaginas more powerful, more visible, their most feminine aspect is naked and thus it can be ressignified in the way that they want. It shows us their humans, with pleasure, pains and their own way to desire and their own way to live their lives. When women represent their vaginas, they are claiming the vaginas to themselves, saying "it is my object and I can do things with it". It breaks the mistery, entirely. Same with menstruation, which is often seen as something horrible, demon-like almost and that they can ressignify.

I say it is the only way to reach you because people often overlook the work of women by their qualities and a certain shock value is needed here, if only to bring into discussion the shock value itself. How come the use of her body shocks you? And how come you only pay attention to what she does and she does something that is shocking?

>> No.6540936


4chan auto translates superscript characters to normal ones

>> No.6540937

read some actual anti-feminist literature, cuckfuck

Otto Weininger is your man.

Only men can be ethical and women don't exist until man turns away from his being an ethical being and becomes sexualized and hence givers birth to women.

Stay pure and ethical, not a lapsed CUCK

>> No.6540947
File: 65 KB, 640x426, mfw lit talks society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6540959

Now I want to see this image arrangement but a gay guy and a model of a big hairy arsehole to fight for gay rights.

>> No.6540960
File: 70 KB, 590x600, 1424559053689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same painter?

>> No.6540963
File: 80 KB, 300x460, ddr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, yes, this vague portrait of a woman with her hand obscuring most of her genitals can be called "vaginal" because it does not rule out the possibility that she has a vagina
>don't make this so easy for me, baby doll

>> No.6540965
File: 26 KB, 345x504, 1426109776164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds spooky

>> No.6540970

Better yet, a monstrous veiny cock or a fat pink mast

>> No.6540974

>with her hand obscuring most of her genitals
please learn looking comprehension

>> No.6540976

It's scientific fact. There's no real evidence for it, but it is scientific fact

>> No.6540985

>tfw we'll never have an educated discussion on art here

Read a book, go to the museum. Fucking plebs.

>> No.6540989

Get fucked up the ass you faggot. Meet me at any museum and I'll beat the shit out of you.

>> No.6540990

Museums are for liberal cucks and feminist degenerates

>> No.6540997
File: 289 KB, 364x590, Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 5.58.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reducing a woman's genitals to the labia majora

>> No.6541000

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little realist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Bauhaus, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret meetings of Dadaists, and I have over 300 confirmed sound poems. I am trained in drip painting and I’m the top futurist in the entire Europe. You are nothing to me but just another pleb who can't into Duchamp. I will throw paint the fuck over you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with displaying that shit in a gallery? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Futurists across Europe and your paint supplier is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, fountain. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your art. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can paint a square in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in performance art, but I have access to the entire train recordings by Pierre Schaeffer and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your paint off the face of the canvas, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “pretty” painting was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking brush. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Play Doh all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, you kitsch enabler.

>> No.6541002


I have been found out, oh no.

For it is true, I am one of the few.

MRA's with a vagoo.


Keep on spreading the truth, brother!

>> No.6541003
File: 54 KB, 640x426, Foto am 14.05.15 um 22.52 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can recon a Schiele like in your pic by the use of gang signs.
He has strong beautiful contours that make up most of the expressiveness of his portraits in very few lines. A pupil of Klimt (see e.g. "The Kiss"), but drawing the "ugly", not so much princesses in gold.

>> No.6541004


>making a dragon out of metal

>> No.6541010

Art has become mildly politically charged, therefore quality discussion about it on the internet is impossible. The same thing happened to race and sexual orientation. But with art it's to a lesser degree. Declinists have decided that art is yet another thing that has been ruined by modernity/socialism/the Jews/feminism, therefore no discussion about art on a moderately sized message board will be able to avoid some dilettante chiming in about cultural Marxism.

>> No.6541015

Yeah, thank you, professor, but I asked a simple yes no question, didn't ask for an analysis...

