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/lit/ - Literature

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6536553 No.6536553 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

My aunt is a liberal atheist lesbian but recently she has been wavering. I think she's susceptible to a push in the right direction.

What books or bible passages would you recommend me to help convert her to the one true christian faith?

>> No.6536559

Don't come up in my kitchen with that weak-arse shit!

>> No.6536562

Dumb christposter

>> No.6536564

If she's in a such fragile state you should not bother with trying to convert her and just bang her instead.

>> No.6536565

god damn it OP

>> No.6536594

Why the fuck does /lit/ have to be a bunch of christfags? Why couldn't I get Muslims instead? At least those fuckers brought math and shit.

>> No.6536603

Isn't incest promoted in the bible anyways?

>> No.6536614

OP is an idiot if he doesn't do this.

>> No.6536622

I needed that laugh OP. Thanks.


Don't be so short-sighted. I myself sometimes have a kick in a similar style. Being a devout atheist and all still. Don't knock it till you've tried it.

>> No.6536625

I think it should depend on why your aunt is an atheist. Most atheists, I've found, lack faith because they simply don't believe in something. It seems to lack sufficient evidence.

You simply need to give her an outline of how the Christian faith is, in fact, objective truth.

Start with the passages that are most difficult to believe. I'd personally use noncanonical passages. Once you've convinced your Aunt that there very realistically were once dragons on Earth and that the Bible isn't really a large collection of metaphors, she should be willing to accept the canonical word as truth.

Source: I've used this tactic on several different relatives, all of whom now share my love for our lord and saviour.

>> No.6536641


>> No.6536653

>the right direction.

Define this and justify it

>> No.6536654
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>there very realistically were once dragons on Earth
Where is this in the Bible?

>> No.6536667


>> No.6536668

>I think it should depend on why your aunt is an atheist.
This is an excellent point and I should have mentioned it in the OP. My aunt (like certain other people in this thread I'm sure) seems to have been spurned from religion due to bad experience with christians when she was a child. Apparently she was in a place where the church community wasn't a positive one and she took this to be how all churches are. I think she went through hard times with the guilt and shame brought on by a corrupted flock, and would say it's possible she resents God for the teasing he put her through.

Also she is a professor at a fairly well known university and I think she may be afraid of committing "academic suicide" by coming to terms about her true relationship with God.

I don't really follow you on the dragons bit but thank you for the contribution (if you were serious) my brother.

>> No.6536709


>> No.6536712

Oh. I've dealt with one of those, before. Not so much a skeptic as a closeted believer.

In that case, you don't want to present the seemingly, deceptively outrageous material. Rather, you should prevent the more violent passages of the bible depicting genocide and the slaying of those who jeer. These are the verses that truly bring out the worst in our faith, and you should drive that fact in. Let her know that the faith isn't perfect.

But, then, every cloud has a silver lining. Once you've assured yourself that she is thoroughly disgusted by the word of God, present her with the more graceful verses (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, and the like come to mind) that show that God is truly loving and forgiving.

Then, assure her that he is even so forgiving, that she needn't worry if she cannot come to terms with her faith. The description of a lake of fire is terrifying, but without a body, there's no way you could feel the flames; there would be nothing to burn. God is so loving that he made his only eternal punishment for us no more miserable than our earthly existence.

>> No.6536718

present* not prevent. My bad.

>> No.6536729

Why not get her into something fun like Satanism?

>> No.6536738
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>God is so loving that he made his only eternal punishment for us no more miserable than our earthly existence.
are you jesting us? op wanted a real answer

>> No.6536740

Speaking of the Bible, doesn't God forbid gay sex, not necessarily homosexuality in general?

>> No.6536741

Satan is literally a dragon

>> No.6536749

I'll take your advice under consideration brother, thank you for being the only one in this thread to actually recommend some literature to me.

May I ask your denomination out of curiosity? Your particular beliefs about the "literal interpretation" of the bible seem unfamiliar to me.

>> No.6536755

It's okay if you don't have faith in our loving lord and saviour. He's saved me, and I know that if I were to stray again, he would save me once again, even if it was from such suffering as eternal hellfire.

Regardless of how you view my faith, I have all the love and respect in the world for you.

>> No.6536771

It's gay sex and lustful gay thoughts.
Homosexuality is not a thing for the Bible.
I don't think you will need to do much. If she is going to convert she will do so on her own. You can guide her, go to church and pray with her, go to a priest and talk with the two of them and similar. Being a lesbian atheist is a sad existance and finiding God is the only thing that will make her in peace with her sins.

>> No.6536778

Specifically, Psalms mentions them a bunch, Isaieh does, Jeremiah does, several other passages mention them.

Control f dragon in this document


>> No.6536784

Sure, all that stands. But hellfire is eternal and it is a state in which you expell God out of yourself. It is the most horrific thing that will ever exist.
Purgation in Hell (or Purgatory, depending on your views on it) will be a thing, but only for some.

>> No.6536787

My father was a methodist pastor, and we grew up in a small town in South Dakota with very little money, often having to rely on our own community for food when we should be providing for them.

After much suffering, my father cursed the heavens and publicly denounced our religion. To be honest, it was more of a mental breakdown than anything serious. I knew he was a man of faith, yet.

Once he had found himself a job sweeping the floors of a local factory and hauling garbage for the local farmers' co-op, his duties began to restore the confidence he had once possessed. With such confidence in hand, he began to speak to God once again, not as a prophet or anything, but as a faithful servant.

He passed away a couple years ago, and I almost denounced religion, myself, but I was fortunate enough to have my father's teachings and the journals he had left me. I continue to walk in his footsteps and could not say I fall into one specific denomination as a result. I am a true servant to the lord, not to any one church.

>> No.6536792

Bang her. She'll go straight for your D bro.

>> No.6536806

lel ebin wincest maymay so edgy 4chan breaks all le tabboos

I can smell your reddit from here,

lurk all summer

>> No.6536812
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>> No.6536820

A life cowering and kowtowing to superstition and fables isn't "the right direction".

>> No.6536821

I can smell Jesus's jizz on you from halfway around the world.

>> No.6536832

It fills me with joy to see Christians in /lit/.

>> No.6536850

It fills me up to see such tender sarcasm on /lit/. (:

>> No.6536859

My joy is genuine; I'm so tired of seeing the same awful threads with frog images and religion constantly shamed or frowned upon.

>> No.6536860

Reminder that the fedora posts are all one guy constantly triggered that Christians exist and he comments in every thread where he can talk about atheism and how le science disproves god.

>> No.6537207
