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File: 64 KB, 612x380, John-Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540450 No.6540450 [Reply] [Original]

When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.

>> No.6540466

>because we can never be irreparably broken
The quadriplegics of the world beg to differ

>> No.6540475

Josh Green quotes are almost as bad to read as goodreads reviews.

>> No.6540496

Is he worse than George Martin?

>> No.6540507

It seems like he's channeling McCarthy in parts, but Green's writing checks his limited talent can't cash.

>> No.6540523

What do you mean by "limited talent"? Be more specific. It's his poor judgement in sentiment that is the issue. It's the sentimentalism of a 16 year old girl's facebook post with a bit of highschoolish pseuodintellectualism thrown in. In other words, it's juvenile and banal.

>> No.6540525


I don't follow what any of that means.

>> No.6540530

adult detected

>> No.6540548

I'm from England and I hate to see my parents watching the soap operas on TV because I think that they have this kind of condescending tone to them, of middle class people writing down to working class people. Similarly, I think this is condescending to teenagers. If I were a conscientious teenager I would be patronised by Green's garbage. It's written to make the simpleminded feel profound, and that, I feel, is condescending. Teenagers' lives are actually a lot more profound than the corny pseudo-profundity of Green would make them out to be.

>> No.6540582

You fagmo

>> No.6540596

Green at his best couldn't hold a candle to McCarthy at his worst. Which passages are you referring to, anon?

>> No.6540601

>But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.
It's McCarthy loquaciousness and the invocation of biblical timelessness but without the poetry or vocabulary.

>> No.6540629

t. teenager

>> No.6540714

The whole "teenagers think they're invincible" thing is a retarded meme. They don't think nothing will ever happen to them, they just don't think period. Impulsiveness and a lack of awareness is their main failing, not some contrived sense of invulnerability.

>> No.6540719

sometimes when I'm alone at home I go on my computer and look at pictures of women with large breasts. I like to do it because it gives me a rush of excitation. I always turn down the sound because once I opened a video without meaning to and the sound was really loud and I think that Ms. Weeney below heard the video but I'm not sure. Anyways I don't think she will tell my mother what I was looking at because mum always says that Ms. Weeney is a mean bitch. Ms. Weeney was a friend of mum before dad left. I try to always be careful around the computer because Martin told me you could look up the history of your computer and he taught me to erase my footprint on the computer.
Next time Martin will be over we're going to start painting the box of Warhammers his father bought him for his birthday. He can't paint them yet because he needs the silver paint for the helmets and I borrowed the silver paint to paint the swords of the Space Marines I got last July. Anyways it's a lot more fun to paint together.
When me and Martin paint together we talk about the colors and how to paint each soldier and we make up stories about the armies we're building. Martin told me his friend Camille had lots of Warhammers and the book with the rules to play them.
When I have school I wake up special early in the morning and I start the computer and I look at pictures of women naked. Then when it's time I go take a shower, and I never forget to switch the computer off so my mum doesn't know.

>> No.6541597


>making rash over generalizations

>> No.6541617

>not undergeneralizing

>> No.6541737

This is great.

>> No.6541758


publish WHEN

>> No.6541766

>It's McCarthy loquaciousness and the invocation of biblical timelessness but without the poetry or vocabulary.
I want to punch you in the face.

>> No.6541774

Whatever OLD MAN

>> No.6541781
File: 176 KB, 1440x900, smugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It now lately sometimes seemed like a kind of black miracle to me that people could actually care deeply about a subject or pursuit, and could go on caring this way for years on end. Could dedicate their entire lives to it. It seemed admirable and at the same time pathetic. We are all dying to give our lives away to something, maybe. God or Satan, politics or grammar, topology or philately -the object seemed incidental to this will to give oneself away, utterly. To games or needles, to some other person. Something pathetic about it. A flight-from in the form of a plunging into

>> No.6543181


>> No.6543195

Everything in this post is so fucking dumb i cant even believe it, pseudo intellectual bullshit

>> No.6543267

Anon this is great, full story when?

>> No.6543269

cringing hard

>> No.6543327

I want to push him backwards into that pond.

>> No.6543438

John Green is quintessentially a geeky English teacher who escaped the classroom, gathered up all the fucking romance book cliches, raped them repeatedly and took the essence of teen angst and pour it into a alphabet soup we commonly call "The Fart in our Arse". Jack Red, u fuckin roody poody, C-, come see me after class.

>> No.6543454

>We need never be
I don't think anyone talks like this.

>> No.6543471 [DELETED] 

Stop talking about this hack .
Are you all that jealous he got published and you not!?
Real artists don't care.