>> No.6541016

>classicist labours over a technically proficient translation of a classical work for his senior project, to hone his skills
>fellow classicist jerks off a horse while badly reciting plato's chariot allegory

>> No.6541021
File: 11 KB, 250x250, look mom i did it again dot jpeg tiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6541022

That's a rare strawman, mind if I save it?

>> No.6541026
File: 442 KB, 668x672, Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-14 um 22.58.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I was searching for more Schiele than in my book, and came across some Feminist logic.



>> No.6541027


>scientific fact
>scientific facts are based on evidence

>it is a scientific fact
>there just isn't any evidence

/pol/ in a nutshell


read a fucking museum you little shit

>> No.6541031


best post itt


better than the ragout bolognese i had earlier today


are you that guy that said warhammer 3000 is better than anything modern art ever produced?

i love you, you are my favorite mémé

exceptional strawman, too

>> No.6541082

is that meredith monk?

>> No.6541084

Good thing I oriented myself to the world by being able to hold by dick and control where I pissed while standing up. I'd probable throw like a girl if I hadn't had that formative experience.

At any rate, drawing or painting or sculpting genitalia or bodily functions is always an exhibitionist's action at its core. The question of intention in this matter always has to find its grounding in that. The shock value you speak of is the weaponization of the vagina, and that's indeed what disconcerts. The drawn penis is no more a weapon than a farce to anybody over the age of fifteen. The weaponization of the penis is externalized, industrialized into the sword, the gun, the missile. The weaponization of the vagina speaks of internalization in the individual human being. The weaponization of the vagina speaks of the industrial factory and the proletarianization of the populace. And while one terrorizes the body, the other terrorizes the soul.

tl;dr - why do we need six million art grads painting crude vaginas with menstrual blood in shared-spaces to shock us into acknowledging agency beyond keeping the art school industry alive and kicking?

>> No.6541123


yup. nice catch, friend.

>> No.6541129

noice. i like her album dolmen music on ECM a lot

>> No.6541133

i don't care, friend.

>> No.6541139

well fuck you then

>> No.6541147
File: 109 KB, 700x484, hr-giger-lanscape-viii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, cos no male artist has ever done that

>> No.6541160

>>6541123 here

this wasn't me >>6541133

>> No.6541161

>feminist artists
they aren't artists

>> No.6541168

>poorly drawing dicks on a bathroom wall is marking territory and showing power
My friend, I believe you are gravely mistaken. Any one of us would find a man whose "art" consists entirely of gigantic penis sculptures to be disgusting, garish, and hilarious. And all the merrier if he claims his penis is a critical aspect of his identity. It isn't. Whether someone happens to own a penis or a vagina is a terribly petty thing to dwell upon.

At birth, no male is biased against females, and indeed, throughout our childhood such a bias is never taught or encouraged in any way. The only way people like >>6540895 come along is through their own experience. This sexism is not "lingering," it's home grown, raised by women themselves. Being verbally assaulted by innumerable women unironically boasting how their vagina defines them tends to pull one towards misogyny. If women themselves did not claim their gender defined them as different, and if women themselves did not intentionally choose to act different because of their gender, then I doubt anyone in the developed world could become sexist through experience. If women instead just allowed themselves to be "people" and not "women," then all sexism would vanish from all post-feminism societies. The home grown sexism would be completely destroyed.

But, that is not what women are choosing to do. So long as they choose to sculpt large vagina statues and mosey about with open wounds, claiming they are not "people" but "women," then society will never be rid of the "lingering" sexism. The rest of the developed world is ready to move past defining ourselves in terms of sex. The ball is in the women's court.

