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File: 93 KB, 500x599, bE3W3Wq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6539328 No.6539328 [Reply] [Original]

>go onto Google
>type a random city name
>read the news articles that pop up
>you are now aware how inconsequential your life is

jesus christ

>> No.6539334

this is the strategy of the humanists

>> No.6539335

No, anon

Just having a feels moment

>> No.6539336

Insignificance is deeply liberating.

>> No.6539338

This is the first step, isn't it

>> No.6539342
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 2014-06-23 06.48.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it such a big surprise to people that they're not the centre of the fucking universe?

For fucks sake, at least be important to yourself.

>> No.6539343

that's what media does

>> No.6539380

It's really the opposite. The above anon's thing would more likely break people of humanism.

>> No.6539620

This. Nothing helped my anxiety more than reading about the various technuiqes of studying the history of the ancient Egyptians. Despite what many religions and people say about judgment nearly everything you do will be completely forgotten and at most someone 10 centuries from now might find a scrap of paper you wrote a grocery list on buried underground and they'll get into a big argument on what brand of pen you wrote it with.

>> No.6540026

It happened to me. And I'll never forget it. Back when I was in the sixth grade, my whole family went out to go watch a baseball game at the stadium. I didn't really care about baseball, but I was surprised by what I saw when we got there. Everywhere I looked, I saw people. On the other side of the stadium, the people looked so small, like little moving grains of rice. It was so crowded. I thought that everyone in my country had to be packed in there. So I turned to my dad and asked him, "Do you know how many people are here right now"? He said since the stadium was full, probably fifty thousand. After the game, the street was filled with people and I was really shocked to see that, too. To me, it seemed like there was a ton of people there. But then, I realized it could only be a tiny fraction of all the people in my country. I was only one little person in that big crowded stadium filled with people, and believe me, there were so many people there, but it was just a handful of the entire population. Up till then, I always thought that I was, I don't know, kind of a special person. It was fun to be with my family. I had fun with my classmates. And the school that I was going to, it had just about the most interesting people anywhere. But that night, I realized it wasn't true. All the stuff we did during class that I thought was so fun and cool, was probably happening just like that in classes in other schools all over the world. There was nothing special about my school at all. When I realized that, it suddenly felt like the whole world around me started to fade into a dull gray void. Brushing my teeth and going to sleep at night, waking up and eating breakfast in the morning, that stuff happened all over the place. They were everyday things that everybody was doing. When I thought about it like that, everything became boring. If there's really that many people in the world, then there had to be someone who wasn't ordinary. There had to be someone who was living an interesting life. There just had to be. But why wasn't I that person? So, that's how I felt till I finished elementary school. And then I had another realization. I realized fun things wouldn't come my way just by waiting for them. I thought when I got into junior high, it was time for me to make a change. I'd let the world know I wasn't a girl who was happy sitting around waiting. And I've done my best to become that person. But in the end, nothing happened. More time went by and before I knew it, I was in high school. I thought that something would change.

>> No.6540080

inconsequential is just a word we made up. its not like other people can contain less of an abstract word than you.

>> No.6540091

>This morning, I dreamt of enslavering a female who was an acquaintance, or rather, I dreamt of making her acknowledge her nature. She had to please me sexually, obviously, as we all know what the duty of the woman is, but to also be plowed by whomever and whatever, whenever I wish. I particularly enjoyed the obligation that she be rammed by thin road blockers, without condoms, such as those in the picture, typical in Paris, where I lived in the dream. This was, in fact, my very first assignment to her.

One night, after many nights of debauchery, I desired to break her once and for all.
I drove her around town around midnight, until we reached a bridge where a bunch of hobos tried not to die; a dozen of old men who were nothing but the dredge of society.
Naturally, I told the whore to go to them, to tell them that she will grant all of their wishes. My car was just above the bridge, before the stairs going down on the side of the Seine. I had kissed her before she went to them, just a few meters below me, something which allowed me to hear everything.