>> No.6543475
File: 266 KB, 200x130, 1302288030667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like he's channeling McCarthy in parts

>> No.6543768

I agree, that's why I really enjoyed james franco's short stories "Lockheed" and "Vietnam" from his Palo Alto collection.

>> No.6543784

>we cannot die

Tell that to my high school classmate who was hit by a train

>> No.6545368


Yeah but that's not true. As a 21 one year old not far from adolencence, I can truly say that teenagers are fucking scum. TGhis wouldn't be patronising to them, they'd think its "beuatiful" because it appeals to them. Fuck teenagers, they're retarded arrogant cunts. All they do is fuck, take drugs, waste money and generally destroy any nation they live in. I'd rather 5 years olds run the country than teenagers.

>> No.6545398

I use that construction with some frequency.

People think I'm weird, though, so there's that.

>> No.6546323

>All they do is fuck, take drugs, waste money and generally destroy any nation they live in

That describes a lot of bankers as well...

>> No.6546330

Well they ruin countries too.

>> No.6546339


>All they do is fuck, take drugs, waste money and generally destroy any nation they live in

you sound pretty miserable

who the fuck cares about nations anyway

>> No.6546348

>Fuck teenagers, they're retarded arrogant cunts
Ayy. I bet you complain why tv saturday morning cartoons are now shit.
>man why are cartoons so shit today?
>man why are games so shit today? Back in my days when I was 5 I played better games than CoD lol

Back to le wrong generation, faggot.

>> No.6546380


>We cannot be born, and we cannot die.
>cannot die

Suicide isn't as uncommon as you might hope.

>> No.6546581

Teenagers are shittier than adults because their brains haven't fully developed yet. Though most adults are shit too because most people are just shit period.

When you really get down to it we're all just turds floating in an ocean of runny diarrhea.

>> No.6546636

it's an oversimplification, and "teenagers" doesn't actually refer to people under twenty but to anybody who hasn't had to face their mortality or legacy

The "adults" who say this are mostly concerned with the child's failure to devote its life to its plans for its own future, which is seen as the logical and sensible thing to do

but actually they just don't want to devote their life to setting up creature comforts for themselves later in life

>> No.6546653

>now lately sometimes

>> No.6546837


>> No.6547278

>we can never be irreparably broken. <...> we cannot die
Oh really? Gee well fucking thanks. And here I was being frightened as fuck by my inevitable mortality ending my ridiculously short lifetime and all my memories, experiences and feelings. Shit, feels good knowing I'm immortal. Think I'll go play in traffic.

>> No.6547385

>muh nations

git mad fagget

>> No.6547439

“That everything is on fire, slow fire, and we're all less than a million breaths away from an oblivion more total than we can even bring ourselves to even try to imagine...” - The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.6547474
File: 243 KB, 1328x642, JohnGreenLit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6547595

i must be retarded because i can't see anything bad about this at all

>> No.6547608

who the fuck gets hit by a train

>> No.6547614

he had it coming. literally.

>> No.6547638


It's trite and overly sentimental. Even when my favorite french queer philosophers muse about death at least they use it to make some kind of point and not just as some proof of how deep they are.

>> No.6547651


d-did you go to high school with greg plitt?

>> No.6547682

fun fact: 1000000 breaths is something like 40-50 days

>> No.6547694

but its literature. he's not trying to have a unique thought or idea, he's trying to vividly express something we all feel. and even philosophically, like if nietzsche said "everything is on slow fire" you'd think it was good. well, maybe not, but at least not bad.

i'm no john green fan but i just really want to understand why he's so terrible, not getting that everything he writes is dumb and awful makes me feel pretty depressed at my own taste in lit and my own writing.

>> No.6547698

"more total than we can even bring ourselves to even try to imagine...”

I think this part of the sentence is pretty bad too, idk

>> No.6547706

That can't be right. McCarthy at his worst is very incredibly bad.

>> No.6547708

it's a little colloquial i guess, but you get his point of totality to the point of incomprehensibility

man maybe i'm just over thinking this but it freaks me out that i can't find fucking john green of all people as bad as i used to find him

>> No.6547728
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6547741

since when does he praise aquinas

>> No.6547758

you wouldn't be saying that if you knew who that quote was really from

>> No.6547760

it's not really by john green

>> No.6548047

he shits on aristotle because of Nichomechean ethics, three quarters of that book is the heirachy of free man, slave man, free woman, slave woman.

>> No.6548058

>three quarters of that book is the heirachy of free man, slave man, free woman, slave woman.
confirmed for never reading the brilliance that is Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.6548066

try the Politics, dumbo. and try actually reading aristotle before you get your "problematic" sensors tingling

>> No.6548253

Wasn't he training to be a chaplain at one point?