>> No.6541179


turtle dreams is my fav


this guy isnt me

>> No.6541183

>a man whose "art" consists entirely of gigantic penis sculptures


>> No.6541194
File: 163 KB, 1382x576, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes, let's go for some giger glory

>Christian people complained about his alien egg design with the openings resembling vaginas, so he made them crosses instead

>> No.6541201 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 124x107, 1431639911355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541202
File: 461 KB, 566x575, penis and rape, the movie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541207
File: 1.93 MB, 2048x1365, bloody penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6541219
File: 24 KB, 450x300, sperm and mother milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should rewatch that face hugging rape fest feminist masterpiece

>> No.6541230
File: 54 KB, 458x670, BASWoteStreetWilly01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you the Wote Street Willy, a landmark of Basingstoke (town near where i live), "the largest sculpture of a penis on public display in the United Kingdom".

>> No.6541232
File: 796 KB, 980x672, confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6541309
File: 3.72 MB, 3576x3688, notvaginas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wecome to the human condition you ignorant pleb

>> No.6541329

i really want some vodka right now

>> No.6541339
File: 118 KB, 633x861, gawdamreadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

If you want to talk about art, go to /ic/.

>> No.6541372

free bleeding was a false flag operation by MRAs

>> No.6541379

How the fuck did feminism become a meme? /lit/ should be cultured enough to understand how wide the term is and how small is the internet's criticism

>> No.6541389

This is beautiful.


>> No.6541390







>> No.6541396

>art has become mildly politlcally charged

Art has been completely political for at least 200 years. Anyone who says the opposite is either a filthy aesthethicist or delusional.

>> No.6541398

you are the reason we can't have nice things

>> No.6541405

Well, I'm far from a feminist, but Schiele is indeed a master on bringing beauty to every form and situation of womanhood.

>> No.6541418

>Whether someone happens to own a penis or a vagina is a terribly petty thing to dwell upon.
It is, isn't it? Then why are women in this position that they have in society because of their vaginas. What you're saying is part of their point.

> women unironically boasting how their vagina defines them
But it's the contrary, that they define their vaginas.

It's very different for men and women. A man's penis is not a critical aspect of his identity because it is the default sex. Women are the ones who are defined by their genitals, and why so?

>then I doubt anyone in the developed world could become sexist through experience
This is idiotic, the world is sexist in itself. It's not a matter of "becoming sexist", you've been brainwashed to believe this is really about vaginas, dicks, barbies and gi joes, and not about universal rights that have been historically taken from women. "I doubt if we stop talking about racism, racism ends!" This is how retarded you sound.

I'm not your friend, fuck you.

>> No.6541419


how else are you going to respond to /pol/ raids but with ironic shitposts and reporting/saging?



>implying a /lit/izen made this thread


>> No.6541422

>muh feels

feminist logic everyone

>> No.6541423

I think it's just that the reasonable feminism has achieved what it can (independent of that being what it aimed for) and so it's not interesting to discuss it anymore. I'd go to this literature only if I really have the time or think I need the perspective. But men have their own issues now which probably aren't solved by those theories.

>> No.6541427

So basically you're Victor Svatsky

>> No.6541432


>implying rocco siffredi does not owe his position in society to his hanging garden

>> No.6541442


I'd say the default comes from it being the perspective of people who made history, and the power (and desire for power) dynamics is (tautological) a result of biology.

>> No.6541452

I don't think bringing and expressing beauty to how women are perceived in any situation is a feminist goal.

>> No.6541501


He's not wrong, this place is also more infested with obnoxious marxists than the English department at an ivy league university

>> No.6541515

>how else are you going to respond to /pol/ raids
>if you don't agree with my philosophy, you must be raiding
>stop thinking what I don't think

Where are non-leftists supposed to discuss literature?

>> No.6541521

What I mean by beauty is a serene naturality, a way to display women and women's bodies without your typical embarassment or hyper-sexualization (which is great, since he's clearly erotic, but in a "sex is a natural part of life" way)

>> No.6541527


So really they want to shove some boipussi inside a rocket and launch him at London? Nice try, "feminists".