From the first few seconds minutes of the conversation between the men and the girl, I knew that they would not disappoint. I heard a bit of screaming from her, as well as a lot of jouissance like any good girl would get in such a situation, thanks to the female nature, I decided to head home, once I had confirmation that she would acquire a sense of purpose and accomplishment that comes with following the orders.
She could not go anywhere after har job done anyway, because I implemented a little device in her, in order to get her to sleep when I wanted. I triggered the device about one hour later, once I was comfy in my bed. In such amanner, she was bound to sleep with them for the night.

>> No.6540099

At dawn, I went back under the bridge with satisfaction in discovering that everything went according to my plan. The place had a few puddles of jizz, some were also of crap and puke blended together. The dozens of hobos had all their pants down, the girl was naked, her clothes spread all over the place. She was sleeping, hugged by two men with a few needles, bottles and even knifes scattered. Fucking degenerates.
I gathered then burnt all the clothes of the cunt before I went to her. Thankfully, upon inspection, her harms presented a few injection marks as well as a few bruises. I thereby concluded that it was a good night.
It was then time to wake her up, for in a few minutes, the place would see the daily life taking over the degeneracy of the night. I trod on her, kicking her legs but since she was still a bit sleepy, I had to drag her near to the stairs while she was naked, crying, yelling that I was a scumbag for abandoning her. I told then the whore to blow my cock, on the pavement, to do it now, while dawn set in, before the first passers-by arrived. I knew it was risky since she was probably riddled with AIDS but it was my game. She continued to weep, in telling me unintelligibly all the stuff the hobos did on her, how all of her holes enjoyed every drop of their spunk.

She started to give me a nice head but almost grabbed it by her hands in the act. The cunt dared to touch me with all her filth. I had then no choice but to punch her; at least it would woke her up for good. I went again with the order for a blowjob. She was on her bare knees on the pavement, with her hands behind the back. I told her then to finger herself, the front and the back, during the blowjob. The left hand was in her pussy, her left thumb on her red clit. The right hand was in her bruised ass. I decided that her morning duty was to make her come before she make me unload my balls all over her face:if she did not succeed, I would cut her throat with the knifes of the men.

>> No.6540103


She started to give me a nice head but almost grabbed it by her hands in the act. The cunt dared to touch me with all her filth. I had then no choice but to punch her; at least it would woke her up for good. I went again with the order for a blowjob. She was on her bare knees on the pavement, with her hands behind the back. I told her then to finger herself, the front and the back, during the blowjob. The left hand was in her pussy, her left thumb on her red clit. The right hand was in her bruised ass. I decided that her morning duty was to make her come before she make me unload my balls all over her face: if she did not succeed, I would cut her throat with the knifes of the men.

Her eyes still filled with tears, I saw her rubbing faster and faster her clit, while her mouth contained the engorged head of my cock and her right hand was plowing, willy-nilly, deeper and deeper in her ass, still filled with the hobos' filth. That was the pinnacle of her career. She knew it, just as much as I did.
Since I did not really wished to murder her, as I could not really get away form this in such daylight, I decided to be rough on her, since this is what gets her off after so many months under my wing. It went well, she succeeded but was now shaking like a fiend needing his fix. Did she really believed I was going to stab her death before a dozen of degenerate ? What a twat.

>> No.6540109


Filled now with joy and thanking me for keeping her alive, we climbed the stairs together to go back to the car. In order to protect my car, I gave her a chemical suit to wear since the fucking cunt was bleeding and covered with the spooge of half the city. To humiliate her once last time this morning, I told that she did not deserve to sit with her master, so that she had to lay in the trunk like the bad bitch that she was. She hopped in still shaking, hungry and traumatised (wtf did the hobos do?) but I locked the the trunk without regret and drove in direction of the Atlantic ocean to spend the week-end there.
After a few hours, I parked the car and checked in my hotel.

>> No.6541144

I look your image has a subtly different background color.
Like someone didn't take a screen shot and extract from it the color.
Like they messed around on the color wheel until it looked about right.
Like maybe they knew and was just trying to fuck w/ all the people who fucking pay attention to these sorts of things.