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/lit/ - Literature

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6536425 No.6536425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is literature & philosophy inherently fedora? Grand sweeping statements about humanity and the euphoria of forming an ego by reading books from a pre-selected archive. This board is proof that being well-read doesn't mean shit. Convince me why I should even bother to read and not just go out and create my own experiences rather than stealing some else's?

>> No.6536428

Do whatever man.

>> No.6536436

And but so who cares fegget

>> No.6536437

>every writer /lit/ reads was a complete failure at life, couldn't even get a real job
>most had sex with one or two women in their entire lives
>most had weird, autistic and cringey personalities

yep sounds about right

>> No.6536443

No, they inherently religious, not atheist, especially when they have an atheist theme.

>> No.6536449

>This board is proof that being well-read doesn't mean shit.

This board proves nothing of the sort. I'm fairly confident that nobody who frequently posts on /lit/ is well-read.

>> No.6536452


No, it's not. But why should you want to be convinced? There's a lot of energy put into keeping you from your birthright. Why not just take the easy way out and let them do it. Go watch some shitty meme movie, go bowl, go piss your life away. It makes no difference.

>> No.6536455

/lit/ may be stupid, but is less stupid than most other boards.
>reading is stealing experiences
what the fuck is this

>> No.6536464

>If God is dead, everything is permitted
*tips fedora

>God is dead, and we have killed him.
*tips fedora

>Among all creatures that breathe on earth and crawl on it there is not anywhere a thing more dismal than man is.
*tips fedora

is anything in the western canon not filled with cringey shit? it's like a writer's disease to just spew out all the cringey shit they can.

>> No.6536468

>Grand sweeping statements about humanity

...which were never meant to be taken as objective statements of reality, but autists can't help themselves.

>> No.6536473
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Honestly, at this point, calling something fedora tier is fedora tier.

>> No.6536474

Has anyone ever called someone a fedora IRL?

This one time in an Intro to Philosophy class, we were discussing the Ontological argument of God, and some neckbeard fedora (he didn't really have a neckbeard or a fedora but if you didn't know that, you would think he would) said that it was just playing around with word meanings, so I said, "Epic rebuttal, good sir, I tip my fedora to you." He said he didn't get it, because I didn't have a fedora, but some cute girls got it and they started laughing.

>> No.6536494

>but some cute girls got it and they started laughing

I think you misread that buddy.

>> No.6536498
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Jesus fucking _hrist, that's my cat! Hold on, I'll post the original image in a moment.

>> No.6536502

>said that it was just playing around with word meanings

Wittgenstein is fedora?

>> No.6536503

Ok let's be honest. If you read books at all outside of school, you're a fedora

>> No.6536504

>This board is proof that being well-read doesn't mean shit

Ha, nobody here is well-read, unless you think readings blurbs about literature and skimming through classics makes one well-read.

>> No.6536530
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/lit/ is basically just /a/ or /tv/ with a high brow facade. fucking cunnyfags and pedos everywhere.

>> No.6536544

Bigot detected.

>> No.6536548


It's mostly arguments from authority aimed at independently wealthy people, yes.

>> No.6536589

Well,there is literature and philosophy made just like any other activity or hobbie,and there is the kind that has to do with serious psychological issues,when the person feels empty and create all kinds of delusion,like mishima,nitty,and all other people who coudnt deal with life

>> No.6536620

This board has really fucked me up. Anything even remotely metaphysical or romantic just makes me think of the fedora meme.

>> No.6536658

I went from Atheism to Calvinism from a year of /lit/

>> No.6536666

It's not much of a facade with so many Lord of the Rings threads.

>> No.6536678


>He said he didn't get it, because I didn't have a fedora, and some cute girls looked at me like I was the biggest sperglord ever. Then everyone laughed at me and spaghetti flew out out of my pockets


>> No.6536680

Explain wonders like To Kill a Mockingbird then. /no counter-argument Bam!

>> No.6536683


That's because you're a pretentious contrarian

>> No.6536699

Subjective but I am contrarian so I'll give you that.

>> No.6536700

You must have had a really tenuous connection literature prior to coming here.

>> No.6536707

your time hasn't come yet cunnyfag, once women and homos are equal we'll work on getting your kind accepted into society. you are literally the bottom of the barrel right now. not that i agree, but defending pedophilia is essentially a fedora position.

"One day in 1867, a farm hand from the village of Lapcourt, who was somewhat simple-minded, employed here then there, depending on the season, living hand-to-mouth…was turned in to the authorities. At the border of a field, he had obtained a few caresses from a little girl, just as he had done before and seen done by the village urchins round about him…So he was pointed out by the
girl's parents to the mayor of the village, reported by the mayor to the gendarmes, led by the gendarmes to the judge, who indicted him and turned him over first to a doctor, then to two other experts.

What is the significant thing about this story? The pettiness of it all; the fact that this everyday occurrence in the life of village sexuality, these inconsequential bucolic pleasures, could become, from a certain time, the object not only of a collective intolerance but of a judicial action, a medical intervention, a careful clinical examination, and an entire theoretical elaboration."

>> No.6536720

My gf sneaked up behind me while I was reading Gene Wolfe and stuck a fedora on my head, which still had the pricetag on it. Otherwise I've never known I someone to reference that.

>> No.6536722

It is a disease.
this post made me relapse, back to the deep web for me.

>> No.6537473

Might help you quit being a fucking retard but I doubt it considering.