>> No.6541540

>Why do feminist
mental illness

mental illness and feminism go hand in hand

>> No.6541558

God damn you're a complete idiot, you're so ignorant that you think acculturization is a completely conscious process that happens as you critically examine it and pick and choose your values.

>> No.6541579
File: 498 KB, 463x694, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say it's clearly erotic, but I don't even know how to interpret erotic here.
Schieles young self-portrait is my favorite picture by him

>> No.6541591
File: 572 KB, 454x692, tt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there are his famous women pictures, which are beautiful in the same sense to me. I don't think eroticism enters my mind when I judge them - hence I don't see the female in that light there. At least I think that's how it is.
It's how the pictures are done in general, how the content was captures.

>> No.6541603


>Where are non-leftists supposed to discuss literature?

on /lit/

>Where are non-leftists supposed to discuss feminism?

on /pol/, the board for politics and ideology

>> No.6541614


post more schiele, dled every single one you posted

>> No.6541618


>It is, isn't it? Then why are women in this position that they have in society because of their vaginas. What you're saying is part of their point.

Men are in the positions they are in society because of their penises as well, that's how we make the bifurcation that defines gender roles, what is the difference ? Two sexes, and gender roles that correspond loosely to the biological facts of the sex ( women are less analytic, and more vulnerable due to pregnancy than men, have a higher degree of empathy than men, physically weaker, less testosterone, ect). You are making a major error, you are confusing the fact that men have the dominant and more active and responsibility laden position as them being the "default". Not everyone bought Aristotle's idea that women were just defective men, being in the subordinate role does not make you "the other", it just so happens that men were doing most of the writing so obviously they weren't going to pretend that they were women or have the intimate knowledge of women that women did. Women also tend to flourish the best in subordinate positions, so allot of women have been proud defenders of gender roles over the years, because they could tell what a disaster deviating from them would be. Even still, Meideval Christianity struck a nice balance, lots of women involved in politics, Hildegard advised the Pope, and De Pizan was the most popular writer and arguably the first professional writer of Europe, a woman had a monopoly on the english beer industry for a while, but they neither broke down into sensationalism or delusions about them being something other than what they are, traditional christian patriarchy allowed women to flourish within the subordinate positions that were best for them and didn't require self deception. What do we get now to compare to Pizan's masterworks?, crude vagina drawings, ad hominem fallacy laden arguments , spooky theories of social structures that are contradicted by basic biology, and intellectual dishonesty that constantly re writes history so to manufacture women's crises amd keep women subordinated to the state and a feminist hive mind, one which boils woman to her lowest common denominator as an idealized victim. Thanks feminism!

> and not about universal rights that have been historically taken from women

Universal rights are a spooky invention made by bad enlightenment Philosophers as a substitute for Christian moral ideas, you can't take something from women that they never had in the first place. Unless you are religious then rights only exist insofar as there is a state or community willing to enforce them with violence, if there were none for women then the closest you can come to justifying your claim is through the the lighter egalitarianism that comes with Christianity ( men have to stay monogamous like women do, murdering your wife is not cool, women are technically just as able to access God as men, don't throw rocks at prostitutes, ect).

>> No.6541820

My question is:

If women's goals are to stop being reduced merely to their sexual organs, why is that all that they themselves are concerned with?

Both feminists and its opposition see women as vaginas

>> No.6541874

It's the problem of a movement that has no clear goal or principles. It's why third-wave feminism was doomed to fail from the starting gate.

>> No.6541879

OMG the reason feminists depict the vagina in art has been explained about a dozen times ITT. Are you fucking dense as fuck or what?

>> No.6541895

>asking a bunch of self-loathing man-children about gender politics

And before anyone gets offended by my mean SJW namecalling, i'm including myself in that. I haven't even read The Second Sex.

>> No.6541904

Feminists are sexists. For them everything revolves around sex. Sometimes I think they are retarded.

>> No.6541951

it's also mostly the /art/ board if you haven't noticed