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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 354x281, EarthBound_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6534997 No.6534997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the Earthbound of literature?

>> No.6535012


>> No.6535036

Nothing, cause literature is art while vidyas are simply visual spectacles for lonely cockbound spergers.

>> No.6535058

what's the Cromartie High of Medieval tapestry?
what's the Where's Waldo of board games?
what's the Ouija board of the Stamp collection world?
Who is the Rothko of rock climbing?

>> No.6535062

both are entertainment. neither is objectively better than another. Thinking video games are for a certain group of people is just a spook.

>> No.6535074


Final Fantasy=Ulysses
Earthbound=Infinite Jest

>> No.6535098
File: 189 KB, 250x350, Xenoblade_box_artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to strawman.

I like vidya, but anyone who calls it art is fucking retarded. They're just meant to be fun time wasters.

The people claiming this consider shit like Mass Effect and The Last of Us to. E the pinnacle of story telling period, when in reality there above average genre fictions at best. (Admitidly, Mass Effect has some pretty gud lore though)

That being said, I have played games with really really thoughtful plots (pic related, the Mother triology and the entire SMT series come to mind). At they're best, a games plots can be equivalent to a really good movie. But that's pretty rare.

>> No.6535110

I'd say To Kill A Mockingbird.

They both have this "evil through the eyes of innocence" theme throughout.

Earthbound has some pretty neet storytelling

>> No.6535154

cool opinions man. I hope you realize none of what you said is actually true.

>> No.6535175

You rip on the last of us and bioshock infinite spergs, but you treat videogames in an identical way to them, as if they revolve around storytelling. You even mistreat fucking film in the same way. You know nothing.

>> No.6535185

: ^) lmao

>> No.6535196

try becoming more intelligent

>> No.6535233

The plot for Xenoblade would've made a really cool sci-fi film

Just saying

>> No.6535244

>To Kill A Mockingbird


>> No.6535249

Out of the games I listed, have you actually played any of them. Or are you just assuming that since its a vidya plot it MUST be shit.

If its a later thats just plain ignorance

>> No.6535258
File: 30 KB, 403x312, =).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is the Rothko of rock climbing?
Never have I laughed so hard

>> No.6535280

I'd say if you're talking sci-fi or fantasy some vidya plots might hold up to some of the better films in those genres.

When it comes to doing anything profound. Fuck no

>> No.6535395

Itoi was his associate

>> No.6535553

This is a very simplistic view of both vidya and film. Also, you contradict yourself in saying:
>I like vidya, but anyone who calls it art is fucking retarded.
> I have played games with really really thoughtful plots

Vidya is what is. There's no point in trying to define art.

To answer OP's question, what is the book that best parodies the medium of literature(as Earthbound parodies its medium, vidya): The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.

>> No.6535587

i thought the plot of Final Fantasy X was pretty literary tbh. dealt with human sacrifice, rebellion, questioning historical narratives, church vs state, father-son conflict, etc

>> No.6535593

Why do we have this shitty thread every day? Can someone just make a chart for /lit/s favorite "vidya" or you disgusting plebs can talk about it on your own board
where no one cares if you're off topic.

>> No.6535667
File: 12 KB, 236x160, 6075f5b354e629dd300c044106440f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the Cromartie High of Medieval tapestry?