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/lit/ - Literature

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653566 No.653566 [Reply] [Original]

Pirate books, /lit/?

>> No.653570

Why yes, I do.

>> No.653575

tresrue Iland

>> No.653569

Library within walking distance. I don't see the point of pirating.

>> No.653577

Uh, I think OP wants books about pirates,

>> No.653592


Ohhh... right.

See, this is why you should type more complete sentences.

>> No.653629

The Seahawk and Captain Blood by Raphael Sabatini.

>> No.653637

didn't they make these into movies?
are they worth watching?

>> No.653658

Scott Lynch, Gentlemen Bastards

pretty cool stuff, second book is pretty piratey

>> No.653750


They did make them into movies, starring Errol Flynn no less. But I never saw them.

>> No.653773

treasure island

>> No.653777

holy fuck
there's a pirate thread on every fucking board

>> No.653802 [DELETED] 

W E l C o M e T o a n T o P i a w h e R e a l L t h e a n t S l I v E I n h a r M O n Y : h t T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.653875

treasure island

>> No.653963

love me some pirates

>> No.653964

High Wind in Jamaica

>> No.653968

Captain Hook and the Mistress of the Anal Apocalypse

>> No.653976

sounds like a book that will pull you right in

>> No.653983

It'll swallow you whole

>> No.653992
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>> No.654027


>> No.654068

I thought infocom only made games

>> No.654107

you were wrong

>> No.654120

Lolita is a good pirate book imo.

>> No.654122


Plundered Hearts is not a "game", it's interactive fiction. And specifically interactive PIRATE fiction.

It's like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure novel except you can't choose the adventure, you have to work your way through it by solving problems. Conducted in prose.

In other words, if you solve all the puzzles / problems, then it's basically like interacting with a novel in which you, the reader, get to be Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean.

>> No.654131

w H Y a R E y o u S t E a L I N G c o n T E n T c H R I s T o P H e R p O o L e ? H T t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.654144

ooo I love those

>> No.654182

they can be fun, yea

>> No.654194

is it actually a book?

>> No.654223


>> No.654542

So it's a game.